244 research outputs found

    Using Spreadsheets for Solving Logic Puzzles

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    A Multimodal Analysis of Advertisement of Online Marketplace Shopee

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    High human mobility demands the world of commerce to be able to provide services and goods quickly according to consumer demand. To overcome this phenomenon, now appears transactions that use the internet media to connect producers and consumers known as online marketplace. This research studies the advertisement in online marketplace named Shopee by using multimodal analysis. Shopee is an online marketplace app for buying and selling on mobile phones with ease and quickly offering a wide range of products. This research deals with linguistic and visual analysis. This research is focused on the function of the advertisement realized in the offer goods for buyers interested to see and buy that found and dominates in the online marketplace named Shopee. Multimodal analysis method that is used in the research is text verbal analysis theory in language metafunction such as ideational, interpersonal, and textual metafunction by Halliday (1994), while visual text using multimodal analysis by Kress and Van Leuwen (1996, 2006) and Cheong (2004). The result of multimodal analysis of advertisement of online marketplace Shopee is described in linguistic and visual analysis.   Keywords: multimodal, metafunctions of language, advertisement, Shope

    Les Goitres Plongeants : Aspects Épidémiologiques, Cliniques, Radiologiques Et Thérapeutiques

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    Purpose: To describe the epidemiological and diagnostic aspects and surgical treatment procedures of plunging goiter in the Oto-Rhino- Laryngology and Neck Surgery Office of the National Hospital of Niamey in Niger. Materials and Methods: We analyzed the clinical and paraclinical symptoms as well as the technique and postoperative evolution of plunging goiters through a retrospective and descriptive study conducted from January 2010 to December 2015. Results: During the five years period, 15 cases of plunging goiter were registered representing 6.35% of thyroidectomy. Among the patients, there were 4 men (26.66%) and 11 women (73.34%). The mean age was 37.84 years. The character “plunging goiter” was noticed on clinical examination and confirmed by imaging. Two cases of hyperthyroidism were recorded. Eso-trachea compression that is characterized by dysphagia and dyspnea was recorded in 7 cases (46.66%), dysphonia in 2 cases (13.33%). The scanner performed in 8 cases showed a goiter with anterior superior mediastinal shift in 84.61%, driving the eso-tracheal axis in 62.5% of cases. The goiters plunged right in 5 cases (33.33%), left in 2 cases (13.33%) and were bilateral in 1 case. Complete thyroidectomy was performed on all patients by exclusive cervical way with as immediate complications, one intraoperative hemorrhage case (n = 1) and one transient hypoparathyroidism case (n = 1). Histological examination of surgical specimens shows no evidence of malignancy. Conclusion: The plunging goiters are rare and their treatment was complete thyroidectomy by exclusive cervical way. Postoperative evolution was uneventful

    Budidaya Sayuran Organik di Lahan Pekarangan pada Kelompok Masyarakat di Kelurahan Naimata dalam Upaya Menopang Ekonomi Keluarga pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19

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    Abstract - The PKM Program for Organic Vegetable Cultivation in the Yard Land in an Effort to Support the Family Economy During the Covid 19 Pandemic was carried out in the area of ​​RT 17, RW 07, Naimata Village, Kupang City. The main targets to be achieved from this program are: (1) increasing the independence of partners in meeting household food needs; (2) mastery of hydroponic system installation techniques; (3) mastery of hydroponic system plant cultivation technology; (4) mastery of technology for making liquid organic fertilizer based on household organic waste and organic pesticides. The approach method applied in the implementation of this PKM program is the transfer of information and technology transfer through socialization and training activities. Activities carried out include: training on plant cultivation technology with hydroponic and verticulture systems, training on hydroponic equipment installation, as well as training on technology for making liquid organic fertilizers and organic pesticides. After this PKM activity took place, the level of knowledge and skills of partner group members regarding technology for cultivating organik vegetables with a hydroponic system, installation techniques for hydroponic plant cultivation equipment, techniques for making liquid organic fertilizers and organic pesticides have increased significantly. This increase in knowledge and skills is followed by an increase in the interest of partner group members to apply the technology in an effort to fulfil household food by optimally utilizing the yard.   Abstrak – Program PKM Budidaya Sayuran Organik di Lahan Pekarangan Dalam Upaya  Menopang Ekonomi Keluarga Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 dilaksanakan di wilayah RT 17, RW 07, Kelurahan Naimata, Kota Kupang. Target utama yang ingin dicapai dari program ini adalah: (1) peningkatan kemandirian mitra dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangan rumah tangga; (2) penguasaan teknik pembuatan instalasi sistem hidroponik; (3) penguasaan teknologi budidaya tanaman sistem hidroponik; (4) penguasaan teknologi pembuatan pupuk organik cair berbasis sampah organik rumah tangga dan pestisida organik. Metode pendekatan yang diterapkan dalam pelaksanaan program PKM ini adalah transfer informasi dan alih teknologi melalui kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi: pelatihan teknologi budidaya tanaman dengan sistem hidroponik dan vertikultur, pelatihan instalasi peralatan hidroponik, serta pelatihan teknologi pembuatan pupuk organik cair dan pestisida organik. Setelah kegiatan PKM ini berlangsung, tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok mitra tentang teknologi budidaya tanaman sayuran organik dengan sistem hidroponik, terknik instalasi peralatan budidaya daya tanaman hidroponik, teknik pembuatan pupuk organik cair dan pestisida organik mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ini diikuti dengan peningkatan minat anggota kelompok mitra untuk menerapkan teknologi tersebut dalam upaya pemenuhan pangan rumah tangga dengan memanfaatkan lahan pekarang secara optimal

    Prise En Charge Des Anévrismes Artériels Dans Un Centre Africain Non Spécialisée

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    Introduction: Arterial aneurysms affect 7 to 8% of people over 65 in the West and are the 2nd leading cause of death in these countries. In Africa this frequency is poorly evaluated. The objective of this work is to report the management of arterial aneurysms at the National Hospital of Niamey (HNN). Patients and methods: This was a retrospective, descriptive study over a period of eight (8) years from January 2009 to December 2016, performed in the surgical departments of the National Hospital of Niamey. Included in the study were patients of both sexes, hospitalized and / or operated for arterial aneurysm. Not included were patients treated for arterial aneurysm with incomplete records or those concerning the neurosurgical sphere. Results: During the study period, 17,748 patients were hospitalized in the general surgery departments, including 16 patients for arterial aneurysm, or 0.09% of surgical pathologies. There were 13 men (81.25%) and 3 women (18.75%), or a sex ratio of 4.33. The average age was 55.75 years with extremes ranging from 25 years old to 90 years old. The circumstances of discovery of the aneurysms were swelling of the antero-internal aspect of the thigh in 7 cases (43.75%), abdominal mass 6 cases (37.50%), then 2 cases (12.50%) of chest pain and incidental discovery in 1cas (6.25%). The most common risk factor was high blood pressure with 43.75% (7 cases). The aneurysm sat on the femoral artery in 43.75% (n = 7), of which 6 on the deep femoral and 1 on the superficial femoral, on the infrarenal aorta in 31.25% (n = 5), on thoracic aorta 12.50% (n = 2), on the iliac artery 12.50% (n = 2). For the diagnosis the angioscanner is realized in all the patients and in addition Doppler ultrasound in 43, 75% of cases. Twelve (12) patients benefited from curative surgical intervention by prosthetic graft by PTFE in 58.33% of cases and by Dacron in 41.66%. The average stay was 29.75 days and the immediate operative followup was complicated by thrombosis in 12.5% and parietal suppurations in 6.25%. We recorded two (2) deaths, ie 12.5% among non-operated patients. Conclusion: Arterial aneurysms are rare diseases at the HNN. Conventional surgery is the treatment performed in our patients. The postoperative course was simple in most cases
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