3,766 research outputs found

    Utilizing The Future of Electronic Music

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    This Culminating Experience proposal therefore seeks to promote an analysis of changes in popular EDM in the last five years and to highlight successful trends and developments. By analysing these developments, estimations into future developments of EDM might be revealed. These estimations will then be incorporated into the creation of an EP of five songs that draw influence from different genres in each song. This EP will be ready for distribution by the end of June 2016. This process aims to create a unique product that is appropriate for commercial distribution and promotion. The uniqueness of this product is hoped to generate a great deal of interest promoting the artist’s potential success.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1041/thumbnail.jp

    Characterizing the use of mathematical knowledge in boundary crossing situations at work

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    The first aim of this paper is to present a characterisation of techno-mathematical literacies needed for effective practice in modern, technology-rich workplaces that are both highly automated and increasingly focused on flexible response to customer needs. The second aim is to introduce an epistemological dimension to activity theory, specifically to the notions of boundary object and boundary crossing. In this paper we draw on ethnographic research in a pensions company and focus on data derived from detailed analysis of the diverse perspectives that exist with respect to one symbolic artefact, the annual pension statement. This statement is designed to facilitate boundary crossing between company and customers. Our study showed that the statement routinely failed in this communicative role, largely due to the invisible factors of the mathematical-financial models underlying the statement that are not made visible to customers, or to the customer enquiry team whose task is to communicate with customers. By focusing on this artefact in boundary-crossing situations, we identify and elaborate the nature of the techno-mathematical knowledge required for effective communication between different communities in one financial services workplace, and suggest the implications of our findings for workplaces more generally

    Essays in international trade and economic geography

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    This thesis studies how the spatial distribution of economic activity matters for the transmission of, and is in turn affected by different shocks. In Chapter 2, I show that the agglomeration-congestion cost trade-off studied by urban economists alters both the distributional effects of, and gains from trade. Correspondingly, I demonstrate that openness to trade affects the spatial distribution of economic activity across cities of different densities. First, I show that the export intensity of firms and sectors is higher in denser locations. I propose an open economy economic geography model that rationalizes these stylized facts. When testing the underlying mechanisms proposed by the model, I find that the higher export intensity in denser places is driven by differences in productivity across firms, differences in factor intensities across sectors and trade-specific gains from agglomeration that lead to lower variable export cost in denser places. In line with the model predictions, I further find that a decrease in trade cost, proxied by exogenous changes in export market access, leads to a reallocation of economic activity to denser places. In currently on-going work I am exploring whether ignoring the increase in aggregate congestion costs from the rise in spatial concentration leads to an overestimation of the gains from trade. In Chapter 3 I study how an exogenous population shock affects the spatial distribution of population. To this end I exploit the end of movement restrictions for black South Africans at the end of Apartheid to generate an exogenous population shock. Until 1991, black South Africans were severely restricted in their location choices and many were forced to live in homelands. Following the abolition of apartheid, they were free to migrate. Given the general gravity structure of migration, a town closer to the homelands is expected to receive a larger inflow of migrants than towns further away. Using this exogenous variation, I find that on average there is no endogenous reallocation of population following this exogenous immigration. When separately looking at rural and urban places, I find that there is a displacement of incumbents in the former while there are additional inflows in urban areas. Chapter 4 provides evidence for the importance of trading opportunities for settlement location during the Iron Age. It finds that regions in the Mediterranean that are better connected across the open sea have more economic activity proxied by the number of archaeological sites. This correlation becomes particularly strong around 750 BC when the Phoenicians started to regularly cross the open sea. Analysis at the global level corroborates the finding that more connected locations have a higher population density in 1 AD. Overall, I find that trade and migration shocks have important effects on the long-run distribution of population and economic activity in space

    Validity of the single-particle description and charge noise resilience for multielectron quantum dots

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    We construct an optimal set of single-particle states for few-electron quantum dots (QDs) using the method of natural orbitals (NOs). The NOs include also the effects of the Coulomb repulsion between electrons. We find that they agree well with the noniteracting orbitals for GaAs QDs of realistic parameters, while the Coulomb interactions only rescale the radius of the NOs compared to the noninteracting case. We use NOs to show that four-electron QDs are less susceptible to charge noise than their two-electron counterparts.Comment: 11+ pages, 5 figure

    Smart Tachograph: Cryptographic keys and digital certificates sample set

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    In order to aid manufacturers, component personalisers, certification authorities and other Digital Tachograph stakeholders with the development and testing of equipment and systems complying with the Generation-2 Smart Tachograph specifications, a comprehensive set of Generation-2 sample cryptographic keys and digital certificates has been developed. This document serves to detail the contents of this sample set and the values chosen for individual fields in the certificates. It also explains which kind of tests can be done using the cryptographic material in the set, as well as identifying some tests that cannot be done with this set.JRC.E.3-Cyber and Digital Citizens' Securit

    Phase transition in fluctuating branched geometry

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    We study grand--canonical and canonical properties of the model of branched polymers proposed in \cite{adfo}. We show that the model has a fourth order phase transition and calculate critical exponents. At the transition the exponent γ\gamma of the grand-canonical ensemble, analogous to the string susceptibility exponent of surface models, γ0.3237525...\gamma \sim 0.3237525... is the first known example of positive γ\gamma which is not of the form 1/n,n=2,3,1/n,\, n=2,3,\ldots. We show that a slight modification of the model produces a continuos spectrum of γ\gamma's in the range (0,1/2](0,1/2] and changes the order of the transition.Comment: 11 pages, requires Latex2e + psfrag.sty (supplied) + elsart.cls (supplied). 3 figures included as eps file

    Proximity effect in planar Superconductor/Semiconductor junction

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    We have measured the very low temperature (down to 30 mK) subgap resistance of Titanium Nitride (Superconductor, Tc = 4.6 K)/highly doped Silicon (Semiconductor) SIN junction (the insulating layer stands for the Schottky barrier). As the temperature is lowered, the resistance increases as expected in SIN junction. Around 300 mK, the resistance shows a maximum and decreases at lower temperature. This observed behavior is due to coherent backscattering towards the interface by disorder in Silicon ("Reflectionless tunneling"). This effect is also observed in the voltage dependence of the resistance (Zero Bias Anomaly) at low temperature (T<300 mK). The overall resistance behavior (in both its temperature and voltage dependence) is compared to existing theories and values for the depairing rate, the barrier resistance and the effective carrier temperature are extracted.Comment: Submitted to LT22, Helsinki - August 1999, phbauth.cls include

    High-resolution spectroscopy of V854 Cen in decline - Absorption and emission lines of C_2 molecules

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    High-resolution optical spectra of the R Coronae Borealis (RBC) star V854 Centauri in the early stages of a decline show, in addition to the features reported for other RCBs in decline, narrow absorption lines from the C_2 Phillips system. The low rotational temperature, T_rot = 1150K, of the C_2 ground electronic state suggests the cold gas is associated with the developing shroud of carbon dust. These absorption lines were not seen at a fainter magnitude on the rise from minimum light nor at maximum light. This is the first detection of cold gas around a RCB star.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication by Monthly Notices of the Royal Society of Astronom

    Smart Tachograph: User manual for the sample cryptographic keys and digital certificates Generation Tool

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    In order to aid manufacturers, component personalisers, certification authorities and other Digital Tachograph stakeholders with the development and testing of equipment and systems complying with the Generation-2 Smart Tachograph specifications, a tool has been developed that can be used to generate sample cryptographic keys and digital certificates. Stakeholders may use this tool to generate keys and certificates with specific properties for their testing purposes.JRC.E.3-Cyber and Digital Citizens' Securit