3,512 research outputs found

    Uterine spiral artery remodeling involves endothelial apoptosis induced by extravillous trophoblasts through Fas/FasL interactions.

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    Objective— Invasion of uterine spiral arteries by extravillous trophoblasts in the first trimester of pregnancy results in loss of endothelial and musculoelastic layers. This remodeling is crucial for an adequate blood supply to the fetus with a failure to remodel implicated in the etiology of the hypertensive disorder preeclampsia. The mechanism by which trophoblasts induce this key process is unknown. This study gives the first insights into the potential mechanisms involved. Methods and Results— Spiral arteries were dissected from nonplacental bed biopsies obtained at Caesarean section, and a novel model was used to mimic in vivo events. Arteries were cultured with trophoblasts in the lumen, and apoptotic changes in the endothelial layer were detected after 20 hours, leading to loss of endothelium by 96 hours. In vitro, coculture experiments showed that trophoblasts stimulated apoptosis of primary decidual endothelial cells and an endothelial cell line. This was blocked by caspase inhibition and NOK2, a FasL blocking antibody. NOK2 also abrogated trophoblast-induced endothelial apoptosis in the vessel model. Conclusions— Extravillous trophoblast induction of endothelial apoptosis is a possible mechanism by which the endothelium is removed, and vascular remodeling may occur in uterine spiral arteries. Fas/FasL interactions have an important role in trophoblast-induced endothelial apoptosis

    Vocal Communications and the Maintenance of Population Specific Songs in a Contact Zone

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    Bird song has been hypothesized to play a role in several important aspects of the biology of songbirds, including the generation of taxonomic diversity by speciation; however, the role that song plays in speciation within this group may be dependent upon the ability of populations to maintain population specific songs or calls in the face of gene flow and external cultural influences. Here, in an exploratory study, we construct a spatially explicit model of population movement to examine the consequences of secondary contact of populations singing distinct songs. We concentrate on two broad questions: 1) will population specific songs be maintained in a contact zone or will they be replaced by shared song, and 2) what spatial patterns in the distribution of songs may result from contact? We examine the effects of multiple factors including song-based mating preferences and movement probabilities, oblique versus paternal learning of song, and both cultural and genetic mutations. We find a variety of conditions under which population specific songs can be maintained, particularly when females have preferences for their population specific songs, and we document many distinct patterns of song distribution within the contact zone, including clines, banding, and mosaics

    Modeling the Measurements of Cochlear Microcirculation and Hearing Function after Loud Noise

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    Objective: Recent findings support the crucial role of microcirculatory disturbance and ischemia for hearing impairment especially after noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). The aim of this study was to establish an animal model for in vivo analysis of cochlear microcirculation and hearing function after a loud noise to allow precise measurements of both parameters in vivo. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Animal study. Subjects and Methods: After assessment of normacusis (0 minutes) using evoked auditory brainstem responses (ABRs), noise (106-dB sound pressure level [SPL]) was applied to both ears in 6 guinea pigs for 30 minutes while unexposed animals served as controls. In vivo fluorescence microscopy of the stria vascularis capillaries was performed after surgical exposure of 1 cochlea. ABR measurements were derived from the contralateral ear. Results: After noise exposure, red blood cell velocity was reduced significantly by 24.3% (120 minutes) and further decreased to 44.5% at the end of the observation (210 minutes) in contrast to stable control measurements. Vessel diameters were not affected in both groups. A gradual decrease of segmental blood flow became significant (38.1%) after 150 minutes compared with controls. Hearing thresholds shifted significantly from 20.0 ± 5.5 dB SPL (0 minutes) to 32.5 ± 4.2dB SPL (60 minutes) only in animals exposed to loud noise. Conclusion: With regard to novel treatments targeting the stria vascularis in NIHL, this standardized model allows us to analyze in detail cochlear microcirculation and hearing function in vivo

    Complex-Distance Potential Theory and Hyperbolic Equations

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    An extension of potential theory in R^n is obtained by continuing the Euclidean distance function holomorphically to C^n. The resulting Newtonian potential is generated by an extended source distribution D(z) in C^n whose restriction to R^n is the delta function. This provides a natural model for extended particles in physics. In C^n, interpreted as complex spacetime, D(z) acts as a propagator generating solutions of the wave equation from their initial values. This gives a new connection between elliptic and hyperbolic equations that does not assume analyticity of the Cauchy data. Generalized to Clifford analysis, it induces a similar connection between solutions of elliptic and hyperbolic Dirac equations. There is a natural application to the time-dependent, inhomogeneous Dirac and Maxwell equations, and the `electromagnetic wavelets' introduced previously are an example.Comment: 25 pages, submited to Proceedings of 5th Intern. Conf. on Clifford Algebras, Ixtapa, June 24 - July 4, 199

    Genomic comparisons of Escherichia coli ST131 from Australia.

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    Escherichia coli ST131 is a globally dispersed extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli lineage contributing significantly to hospital and community acquired urinary tract and bloodstream infections. Here we describe a detailed phylogenetic analysis of the whole genome sequences of 284 Australian ST131 E. coli isolates from diverse sources, including clinical, food and companion animals, wildlife and the environment. Our phylogeny and the results of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis show the typical ST131 clade distribution with clades A, B and C clearly displayed, but no niche associations were observed. Indeed, interspecies relatedness was a feature of this study. Thirty-five isolates (29 of human and six of wild bird origin) from clade A (32 fimH41, 2 fimH89, 1 fimH141) were observed to differ by an average of 76 SNPs. Forty-five isolates from clade C1 from four sources formed a cluster with an average of 46 SNPs. Within this cluster, human sourced isolates differed by approximately 37 SNPs from isolates sourced from canines, approximately 50 SNPs from isolates from wild birds, and approximately 52 SNPs from isolates from wastewater. Many ST131 carried resistance genes to multiple antibiotic classes and while 41 (14 %) contained the complete class one integron-integrase intI1, 128 (45 %) isolates harboured a truncated intI1 (462-1014 bp), highlighting the ongoing evolution of this element. The module intI1-dfrA17-aadA5-qacEΔ1-sul1-ORF-chrA-padR-IS1600-mphR-mrx-mphA, conferring resistance to trimethoprim, aminoglycosides, quaternary ammonium compounds, sulphonamides, chromate and macrolides, was the most common structure. Most (73 %) Australian ST131 isolates carry at least one extended spectrum β-lactamase gene, typically bla CTX-M-15 and bla CTX-M-27. Notably, dual parC-1aAB and gyrA-1AB fluoroquinolone resistant mutations, a unique feature of clade C ST131 isolates, were identified in some clade A isolates. The results of this study indicate that the the ST131 population in Australia carries diverse antimicrobial resistance genes and plasmid replicons and indicate cross-species movement of ST131 strains across diverse reservoirs

    Towards an automated analysis of bacterial peptidoglycan structure.

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    Peptidoglycan (PG) is an essential component of the bacterial cell envelope. This macromolecule consists of glycan chains alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid, cross-linked by short peptides containing nonstandard amino acids. Structural analysis of PG usually involves enzymatic digestion of glycan strands and separation of disaccharide peptides by reversed-phase HPLC followed by collection of individual peaks for MALDI-TOF and/or tandem mass spectrometry. Here, we report a novel strategy using shotgun proteomics techniques for a systematic and unbiased structural analysis of PG using high-resolution mass spectrometry and automated analysis of HCD and ETD fragmentation spectra with the Byonic software. Using the PG of the nosocomial pathogen Clostridium difficile as a proof of concept, we show that this high-throughput approach allows the identification of all PG monomers and dimers previously described, leaving only disambiguation of 3-3 and 4-3 cross-linking as a manual step. Our analysis confirms previous findings that C. difficile peptidoglycans include mainly deacetylated N-acetylglucosamine residues and 3-3 cross-links. The analysis also revealed a number of low abundance muropeptides with peptide sequences not previously reported. Graphical Abstract The bacterial cell envelope includes plasma membrane, peptidoglycan, and surface layer. Peptidoglycan is unique to bacteria and the target of the most important antibiotics; here it is analyzed by mass spectrometry
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