41 research outputs found

    War of the Worlds: Music and Cosmological Battles in the Balinese Cremation Procession

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    Abstract This article explores processional action as a form of cosmological intervention in Hindu-Balinese cremation processions, focusing on the multiple and intersecting functions of a particular type of Balinese instrumental music ensemble: the gamelan beleganjur. It explores the alternately “enlivening and protective aspects” (DeVale 1990, 62) that underlie the use of beleganjur music in the ngaben, or cremation ritual, showing how beleganjur’s sonic power and rhythmic drive serve to combat malevolent spirit beings, strengthen and inspire processional participants in their efforts to meet challenging ritual obligations, and grant courage to the souls of deceased individuals embarking on their perilous afterlife journeys

    The Musicality of Stimming: Promoting Neurodiversity in the Ethnomusicology of Autism

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    In the symptomatology of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), the practice of “odd, unusual, or repetitive behaviors” such as hand flapping and body rocking is referred to as stimming (Hammel and Hourigan 2013: 75). Stimming is routinely cast as problematic and targeted for reduction or elimination in therapeutic modalities for autistic individuals, including music therapy. In an alternate frame of reference grounded in the epistemological foundations of neurodiversity, however, stimming is subject to a very different kind of interpretation in which such behaviours are embraced as productive, communicative, pleasurable and even socially valuable for those who perform them—as manifestations of difference, not symptoms of deficit. This mode of interpretation forms the basis of the present article, which highlights the words and views of a 10-year-old girl on the autism spectrum who plays music and stims, and which more broadly draws upon theoretical and methodological premises of ethnomusicology to advance a neurodiverse perspective on autism.Résumé: Dans la symptomatologie des troubles du spectre autistique (TSA), les « comportements étranges, inhabituels ou répétitifs » tels que les battements de main ou le balancement du corps sont appelés gestes répétitifs ou stimming (Hammel et Hourigan 2013 : 75). Ces gestes répétitifs sont le plus souvent considérés comme problématiques et les modalités thérapeutiques, y compris la thérapie musicale, s’efforcent de les réduire ou de les éliminer chez les individus autistes. Mais dans un cadre de référence alternatif, issu des fondements épistémologiques de la neurodiversité, les gestes répétitifs font l’objet d’une interprétation totalement différente, à savoir que ces comportements sont considérés comme productifs, communicatifs, sources de plaisir, voire même comme ayant une valeur sociale pour ceux qui s’y livrent, en tant que manifestations de la différence et non comme symptômes d’un handicap. Ce mode d’interprétation constitue la base de cet article qui souligne, sur le spectre de l’autisme, les mots et les points de vue d’une petite fille de dix ans qui joue de la musique et fait des gestes répétitifs ; cet article, plus largement, se fonde sur les prémisses théoriques et méthodologiques de l’ethnomusicologie pour proposer un nouveau point de vue sur l’autisme, incluant la neurodiversité

    Changes in Dynamics upon Oligomerization Regulate Substrate Binding and Allostery in Amino Acid Kinase Family Members

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    Oligomerization is a functional requirement for many proteins. The interfacial interactions and the overall packing geometry of the individual monomers are viewed as important determinants of the thermodynamic stability and allosteric regulation of oligomers. The present study focuses on the role of the interfacial interactions and overall contact topology in the dynamic features acquired in the oligomeric state. To this aim, the collective dynamics of enzymes belonging to the amino acid kinase family both in dimeric and hexameric forms are examined by means of an elastic network model, and the softest collective motions (i.e., lowest frequency or global modes of motions) favored by the overall architecture are analyzed. Notably, the lowest-frequency modes accessible to the individual subunits in the absence of multimerization are conserved to a large extent in the oligomer, suggesting that the oligomer takes advantage of the intrinsic dynamics of the individual monomers. At the same time, oligomerization stiffens the interfacial regions of the monomers and confers new cooperative modes that exploit the rigid-body translational and rotational degrees of freedom of the intact monomers. The present study sheds light on the mechanism of cooperative inhibition of hexameric N-acetyl-L-glutamate kinase by arginine and on the allosteric regulation of UMP kinases. It also highlights the significance of the particular quaternary design in selectively determining the oligomer dynamics congruent with required ligand-binding and allosteric activities

    Humblebragging: A Distinct And Ineffective Self-Presentation Strategy

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    World music traditions and transformations second edition

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    Dalam menulis buku ini dan menghasilkan sumber daya yang menyertainya, saya telah mencoba untuk menciptakan sebuah karya yang menarik, jelas, dan mudah diakses sehingga instruktur perguruan tinggi dan universitas dari berbagai latar belakang dapat digunakan untuk menjadikan dunia musik sebagai kendaraan eksplorasi, penemuan, stimulasi intelektual, dan menyenangkan bagi siswa mereka. Bagi saya, bentuk musik yang beragam dan selalu berubah di dunia masuk ke dalam pengalaman menyenangkan, pertumbuhan intelektual, kasih sayang dan empati, pemahaman antar budaya, dan apresiasi yang mendalam terhadap kualitas kreativitas, ketahanan, akal, dan kemanusiaan yang melekat yang menghubungkan orang. dimana mana. Saya mengajar musik karena saya ingin berbagi musik apa yang telah diajarkan kepada saya. Yang lebih penting lagi, saya mengajar karena saya percaya bahwa mengalami dan belajar tentang musik dari perspektif global dapat mengilhami murid-murid saya untuk menemukan sumber daya dan potensi berharga bagi pertumbuhan, pertunangan, komitmen, dan pengembangan cita-cita kemanusiaan. Masuk ke dalam musik dan melihat bagaimana cara kerjanya, bagaimana cara hidup, dan apa yang membuatnya bermakna memungkinkan siswa mengembangkan cakrawala mereka dan lebih menghargai keragaman dan multikulturalisme di dunia kontemporer. Ini juga memegang kapasitas untuk memperkaya rasa mereka dan apa yang sebenarnya penting. Dalam menawarkan buku ini kepada rekan-rekan guru musik dunia dan murid-murid kami, semoga saya dapat menyumbangkan sesuatu yang bernilai bagi aspirasi bersama kami dalam pencarian in

    Ethnomusikologische Perspektiven auf Autismus, Neurodiversität und Musiktherapie

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    In diesem Artikel, schlage ich vor, dass ein provisorischer Paradigmenwechsel von Behinderung als Pathologie zu Behinderung als Neurodiversität das Potential hat, die epistemologischen Orientierungen der Musiktherapie produktiv zu resituieren, sowohl als Forschungsfeld als auch als Praxisfeld. Mit Bezug auf meine Arbeit zur Ethnomusikologie von Autismus, Forschung und Schriften innerhalb von Disability Studies und autistischen Self-Advocacy Gruppen schlage ich vor, dass die relativistischen Grundlagen der Ethnomusikologie eine potentiell nützliche Alternative und Ergänzung zu der prinzipiell auf Behandlung ausgerichteten Grundlagen der Musiktherapie sind.Neste artigo eu sugiro que uma mudança interina de paradigma de deficiência como patologia para deficiência como neurodiversidade tem o potenc ial de reorientar produtivamente as orientações epistemológicas da musicoterapia, tanto do campo de investigação quanto no domínio da prática. Eu argumento a partir de meu próprio trabalho na etnomusicologia do autismo, assim como de pesquisas e escritos de estudos da deficiência e auto-advocacia do autismo, propondo que as bases relativistas da etnomusicologia oferecem uma alternativa potencialmente útil e complementar especialmente às bases da musicoterapia.In questo articolo, suggerisco che un cambio di paradigma provvisorio dalla disabilità come patologia alla disabilità come neurodiversità, ha il potenziale per ricollocare in modo produttivo gli orientamenti epistemologici della musicoterapia, sia come campo di indagine, sia come dominio di pratica. Dal mio lavoro sull’etnomusicologia dell’autismo, come anche dalla ricerca scritta e dagli studi sulla disabilità e sull’autodifesa autistica, traggo la proposta di come i fondamenti relativistici dell’etnomusicologia offrano un’alternativa potenzialmente utile e complementare ai fondamenti che dirigono trattamento di musicoterapia.この論文では、病理としての障がいから神経多様性としての障がいへの暫定的なパラダイム移行が、音楽療法の認識論的姿勢を、研究領域においても実践分野においても、生産的な方向へ再位置づけする可能性について述べたいと思う。自閉症の民族音楽学に関する私自身のしごとや、障がい学及び自閉症の自己の主張に関する研究と記述を用いて、民族音楽学の相対主義的基盤が、音楽療法の主に治療方向的な基盤に対する有用な代替・補完となる可能性ついて提案したい。In this article, I suggest that a provisional paradigm shift from disability as pathology to disability as neurodiversity has the potential to productively resituate the epistemological orientations of music therapy, both as a field of inquiry and a domain of practice. I draw from my own work on the ethnomusicology of autism, as well as from research and writings in disability studies and autistic self-advocacy, in proposing that the relativistic foundations of ethnomusicology offer a potentially useful alternative and complement to the principally treatment-directed foundations of music therapy.Dans cet article, je suggère qu'un changement de paradigme provisoire de handicap comme pathologie au handicap comme neurodiversité a le potentiel de deplacer productivement les orientations épistémologiques de la musicothérapie, à la fois comme un champ d'enquête et un domaine de pratique. Je tire de mon propre travail sur le ethnomusicologie de l'autisme, ainsi que de recherches et ses écrits dans les études d'invalidité et auto-défense autistique, en proposant que les fondements relativistes de l'ethnomusicologie offrent une alternative potentiellement utiles et complémentaires pour les fondations principalement de traitement dirigé de la musicothérapie