1,145 research outputs found

    Quantification of neurodegeneration by measurement of brain-specific proteins

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    Quantification of neurodegeneration in animal models is typically assessed by time-consuming and observer-dependent immunocytochemistry. This study aimed to investigate if newly developed ELISA techniques could provide an observer-independent, cost-effective and time-saving tool for this purpose. Neurofilament heavy chain (NfH(SM135)), astrocytic glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), S100B and ferritin, markers of axonal loss, gliosis, astrocyte activation and microglial activation, respectively, were quantified in the spinal cord homogenates of mice with chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (CREAE, n=8) and controls (n=7). Levels of GFAP were found to be threefold elevated in CREAE (13 ng/mg protein) when compared to control animals (4.5 ng/mg protein, p<0.001). The inverse was observed for NfH(SM135) (21 ng/mg protein vs. 63 ng/mg protein, p<0.001), ferritin (542 ng/mg protein vs. 858 ng/mg protein, p<0.001) and S100B (786 ng/mg protein vs. 2080 ng/mg protein, N.S.). These findings were confirmed by immunocytochemistry, which demonstrated intense staining for GFAP and decreased staining for NfH(SM135) in CREAE compared to control animals. These findings indicate that axonal loss and gliosis can be estimated biochemically using the newly developed ELISA assays for NfH(SM135) and GFAP. These assays may facilitate the quantification of pathological features involved in neurodegeneration

    Long and short range magnetism in the frustrated double perovskite Ba2MnWO6

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    The structural and magnetic properties of the face-centered cubic double perovskite Ba2MnWO6 were investigated using neutron powder diffraction, DC-magnetometry, muon spin relaxation and inelastic neutron scattering. Ba2MnWO6 undergoes Type II long-range antiferromagnetic ordering at a Neel temperature of 8(1) K with a frustration index, f = 8. Inelastic neutron scattering was used to identify the magnetic coupling constants J1 and J2, which were found to equal -0.080 meV and -0.076 meV respectively. This indicated that both of the magnetic coupling constants were antiferromagnetic with similar magnitudes, which is in contrast to other known 3d metal double perovskites Ba2MWO6. Above the Neel temperature, muon spin relaxation measurements and inelastic neutron scattering techniques identify a short-range correlated magnetic state that is similar to that observed in the archetypical face-centered cubic lattice antiferromagnet MnO

    From microscopic to macroscopic descriptions of cell\ud migration on growing domains

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    Cell migration and growth are essential components of the development of multicellular organisms. The role of various cues in directing cell migration is widespread, in particular, the role of signals in the environment in the control of cell motility and directional guidance. In many cases, especially in developmental biology, growth of the domain also plays a large role in the distribution of cells and, in some cases, cell or signal distribution may actually drive domain growth. There is a ubiquitous use of partial differential equations (PDEs) for modelling the time evolution of cellular density and environmental cues. In the last twenty years, a lot of attention has been devoted to connecting macroscopic PDEs with more detailed microscopic models of cellular motility, including models of directional sensing and signal transduction pathways. However, domain growth is largely omitted in the literature. In this paper, individual-based models describing cell movement and domain growth are studied, and correspondence with a macroscopic-level PDE describing the evolution of cell density is demonstrated. The individual-based models are formulated in terms of random walkers on a lattice. Domain growth provides an extra mathematical challenge by making the lattice size variable over time. A reaction-diffusion master equation formalism is generalised to the case of growing lattices and used in the derivation of the macroscopic PDEs

    Na1.5La1.5TeO6:Na+ conduction in a novel Na-rich double perovskite

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    Increasing demand for lithium batteries for automotive applications, coupled with the necessity to move to large-scale energy storage systems, is driving a push towards new technologies and has seen Na-ion batteries emerge as a leading alternative to Li-ion. Amongst these, all solid-state configurations represent a promising route to achieving higher energy densities and increased safety. Remaining challenges include the need for Na+ solid electrolytes with the requisite ionic conductivities crucial for use in a solid-state cell. Here, we present the novel Na-rich double perovskite, Na1.5La1.5TeO6. The transport properties, explored at the macroscopic and local level, reveal a low activation energy barrier for Na+ diffusion and great promise for use as an electrolyte for all solid-state Na-batteries

    A mechanism for morphogen-controlled domain growth

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    Many developmental systems are organised via the action of graded distributions of morphogens. In the Drosophila wing disc, for example, recent experimental evidence has shown that graded expression of the morphogen Dpp controls cell proliferation and hence disc growth. Our goal is to explore a simple model for regulation of wing growth via the Dpp gradient: we use a system of reaction-diffusion equations to model the dynamics of Dpp and its receptor Tkv, with advection arising as a result of the flow generated by cell proliferation. We analyse the model both numerically and analytically, showing that uniform domain growth across the disc produces an exponentially growing wing disc

    Choice Architecture for Healthier Insurance Choices: Ordering and Partitioning Can Improve Decisions

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    Health insurance decisions are a challenge for many consumers and influence welfare, health outcomes, and longevity. Two choice architecture tools are examined that can improve these decisions: informed ordering of options (from best to worst) and choice set partitioning. It is hypothesized that these tools can improve choices by changing: (1) decision focus: the options in a set on which consumers focus their attention, and (2) decision strategy: how consumers integrate the different attributes that make up the options. The first experiment focuses on the mediating role of the hypothesized decision processes on consumer decision outcomes. The outcome results are validated further in a field study of over 40,000 consumers making actual health insurance choices and in two additional experiments. The results show that informed ordering and partitioning can reduce consumers’ mistakes by hundreds of dollars per year. They suggest that wise choice architecture interventions depend upon two factors: The quality of the user model possessed by the firm to predict consumers’ best choice and possible interactions among the ensemble of choice architecture tools

    Resummation of Nonalternating Divergent Perturbative Expansions

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    A method for the resummation of nonalternating divergent perturbation series is described. The procedure constitutes a generalization of the Borel-Pad\'{e} method. Of crucial importance is a special integration contour in the complex plane. Nonperturbative imaginary contributions can be inferred from the purely real perturbative coefficients. A connection is drawn from the quantum field theoretic problem of resummation to divergent perturbative expansions in other areas of physics.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, 2 tables, 1 figure; discussion of the Carleman criterion added; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    No net loss for people and biodiversity

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    Governments, businesses, and lenders worldwide are adopting an objective of no net loss (NNL) of biodiversity that is often partly achieved through biodiversity offsetting within a hierarchy of mitigation actions. Offsets aim to balance residual losses of biodiversity caused by development in one location with commensurate gains at another. Although ecological challenges to achieve NNL are debated, the associated gains and losses for local stakeholders have received less attention. International best practice calls for offsets to make people no worse off than before implementation of the project, but there is a lack of clarity concerning how to achieve this with regard to people's use and nonuse values for biodiversity, especially given the inevitable trade‐offs when compensating biodiversity losses with gains elsewhere. This is particularly challenging for countries where poor people depend on natural resources. Badly planned offsets can exacerbate poverty, and development and offset impacts can vary across spatial‐temporal scales and by location, gender, and livelihood. We conceptualize the no‐worse‐off principle in the context of NNL of biodiversity, by exploring for whom and how the principle can be achieved. Changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of biodiversity‐related social impacts of a development and its associated offset can lead to social inequity and negatively impact people's well‐being. The level of aggregation (regional, village, interest group, household, and individual) at which these social impacts are measured and balanced can again exacerbate inequity in a system. We propose that a determination that people are no worse off, and preferably better off, after a development and biodiversity offset project than they were before the project should be based on the perceptions of project‐affected people (assessed at an appropriate level of aggregation); that their well‐being associated with biodiversity losses and gains should be at least as good as it was before the project; and that this level of well‐being should be maintained throughout the project life cycle. Employing this principle could help ensure people are no worse off as a result of interventions to achieve biodiversity NNL

    Methane release from gas hydrates in the Rock Garden of the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand

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    Dissolved methane and high resolution bathymetry surveys were conducted over the Rock Garden region of Ritchie Ridge, along the Hikurangi margin, eastern New Zealand. Multibeam bathymetry reveals two prominent, northeast trending ridges, parallel to subduction along the margin, that are steep sided and extensively slumped. Elevated concentrations of methane (up to 10 nM, 10× background) within the water column are associated with a slump structure at the southern end of Eastern Rock Garden. The anomalous methane concentrations were detected by a methane sensor (METS) attached to a conductivity‐temperature‐depth‐optical backscatter device (CTDO) and are associated with elevated light scattering and flare‐shaped backscatter signals revealed by the ship's echo sounder. Increased particulate matter in the water column, possibly related to the seepage and/or higher rates of erosion near slump structures, is considered to be the cause of the increased light scattering, rather than bubbles in the water column. Methane concentrations calculated from the METS are in good agreement with concentrations measured by gas chromatography in water samples collected at the same time. However, there is a c. 20 min (c. 900 m) delay in the METS signal reaching maximum CH4 concentrations. The maximum methane concentration occurs near the plateau of Eastern Rock Garden close to the edge of a slump, at 610 m below sea level (mbsl). This is close to the depth (c. 630 mbsl) where a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) pinches out at the seafloor. Fluctuating water temperatures observed in previous studies indicate that the stability zone for pure methane hydrate in the ocean varies between 630 and 710 mbsl. However, based on calculations of the geothermal gradients from BSRs, we suggest gas hydrate in the study area to be more stable than hydrate from pure methane in sea water, moving the phase boundary in the ocean upward. Small fractions of additional higher order hydrocarbon gases are the most likely cause for increased hydrate stability. Relatively high methane concentrations have been measured down to c. 1000 mbsl, most likely in response to sediment slumping caused by gas hydrate destabilisation of the sediments and/or marking seepage through the gas hydrate zone

    Developmental contexts and features of elite academy football players: Coach and player perspectives

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    Player profiling can reap many benefits; through reflective coach-athlete dialogue that produces a profile the athlete has a raised awareness of their own development, while the coach has an opportunity to understand the athlete's viewpoint. In this study, we explored how coaches and players perceived the development features of an elite academy footballer and the contexts in which these features are revealed, in order to develop a player profile to be used for mentoring players. Using a Delphi polling technique, coaches and players experienced a number of 'rounds' of expressing their opinions regarding player development contexts and features, ultimately reduced into a consensus. Players and coaches had differing priorities on the key contexts of player development. These contexts, when they reflect the consensus between players and coaches were heavily dominated by ability within the game and training. Personal, social, school, and lifestyle contexts featured less prominently. Although 'discipline' was frequently mentioned as an important player development feature, coaches and players disagreed on the importance of 'training'
