310 research outputs found

    The school's surrounding as a classroom

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    The aim of this paper is to explain how in teaching science it is necessary that we (teachers) direct the children, to feel the nature with all the senses and so they will experience it as much as possible. The contact with nature and real experiences are for children the best teacher. The scientists on Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, endeavour to educate good teachers for Primary school and Infant school, who will take the pupils when they will finish their study, as often as possible to the nature and so that pupils will get a close contact with the nature as much as possibleEl objetivo de este trabajo es explicar cómo, en la ciencia docente, es necesario que nosotros (los docentes) orientemos a los niños para que sientan la naturaleza con todos sus sentidos y para que la experiencien tanto cuanto les sea posible. El contacto con la naturaleza y las experiencias reales son el mejor maestro para los niños. Los científicos de la facultad de educación de la Universidad de Ljubljana se esfuerzan para educar a buenos maestros para la Educación Primaria e Infantil, quienes llevarán a sus alumnos a la naturaleza las veces que sea posible cuando terminen de estudiar, para que estén en contacto cercano con la naturaleza cuanto más les sea posible

    Nonlinear modeling of FES-supported standing-up in paraplegia for selection of feedback sensors

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    This paper presents analysis of the standing-up manoeuvre in paraplegia considering the body supportive forces as a potential feedback source in functional electrical stimulation (FES)-assisted standing-up. The analysis investigates the significance of arm, feet, and seat reaction signals to the human body center-of-mass (COM) trajectory reconstruction. The standing-up behavior of eight paraplegic subjects was analyzed, measuring the motion kinematics and reaction forces to provide the data for modeling. Two nonlinear empirical modeling methods are implemented-Gaussian process (GP) priors and multilayer perceptron artificial neural networks (ANN)-and their performance in vertical and horizontal COM component reconstruction is compared. As the input, ten sensory configurations that incorporated different number of sensors were evaluated trading off the modeling performance for variables chosen and ease-of-use in everyday application. For the purpose of evaluation, the root-mean-square difference was calculated between the model output and the kinematics-based COM trajectory. Results show that the force feedback in COM assessment in FES assisted standing-up is comparable alternative to the kinematics measurement systems. It was demonstrated that the GP provided better modeling performance, at higher computational cost. Moreover, on the basis of averaged results, the use of a sensory system incorporating a six-dimensional handle force sensor and an instrumented foot insole is recommended. The configuration is practical for realization and with the GP model achieves an average accuracy of COM estimation 16 /spl plusmn/ 1.8 mm in horizontal and 39 /spl plusmn/ 3.7 mm in vertical direction. Some other configurations analyzed in the study exhibit better modeling accuracy, but are less practical for everyday usage

    Rehabilitation robot cell for multimodal standing-up motion augmentation

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    The paper presents a robot cell for multimodal standing-up motion augmentation. The robot cell is aimed at augmenting the standing-up capabilities of impaired or paraplegic subjects. The setup incorporates the rehabilitation robot device, functional electrical stimulation system, measurement instrumentation and cognitive feedback system. For controlling the standing-up process a novel approach was developed integrating the voluntary activity of a person in the control scheme of the rehabilitation robot. The simulation results demonstrate the possibility of “patient-driven” robot-assisted standing-up training. Moreover, to extend the system capabilities, the audio cognitive feedback is aimed to guide the subject throughout rising. For the feedback generation a granular synthesis method is utilized displaying high-dimensional, dynamic data. The principle of operation and example sonification in standing-up are presented. In this manner, by integrating the cognitive feedback and “patient-driven” actuation systems, an effective motion augmentation system is proposed in which the motion coordination is under the voluntary control of the user

    The Significance of Innovative Approches to Teaching in Primary School for the New Curriculum Implementation

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    Este artículo aborda el significado de los enfoques innovadores de enseñanza en la reforma educativa impulsada en Eslovenia. El desarrollo de enfoques innovadores de enseñanza requiere un conjunto de cambios como, p.e., la introducción de una educación primaria de 9 años, reforma de los componentes del curriculum, y consideración de los cambios que se producen por las diferentes necesidades y condiciones de vida en la sociedad moderna. Es posible implementar cambios solamente si aquellos que están comprometidos en el proceso educativo están dispuestos a cambiar. Prácticas rígidas de enseñanza pueden dar a los profesores un falso sentimiento de seguridad, pero hace imposible para ellos adaptarse a los nuevos requerimientos que los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje nos traen en la sociedad actual._____________________________________ The implementation of innovative approaches to teaching requires a number of changes, i.e. systemic changes: introduction of nine-year primary education, reworking of the curriculum and syllabi, and the changes due to different needs and conditions of living in modern society. It is possible to implement changes only if those engaged in the educational process are willing to change. Rigid pursuing of old practices may give teachers a false feeling of safety, but in fact it makes it impossible for them to adapt to the new requirements for teaching and learning brought about by the changes in modern society

    Pendulum test: Quantified assessment of the type and level of spasticity in persons with central nervous system lesions

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    The development of a comprehensive computational model of the pendulum test which is appropriate for the analysis of the pathologic behavior of the leg in humans with the central nervous system (CNS) lesion is presented in this review. The model relates to the pendulum movement of the lower leg (shank and the foot) in the lateral plane due to the gravity and involuntary contractions of the muscles. The viscous damping and elastic stiffness reflect the soft tissues and friction in the knee joint. To quantify the pathologic activity of paralyzed muscles a reflex torque was added to the gravity generated knee joint torque. The knee joint encoder, accelerometers and gyroscopes positioned along the shank and thigh, and EMG amplifiers were used to acquire data for the illustration of the validity of the model. We show that the linear model of the movement of the lower leg is not a good representation of the motor impairment. We show that the model expanded with the reflex torque affecting the movement is well suited for the pendulum analysis. The timing of the reflex torques can be determined from the EMG recordings. © Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2018

    Izjava SAZU v zvezi s predlogom sprememb in dopolnitev zakona o visokem šolstvu

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    Pojednostavljeni identifikacijski ključevi za organizme važni su za učenike, jer između ostalog koristeći takve ključeve i promatrajući detalje na različitim živim organizmima učenici mogu naučiti uočavati sličnosti i razlike među organizmima i tako poboljšati svoje sposobnosti opažanja. Osim toga, mogu se upoznati i s iznimnom raznolikošću vrsta i naučiti njihova imena, osnovne karakteristike klasifikacije organizama i strukturu ključeva za određivanje. Stručni identifikacijski ključevi za biljke i životinje koji koriste znanstvenici vrlo su složeni i teško upotrebljivi za učenike. Oni uključuju velik broj stručnih termina i previše informacija te zahtijevaju mnogo veće predznanje od onog koje imaju učenici. Korištenje pojednostavljenih identifikacijskih ključeva omogućuje učenicima usvajanje principa klasifikacije biljaka i životinja, što je jedna od temeljnih aktivnosti u biologiji. Na taj način učenicima možemo približiti biljke i životinje i potičemo njihovu motivaciju i želju za daljnjim učenjem o različitim organizmima. Mogućnost lakšeg snalaženja u svijetu oko sebe kod učenika potiče radost otkivanja i usvajanja novih spoznaja te znanje stečeno promatranjem uz upotrebu jednostavnih ključeva postaje trajno.Simplified identification keys for organisms are important for many reasons. Using such keys and observing the details, we could learn how to find similarities and differences between organisms. We thus improve our powers of observation, which is nowadays quite often replaced by slipshod neglect. Furthermore, we can familiarise ourselves with the exceptional diversity of species and actually learn a few names. We also learn the basic structure of a key. Professional identification keys for plants and animals, used by biologists, are very complex and practically useless for laymen. They include numerous technical terms and too much information – they demand a great deal of prior knowledge from the reader. Using simplified identification keys, we can learn to classify plants and animals, which is one of the basic activities of natural sciences. And this encourages our thirst for knowledge, since we often want to find out more interesting facts about the various organisms, which we could look up later in other books or on the internet. If we find the right solution – the name of the animal or plant – we’re usually delighted and encouraged to research further. The knowledge obtained by observation with a simplified key thus becomes more permanent. However, we must keep in mind that this simple key will not help us identify all organisms but only a limited number of them. Using simplified key, we learn how keys are structured and how to properly read them, while we familiarise ourselves with characteristics of animals and plants and their adaptations to the environment in which they live

    A tool for the evaluation of human lower arm injury: approach, experimental validation and application to safe robotics

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    This paper treats the systematic injury analysis of lower arm robot–human impacts. For this purpose, a passive mechanical lower arm (PMLA) was developed that mimics the human impact response and is suitable for systematic impact testing and prediction of mild contusions and lacerations. A mathematical model of the passive human lower arm is adopted to the control of the PMLA. Its biofidelity is verified by a number of comparative impact experiments with the PMLA and a human volunteer. The respective dynamic impact responses show very good consistency and support the fact that the developed device may serve as a human substitute in safety analysis for the described conditions. The collision tests were performed with two different robots: the DLR Lightweight Robot III (LWR-III) and the EPSON PS3L industrial robot. The data acquired in the PMLA impact experiments were used to encapsulate the results in a robot independent safety curve, taking into account robot's reflected inertia, velocity and impact geometry. Safety curves define the velocity boundaries on robot motions based on the instantaneous manipulator dynamics and possible human injury due to unforeseen impacts. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 201

    A new method and instrumentation for analyzing spasticity

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    The assessment of spasticity is an important indicator of the course of the recovery in humans with central nervous system lesion. This recovery may be augmented by optimal ergonomic design of wheelchairs, beds, transferring devices and other devices used in activities of daily life. To quantify the influence of different aids and methods in reduction or increase of spasticity, an objective measure is required. The pendulum test was introduced to induce the stretch of the muscle, thereby, trigger spastic response, and the amplitudes of first sinusoidal movements are used as the measure of spasticity. We present a new model of the lower leg during the pendulum test which includes the nonlinear characteristics of the muscles, and a model of the shank and foot that are customized to the patient. The spastic torque component is calculated based on acquired values of angular acceleration, angular velocity, and angle. We developed a new analysis methodology and tool to describe the level and course of reflexive behavior. We describe the instrumentation for data acquisition. The kinematics is captured by two accelerometers, one gyroscope, and a Hall-effect joint angle encoder. Muscle activities of prime knee flexors and extensors are synchronously recorded. The simulation uses user's particular inertial parameters and data from repeated pendulum movements of the lower leg and outputs the reflexive torque. We developed the user-friendly software in MatLab for the analysis of data recorded with the new instrument. We present the application of the method in representative healthy subject and two spastic SCI patients. The main finding is that this method allows distinction between the flexion and extensions types of spasticity and the level of reflexive behavior

    Diffusion tensor MR microscopy of tissues with low diffusional anisotropy

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    Background Diffusion tensor imaging exploits preferential diffusional motion of water molecules residing within tissue compartments for assessment of tissue structural anisotropy. However, instrumentation and post-processing errors play an important role in determination of diffusion tensor elements. In the study, several experimental factors affecting accuracy of diffusion tensor determination were analyzed. Materials and methods Effects of signal-to-noise ratio and configuration of the applied diffusion-sensitizing gradients on fractional anisotropy bias were analyzed by means of numerical simulations. In addition, diffusion tensor magnetic resonance microscopy experiments were performed on a tap water phantom and bovine articular cartilage-on-bone samples to verify the simulation results. Results In both, the simulations and the experiments, the multivariate linear regression of the diffusion-tensor analysis yielded overestimated fractional anisotropy with low SNRs and with low numbers of applied diffusion-sensitizing gradients. Conclusions An increase of the apparent fractional anisotropy due to unfavorable experimental conditions can be overcome by applying a larger number of diffusion sensitizing gradients with small values of the condition number of the transformation matrix. This is in particular relevant in magnetic resonance microscopy, where imaging gradients are high and the signal-to-noise ratio is low