30 research outputs found

    Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) MHC I localizes to endolysosomal compartments independently of cytosolic sorting signals

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    Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II are crucial for the adaptive immune system because they are involved in peptide presentation to T cells. Until recently, it was believed that MHC genes and their associated immune components had been conserved since their evolutionary emergence in jawed fish. However, sequencing of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) genome revealed a loss of MHC class II genes, and an extreme expansion of MHC class I genes. These findings lead to the hypothesis that a loss of the MHC class II pathway coincided with a more versatile use of MHC class I, but so far there is no direct experimental evidence in support of this. To gain a deeper understanding of the function of the expanded MHC class I, we selected five MHC class I gene variants representing five of the six clades identified in previous studies and investigated their intracellular localization in human and Atlantic cod larval cells. Intriguingly, we uncovered that all selected MHC class I variants localize to endolysosomal compartments in Atlantic cod cells. Additionally, by introducing point mutations or deletions in the cytosolic tail, we found that hypothetical sorting signals in the MHC class I cytosolic tail do not influence MHC class I trafficking. Moreover, we demonstrated that in Atlantic cod, tapasin and MHC class I colocalize on endolysosomes suggesting that peptide-loading assistance and stabilization of MHC class I occurs outside the endoplasmic reticulum. Altogether, our results demonstrate that MHC class I from Atlantic cod is sorted to the endolysosomal system, which may indicate that it interacts with exogenous peptides for potential cross presentation

    Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2020 - Rapport fra det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet

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    I 2014 ble et nytt nasjonalt overvåkningsprogram for rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag utformet og etablert på oppdrag fra Fiskeridirektoratet etter føringer fra Nærings- og Fiskeridepartementet. Dette overvåkingsprogrammet bygger på tidligere overvåking som ble etablert i 1989. Det overordnete målet for programmet er å øke både kvantitet og kvalitet på overvåkningsdata som gir grunnlag for å estimere prosentandel rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag. Denne rapporten oppsummerer resultatene fra undersøkelser utført i 2020.publishedVersio

    Barn og sorg: hvordan gi støtte til barn når mor eller far skal dø?

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    Problemstillingen ble valgt ut fra et ønske om å skrive en oppgave som vi kan ha nytte av i arbeidet som palliative sykepleiere. Vi bestemte oss tidlig for å ta utgangspunktet i barn som pårørende. Dette er et tema vi ikke har veldig mye erfaring og kunnskap om, men som vi er interessert i, og derfor ønsker å lære mer om. Det er et felt vi heldigvis kommer sjeldent bort i på sykehjem, sykehus og hjemmebaserte tjenester. Derfor er det viktig å ha kunnskap og handlekraft hvis en kommer i situasjonen. Dessuten pålegges vi via helsepersonelloven å følge opp barn som pårørende. Og hovedmålet er å hjelpe disse barna å få best mulig forutsetninger til å leve videre

    The 2018 northern European hydrological drought and itsdrivers in a historical perspective

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    Abstract. In 2018, large parts of northern Europe were affected by an extreme drought. A better understanding of the characteristics and the large-scale atmospheric circulation driving such events is of high importance to enhance drought forecasting and mitigation. This paper examines the historical extremeness of the May–August 2018 meteorological situation and the accompanying meteorological and hydrological (streamflow and groundwater) drought. Further, it investigates the relation between the large-scale atmospheric circulation and summer streamflow in the Nordic region. In May and July 2018, record-breaking temperatures were observed in large parts of northern Europe associated with blocking systems centred over Fennoscandia and sea surface temperature anomalies of more than 3 ∘C in the Baltic Sea. Extreme meteorological drought, as indicated by the 3-month Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI3) and Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI3), was observed in May and covered large parts of northern Europe by July. Streamflow drought in the Nordic region started to develop in June, and in July 68 % of the stations had record-low or near-record-low streamflow. Extreme streamflow conditions persisted in the southeastern part of the region throughout 2018. Many groundwater wells had record-low or near-record-low levels in July and August. However, extremeness in groundwater levels and (to a lesser degree) streamflow showed a diverse spatial pattern. This points to the role of local terrestrial processes in controlling the hydrological response to meteorological conditions. Composite analysis of low summer streamflow and 500 mbar geopotential height anomalies revealed two distinct patterns of summer streamflow variability: one in western and northern Norway and one in the rest of the region. Low summer streamflow in western and northern Norway was related to high-pressure systems centred over the Norwegian Sea. In the rest of the Nordic region, low summer streamflow was associated with a high-pressure system over the North Sea and a low-pressure system over Greenland and Russia, resembling the pattern of 2018. This study provides new insight into hydrometeorological aspects of the 2018 northern European drought and identifies large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns associated with summer streamflow drought in the Nordic region

    Disentangling the immune response and host-pathogen interactions in Francisella noatunensis infected Atlantic cod

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    The genetic repertoire underlying teleost immunity has been shown to be highly variable. A rare example is Atlantic cod and its relatives Gadiformes that lacks a hallmark of vertebrate immunity: Major Histocompatibility Complex class II. No immunological studies so far have fully unraveled the functionality of this particular immune system. Through global transcriptomic profiling, we investigate the immune response and host-pathogen interaction of Atlantic cod infected with the facultative intracellular bacterium Francisella noatunensis. We find that Atlantic cod displays an overall classic innate immune response with inflammation, acute-phase proteins and cell recruitment through up-regulation of e.g. IL1B, fibrinogen, cathelicidin, hepcidin and several chemotactic cytokines such as the neutrophil attractants CXCL1 and CXCL8. In terms of adaptive immunity, we observe up-regulation of interferon gamma followed by up-regulation of several MHCI transcripts and genes related to antigen transport and loading. Finally, we find up-regulation of immunoglobulins and down-regulation of T-cell and NK-like cell markers. Our analyses also uncover some contradictory transcriptional findings such as up-regulation of anti-inflammatory IL10 as well as down-regulation of the NADPH oxidase complex and myeloperoxidase. This we interpret as the result of host-pathogen interactions where F. noatunensis modulates the immune response. In summary, our results suggest that Atlantic cod mounts a classic innate immune response as well as a neutrophil-driven response. In terms of adaptive immunity, both endogenous and exogenous antigens are being presented on MHCI and antibody production is likely enabled through direct B-cell stimulation with possible neutrophil help. Collectively, we have obtained novel insight in the orchestration of the Atlantic cod immune system and determined likely targets of F. noatunensis host-pathogen interactions