909 research outputs found

    Novel Method for Improving the Capacity of Optical MIMO System Using MGDM

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    In current local area networks, multimode fibers (MMFs), primarily graded index (GI) MMFs, are the main types of fibers employed for data communications. Due to their enormous bandwidth, it is considered that they are the main channel medium that can offer broadband multiservices using optical multiplexing techniques. Amongst these, mode group diversity multiplexing (MGDM) has been proposed as a way to integrate various services over an MMF network by exciting different groups of modes that can be used as independent and parallel communication channels. In this paper, we study optical multiple-input–multiple-output (O-MIMO) systems using MGDM techniques while also optimizing the launching conditions of light at the fiber inputs and the spot size, radial offset, angular offset, wavelength, and the radii of the segment areas of the detectors. We propose a new approach based on the optimization of launching and detection conditions in order to increase the capacity of an O-MIMO link using the MGDM technique. We propose a (3 timestimes 3) O-MIMO system, where our simulation results show significant improvement in GI MMFs' capacity compared with existing O-MIMO systems. Optical multiple-input-multiple-output multiplexing of parallel communication multichannels over a single multimode fiber network. Optical multiple-input-multiple-output multiplexing of parallel communication multichannels over a single multimode fiber network

    A propos de trois frĂšres atteints d’une arthropathie goutteuse secondaire Ă  un dĂ©ficit enzymatique en HGPRT

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    Un patient ùgé de 23 ans, pécheur, issu de parents non consanguins qui présentait une polyarthrite déformante associant un flessum irréductible des coudes et des genoux avec limitation des amplitudes articulaires. Ces manifestations articulaires étaient associées à des nodules localisés en regard des articulations atteintes (A,B) et au niveau des pavillons des oreilles. La biologie révÚle une VS à 60 mm à la premiÚre heure, une créatinémie à 91 ”mol/l et une uricémie à 1054 ”mol/l. La sérologie rhumatoïde était négative. La ponction d'un nodule met en évidence des dépÎts d'urate de sodium. Le diagnostic de goutte a été retenu et on a complété par le dosage de l'HGPRT qui a révélé un déficit sévÚre à 0,2 (valeur usuelle 2,46+/-0,42) soit 10% d'activité résiduelle. La radiologie a montré des images destructrices avec des macrogéodes au niveau des mains (C,D) et des pieds. Un traitement hypouricémiant a été instauré aprÚs traitement de la crise. Son frÚre ainé ùgé de 29 ans, suivi depuis l'ùge de 21 ans pour une polyarthrite asymétrique évoluant par crise cédant à la colchicine. Un troisiÚme frÚre ùgé de 21 ans, était en outre suivi dans notre service depuis l'ùge de 19 ans pour goutte. Les trois frÚres présentaient un déficit en HGPRT. La suppression d'aliments riches en bases puriques (abats, charcuterie) a été conseillée et un traitement hypouricémiant était instauré

    Multi-Softcore Architecture on FPGA

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    To meet the high performance demands of embedded multimedia applications, embedded systems are integrating multiple processing units. However, they are mostly based on custom-logic design methodology. Designing parallel multicore systems using available standards intellectual properties yet maintaining high performance is also a challenging issue. Softcore processors and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are a cheap and fast option to develop and test such systems. This paper describes a FPGA-based design methodology to implement a rapid prototype of parametric multicore systems. A study of the viability of making the SoC using the NIOS II soft-processor core from Altera is also presented. The NIOS II features a general-purpose RISC CPU architecture designed to address a wide range of applications. The performance of the implemented architecture is discussed, and also some parallel applications are used for testing speedup and efficiency of the system. Experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposed multicore system, which achieves better speedup than the GPU (29.5% faster for the FIR filter and 23.6% faster for the matrix-matrix multiplication)

    Exploring the Relationship between Democracy, Corruption and Economic Growth in MENA countries

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    The objective of this paper is to estimate an econometric model for analyzing the interrelationship among democracy, corruption and economic growth in 12 MENA countries by using simultaneous-equation models over the period 1998–2011. Our empirical results show that there is bi-directional causal relationship between democracy and economic growth, as well as corruption and economic growth, and there is unidirectional causal relationship running from democracy to corruption for the region as a whole

    Data-Driven prognostics based on health indicator construction : Application to PRONOSTIA's Data.

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    International audienceFailure prognostics can help improving the availability and reliability of industrial systems while reducing their maintenance cost. The main purpose of failure prognostics is the anticipation of the time of a failure by estimating the Remaining Useful Life (RUL). In this case, the fault is not undergone and the estimated RUL can be used to take appropriate decisions depending on the future exploitation of the industrial system. This paper presents a data-driven prognostic method based on the utilization of signal processing techniques and regression models. The method is applied on accelerated degradations of bearings performed under the experimental platform called PRONOSTIA. The purpose of the proposed method is to generate a health indicator, which will be used to calculate the RUL. Two acceleration sensors are used on PRONOSTIA platform to monitor the degradation evolution of the tested bearings. The vibration signals related to the degraded bearings are then compared to a nominal vibration signal of a nondegraded bearing (nominal bearing). The comparison between the signals is done by calculating a correlation coefficient (which is considered as the health indicator). The values of the calculated correlation coefficient are then fitted to a regression model which is used to estimate the RUL

    On the AA-spectrum for AA-bounded operator on von-Neumann algebra

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    Let M\mathfrak{M} be a von Neumann algebra and let AA be a nonzero positive element of M\mathfrak{M}. By σA(T)\sigma_A(T) and rA(T)r_A(T) we denote the AA-spectrum and the AA-spectral radius of T∈MAT\in\mathfrak{M}^A, respectively. In this paper, we show that σ(PTP,PMP)⊆σA(T)\sigma(PTP, P\mathfrak{M} P)\subseteq \sigma_A(T). Sufficient conditions for the equality σA(T)=σ(PTP,PMP)\sigma_A(T)=\sigma(PTP, P\mathfrak{M} P) to be true are presented. Also, we show that σA(T)\sigma_A(T) is finite for any T∈MAT\in\mathfrak{M}^A if and only if AA is in the socle of M\mathfrak{M}. Next , we consider the relationship between elements SS and T∈MAT\in\mathfrak{M}^A that satisfy one of the following two conditions: (1) σA(SX)=σA(TX)\sigma_A(SX)=\sigma_A(TX) for all X∈MAX\in\mathfrak{M}^A, (2) rA(SX)=rA(TX)r_A(SX)= r_A(TX) for all X∈MAX\in\mathfrak{M}^A. Finally, a Gleason-Kahane-\.Zelazko's theorem for the AA-spectrum is derived.% Finally, we introduce and study the notion of the AA-approximate point spectrum for element of X∈MAX\in\mathfrak{M}^A
