145 research outputs found

    Oligoszacharid-fehérje konjugátumok előállítása

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    1. Módszereket dolgoztunk ki mikobaktériumok sejtfelszíni glikopeptidolipid típusú antigénjei pentaszacharid haptenjeinek szintézisére. Ehhez szükség volt új eljárások kidolgozasara különböző dezoxiazido cukrok szintézisére, és a megfelelő glikozilezesi szekvenciák kidolgozására. 2. Megvizsgáltuk az NDMM védőcsoport alkalmazhatóságát 2-dezoxi-2-aminocukrok védésére glikozilezesi reakciókban. Az eredményeket a Shigella sonnei O-specifikus poliszacharid fragmenseinek előállítására kivántuk használni. MALDI TOF technikát alkalmazva vizsgáltuk a szintetizált di-, tri- és tetraszacharid fragmenseket.3. Modellvegyületeket használva módszereket dolgoztunk ki szénhidrátok BSA-hoz való konjugálására. | 1. Methods were developed for the synthesis of pentasaccharide haptens of glycopeptidolipid type cell surface antigens of Mycobacteria (serovars 12,17 and 19). New methods were developed for the synthesis of different deoxyazido sugars as glycosyl donors, and synthetic strategy for the construction of oligomers was developed.2. Applicability of the NDMM protecting group in the synthesis of 2-deoxy-2-aminosugar containing oligosaccharides was studied. The aim of this study was to use the results in the synthesis of fragments of O-specific polysaccharide of Shigella sonnei. MALDI TOF measurements were performed on synthesized di-, tri- and tetrasaccharides.3. Using model compounds, methods were developed for the conjugation of sugars to BSA

    Assessment of status of the streambed river Brusenka in the cadastral area of Brusne

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    Posouzení stavu koryta toku Brusénka v k.ú. obce Brusné Cílem práce je posouzení stávajícího stavu koryta toku Brusénka v km 0,082 -1,219. Tok protéká intravilánem obce Brusné, která leží ve Zlínském kraji, na úpatí Hostýnských vrchů. Pro posouzení stávajícího stavu byla provedena obchůzka zájmového území, při níž byla pořízena fotodokumentace. Kapacita stávajícího koryta byla zjištěna pomocí programu HEC-RAS 4.1.0.Assessment of status of the streambed river Brusenka in the cadastral area of Brusne Goal of this thesis is assessent of current state riverbed Brusénka river in km 0,082 - 1,219. Course is flowing in urban area of village Brusné, with is situated in Zlín region, After assessment of current state there was preformed personal visit in area of interest and photos were taken. Current capacity was found in asisstance with HEC-RAS 4.1.0. software


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    Isten Hozzád! : [vers]

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    Ítélőszék előtt : [vers]

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    The Shopping Centre with Foodstuff Shop – The Heating and Ventilation

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    Import 02/11/2016Import 20/01/2016Import 11/02/2016Cílem diplomové práce je návrh obchodního centra s prodejnou potravin v Jasenné. Součástí projektové dokumentace je hospodárný návrh části stavební, vytápění , větrání (chlazení) a řešení přípravy teplé vody. Navržený objekt má jedno nadzemní podlaží s jedním podlažím podzemním, obdélníkového tvaru s plochou střechou. V celém objektu je navrženo teplovzdušné vytápění. Ohřev teplé vody zajistí zásobník teplé vody, který bude ohříván pomocí CZT.The aim of this thesis is the design of the shopping center with a grocery store in Jasenná. Part of project documentation is economical design of the building, heating, ventilation (cooling) and a solution of hot water. The proposed building has one floor with one floor underground, rectangular shape with a flat roof. The entire building is designed air heating. Hot water provide hot water tank that is heated by district heating.229 - Katedra prostředí staveb a TZBvýborn

    Aneurizmatska koštana cista čeljusti

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    Aneurizmatska koštana cista čeljusti jest lezija slična benignom tumoru s ekspandirajućom osteolitičkom prirodom, koja se sastoji od krvlju ispunjenih prostora različitih veličina odijeljenih septima vezivnoga tkiva koji sadržavaju trabekule ili osteoid i osteoklastima slične divovske stanice. To je vrlo rijetka lezija koja čini otprilike 1,5% svih neodontogenih i neepitelnih cističnih tvorbi u čeljusti i izmeĎu 2 i 3 puta češće se pojavljuje u mandibuli nego u maksili. Najčešće se dijagnosticira u dvadesetim godinama života ili prije. Etiologija lezije nije potpuno razjašnjena. Klinički gledano, najčešće je riječ o oteklini. MeĎutim, klinička, radiološka i patohistološka slika variraju u ovisnosti o pojavnom obliku koji može biti solidan, vaskularan i mješovit. Diferencijalnodijagnostički, u obzir dolaze gigantocelularni tumor, solitarna koštana cista, ameloblastom, gigantocelularni granulom, miksom, fibrozna displazija, dezmoblastični fibrom, hemangiom i osteosarkom. Definitivna dijagnoza postavlja se nakon biopsije i patohistološke analize. Aneurizmatska koštane cista čeljusti liječi se kirurški. Lezija se uklanja u cijelosti kiretažom. Recidiv se nakon terapije ne očekuje, a, ako se pojavi, znak je nepotpuna uklanjanja lezije i neadekvatnog kirurškog zahvata. U težim slučajevima recidiviranja primjenjuje se i zahvat parcijalne resekcije.Aneurysmal bone cyst of the jaw is similar to benign tumor lesions with a tendency of osteolytic expansion, consisting of blood-filled spaces of different sizes separated by fibrous septa containing trabeculae or osteoid and ostoclasst-type giant cells. This is a very rare lesion which accounts for approximately 1.5% of all non-odontogenic and non-epithelial cystic lesions in the jaw and is 2-3 times more common in the mandible than in the maxilla. Most often it is diagnosed in patients before the age of twenty. The lesion is of unknown etiology. A frequent clinical symptom is swelling of the jaw. However, clinical, radiological and histopathological symptomatology vary depending on the type of the lesion, which can be solid, vascular and mixed. Differential diagnosis includes giant cell tumor, solitary bone cyst, ameloblastoma, giant cell granuloma, myxoma, fibrous dysplasia, desmoplastic fibroma, hemangioma and osteosarcoma. A definitive diagnosis is given after biopsy and histopathological analysis. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the jaw is treated surgically. The lesion is removed entirely with curettage. Recurrence after treatment is not expected, but if it occurs, it is a sign of an incomplete removal of the lesion. In severe cases of relapse, block resection is indicated