2,268 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Solution for Systems of Linear Equations, in O(mn)\mathcal{O}(mn) time

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    We present a novel algorithm attaining excessively fast, the sought solution of linear systems of equations. The algorithm is short in its basic formulation and, by definition, vectorized, while the memory allocation demands are trivial, because, for each iteration, only one dimension of the given input matrix X\mathbf X is utilized. The execution time is very short compared with state-of-the-art methods, exhibiting >×102> \times 10^2 speed-up and low memory allocation demands, especially for non-square Systems of Linear Equations, with ratio of equations versus features high (tall systems), or low (wide systems) accordingly. The accuracy is high and straightforwardly controlled, and the numerical results highlight the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, in terms of computation time, solution accuracy and memory demands. The paper also comprises a theoretical proof for the algorithmic convergence, and we extend the implementation of the proposed algorithmic rationale to feature selection tasks

    Gradient flows and instantons at a Lifshitz point

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    I provide a broad framework to embed gradient flow equations in non-relativistic field theory models that exhibit anisotropic scaling. The prime example is the heat equation arising from a Lifshitz scalar field theory; other examples include the Allen-Cahn equation that models the evolution of phase boundaries. Then, I review recent results reported in arXiv:1002.0062 describing instantons of Horava-Lifshitz gravity as eternal solutions of certain geometric flow equations on 3-manifolds. These instanton solutions are in general chiral when the anisotropic scaling exponent is z=3. Some general connections with the Onsager-Machlup theory of non-equilibrium processes are also briefly discussed in this context. Thus, theories of Lifshitz type in d+1 dimensions can be used as off-shell toy models for dynamical vacuum selection of relativistic field theories in d dimensions.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, contribution to conference proceedings (NEB14); minor typos corrected in v

    Rational W W algebras from composite operators

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    Factoring out the spin 11 subalgebra of a W W algebra leads to a new W W structure which can be seen either as a rational finitely generated W W algebra or as a polynomial non-linear W W_\infty realization.Comment: 11 pages, LATEX, preprint ENSLAPP-AL-429/93 and NORDITA-93/47-

    Rational vs Polynomial Character of Wnl_n^l-Algebras

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    The constraints proposed recently by Bershadsky to produce WnlW^l_n algebras are a mixture of first and second class constraints and are degenerate. We show that they admit a first-class subsystem from which they can be recovered by gauge-fixing, and that the non-degenerate constraints can be handled by previous methods. The degenerate constraints present a new situation in which the natural primary field basis for the gauge-invariants is rational rather than polynomial. We give an algorithm for constructing the rational basis and converting the base elements to polynomials.Comment: 18 page

    BPS Solutions and New Phases of Finite-Temperature Strings

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    All high-temperature phases of the known N=4 superstrings in five dimensions can be described by the universal thermal potential of an effective four-dimensional supergravity. This theory, in addition to three moduli s, t, u, contains non-trivial winding modes that become massless in certain regions of the thermal moduli space, triggering the instabilities at the Hagedorn temperature. In this context, we look for exact domain wall solutions of first order BPS equations. These solutions preserve half of the supersymmetries, in contrast to the usual finite-temperature weak-coupling approximation, and as such may constitute a new phase of finite-temperature superstrings. We present exact solutions for the type-IIA and type-IIB theories and for a self-dual hybrid type-II theory. While for the heterotic case the general solution cannot be given in closed form, we still present a complete picture and a detailed analysis of the behaviour around the weak and strong coupling limits and around certain critical points. In all cases these BPS solutions have no instabilities at any temperature. Finally, we address the physical meaning of the resulting geometries within the contexts of supergravity and string theory.Comment: 47 pages, 3 eps figures, Latex, version to be published in Nucl. Phys. B, one refernce added, minor correction

    Nonholonomic Ricci Flows and Running Cosmological Constant: I. 4D Taub-NUT Metrics

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    In this work we construct and analyze exact solutions describing Ricci flows and nonholonomic deformations of four dimensional (4D) Taub-NUT spacetimes. It is outlined a new geometric techniques of constructing Ricci flow solutions. Some conceptual issues on spacetimes provided with generic off-diagonal metrics and associated nonlinear connection structures are analyzed. The limit from gravity/Ricci flow models with nontrivial torsion to configurations with the Levi-Civita connection is allowed in some specific physical circumstances by constraining the class of integral varieties for the Einstein and Ricci flow equations.Comment: latex2e, final variant to be published in IJMP

    An N=1 Supersymmetric Coulomb Flow

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    We find a three-parameter family of solutions to IIB supergravity that corresponds to N=1 supersymmetric holographic RG flows of N=4 supersymmetric Yang Mills theory. This family of solutions allows one to give a mass to a single chiral superfield, and to probe a two-dimensional subspace of the Coulomb branch. In particular, we examine part of the Coulomb branch of the Leigh-Strassler fixed point. We look at the infra-red asymptotics of these flows from the ten-dimensional perspective. We also make general conjectures for the lifting Ansatz of five-dimensional scalar configurations to ten-dimensional tensor gauge fields. Our solution provides a highly non-trivial test of these conjectures.Comment: 13 pages; harvma

    Supersymmetry and finite-temperature strings

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    We describe finite temperature N=4 superstrings in D=5 by an effective four-dimensional supergravity of the thermal winding modes that can become tachyonic and trigger the instabilities at the Hagedorn temperature. Using a domain-wall ansatz, exact solutions to special BPS-type first order equations are found. They preserve half of the supersymmetries, contrary to the standard perturbative superstring at finite temperature that breaks all supersymmetries. Our solutions show no indication of any tachyonic instability and provide evidence for a new BPS phase of finite temperature superstrings that is stable for all temperatures. This would have important consequences for a stringy description of the early universe.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, To appear in the proceedings of The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, July 2-8, 200