538 research outputs found

    Automatic control of a liquid nitrogen cooled, closed-circuit, cryogenic pressure tunnel

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    The control system design, performance analysis, microprocesser based controller software development, and specifications for the Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel (TCT) are discussed. The control laws for the single-input single-output controllers were tested on the TCT simulator, and successfully demonstrated on the TCT

    Synthesis of a control model for a liquid nitrogen cooled, closed circuit, cryogenic nitrogen wind tunnel and its validation

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    The details of the efforts to synthesize a control-compatible multivariable model of a liquid nitrogen cooled, gaseous nitrogen operated, closed circuit, cryogenic pressure tunnel are presented. The synthesized model was transformed into a real-time cryogenic tunnel simulator, and this model is validated by comparing the model responses to the actual tunnel responses of the 0.3 m transonic cryogenic tunnel, using the quasi-steady-state and the transient responses of the model and the tunnel. The global nature of the simple, explicit, lumped multivariable model of a closed circuit cryogenic tunnel is demonstrated

    Minimum Energy Test Direction Design in the Control of Cryogenic Wind Tunnels

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    The advent of the cryogenic wind tunnel concept is attributable to the need for high Reynolds number flow in wind tunnels. The cryogenic wind tunnel concept consists of operating the test medium of a conventional tunnel at cryogenic temperatures down to 80 K. Nitrogen gas, cooled by injected liquid nitrogen, proves to be ideal for the cryogenic tunnel test medium because of its near perfect behavior in insentropic flow. Cryogenic operation of a wind tunnel results in reduced fan power consumption and no penalty in flow dynamic pressure. In a cryogenic tunnel, the flow parameters (Reynolds number, Mach number and flow dynamic pressure) can be independently controlled by separately controlling the tunnel flow variables: total temperature, test section mass flow, and the tunnel total pressure. The problem of closed-loop control of the tunnel total temperature, flow Mach number, and total pressure is addressed and reported

    Acoustic transducer apparatus with reduced thermal conduction

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    A horn is described for transmitting sound from a transducer to a heated chamber containing an object which is levitated by acoustic energy while it is heated to a molten state, which minimizes heat transfer to thereby minimize heating of the transducer, minimize temperature variation in the chamber, and minimize loss of heat from the chamber. The forward portion of the horn, which is the portion closest to the chamber, has holes that reduce its cross-sectional area to minimize the conduction of heat along the length of the horn, with the entire front portion of the horn being rigid and having an even front face to efficiently transfer high frequency acoustic energy to fluid in the chamber. In one arrangement, the horn has numerous rows of holes extending perpendicular to the length of horn, with alternate rows extending perpendicular to one another to form a sinuous path for the conduction of heat along the length of the horn

    Evolution of 3D Boson Stars with Waveform Extraction

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    Numerical results from a study of boson stars under nonspherical perturbations using a fully general relativistic 3D code are presented together with the analysis of emitted gravitational radiation. We have constructed a simulation code suitable for the study of scalar fields in space-times of general symmetry by bringing together components for addressing the initial value problem, the full evolution system and the detection and analysis of gravitational waves. Within a series of numerical simulations, we explicitly extract the Zerilli and Newman-Penrose scalar Ψ4\Psi_4 gravitational waveforms when the stars are subjected to different types of perturbations. Boson star systems have rapidly decaying nonradial quasinormal modes and thus the complete gravitational waveform could be extracted for all configurations studied. The gravitational waves emitted from stable, critical, and unstable boson star configurations are analyzed and the numerically observed quasinormal mode frequencies are compared with known linear perturbation results. The superposition of the high frequency nonspherical modes on the lower frequency spherical modes was observed in the metric oscillations when perturbations with radial and nonradial components were applied. The collapse of unstable boson stars to black holes was simulated. The apparent horizons were observed to be slightly nonspherical when initially detected and became spherical as the system evolved. The application of nonradial perturbations proportional to spherical harmonics is observed not to affect the collapse time. An unstable star subjected to a large perturbation was observed to migrate to a stable configuration.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Study report on Indian agriculture with IoT

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    Most of the population of our country are depends on agriculture for their survival. Agriculture plays an important role in our country economy. But since past few years production from agriculture sector is decreasing drastically. Agriculture sector saw a drastic downfall in its productivity from past few years, there are many reasons for this downfall. In this paper we will discuss about past, present and future of agriculture in our country, agricultural policies which are provided by government to improve the growth of agriculture and reasons why we are not able see the growth in agriculture. And also we will see how can we adopt automation into agriculture using various emerging technologies like IoT (Internet of Things), data mining, cloud computing and machine learning and some authors done some quality work previously on this topic we will discuss that also. Here we will see previous work done by various authors which can be useful to increase the productivity of agriculture secto

    Source apportionment of arsenic in atmospheric dust fall out in an urban residential area, Raipur, Central India

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    The components and quantities of atmospheric dust fallout have been reported to be the pollution indicator of large urban areas. The multiplicity and complexity of sources of atmospheric dusts in urban regions has put forward the need of source apportionment of these sources indicating their contribution to specific environmental receptor. The study presented here is focused on investigation of source contribution estimates of Arsenic in urban dust fallout in an urban-industrial area, Raipur, India. Source-receptor based representative sampling plan using longitudinal study design has been adopted. Six sampling sites have been identified on the basis of land use for development plan of anthropogenic activities and factors related to the transportation and dispersion pattern of atmospheric dusts. Source apportionment has been done using Chemical Mass Balance (CMB 8). Good fit parameters and relative source contribution has been analyzed and documented. Dominance of coal fired industries sources on arsenic levels measured at selected ambient residential receptors compared to line sources has been observed. Road-traffic has shown highest contribution of dust at indoor houses and out door-street automobile exhaust has shows highest contribution for arsenic. The results of CMB output and regression data of source-receptor dust matrices have shown comparable pattern

    Use of stable isotopes, organic and inorganic chemistry to identify pollution sources and weathering processes in two small tropical rivers in southwestern India

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    The two main objectives of this study were to assess pollution dynamic from organic and inorganic major ion chemistry and stable isotopes (δ15N and δ18O) and to determine the weathering processes using carbon isotopes in two tropical river basins, i.e. Nethravati and Swarna, along southwest coast of India. These short length river basins (around 100 km) are characterized by high annual rainfall, warm temperature, high runo" (~3300mm) draining Precambrian basement rocks composed of green-stones, granitic-gneiss, charnockite and meta sediments. Intense silicate weathering is induced by high runo" and warm temperature (Gurumurthy et al., 2012). In this study, stable isotopes (δ15N & δ18O)of organic molecules from sewage and agricultural effluents,and carbon isotopes (δ13C) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were measured to trace agricultural and domestic pollution and to identify the sources of inorganic carbon and the nature of chemical weathering in these river basins. Carbon isotopes measured on DIC reveals sources of carbon into the river, such as carbonate/silicate weathering of rocks, mineralization of organic matter from C3/C4 plants, soil and atmospheric CO2. The nitrate and phosphate levels remain low, with values ranging from 5 to 9 μM, and 0 to 2 μM respectively. The δ13C DIC values range from =-9.03 +/- 0.99 for the Swarna basin to -8.08 +/-0.78 for the Nethravati basin. These values point to a mixing of carbonate and silicate weathering products with a dominance of C3 vegetation, prevalent in the Western Ghats. The DOC values for both river basins are very low and very close: 0.72 +/- 0.09 mg/L (Swarna river) and 0.62 +/-0.11 mg/L (Nethravati river). This indicates that the contributions of organic matter from the adjacent forests and the $ood plains are very low during the sampling period. The analysis of organic acids reveals low amount of Oxalate and Acetate, and trace of Malate and Tartaric acids. The dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) concentrations are very low in these two rivers. During the dry season, river discharge is mainly supplied by groundwater with generally low contents in dissolved and particulate fractions. Even if we observe low concentration, we measured higher DOC and POC in the Swarna river. These higher DOC concentrations are accompanied with lower SUVA value. This indicates that more labile DOC (less aromaticity) is exported within this basin during dry season. C/N values in POC also show that the organic carbon is “fresher” and is probably more autochtonous than in the Nethravati river. Indeed, C/N value are closer of an autochthonous production (C/N : 2-6) than allochthonous one (C/N: 8-20). These observations can be explained as the Svarna watershed land use is more agricultural than in Nethravati. Agricultural lands generally export signi%cant amount of nutrients to rivers and participate to enhance autochthonous productivity. Autochthonous organic carbon production is more labile and less aromatic

    Generation of scalar-tensor gravity effects in equilibrium state boson stars

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    Boson stars in zero-, one-, and two-node equilibrium states are modeled numerically within the framework of Scalar-Tensor Gravity. The complex scalar field is taken to be both massive and self-interacting. Configurations are formed in the case of a linear gravitational scalar coupling (the Brans-Dicke case) and a quadratic coupling which has been used previously in a cosmological context. The coupling parameters and asymptotic value for the gravitational scalar field are chosen so that the known observational constraints on Scalar-Tensor Gravity are satisfied. It is found that the constraints are so restrictive that the field equations of General Relativity and Scalar-Tensor gravity yield virtually identical solutions. We then use catastrophe theory to determine the dynamically stable configurations. It is found that the maximum mass allowed for a stable state in Scalar-Tensor gravity in the present cosmological era is essentially unchanged from that of General Relativity. We also construct boson star configurations appropriate to earlier cosmological eras and find that the maximum mass for stable states is smaller than that predicted by General Relativity, and the more so for earlier eras. However, our results also show that if the cosmological era is early enough then only states with positive binding energy can be constructed.Comment: 20 pages, RevTeX, 11 figures, to appear in Class. Quantum Grav., comments added, refs update