232 research outputs found
Proficiency level and language learning strategies among Jordanian students at Universiti Utara Malaysia
This study examines the relationship between proficiency level and language learning strategies
(LLSs) among Jordanian students enrolled at Universiti Utara Malaysia. The frequency level of the LLSs employed by the students was also investigated.The theoretical foundation for the study was provided by three comprehensive theories which are the Behaviorism, the Cognitive Psychology, and the Schema Theory.The data for the LLSs was obtained from using Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning
(SILL) that classifies six different strategies: 1) Memory Strategy (MS), (2) Cognitive Strategy (COG), (3)Compensation Strategy (COMPS), (4) Metacognitive Strategies (MET), (5) Affective Strategy (AFCS) and (6)Social Strategies (SOC). The frequency of the students’ overall use of LLSs was determined on a five-point
Likert scale, ranging from high frequency use (3.5-5.0), medium frequency use (2.5-3.49), to low frequency use (1.0-2.49). Questionnaires were distributed and collected from a total of 97 students. Meanwhile, the students’ level of language proficiency was determined by their scores in the UUM English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT). Upon using the multiple regression analysis, the results show that the students used
language learning strategies at a high frequency level.In addition, this study shows that there is a positive relationship between language learning strategy and proficiency level.These results indicate that proficiency level plays a vital role in determining the kinds of language learning strategy used.Curriculum designers and related bodies in Jordan should increase focus on the role of language learning strategies in promoting the
acquisition of English language proficiency. The study also opens up avenues for more studies on language learning strategies not only in Jordan, but also in other countries where this area of study is lacking
The Impact of Electronic Information Resources on the Reading Habits of Library Users at Osun State University, Nigeria
Electronic Information Resources otherwise known as Electronic Resources (ERs) is a global platform for information delivery, especially in the teaching and learning environment. This work investigates the impact ERs could have in revamping the dwindling reading culture among the students of Osun State University. The quantitative method was adopted through the use of a survey. A random sampling technique was used to select 388 respondents as the sample size from the total population of users. A predetermined structured questionnaire was deployed as the instrument of gathering data for the research study, administered to the selected respondents, returned and the data obtained therefrom were subsequently analyzed with simple frequency counts and percentages. Findings indicate that majority of the students utilize ERs to secure success in examinations and as well upgrade their level of information and knowledge. Similarly, e-journals and magazines, e-books, and e-newspapers constitute the information materials sought by the clients while poor internet connectivity, power outage, and insufficient workstations are hindrances to full utilization of ERs. Also, the paper identifies the potency of the ERs to enhance the reading habits of the students, especially when synergized with the role of parents and friends
Validation of a writing apprehension questionnaire (WAQ) using exploratory factor analysis
A pilot study was conducted for the purpose of validating a Writing Apprehension Questionnaire (WAQ) that was developed for use in a doctoral study. The WAQ used items adapted from existing writing anxiety scales, which include the Daly-Miller Writing Apprehension Test (WAT, Daly & Miller, 1975a), Second Language WAT (Gungle & Taylor, 1989) and Second Language Writing Apprehension Inventory (SLWAI, Cheng, 2004). The pilot test was conducted with 474 ESL students and Exploratory Factor analysis was employed to ascertain the multidimensional conceptualisation of the writing anxiety construct and to determine the final make-up of the WAQ. Specifically, the Principle Component Analysis extraction method was performed to examine the factor structure of the initial 38-item WAQ. Repeated analyses were conducted and comparisons of the outputs were
carried out with the aim of determining the number of factors to retain. The results of the analyses indicated that the scale has 32 items with four factors, i.e. Negative
experience/belief about writing, Concern about form/content, Positive experience with writing, and Fear of evaluation. The reliability analyses demonstrated that the total scale and its subscales had good internal consistency reliability. Thus, this pilot study confirms the multidimensionality of the scale, which makes it appropriate for the investigation into the relationships between the different facets of L2 writing apprehension and aspects of writing performance as set out in the main doctoral study
Adoption of Cloud Computing and OPAC Visibility in Nigerian University Library System
OPAC visibility, implementation of the cloud system and challenges of its adoption are the variables that define the crust of the research. The study, compartmentalizing the Nigerian University libraries, adopted the quantitative methods employing the use of observation and survey. A two-month long observation of the websites and OPAC of the studied universities was undertaken. The non-probability sampling - precisely purposive sampling - was deployed while the entire one hundred and sixty (160) Nigerian universities – as at 2018 – served as the sample size for the study. A questionnaire was designed to collect primary data on the availability of OPACs and adoption of cloud hosting in Nigerian university libraries. This was administered electronically via the email-boxes of virtual/systems librarians. Significant trends noticeable in the research findings include low visibility, in-house hosting of OPAC and indifference to the adoption of cloud computing with hosting (subscription) fee, downtime in internet connectivity and fear of vulnerability to hackers’ attack being the significant challenges. It is recommended that stakeholders should leverage on the existing consortium (platform) facilitated by Nigerian Research and Education Network (NgREN) to benefit from the economy of scale in addition to collaboration with relevant global agencies. Furthermore, a synergy between the librarians and the ICT units should be strengthened for a better understanding of the technical challenges in order to provide appropriate solutions to them
Transducer-like enhancer of split 1 (TLE1) expression as a diagnostic immunohistochemical marker for synovial sarcoma and its association with morphological features
Synovial sarcoma (SS) is a malignant soft tissue tumour of uncertain histogenesis which is defined by the translocation t(X;18) that produces the fusion oncogenes SYT-SSX. The emergence of transducer-like enhancer of split 1 (TLE1) as a new immunohistochemical (IHC) marker for SS has offered an alternative to pathologists in differentiating SS from other histological mimics, especially in the setting of limited molecular facilities. We investigated the utility of IHC TLE1 expression against histomorphological features and other IHC markers in SS and non-SS tumours. Twenty-six cases of histologically diagnosed SS and 7 non-SS (for which SS was in the differential diagnosis) were subjected to TLE1 IHC staining, which was graded from 0 to 3+. Of the 26 SS cases, 12 each were biphasic and monophasic types and 2 were poorly-differentiated. TLE1 was expressed in 22/26 (84.6%) SS cases, of which 11/12 (91.7%) were biphasic, 10/12 (83.3%) monophasic and 1/2 (50%) poorly-differentiated tumours. Two of 7 (28.6%) non-SS cases were positive for TLE1. Immunopositivity of SS and non-SS cases for EMA were 20/26 (76.9%) and 2/7 (28.6%) respectively and for CK7 were 7/26 (26.9%) and 0/7 (0%) respectively. All cases were negative for CD34. Consistent histomorphological features for SS included mild nuclear pleomorphism, alternating tumour cellularity, fascicular growth pattern and thick ropy stromal collagen. In conclusion, TLE1 is not a stand-alone diagnostic IHC marker for SS. However, in the absence of molecular studies, it can contribute added diagnostic value in combination with morphological evaluation and other IHC markers such as EMA and CD34
Fanatisme golongan dalam perspektif Hadis: Studi Ma’ani Al-Hadith Riwayat Sunan Ibnu Majah Nomor Indeks 3949
Istilah fanatik golongan yaitu istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut suatu keyakinan atau pandangan tentang sesuatu yang bersifat positif maupun negatif, yang tidak memiliki landasan teori yang dianut secara mendalam sehingga sangat sulit untuk diluruskan atau diubah. Dalam hadis ini telah disebutkan bahwa fanatik golongan adalah seseorang yang menolong suatu kaum atau golongan atas dasar kedzaliman. Dalam penelitian ini penulis akan mengangkat sebuah tema yang berjudul :Fantisme Golongan dalam Perspektif Hadis (Studi Ma’ani Al-Hadith Riwayat Sunan Ibnu Majah Nomor Indeks 3949)” dengan rumusan masalah yakni bagaimana kualitas hadis tentang Fanatisme Golongan dalam Sunan Ibnu Majah Nomor Indeks 3949. Bagaimana kehujjahan hadis tentang Fanatisme Golongan dalam Sunan Ibnu Majah Nomor Indeks 3949. Bagaimana pemaknaan hadis tentang Fanatisme Golongan dalam Sunan Ibnu Majah Nomor Indeks 3949 . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi ma’ani al hadith . dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan diantaranya adalah. Kualitas sanad hadis dalam Sunan Ibnu Majah Nomor Indeks 3949 tentang Fanatisme Golongan adalah berstatus sahih lighayrih dan kualitas matan hadis berstatus sahih lidhatihi. Sedangkan kehujjahan hadis tersebut adalah maqbul ma’mulun bihi yaitu dapat diterima dan diamalkan. Maka dari itu hadis yang dibahas oleh penulis dapat dijadikan sumber hukum dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah dalam umat Islam
La chimiohyperthermie intrapéritonéale (CHIP) dans les cancers ovariens
RésuméLe cancer de l’ovaire reste, en France, la quatrième cause de décès par cancer chez la femme. Il s’agit d’une maladie souvent diagnostiquée à un stade évolué avec carcinose péritonéale (CP) et dont l’histoire naturelle est marquée par des récidives essentiellement péritonéales et l’acquisition d’un profil de chimiorésistance. Malgré les nombreuses lignes de chimiothérapie systémique et les chirurgies de cytoréduction (CCR), le pronostic de ces récidives reste sombre. Depuis plus de 20ans, plusieurs équipes spécialisées ont développé un traitement combiné des CP, associant une chirurgie de cytoréduction complète à une chimiohyperthermie intrapéritonéale (CHIP). Cette thérapeutique a une large place dans le traitement des CP d’origine non gynécologiques. Le rationnel pour une utilisation de la CHIP dans le traitement des CP d’origine ovarienne est important. D’une part, 3 études prospectives randomisées ont démontré la supériorité de l’utilisation de la chimiothérapie intrapéritonéale (sans hyperthermie) par rapport à la chimiothérapie systémique sur des patientes sélectionnées. D’autre part, des études rétrospectives et cas-témoins évaluant la CHIP font état de données de survie encourageantes, en particulier en cas de récidive chimiorésistante. Néanmoins, la morbidité et la mortalité associées doivent appeler à une sélection rigoureuse des patientes éligibles, et à une prise en charge multidisciplinaire dans des centres spécialisés. L’évaluation de la CHIP doit se faire par le moyen d’études randomisées à différents stades évolutifs : 1re ligne, consolidation, récidives qu’elles soient chimiorésistantes ou chimiosensibles. Plusieurs études européennes sont en cours.SummaryOvarian cancer remains the fourth leading cause of cancer death in women in France. It is all too often diagnosed at an advanced stage with peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC), but remains confined to the peritoneal cavity throughout much of its natural history. Because of cellular selection pressure over time, most tumor recurrences eventually develop resistance to systemic platinum. Options for salvage therapy include alternative systemic chemotherapies and further cytoreductive surgery (CRS), but the prognosis remains poor. Over the past two decades, a new therapeutic approach to PC has been developed that combines CRS with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). This treatment strategy has already been shown to be effective in non-gynecologic carcinomatosis in numerous reports. There is a strong rationale for the use of HIPEC for PC of ovarian origin. On the one hand, three prospective randomized trials have demonstrated the superiority of intraperitoneal chemotherapy (without hyperthermia) in selected patients compared to systemic chemotherapy. Moreover, retrospective studies and case-control studies of HIPEC have reported encouraging survival data, especially when used to treat chemoresistant recurrence. However, HIPEC has specific morbidity and mortality; this calls for very careful selection of eligible patients by a multidisciplinary team in specialized centers. HIPEC needs to be evaluated by means of randomized trials for ovarian cancer at different developmental stages: as first line therapy, as consolidation, and for chemoresistant recurrence. Several European Phase III studies are currently ongoing
AbstractThis article discusses the problem-based learning model in Islamic religious educationusing educational technology. Problem-based learning is a learning model that directs students tosolve a problem, and the teacher has to guide the discussion so that it runs smoothly. This studyuses data collection methods with literature studies, with the hope of producing a comprehensiveunderstanding and helping readers better understand this phenomenon (learning using problembased learning using educational technology). Islamic religious learning itself is a conscious effortto understand, teach and learn about the Islamic religion. Educational technology according to thegeneral public is synonymous with technology or learning that uses technology only, buteducational technology is a tool for solving a problem in the process of teaching and learningactivities. Problem-based learning itself is a model in learning that leads to concrete and realproblems so that students can think broadly and openly. The collaboration of these two elementsleads to very effective learning, and the use of technology can facilitate the delivery of materialand receipt of material.Keywords: Islamic religious educational, Educational technology, Problem-based learningAbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang model pembelajaran problem based learning padapendidikan agama islam dengan menggunakan teknologi pendidikan. Problem based learningadalah model pembelajaran yang mengarahkan peserta didik untuk memecahkan suatu masalah,dan guru bertugas untuk memandu diskusi agar berjalan dengan lancar. Penelitian inimenggunakan metode pengumpulan data dengan studi kepustakaan, dengan harapannyamenghasilkan pemahaman yang komprehensif dan membantu pembaca lebih memahami fenomenatersebut (belajar menggunakan problem based learning menggunakan teknologi pendidikan).Pembelajaran agama islam sendiri adalah usaha yang sadar untuk memahami, mengajar sertamempelajari tentang agama islam. Teknologi pendidikan menurut khalayak umum adalah identikdengan teknologi atau pembelajaran yang menggunakan teknologi saja, akan tetapi teknologipendidikan pada dasarnya yaitu suatu alat untuk memecahkan suatu permasalahan dalam proseskegiatan belajar mengajar. Problem based lerning sendiri adalah salah satu model dalampembelajaran yang mengarah pada permasalahan yang konkrit dan juga nyata, agar peserta didikdapat berfikir secara luas dan terbuka. Kolaborasi dari kedua unsur tersebut menyebabkanpembelajaran yang sangat efektif, dan adanya pemanfaatan teknologi dapat mempermudahjalannya penyampaian materi dan penerimaan materi.Kata kunci: Pendidikan agama islam, Teknologi pendidikan, Problem based learnin
The Effect of Financial Literacy on Consumptive Behavior of Managerial Accounting Study Program Students in Batam State Polytechnic
This research was conducted in order to determine the effect of financial literacy on the consumptive behaviour of students of the Batam State Polytechnic Managerial Accounting Study Program. Quantitative research is the method used in this research. This research obtained data by distributing questionnaires using a Likert Scale. The population in this research were 161 students, and using a sampling technique, namely purposive sampling, the respondents who were sampled in this research were students of the Batam State Polytechnic of Batam State Polytechnic Study Program with 64 respondents. This research uses simple linear regression as a data analysis technique, this analysis is carried out through the use of the SPSS version 20 program. The results showed that financial literacy significantly negatively affected the consumptive behaviour of students of the Batam State Polytechnic of Managerial Accounting Study Program
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