9 research outputs found

    Plasma homocysteine and vitamin B12 serum levels, red blood cell folate concentrations, C677T methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene mutation and risk of recurrent miscarriage: a case-control study in Spain.

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    Background: Hyperhomocysteinemia and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutation have been postulated as a possible cause of recurrent miscarriage (RM). There is a wide variation in the prevalence of MTHFR polymorphisms and homocysteine (Hcy) plasma levels among populations around the world. The present study was undertaken to investigate the possible association between hyperhomocysteinemia and its causative genetic or acquired factors and RM in Catalonia, a Mediterranean region in Spain. Methods: Sixty consecutive patients with ≥ 3 unexplained RM and 30 healthy control women having at least one child but no previous miscarriage were included. Plasma Hcy levels, MTHFR gene mutation, red blood cell (RBC) folate and vitamin B12 serum levels were measured in all subjects. Results: No significant differences were observed neither in plasma Hcy levels, RBC folate and vitamin B12 serum levels nor in the prevalence of homozygous and heterozygous MTHFR gene mutation between the two groups studied. Conclusions: In the present study RM is not associated with hyperhomocysteinemia, and/or the MTHFR gene mutation

    Estudio inmunitario en el cáncer ginecológico

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    [spa] Si bien algunos tipos de cáncer están experimentando un descenso en su incidencia (cáncer gástrico, cáncer de cuello uterino), se conocen hasta el momento más de cien tipos diferentes de neoplasias malignas y el porcentaje global de las mismas en la población va en aumento. Fundamentalmente son seis los problemas que la medicina debe de resolver frente al cáncer: a) identificar la causa(s); b) erradicación de la misma(s); c) identificación de los factores e individuos de alto riesgo para cada tipo de neoplasia; d) intensificación de los programas de diagnóstico precoz, especialmente en los grupos de alto riesgo; e) hallar los métodos adecuados para valorar la inmunocompetencia del huésped frente al cáncer y para incrementar la respuesta orgánica frente al mismo; f) desarrollar los programas adecuados destinados tanto a profesionales como al público en general en relación con los problemas que presenta el paciente canceroso, a fin de mejorar la calidad de la supervivencia en los enfermos neoplásicos avanzados y en aquellos en los que el tratamiento de su enfermedad requirió la amputación de alguna parte de su organismo. La participación del sistema inmunitario en la relación huésped-neoplasia parece ser hoy un hecho firmemente establecido. Así, KEAST (1970) señala que "posiblemente están apareciendo de forma constante en el cuerpo humano células potencialmente malignas que son reconocidas como tales y eliminadas; sólo cuando inciden factores ambientales secundarios o con el declive de la función inmunitaria del organismo, pueden estas células desarrollarse en forma tumoral a pesar de la inmunidad". Existen una serie de hechos experimentales que apoyan una participación de la inmunidad en el proceso canceroso y datos clínicos sobre la existencia de reacciones inmunológicas a tumores humanos. Por otra parte, especialmente para tumores de experimentación animal pero también en diversos tipos de neoplasias humanas, se demuestra que la transformación maligna de las células conlleva la derepresión de unos antígenos denominados "tumor asociados o tumor específicos" que se localizan en la superficie celular y que en algunos casos es posible hallarlos también en las células del embrión humano. Frente a la posibilidad de que existan estos antígenos tumorales, cabe preguntarse: ¿Presenta el enfermo una respuesta inmune de defensa frente al tumor?, ¿Influyen esas reacciones inmunológicas en la historia natural de la neoplasia?,¿ Podemos intervenir potenciando la respuesta inmunitaria? Si ello se comprueba ser cierto podríamos tener las bases inmunológicas para: 1º) el diagnóstico de las neoplasias mediante reacciones antígeno-anticuerpo o por detección de antígenos tumorales específicos; 2º) hacer un pronóstico del enfermo canceroso mediante el estudio de su status inmunológico; 3º) instaurar una inmunoterapia. Teniendo en cuenta el importante papel que juegan las neoplasias ginecológicas en la mortalidad por cáncer en la mujer, y de lo dicho hasta aquí y del interés que ha despertado en nosotros el posible papel de la inmunidad en el cáncer, se desprenden el motivo y la intencionalidad de esta tesis cuyos objetivos pretenden ser los siguientes: 1) Hacer una valoración del estado inmunitario de la paciente con cáncer ginecológico y con ello relacionar: a) La respuesta inmunitaria y el pronóstico de la enfermedad. b) La respuesta inmunitaria con el estadío clínico de la neoplasia. c) La respuesta inmunitaria y la evolución post-tratamiento en las pacientes en que proceda. d) La respuesta inmunitaria con la localización de la neoplasia. e) La respuesta inmunitaria con el tipo histológico. 2) Detectar la presencia en el plasma de la paciente cancerosa de macromoléculas de origen tumoral (neo-antígenos), lo que puede permitirnos: a) Valorar la eficacia y radicalidad de la terapéutica empleada en cada caso. b) "Monitorizar" los efectos de la misma constituyendo una ayuda en la detección precoz de metástasis y recidivas y progresión de la neoplasia. c) Reevaluar el tratamiento empleado

    Ansiedad y depresión en parejas que incian un tratamiento de fecundación in vitro (FIV): rol de las estrategias de afrontamiento

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    Living with infertility and its emotional impact in couples has been frequently investigated. The objective of the present study was to establish in couples that initiate an IVF treatment:(1) their coping profile, anxiety level (State-anxiety; Trait-anxiety) and depression symptomatology;(2) the explanatory power of coping strategies over anxiety and depression levels, depending on gender. Method: we used a transversal study with 92 couples that begun an IVF treatment in the Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Hospital Clinic. All of them respond to the Spanish adaptation of the CRI-A, the STAI and the BDI-I. Results: the IVF population in comparison to the normal sample use less coping strategies and presents lower levels of anxiety and depression. Women IVF in comparison with man employ further avoidance strategies and present a higher score in depression and state-anxiety. Even when some exceptions exist, anxiety and depression levels are not well explained by coping strategies. Conclusions: It has been shown that the use of coping strategies on the IVF population are lower than in normative sample. Most of the couples present low anxiety (state / trait) and depression levels, and just a low percentage present scores that can require clinical attention. Key words: Infertility / IVF / Coping strategies / State anxiety / Trait anxiety / depression

    Ansiedad y depresión en parejas que incian un tratamiento de fecundación in vitro (FIV): rol de las estrategias de afrontamiento

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    Living with infertility and its emotional impact in couples has been frequently investigated. The objective of the present study was to establish in couples that initiate an IVF treatment:(1) their coping profile, anxiety level (State-anxiety; Trait-anxiety) and depression symptomatology;(2) the explanatory power of coping strategies over anxiety and depression levels, depending on gender. Method: we used a transversal study with 92 couples that begun an IVF treatment in the Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Hospital Clinic. All of them respond to the Spanish adaptation of the CRI-A, the STAI and the BDI-I. Results: the IVF population in comparison to the normal sample use less coping strategies and presents lower levels of anxiety and depression. Women IVF in comparison with man employ further avoidance strategies and present a higher score in depression and state-anxiety. Even when some exceptions exist, anxiety and depression levels are not well explained by coping strategies. Conclusions: It has been shown that the use of coping strategies on the IVF population are lower than in normative sample. Most of the couples present low anxiety (state / trait) and depression levels, and just a low percentage present scores that can require clinical attention. Key words: Infertility / IVF / Coping strategies / State anxiety / Trait anxiety / depression

    Plasma homocysteine and vitamin B12 serum levels, red blood cell folate concentrations, C677T methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene mutation and risk of recurrent miscarriage: a case-control study in Spain.

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    Background: Hyperhomocysteinemia and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutation have been postulated as a possible cause of recurrent miscarriage (RM). There is a wide variation in the prevalence of MTHFR polymorphisms and homocysteine (Hcy) plasma levels among populations around the world. The present study was undertaken to investigate the possible association between hyperhomocysteinemia and its causative genetic or acquired factors and RM in Catalonia, a Mediterranean region in Spain. Methods: Sixty consecutive patients with ≥ 3 unexplained RM and 30 healthy control women having at least one child but no previous miscarriage were included. Plasma Hcy levels, MTHFR gene mutation, red blood cell (RBC) folate and vitamin B12 serum levels were measured in all subjects. Results: No significant differences were observed neither in plasma Hcy levels, RBC folate and vitamin B12 serum levels nor in the prevalence of homozygous and heterozygous MTHFR gene mutation between the two groups studied. Conclusions: In the present study RM is not associated with hyperhomocysteinemia, and/or the MTHFR gene mutation

    Postnatal persistence of fetal cardiovascular remodelling associated with assisted reproductivetechnologies: a cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the postnatal persistence of fetal cardiovascular remodelling associated with assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in children at 3 years of age. DESIGN: A cohort study of children conceived by ART. SETTING: Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit, Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain. POPULATION SAMPLE: Eighty singleton pregnancies conceived by ART and 80 spontaneously conceived (controls) followed from fetal life up to childhood. METHODS: Cardiovascular evaluation was performed at 3 years of corrected age, including echocardiography, carotid intima-media (cIMT) by ultrasound, and blood pressure. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Postnatal persistence of cardiovascular changes in children conceived by ART. RESULTS: Compared with controls, children conceived by ART showed larger atria (right atrial area: control 4.9 cm2 (0.9) versus ART 5.5 cm2 (0.9), P < 0.001), more globular ventricles (right ventricular sphericity index: control mean 1.8 (SD 0.5) versus ART 1.6 (0.2), P < 0.001), and signs of systolic (tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion: control 18 mm (2) versus ART 16 mm (3), P < 0.001) and diastolic dysfunction (isovolumic relaxation time: control 68 ms (12) versus ART 79 ms (12), P < 0.001). ART children also presented increased systolic blood pressure (control 90 mmHg (6) versus ART 94 mmHg (5), P < 0.003) and cIMT (control 0.52 μm (0.14) versus ART 0.60 μm (0.16), P < 0.001) as compared with those spontaneously conceived. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiovascular changes previously reported in ART fetuses persist postnatally at 3 years of age. These results underscore the importance of future studies for assessing the long-term cardiovascular health associated with ART. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular changes described in fetuses conceived by ART, persist in children at 3 years of age

    Clinico-Pathological discrepancies in the Diagnosis of Causes of Maternal Death in Sub-Saharan Africa: Retrospective Analysis

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    Background Maternal mortality is a major public-health problem in developing countries. Extreme differences in maternal mortality rates between developed and developing countries indicate that most of these deaths are preventable. Most information on the causes of maternal death in these areas is based on clinical records and verbal autopsies. Clinical diagnostic errors may play a significant role in this problem and might also have major implications for the evaluation of current estimations of causes of maternal death. Methods and Findings A retrospective analysis of clinico-pathologic correlation was carried out, using necropsy as the gold standard for diagnosis. All maternal autopsies (n ¼ 139) during the period from October 2002 to December 2004 at the Maputo Central Hospital, Mozambique were included and major diagnostic discrepancies were analyzed (i.e., those involving the cause of death). Major diagnostic errors were detected in 56 (40.3%) maternal deaths. A high rate of false negative diagnoses was observed for infectious diseases, which showed sensitivities under 50%: HIV/AIDS-related conditions (33.3%), pyogenic bronchopneumonia (35.3%), pyogenic meningitis (40.0%), and puerperal septicemia (50.0%). Eclampsia, was the main source of false positive diagnoses, showing a low predictive positive value (42.9%). Conclusions Clinico-pathological discrepancies may have a significant impact on maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa and question the validity of reports based on clinical data or verbal autopsies. Increasing clinical awareness of the impact of obstetric and nonobstetric infections with their inclusion in the differential diagnosis, together with a thorough evaluation of cases clinically thought to be eclampsia, could have a significant impact on the reduction of maternal mortality

    Postnatal persistence of fetal cardiovascular remodelling associated with assisted reproductivetechnologies: a cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the postnatal persistence of fetal cardiovascular remodelling associated with assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in children at 3 years of age. DESIGN: A cohort study of children conceived by ART. SETTING: Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit, Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain. POPULATION SAMPLE: Eighty singleton pregnancies conceived by ART and 80 spontaneously conceived (controls) followed from fetal life up to childhood. METHODS: Cardiovascular evaluation was performed at 3 years of corrected age, including echocardiography, carotid intima-media (cIMT) by ultrasound, and blood pressure. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Postnatal persistence of cardiovascular changes in children conceived by ART. RESULTS: Compared with controls, children conceived by ART showed larger atria (right atrial area: control 4.9 cm2 (0.9) versus ART 5.5 cm2 (0.9), P < 0.001), more globular ventricles (right ventricular sphericity index: control mean 1.8 (SD 0.5) versus ART 1.6 (0.2), P < 0.001), and signs of systolic (tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion: control 18 mm (2) versus ART 16 mm (3), P < 0.001) and diastolic dysfunction (isovolumic relaxation time: control 68 ms (12) versus ART 79 ms (12), P < 0.001). ART children also presented increased systolic blood pressure (control 90 mmHg (6) versus ART 94 mmHg (5), P < 0.003) and cIMT (control 0.52 μm (0.14) versus ART 0.60 μm (0.16), P < 0.001) as compared with those spontaneously conceived. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiovascular changes previously reported in ART fetuses persist postnatally at 3 years of age. These results underscore the importance of future studies for assessing the long-term cardiovascular health associated with ART. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular changes described in fetuses conceived by ART, persist in children at 3 years of age