10,324 research outputs found

    Limitations for change detection in multiple Gabor targets

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    We investigate the limitations on the ability to detect when a target has changed, using Gabor targets as simple quantifiable stimuli. Using a partial report technique to equalise response variables, we show that the log of the Weber fraction for detecting a spatial frequency change is proportional to the log of the number of targets, with a set-size effect that is greater than that reported for visual search. This is not a simple perceptual limitation, because pre-cueing a single target out of four restores performance to the level found when only one target is present. It is argued that the primary limitation on performance is the division of attention across multiple targets, rather than decay within visual memory. However in a simplified change detection experiment without cueing, where only one target of the set changed, not only was the set size effect still larger, but it was greater at 2000 msec ISI than at 250 msec ISI, indicating a possible memory component. The steepness of the set size effects obtained suggests that even moderate complexity of a stimulus in terms of number of component objects can overload attentional processes, suggesting a possible low-level mechanism for change blindness

    Pruritus is a common feature in sheep infected with the BSE agent.

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    BACKGROUND: The variability in the clinical or pathological presentation of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in sheep, such as scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), has been attributed to prion protein genotype, strain, breed, clinical duration, dose, route and type of inoculum and the age at infection. The study aimed to describe the clinical signs in sheep infected with the BSE agent throughout its clinical course to determine whether the clinical signs were as variable as described for classical scrapie in sheep. The clinical signs were compared to BSE-negative sheep to assess if disease-specific clinical markers exist. RESULTS: Forty-seven (34%) of 139 sheep, which comprised 123 challenged sheep and 16 undosed controls, were positive for BSE. Affected sheep belonged to five different breeds and three different genotypes (ARQ/ARQ, VRQ/VRQ and AHQ/AHQ). None of the controls or BSE exposed sheep with ARR alleles were positive. Pruritus was present in 41 (87%) BSE positive sheep; the remaining six were judged to be pre-clinically infected. Testing of the response to scratching along the dorsum of a sheep proved to be a good indicator of clinical disease with a test sensitivity of 85% and specificity of 98% and usually coincided with weight loss. Clinical signs that were displayed significantly earlier in BSE positive cases compared to negative cases were behavioural changes, pruritic behaviour, a positive scratch test, alopecia, skin lesions, teeth grinding, tremor, ataxia, loss of weight and loss of body condition. The frequency and severity of each specific clinical sign usually increased with the progression of disease over a period of 16-20 weeks. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that BSE in sheep presents with relatively uniform clinical signs, with pruritus of increased severity and abnormalities in behaviour or movement as the disease progressed. Based on the studied sheep, these clinical features appear to be independent of breed, affected genotype, dose, route of inoculation and whether BSE was passed into sheep from cattle or from other sheep, suggesting that the clinical phenotype of BSE is influenced by the TSE strain more than by other factors. The clinical phenotype of BSE in the genotypes and breed studied was indistinguishable from that described for classical scrapie cases

    YouTube as a source of information for patients considering surgery for ulcerative colitis

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    © 2017 Elsevier Inc. Background With the range of health information online, assessing the resources that patients access may improve the content of preoperative information. Our aim was to assess the content of the most viewed videos on YouTube related to surgery for ulcerative colitis (UC). Methods YouTube was searched for videos containing information on surgery for UC. The 50 most viewed videos were identified and user interaction analyzed. Upload source was classified as patient, individual health care professional (HCP), or hospital/professional association. Video content was categorized using an inductive thematic analysis on a purposive sample list of videos. The overarching theme of each video was classified once data saturation was achieved. Results Thirty videos were uploaded by patients, 15 by hospitals and 5 by HCPs. Seventeen videos (34%) discussed life after surgery. Sixteen of these were uploaded by patients who had previously undergone surgery for UC. No videos of this theme were uploaded by HCPs. Ten videos (20%) described a number of different operations. Other themes identified were alternative health therapies (12%), colonoscopy (12%), life with UC (8%), miscellaneous (8%), and education for HCPs (6%). Patient uploaded videos had significantly more comments (P = 0.0079), with 28% of comments on patient videos being users requesting further information. Conclusions Understanding the sequelae of surgery is most important to preoperative patients. There are a lack of professional videos addressing this topic on YouTube. HCPs must participate in the production of videos and adapt preoperative consultations to address common preoperative concerns

    Experimental Validation of Plant Peroxisomal Targeting Prediction Algorithms by Systematic Comparison of In Vivo Import Efficiency and In Vitro PTS1 Binding Affinity

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    Most peroxisomal matrix proteins possess a C-terminal targeting signal type 1 (PTS1). Accurate prediction of functional PTS1 sequences and their relative strength by computational methods is essential for determination of peroxisomal proteomes in silico but has proved challenging due to high levels of sequence variability of non-canonical targeting signals, particularly in higher plants, and low levels of availability of experimentally validated non-canonical examples. In this study, in silico predictions were compared with in vivo targeting analyses and in vitro thermodynamic binding of mutated variants within the context of one model targeting sequence. There was broad agreement between the methods for entire PTS1 domains and position-specific single amino acid residues, including residues upstream of the PTS1 tripeptide. The hierarchy Leu>Met>Ile>Val at the C-terminal position was determined for all methods but both experimental approaches suggest that Tyr is underweighted in the prediction algorithm due to the absence of this residue in the positive training dataset. A combination of methods better defines the score range that discriminates a functional PTS1. In vitro binding to the PEX5 receptor could discriminate among strong targeting signals while in vivo targeting assays were more sensitive, allowing detection of weak functional import signals that were below the limit of detection in the binding assay. Together, the data provide a comprehensive assessment of the factors driving PTS1 efficacy and provide a framework for the more quantitative assessment of the protein import pathway in higher plants

    Hyperglycaemia and Ischaemia Impair Wound Healing via Toll-like Receptor 4 Pathway Activation in vitro and in an Experimental Murine Model

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    OBJECTIVE: Diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions. Foot ulceration is a multifactorial complication of diabetes associated with marked morbidity and mortality. Innate immune Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) mediated inflammation has been implicated in the systemic pathogenesis of diabetes and may contribute to impairment of wound healing. This study investigates the effect of high glucose and hypoxic conditions on TLR4 activation and signalling in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: Fibroblasts cultured at physiological glucose concentration (5.5 mM) were exposed to glucose concentrations from 0 mM to 25 mM, with duplicates placed in a hypoxic chamber. TLR4 inhibition was assessed in the 25 mM glucose groups. Diabetes was induced in wild type (WT) and TLR4 knockout (KO) C57BL/6 mice by intraperitoneal injection of low dose streptozocin (STZ). Hindlimb ischaemia was induced by femoral artery ligation four weeks post streptozocin, and a full thickness 4 mm skin wound inflicted below the knee. Wound healing was assessed via digital planimetry on days 3, 7, and 14 post surgery. RESULTS: Hypoxic and high glucose (25 mM) conditions led to an increase in TLR4 protein expression, apoptosis, and interleukin (IL)-6 release. Inhibition with a TLR4 neutralising antibody and specific TLR4 antagonist ameliorated the effects of high glucose and ischaemia (p < .05). In vivo, wound healing was significantly impaired in the diabetic ischaemic group at day 14 (p < .05). Diabetic ischaemic wounds in TLR4 KO mice exhibited significantly improved healing rates compared with those in WT mice at all time points. CONCLUSION: Hypoxia stimulates upregulation of TLR4 protein expression and this effect is exaggerated by hyperglycaemia. In TLR4 KO mice, there is a significant improvement in the healing of diabetic ischaemic wounds compared with WT. It is suggested that a synergistic effect between hypoxia and hyperglycaemia impairing wound healing exists, through TLR4 mediated inflammation

    Lifting the veil of depression and alcoholism in sport coaching: how do we care for carers?

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    The purpose of this article is to explore the insights of an elite sport coach living with comorbid depression and alcohol misuse. Such consideration is necessary because as coaching is increasingly repositioned as a caring activity the wellbeing of coaches themselves has rarely been considered. To address this gap, a narrative analysis methodology and a story telling approach was used to present the experiences of a case study coach (Steve). The story is derived from Steve’s own perspective and the perspective of his wife, Jane. This novel multi-voiced approach reveals the complex interplay between the sporting environment, Steve’s depression and his alcohol related problems. In doing so, Steve’s story makes an original contribution by unveiling the issue of mental health in elite sport coaching. Steve’s story depicts the significant impact of depressive symptoms, coupled by excessive alcohol use on a coach, their personal life, and their career. Using the work of Goffman and Sartre, the story alludes to how such symptoms can be hidden, to greater and lesser extents, from professional colleagues. This is an important theoretical contribution, because to care for coaches, colleagues, employers, and health professionals will need to understand the needs of individuals such as Steve. Developing an open and supportive culture, which accepts that coaches are fallible, may however be a challenge within professional sport contexts

    A rapid flow cytometric technique for the detection of platelet-monocyte complexes, activated platelets and platelet-derived microparticles

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    Platelet activation occurs in a variety of clinical situations in which it directly contributes to the pathology. This study reports a simple flow cytometric assay for platelet activation which measures platelet-derived microparticles, activated platelets and platelet–monocyte complexes. Pre- and post analytical conditions were investigated and optimized and a normal range established on 20 healthy controls. Twenty patients pre- and post percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) were tested with the technique. Soluble activation markers sCD40 ligand and sPselectin and plasma phospholipid levels were measured in both groups. There was a significant increase in activated platelets and platelet– monocyte complexes between normal and pre-PCI (P = 0.005 and 0.0275, respectively) suggesting an activated state. There was a significant fall in activated platelets post-PCI (P = 0.0027) which was mirrored by a fall in soluble CD40 ligand, soluble P-selectin and plasma phospholipid levels (P = 0.0066, <0.0001 and 0.0032, respectively) consistent with antiplatelet therapy administered during the process. This is a reliable and rapid method for the assessment of ex vivo platelet activation which may be an aid in diagnosis and help guide therapy for patients with thrombotic disease

    Characteristics in stages of change and decisional balance among smokers: The burden of obstructive lung diseases (BOLD)-Australia study

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    Smoking cessation remains a health promotion target. Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Australian Burden of Obstructive Lung Diseases (BOLD) data, we examined differences in stages of change (SoC) and readiness to quit decisional behaviours. Factors were identified likely to influence readiness of smokers, ≥40 years old, to quit. Analysis was restricted to current smokers classified to one of three stages: pre-contemplation (PC), contemplation (C) or preparation (P) to quit. Their ability to balance positive and negative consequences was measured using decisional balance. Among 314 smokers, 43.0% females and 60.8% overweight/obese, the distribution of SoC was: 38.1% PC, 38.3% C and 23.5% P. Overweight/obesity was associated with readiness to quit in stages C and P and there were more negative than positive attitudes towards smoking in those stages. Males were significantly heavier smokers in PC and C stages. Females used smoking cessation medication more frequently in PC stage, were more embarrassed about smoking and had greater negative reinforcements from smoking. Age started smoking and factors related to smoking history were associated with readiness to quit and increased the odds of being in stage C or P. An overweight/obese smoker was likely to be contemplating or preparing to quit. In these stages, smokers have more negative attitudes toward smoking. Starting smoking later, taking advice on cessation from health providers and using quit medications indicate increased readiness to quit. Evaluating these factors in smokers and developing cessation gain-framed messages may prove useful to healthcare providers