13 research outputs found

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    Lifestyle, Brand Image, Product Attributes and How They Affect on Purchasing Decisions

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    This study aims to determine the effect of lifestyle, brand image, and product attributes on purchasing decisions on Samsung Smartphone products in East Surabaya. The sample was 97 respondents. The instrument was questionnaire. It used the IBM SPSS 25 software to analyzed data. TBased on the results of the regression analysis, the equation was Y=3,314+0.389X1+0.026X2+0.137X3+e. Then, the result of the test showed that the data is valid and reliable. It was also no multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and normally distributed. The T-test showed that the Lifestyle (X1) had a t-count value of 2.875 and significant 0.005. whereas product attributes (X3) which had a t-count value of 2.677 with significance 0.009, which meant that the X1 and X2 variables affected purchasing decisions, while the Brand Image (X2) variable had no effect on Purchase Decisions because it had t value of 0.368 with a significance of 0.713. The results of F test, showed that the X1, X2, and X3 variables had a simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions with the F count result of 35,439 with significance of 0.000. Then, the results of the determination test was 51.8%


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    This study aims to examine the effect of the ePPM-SMEs implementation to the value of management capability and management performance. Furthermore, this study examines the effect of management capability towards management performance as well. This study is an explanative/ associative study which is used hypothesis testing. The study was conducted in groups of SMEs/ creative industries spread over five cities / regions in East Java. The population is determined by the criteria of SMEs/creative industry which participate in the ePPM-SMEs program as owner and being active in business for at least five years. Based on these criteria, there are 60 SMEs / creative industries who meet the criteria. Since all members of the population are members of the sample as well so this study is also called as complete enumeration method.The results of path analysis show that the ePPM-SMEs program directly and significantly affects the management capability and management performances as well as management capability towards management performances. The results of this study indicate that the structured implementation of ePPM-SMEs program produced more creative and innovative of management capability. In addition, innovative management capabilities will result to the more effective and efficient management performance. Since management capability is the main key to determine good management performance, massive support for ePPM-SMEs program will encourage creative and innovative behavior in applying management concepts and functions

    Penggunaan Kemasan Microwave Save dan Perbaikan Label Produk Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Usaha Rumahan

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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berisi tentang perubahan kemasan dan label produk bagi usaha rumahan di Desa Gelam, Kecamatan Candi, Kabupaten Sidoarjo Jawa Timur. Program ini bertujuan membantu memperbaiki bentuk kemasan dan bentuk label sehingga usaha rumahan mampu meningkatkan daya saing usaha mereka. Dengan adanya perubahan kemasan dan label yang lebih baik, maka pelaku usaha mampu meningkatkan nilai jual produknya karena produk mereka akan lebih mampu diterima oleh semua kalangan konsumen. Dengan menggunakan kemasan model baru berupa kontainer plastik atau microwave save, produk menjadi lebih higienis, meningkatkan daya tarik, lebih memiliki estetika, kemasan tidak mudah rusak dan lebih praktis sehingga konsumen merasa lebih suka, yang pada akhirnya pelaku usaha rumahan dalam jangka panjang lebih mampu mengembangkan usaha dan meningkatkan daya saing produknya. Untuk memenuhi indikator ketercapaian, maka desain label ke depan harus mencatumkan legalitas produk, untuk menciptakan keamanan bagi kepentingan konsumen

    Optimization Of Integrated Management Model Of Tourism Industry On Culinary Business In Kenjeran Tourism Region Surabaya

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    ABSTRACT This research was aimed at (1) improving local wisdom values in integrated management of tourism industry and Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) center and (2) making tourism industry and MSMEs of a particular region to be an independent economic power; by being able to provide factual contribution for prosperity of the society observed from the perspective of tourism region, tourism actors, market, infrastructure, and management development aspects. The results showed that the implementation of tourism region and infrastructure aspects on a culinary business was within the score range of 80 to 100% or said to be in a very good factual condition. This implied that the employment of tourism region and infrastructure aspects played significantly influential and important roles for the development of tourism region allocated for culinary businesses within the area of THP Kenjeran. Meanwhile, for the implementation of tourism actors and market aspects, it was indicated that the score range was between 15 and 35%, and the implementation of management development aspect was between the score range of 0 and 5%. In other words, the implementations of those aspects were said to be very low in real conditions, especially on the indicators of training, cooperation with stakeholders, and suitable management implementation related to the business. This meant that the employment of tourism actors, market, and management development aspects were not suitable and did not accommodate the management development of the tourism region for culinary businesses within the area of THP Kenjeran.  Keywords : Optimization, Integrated Management Mode


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    Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif yang dalam pelaksanaannya ingin mengetahui dan mengukur peran secara spesifik media sosial dalam upaya meningkatkan penjualan UKM melalui penerapan online marketing menggunakan gadget. Lingkup area penelitian adalah lima kecamatan di Kabupaten Sidoarjo yakni Krembung, Porong, Prambon, Tanggulangin dan Tulangan, populasi penelitian adalah 16.145 UKM dan yang dijadikan sampel sebanyak 62 pelaku UKM. Hasil penelitian dan analisa menunjukkan ada korelasi antara penggunaan media sosial dengan raihan penjualan yang diperoleh UKM, dari empat media sosial yang digunakan yakni facebook, twitter, istagram dan youtube ternyata istagram memiliki dominasi yang lebih kuat dalam perannnya meningkatkan penjualan pelaku UKM, walaupun seluruh media sosial di atas memiliki peran yang signifikan. Produk UKM yang dijadikan obyek online marketing adalah tas & koper, sandal, sepatu, handycraft, garmen, makanan, fashion, peralatan dapur dan batik.Kata kunci: media sosial, online marketing, penjualan produk UKM


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan data kualitatif. Yakni mencoba melakukan pengujian melalui Uji Ctegorical terhadap empat media sosial yang dianggap layak digunakan sebagai media sosial dalam menjalankan bisnis online. Empat media sosial tersebut Categorical menunjukkan ada tiga media sosial yang dianggap layak digunakan sebagai media berbisnis online yaitu Facebook, Twitter dan Google+. Facebook dan Twitter memiliki keunggulan pada 7 (tujuh) indikator, sedangkan Google+ juga sama memiliki 7 (tujuh) keunggulan indikator. Dan ketiga media sosial tersebut berada pada bidang superior. Sedangkan satu media sosial lainnya yaitu istagram, berada pada posisi inferior. Sehingga dianggap tidak layak oleh responden untuk menjalankan bisnis secara online. Kata kunci: media sosial, bisnis online, uji categorical

    Analysis of Tourist Satisfaction Levels in Malang Regency, East Java in the New Normal Era Using Categorical Test

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    In an effort to increase tourist visits in the new normal era to the city of Malang, East Java, the local government and the central government have made many efforts in carrying out eco-tourism activities whose main objective is to increase the number of tourist visits and the level of tourist satisfaction and local revenue in Malang Regency, East Java.  Due to the increasing number of tourist visits to the city of Malang, it is necessary to make improvements in eco-tourism activities with the aim of increasing the trust and satisfaction levels of tourists who come there. Several improvements that are feasible to do so that the flow of tourist visits is getting better from year to year, are: providing lodging facilities in accordance with tourist expectations, increasing the number of tourist attraction activities, providing shopping center facilities, availability of a culinary center, organizing important events, access roads to tourist attractions, and environmental improvements in the tourist area. These seven important aspects are imperative in an effort to provide better overall service to tourists, considering the tourists who come to Malang, some come from outside the province. The data processing method used in this research is categorical test, where this test tool aims to find a map in the form of a quadrant that displays the position of tourist attractions in the city of Malang to make improvements and improvements to increase visitor satisfaction. From the results shown based on the categorical test, there are two main tourist attractions that are priority development, that is Batu Secret Zoo and Batu Night Spectacula

    Improving Product Image Based on Analysis of Consequential Perception in Business Group of Food Capable of Sidoarjo City

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    The perception of products in the consumer society can not be separated from the label design, given the first impression that appears when consumers see the product is based on whether or not good label used. This study focuses on a small business group of various food and craft products in Sidoarjo that tend to retain traditional packaging models. The group is a producer of food products and various handicrafts where it is still done and produced simply. Given the advancement of technology and label design so far is increasingly rapidly it is necessary to touch the technological advances in this business group products so that the label design can improve the positive perception of consumers when looking at the product. The tendency of the market so far that the products produced by small business groups are increasingly in demand by the global market, of course, this condition requires care and handling well, especially on the packaging label of its products. To facilitate the analysis of the trigger consumer perceptions in the identification using several factors that interact directly inherent in the resulting product. Through factor analysis approach is expected to know significantly that what factors need to be known and improved so that consumers have a strong interest in all forms of products produced by small business groups. Furthermore, policy and actions can be taken on the improvement of labels on some products that can be used as a superior product for small business actors in Sidoarjo city area. The increase of small-scaled business actors in Sidoarjo city is closely related to the emergence of various small business opportunities within the home industry groups that have the potential to be developed in the futur

    Building a Sales Network for Small Businesses in East Java Province, Indonesia

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    Local and global economic activities which are increasingly supported by the development of increasingly advanced information technology will certainly have a good impact on the development of a local economy that is with the livelihood and development of micro and small business activities in a region or country. Such conditions must be well anticipated by all small businesses to take advantage of these technological advancements for future business development. There are many critical factors for the success of a business actor in carrying out his business mission, but with technological advancements, the gap to utilize technology properly is the key to success in itself, bearing in mind that the world is now in an all-digital communication order. Increasingly being able to adopt advanced technology, will certainly bring its own success for business people. This research was conducted on a group of small businesses in Indonesia who began to pioneer their businesses by utilizing information technology in cooperating with business partners and customers in order to enter the global market