2,371 research outputs found

    Constraining the False Positive Rate for Kepler Planet Candidates with Multi-Color Photometry from the GTC

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    Using the OSIRIS instrument installed on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) we acquired multi-color transit photometry of four small (Rp < 5 R_Earth) short-period (P < 6 days) planet candidates recently identified by the Kepler space mission. These observations are part of a program to constrain the false positive rate for small, short-period Kepler planet candidates. Since planetary transits should be largely achromatic when observed at different wavelengths (excluding the small color changes due to stellar limb darkening), we use the observed transit color to identify candidates as either false positives (e.g., a blend with a stellar eclipsing binary either in the background/foreground or bound to the target star) or validated planets. Our results include the identification of KOI 225.01 and KOI 1187.01 as false positives and the tentative validation of KOI 420.01 and KOI 526.01 as planets. The probability of identifying two false positives out of a sample of four targets is less than 1%, assuming an overall false positive rate for Kepler planet candidates of 10% (as estimated by Morton & Johnson 2011). Therefore, these results suggest a higher false positive rate for the small, short-period Kepler planet candidates than has been theoretically predicted by other studies which consider the Kepler planet candidate sample as a whole. Furthermore, our results are consistent with a recent Doppler study of short-period giant Kepler planet candidates (Santerne et al. 2012). We also investigate how the false positive rate for our sample varies with different planetary and stellar properties. Our results suggest that the false positive rate varies significantly with orbital period and is largest at the shortest orbital periods (P < 3 days), where there is a corresponding rise in the number of detached eclipsing binary stars... (truncated)Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables; revised for MNRA

    Detection of the evolutionary stages of variables in M3

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    The large number of variables in M3 provides a unique opportunity to study an extensive sample of variables with the same apparent distance modulus. Recent, high accuracy CCD time series of the variables show that according to their mean magnitudes and light curve shapes, the variables belong to four separate groups. Comparing the properties of these groups (magnitudes and periods) with horizontal branch evolutionary models, we conclude that these samples can be unambiguously identified with different stages of the horizontal branch stellar evolution. Stars close to the zero age horizontal branch (ZAHB) show Oosterhoff I type properties, while the brightest stars have Oosterhoff II type statistics regarding their mean periods and RRab/RRc number ratios. This finding strengthens the earlier suggestion of Lee et al. (1990) connecting the Oosterhoff dichotomy to evolutionary effects, however, it is unexpected to find large samples of both of the Oosterhoff type within a single cluster, which is, moreover, the prototype of the Oosterhoff I class globular clusters. The very slight difference between the Fourier parameters of the stars (at a given period) in the three fainter samples spanning over about 0.15 mag range in M_V points to the limitations of any empirical methods which aim to determine accurate absolute magnitudes of RR Lyrae stars solely from the Fourier parameters of the light curves.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Astrophys. J. Letter

    HAT-P-12b: A Low-Density Sub-Saturn Mass Planet Transiting a Metal-Poor K Dwarf

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    We report on the discovery of HAT-P-12b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the moderately bright V=12.8 K4 dwarf GSC 03033-00706, with a period P = 3.2130598 +- 0.0000021 d, transit epoch Tc = 2454419.19556 +- 0.00020 (BJD) and transit duration 0.0974 +- 0.0006 d. The host star has a mass of 0.73 +- 0.02 Msun, radius of 0.70 +- ^0.02_0.01 Rsun, effective temperature 4650 +- 60 K and metallicity [Fe/H] = -0.29 +- 0.05. We find a slight correlation between the observed spectral line bisector spans and the radial velocity, so we consider, and rule out, various blend configurations including a blend with a background eclipsing binary, and hierarchical triple systems where the eclipsing body is a star or a planet. We conclude that a model consisting of a single star with a transiting planet best fits the observations, and show that a likely explanation for the apparent correlation is contamination from scattered moonlight. Based on this model, the planetary companion has a mass of 0.211 +- 0.012 MJup, and a radius of 0.959 +- ^0.029_0.021 RJup yielding a mean density of 0.295 +- 0.025 g cm^-3. Comparing these observations with recent theoretical models we find that HAT-P-12b is consistent with a ~ 1-4.5 Gyr, mildly irradiated, H/He dominated planet with a core mass Mc <~ 10 Mearth. HAT-P-12b is thus the least massive H/He dominated gas giant planet found to date. This record was previously held by Saturn.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 13 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    A Nearly Polar Orbit for the Extrasolar Hot Jupiter WASP-79b

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    We report the measurement of a spin-orbit misalignment for WASP-79b, a recently discovered, bloated transiting hot Jupiter from the WASP survey. Data were obtained using the CYCLOPS2 optical-fiber bundle and its simultaneous calibration system feeding the UCLES spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. We have used the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect to determine the sky-projected spin-orbit angle to be lambda = -106+19-13 degrees. This result indicates a significant misalignment between the spin axis of the host star and the orbital plane of the planet -- the planet being in a nearly polar orbit. WASP-79 is consistent with other stars that have Teff > 6250K and host hot Jupiters in spin-orbit misalignment.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, in press ApJL (accepted 2 August 2013

    HATS-7b: A Hot Super Neptune Transiting a Quiet K Dwarf Star

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    We report the discovery by the HATSouth network of HATS-7b, a transiting Super-Neptune with a mass of 0.120 ± 0.012 M_J, a radius of 0.563_(-0.034)^(+0.046) R_J, and an orbital period of 3.1853 days. The host star is a moderately bright (V = 13.340 ± 0.010 mag, K_S = 10.976 ± 0.026 mag) K dwarf star with a mass of 0.849 ± 0.027 M_⊙, a radius of 0.815_(-0.035)^(+0.049) R_⊙, and a metallicity of [Fe/H] = + 0.250 ± 0.080. The star is photometrically quiet to within the precision of the HATSouth measurements, has low RV jitter, and shows no evidence for chromospheric activity in its spectrum. HATS-7b is the second smallest radius planet discovered by a wide-field ground-based transit survey, and one of only a handful of Neptune-size planets with mass and radius determined to 10% precision. Theoretical modeling of HATS-7b yields a hydrogen–helium fraction of 18 ± 4% (rock-iron core and H_2–He envelope), or 9 ± 4% (ice core and H_2–He envelope), i.e., it has a composition broadly similar to that of Uranus and Neptune, and very different from that of Saturn, which has 75% of its mass in H_2–He. Based on a sample of transiting exoplanets with accurately (<20%) determined parameters, we establish approximate power-law relations for the envelopes of the mass–density distribution of exoplanets. HATS-7b, which, together with the recently discovered HATS-8b, is one of the first two transiting super-Neptunes discovered in the Southern sky, is a prime target for additional follow-up observations with Southern hemisphere facilities to characterize the atmospheres of Super-Neptunes (which we define as objects with mass greater than that of Neptune, and smaller than halfway between that of Neptune and Saturn, i.e., 0.054 M_J < M_p < 0.18 M_J)

    A survey on how preregistration affects the research workflow: better science but more work

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    The preregistration of research protocols and analysis plans is a main reform innovation to counteract confirmation bias in the social and behavioural sciences. While theoretical reasons to preregister are frequently discussed in the literature, the individually experienced advantages and disadvantages of this method remain largely unexplored. The goal of this exploratory study was to identify the perceived benefits and challenges of preregistration from the researcher’s perspective. To this end, we surveyed 355 researchers, 299 of whom had used preregistration in their own work. The researchers indicated the experienced or expected effects of preregistration on their workflow. The results show that experiences and expectations are mostly positive. Researchers in our sample believe that implementing preregistration improves or is likely to improve the quality of their projects. Criticism of preregistration is primarily related to the increase in work-related stress and the overall duration of the project. While the benefits outweighed the challenges for the majority of researchers with preregistration experience, this was not the case for the majority of researchers without preregistration experience. The experienced advantages and disadvantages identified in our survey could inform future efforts to improve preregistration and thus help the methodology gain greater acceptance in the scientific community

    HATS-1b: The First Transiting Planet Discovered by the HATSouth Survey

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    We report the discovery of HATS-1b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the moderately bright V=12.05 G dwarf star GSC 6652-00186, and the first planet discovered by HATSouth, a global network of autonomous wide-field telescopes. HATS-1b has a period P~3.4465 d, mass Mp~1.86MJ, and radius Rp~1.30RJ. The host star has a mass of 0.99Msun, and radius of 1.04Rsun. The discovery light curve of HATS-1b has near continuous coverage over several multi-day periods, demonstrating the power of using a global network of telescopes to discover transiting planets.Comment: Submitted to AJ 10 pages, 5 figures, 6 table