937 research outputs found

    Exploring Ch’timi’s History, Structure, and Decline: A Field Study Chez les Ch’tis

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    This research investigated the history of the Ch’timi language and some of the differences between it and Standard French, as well as its decline and what, if anything, is being done to stop it. Ch’timi is a part of the Picard language group, spoken primarily in the north of France, and parts of Belgium. It is an endangered language, and few people still speak it to this day. This field research aims to determine how speakers of the language see it, whether they think it should be preserved, and whether anything is being done to keep it active. To answer these questions, field interviews were conducted with anonymous speakers of the language, and some of their demographic information collected. Further, background literature research was done to determine aspects of the language’s culture and structure. The results of the interview research and the background research, as well as investigations of any organizations dedicated to preserving these languages, shows that very little is actively being done to preserve them and that the people themselves do not see its survival as a priority due to internal stigma, economic reasons, and the low proportion of people who still speak it


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    The events of January 6, 2021, raised several questions about whether democracy in the United States is backsliding. With domestic extremism on the rise and polarization deepening, the nation’s society is fragile and, thus, requires a framework that can provide the breadth and depth necessary to examine these core issues. This thesis aims to explore the relationship between societal fragility—social norms, institutions, trust, and social cohesion—and extremism. It examines democracy, extremism, and then fragility, including current frameworks and their limitations in applicability to a nation such as the United States. Based on these examinations, the societal fragility framework, along with its core components, was established. Using a case study analysis, the thesis examines the January 6 events in the United States and the 2022 presidential election in Brazil through the societal fragility lens, as both case studies present high levels of extremism and political violence. This thesis finds that societal fragility creates an environment that fosters extremism. It recommends that democracies prioritize rebuilding a culture of tolerance within society as well as institutional trust through transparency and accountability. Furthermore, by implementing methods to hold political leaders accountable for their use of undemocratic rhetoric, democracies can improve societal fragility and minimize the growth of extremism.Civilian, Gainesville Fire RescueApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Riservation Policy: Sources for Achieving the Social Justice in India

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    In a democratic form of Government all citizens of the country are equal before the law of land. There is no scope of differences in any stage of life between them. Although natural discrimination may be possible, but politically and legally all should be equal. Discrimination on one or more of these factors became normal feathers particular in the third world countries of Africa and Asia. Really this social discrimination reflects in political rights and economic opportunities of the people so that the question of social justice became very important.In India, there has been so many social, economic and educational discrimination among the people from the very beginning. Weaker sections of the people have been deprived their rights. They are living like animal even today. So, Framers of the constitution of India include the provisions of reservation in the constitution of some posts of Government services to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes for their upliftment. Actually, these reservation policies were implemented for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes only at the time of implementation of the constitution. After very long time, the then prime minister Late V.P. Singh had implemented 27 percent reservation to other backward classes for gaining of Social Justice. But due to conspiracy and the upper castes the conditions of reamy layer were imposed by the supreme court of India. Thus this paper will disclose all secrets in this countex

    The Effects of Propofol, Sodium Pentobarbital, and Ketamine Hydrochloride on \u3ci\u3eIn Vitro\u3c/i\u3e Mouse Embryonic Development

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    Every year more than 75,000 pregnant women are exposed to teratogenic medications or general anesthesia during non-obstetric surgery in the US,1-4 and embryonic effects of general anesthesia are of particular interest in laboratory research and veterinary medicine. The mouse system is used to screen potential toxic effects of anesthetics used in egg retrieval for in vitro fertilization (IVF), or those of pharmacologic agents which may come in contact with the egg or early embryo. Mouse preimplantation 2-cell embryos were exposed in vitro to incremental concentrations of common general anesthetics within and exceeding the normal clinical dosage range for mice (propofol 50-200mg/kg, sodium pentobarbital 50mg/kg, and ketamine hydrochloride 50-100mg/kg) for 72h to determine the effects of each anesthetic on subsequent cleavage and development during prolonged exposure. The anesthetic dosage ranges were as follows: propofol 0-25.0μg/mL, sodium pentobarbital 0-300µg/mL, and ketamine hydrochloride 0-5000µg/mL, embryonic development was evaluated every 24h during the 72h mouse embryo assay culture period. Results found propofol (≥2.01μg/mL), sodium pentobarbital (≥30μg/mL), and ketamine hydrochloride (≥40μg/mL) to exert inhibitory effects to the in vitro development of preimplantation mouse embryos. The percentage of 2-cell embryos developing to more advanced stages was decreased by exposure to higher concentrations of all three compounds. By the 72h endpoint, blastomeres of delayed and arrested embryos began to degenerate, displaying lysis and/or fragmentation; embryos exposed to lower concentrations of each anesthetic demonstrated a significant ability to continue cleavage and differentiation towards blastocyst formation. Conclusion: Embryotoxic effects to preimplantation embryos were observed in a dose-dependent manner after 72h of in vitro culture with propofol, sodium pentobarbital. and ketamine hydrochloride


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    Judiciary is the important organ of each Government in modern age. Every constitution gives the vast powers to review the process of law was making and executive orders. It is hoped that the Judiciary will act as free and fair in the light of constitutional provisions. As far as Indian context the Judiciary, these days, has been playing a vast role in day-to-day works of Govt. There are two kinds of exercise this powers as Judicial self-restraint and Judicial activism. Judicial self – restraint is the classical or traditional virtue of judicial behavior. The courts will be very careful in defining their jurisdiction and shy in expanding it and will observe restraint in interfering with legislative or executive action. However judicial self-restraint is not a rule, it is a case of auto limitation. But judicial activism can be both- negative and positive. In times of political instability the court tend to be more activist reaching more abstrusely into the daily life of citizens or restricting or directing the legislature and the executive in what they could do. So, this paper will reveal the too activism of the judiciary in Indian context


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    The bloody conflict in Maluku that occured in 1999 with all its sequences and subsided in 2004, several researchers concluded that communal conflicts in Maluku were not always triggered by the actions of greedy political elites, but rather to resolve an old problem, namely the seizure of land, especially customary lands that were had long been contested before the violent conflict in Maluku. This paper attempts to explain the customary land conflict in Maluku by taking the case of the customary land conflict between the Pelauw village community and the Kariuw village community. The purpose of this paper is to understand customary land conflicts in Pelauw and Kariuw villages located on Haruku Island – Central Maluku Regency. Collecting data in this paper using a qualitative approach through interviews with several key informants. The customary land conflict between the Pelauw village community and the Kariuw village community is the existence of different data about village boundaries, even one of data that they believe to be true is ancestral stories that have been socialized from generation to generation about the history of the formation of village including village boundaries

    The Features of the Czech Republic Fuel Industry Development

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    Розглянуто паливну промисловість як вагому складову частину паливно-енергетичного комплексу Чеської Республіки. Проаналізовано основні райони видобутку кам’яного та бурого вугілля, висвітлюється роль нафти та природного газу у внутрішньому споживанні країни. Визначено основні зовнішньоторговельні партнери країни у паливній сфері. Розглянуто систему магістральних трубопроводів країни та визначено участь Чехії у будівництві газопроводів Європи.In the article it is considered the fuel industry as the important part of the Czech Republic energy sector. There are analyzed the basic areas of mining coal and lignite and highlighted the role of oil and natural gas in country domestic consumption. There are defined the main foreign trade partners in the country's fuel industry. The system of main pipelines of the country is considered and the Czech Republic participation in the Europe gas pipelines construction is determined

    Rural Leadership: Backbone of Democracy in India

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    Panchayati Raj is accepted as a way of life to-day. An attractive name like “Decentralization” seems to attract popular imagination. The birth of Panchayati Raj has necessitated self-management of the problems of the community, a sense of popular participation and the political education of the villager in the citizenship of his country. The success of Panchayati Raj and the fulfillment of the hopes of people’s participation and involvement in the development work in the villages depend largely upon effective local leadership. “No country can hope to achieve good working democracy let alone a Welfare State without a strong and healthy system of local Government.” Again, no local Government can remain healthy unless it is liable to change needed to adapt it to changes in the human and physical environment