73 research outputs found

    Religion, pluralism, dialogue

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    This paper is focused on two very important factors when discussing religious pluralism. At first, we would like to remind you that one should distinguish between the terms plurality and pluralism and emphasize the importance and significance of dialogue and tolerance in multiconfessional and multicultural societies, therefore in societies with developed religious pluralism, including Montenegrin societ

    Hematološki status različitih uzrasnih klasa barbus balcanicus

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    U radu su istraživane vrijednosti osnovnih parametara crvene loze po starosnim kategorijama kod jedinki potočne mrene (Barbus balcanicus). Hematološki status predstavlja pouzdano sredstvo za utvrđivanje fiziološkog stanja organizma, a posredno i stanja životne sredine, jer njegovi parametri reaguju na promjene uslova sredine. Hematološki parametri su obuhvatali: broj eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina, hematokrit, MCV, MCH i MCHC. Praćeni parametri su analizirani u toku dvije godine i kod populacija iz dvije rijeke (Suturlija i Jakotinska rijeka). Kod jedinki iz rijeke Suturlije u prvoj godini istraživanja bile su zastupljene jedinke starosti 1+ do 5+, dok je tokom druge godine uzorak bio predstavljen jedinkama starosti 1+ do 6+. Istovremeno su tokom 2004. godine kod riba iz Jakotinske rijeke bile zastupljene jedinke starosti 1+ do 4+, a u drugoj godini jedinke starosti 1+ do 5+. Analiza po starosnim kategorijama pokazuje postojanje značajnih razlika u vrijednostima pojedinih parametara, a razlika je izraženija kod jedinki potočne mrene iz rijeke Suturlije, kod kojih su razlike utvrđene u obje godine. Međutim, kod potočne mrene iz Jakotinske rijeke statistički značajne razlike između vrijednosti konstatovanih kod različitih starosnih klasa bile su statistički značajne samo u drugoj godini istraživanja

    Određivanje prisustva teških metala u vodi i mišićnom tkivu lipljena (thymallus thymallus) rijeke Une

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    The aim of this paper is to present comparative results of the chemical analysis of water and fish of the river Una in different locations. Grayling fish (Thymallus thymallus) from the family Thymallidae was sampled for analysis. Grayling is the fish that prefers cold water, rich in oxygen, just as it is a case with river Una. Water and fish samples were taken from three locations. Chemical testing included water analysis of the river Una paying attention to the following parameters: temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, suspended matter, BOD5, COD - Cr, total nitrogen - N, total phosphorus - P, sulfates - SO4, chlorides, nitrites - NO2, nitrates - NO3, fluorides and heavy metals (Cu, Cd and Pb). Protein, fat, water, carbohydrates and minerals were determined in the fillet of grayling. The results showed not only good water quality of the river Una with different concentrations in certain locations, but also good quality of fish meat. Atomic absorption spectrometer "Perkin Elmer" AAnalyst – 800 was used to determine the content of Pb, Cu and Cd through flame technique. Amounts of heavy metals (Pb, Cu and Cd) were below maximum allowable concentration (MAC). The content of heavy metals in fish muscle tissue is directly related to the pollution of rivers. The lead content in the muscle tissue of grayling being overfished in the river Una was the highest in the samples from site number two and the largest copper content was identified at the same site. Cadmium values in the fish muscle tissue samples were less than 0.1 mg / kg at all sites. The heavy metal content, in the tested samples of water and grayling fish of the river Una, had values below the acceptable limit. These results indicate that the watercourse of river Una is still not significantly polluted.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se prikažu uporedni rezultati hemijskih analiza vode i ribe rijeke Une na različitim lokacijama. Za ispitvanje je uzeta riba lipljen (Thymallus thymallus) iz porodice Thymallidae. Lipljen je riba koja preferira hladne vode bogate kisikom, što upravo Una i jeste. Uzorci vode i ribe su uzeti sa tri lokacije. Hemijska ispitivanja su obuhvatila analizu vode rijeke Une i to slijedeće parametre: temperatura, pH, elektrovodljivost, otopljeni kisik, suspendirane materije, BPK5, KPK - Cr, ukupni dušik - N, ukupni fosfor - P, sufati - SO4, hloridi, nitriti - NO2, nitrati - NO3, fluoridi i teški metali (Cu,Cd i Pb). U fileu lipljena određeni su: proteini, masti, voda, ugljikohidrati i mineralne materije.Rezultati su pokazali dobar kvalitet vode rijeke Une sa različitim koncentracijama na pojedinim lokalitetima kao i na dobar kvalitet mesa ribe. Sadržaj Pb, Cu i Cd je određen na atomskom apsorpcionom spektrofotometru „Perkin Elmer“ AAnalyst - 800, plamenom tehnikom. Količine teških metala (Pb, Cu i Cd) bile su ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih količina (MDK). Sadržaj teških metala u mišićnom tkivu riba u direktnoj vezi je sa zagađenjem rijeka. Sadržaj olova u mišičnom tkivu lipljena izlovljenog u rijeci Uni bio je najveći u uzorcima koji su izlovljeni na drugom lokalitetu i najveći sadržaj bakra identifikovan je na istom lokalitetu. Vrijednosti kadmija u uzorcima mišićnog tkiva ribe na svim lokalitetima iznosio je ispod 0,1 mg/kg. Sadržaji teških metala u ispitanim uzorcima vode i ribe lipljena rijeke Une, imali su vrijednosti ispod dozvoljenih granica. Takvi rezultati ukazuju da još uvijek nije došlo do značajnijeg zagađenja vodotoka rijeke Une

    Hematološki parametri riba kao indikatori stanja životne sredine

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    Hematological parameters are reliable indicators of the state of the organism, and the state of the environment indirectly. Research on haematological parameters have been carried out on the species Barbus peloponnesius at two different locations. The following parameters were determined: number of erytrocytes, hemoglobyne concentration, packed cell volume, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) and parameters of differential blood picture. The physico-chemical and hydrobiological analyzes water quality have been carried out at the same time

    Normalne hematološke vrijednosti gajenog lipljena

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    In this research haematological parameters analysis of grayling was carried out in Martin Brod fish pond and Krušnice river. At the tested specimens were determined parameters: the number of erytrocyte, number leukocyte, hemoglobyne concentration, packed cell volume, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC). The comparison and analysis of monitored parameters by gender was performed on the basis of obtained results. Comparison of parameters by gender, as well as the comparison parameters grayling from this two locations, indicates the existence of significant differences in certain parameters

    A Polychaete’s Powerful Punch: Venom Gland Transcriptomics of Glycera Reveals a Complex Cocktail of Toxin Homologs

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    © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The article attached is the publisher's pdf

    Intravenöse Lysetherapie bei akut ischämischem Schlaganfall: eine Analyse der Stroke Unit der Klinik Biberach

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    Aufgrund des demografischen Wandels wird der ischämische Schlaganfall die Kliniken zunehmend beschäftigen. Vor allem die Schnelligkeit der Behandlung ist hierbei ein grundlegendes Thema für ein gutes Outcome. Die Behandlung der modifizierbaren Risikofaktoren als Prävention ist wichtig. Kardioembolien führten zu schweren Schlaganfällen mit dem durchschnittlich höchsten NIHSS Score von 13 Punkten. Daher ist die Therapie von Herzrhythmusstörungen besonders wichtig. In den jüngeren Altersklassen stellte die Hypercholesterinämie mit 80% den häufigsten Risikofaktor für die Entstehung von Schlaganfällen dar. Eine Komplikation der Lysetherapie ist die symptomatische intracerebrale Hämorrhagie. Sie trat bei 11.7% der Patienten auf, was im Vergleich zu anderen internationalen Studien häufiger ist. Jedoch sollten die Definitionen der symptomatisch intracerebralen Hämorrhagien in den unterschiedlichen Studien beachtet werden. Mit 22,2% hatten Patienten in der Diabetes mellitus Gruppe doppelt so häufig symptomatische Hirnblutungen nach der Therapie als in den übrigen Risikofaktorgruppen. 14% der Patienten mit kardioembolischer und 18,5% der makroangiopathischer Ätiologie des Schlaganfalls erlitten symptomatische Hirnblutungen. Die Entwicklung der körperlichen Bedürftigkeit ist ein wesentliches Outcome der Therapie. Vor allem jüngere Patienten unter 45 Jahren zeigten häufiger eine positive Entwicklung. Als Grund wird eine bessere Angiogenese bei jüngeren Menschen diskutiert. Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus hatten das schlechteste Outcome: Bei knapp 26% kam es zu einer Verbesserung und bei etwa 22% zu einer Verschlechterung der körperlichen Selbstständigkeit. Bei mikroangiopathischen Schlaganfällen erlangten zwei Drittel der Patienten Besserung der körperlichen Selbständigkeit und schnitten somit am besten ab. Ein schneller Behandlungsbeginn ist entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Therapie. Die Empfehlung für die Door-to-Needle-Zeit liegt bei ≤60 Minuten. Die Door-to-Needle-Zeit nahm von 2008 bis 2012 von 69,4 Minuten auf 48,8 Minuten ab (Aureißer 2011). 65% der Patienten erhielten die Therapie innerhalb von 60 Minuten nach Aufnahme auf der Notfallabteilung. Patienten mit einem leichtgradigen Schlaganfall erhielten die Therapie im Durchschnitt etwa 5-10 Minuten später. Die Intrahospitale Mortalität nahm von 11,8% im Jahre 2008 auf 0 im Jahre 2012 ab. Ebenfalls kam es in diesem Zeitraum zu einem Rückgang symptomatischer intracerebraler Hämorrhagien (von 29.4% auf 6.6%). Aufgrund guter Ergebnisse der Door-Needle-Zeit, der intrahospitalen Mortalität und symptomatischen Hirnblutungen kann eine Zunahme der Erfahrenheit der Klinik Biberach bei der Behandlung von ischämischen festgestellt werden

    A rare case of enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma presenting as acute renal failure

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    Dynamics of muscle strength improvement during isokinetic rehabilitation of athletes with ACL rupture and chondromalacia patellae

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    La rééducation isocinétique est une méthode rapide et efficace pour traiter les traumatismes du genou chez les athlètes et permet un retour à la compétition entre un et trois mois pour 75 % d'entre eux et cinq mois pour les autres