3,203 research outputs found

    Creation of a Single National ID: Challenges & Opportunities for India

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    A National ID for all citizens and residents of India has long being considered a critical necessity, albeit the related projects have been in pilot mode for the past several years and no distinct road ahead seems to be coming out. The government has been focusing on inclusive growth and has launched several schemes at different levels to facilitate the same. However, monitoring the execution of these schemes and understanding clearly if the targeted citizens actually have got benefited, would demand for substantial granularity of information and doing away with information bottlenecks. Interestingly, proper execution of the National ID project by the government can prove to be useful for execution of various schemes and projects as well as in accessing multiple government and private sector services. This paper focuses on the need for a single national identity system in India and its proposed execution which may actually be linked to citizen life cycle. The other aspects covered and analyzed include current Indian scenario, challenges, existing identification systems and loopholes in the existing systems. Major challenges seem to be coming from enrolments, technology platform choice and strategic design, corresponding policy and legal frameworks. The paper also discusses about international scenario of single national id projects undertaken in 27 countries across the globe to understand current status, adoption and usage. To reinforce the need for national ID, the existing IDs were analysed based on a scoring model considering various dimensions. Primary research was conducted, based on which it was found none of the existing IDs was able to satisfy as a National ID based on the scoring model. The proposed road map has been discussed in length i.e technology platform, smart card technology, legal and administrative framework, business model based on Private-Public Partnership (PPP) considering the mammoth and diverse population. A ranking matrix may be created to come up with a composite score for all districts based on various dimensions. The execution may be planned to be executed without asking Indians to stand in queue for one more ID and accelerating towards a more secured society and more importantly ensuring better delivery of Government services to citizens.

    Monte-Carlo simulation of localization dynamics of excitons in ZnO and CdZnO quantum well structures

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    Localization dynamics of excitons was studied for ZnO/MgZnO and CdZnO/MgZnO quantum wells (QW). The experimental photoluminescence (PL) and absorption data were compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulation in which the excitonic hopping was modeled. The temperature-dependent PL linewidth and Stokes shift were found to be in a qualitatively reasonable agreement with the hopping model, with accounting for an additional inhomogeneous broadening for the case of linewidth. The density of localized states used in the simulation for the CdZnO QW was consistent with the absorption spectrum taken at 5 K.Comment: 4 figures, to appear in J. Appl. Phy

    Geometric versus finite element modeling current and future trends at Northrop

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    Engineering Automation at Northrop encompasses the various design and analytical phases of air vehicle development. Design systems addresses automation of engineering/tooling design and computer aided manufacturing processes. The analysis systems automate aeroelastic modeling and postprocessing analysis results. These systems interface with aircraft loft and geometric entities thru localized transfer techniques. However, total integration effort based on a geometric database nucleus with peripheral design, analytical and manufacturing systems is well underway. An outline of the present and future trends is presented to help channel the RPI effort in this direction

    Nonlinear Resonances in 3D Printed Structures

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    Nonlinear resonators can have advantages over linear designs including increased sensitivity towards changes in their physical properties and environment, and high quality factors which make them attractive in applications such as mass/chemical sensors or signal filters. Designing nonlinear structures, however, requires much understanding of nonlinear behavior characteristics of structures. Similarly, the proliferation of 3D or additive manufacturing/printing capabilities has opened the doors to deploying nonlinear resonators on scales not possible earlier. However, to obtain consistent nonlinear dynamic performance the designer must perform a careful analysis to explore the existence and repeatability of desired nonlinear behavior. Also, the use of 3D printing with the associated substrate material properties poses its own challenges in regards to device simulation in view of the fact that most of the traditional literature on nonlinear resonators assumes linear material stiffness. In this chapter, the authors discuss computational design methods for structural design, and specifically study the case of 1:2 internal resonances in resonators made of nonlinear (hyperelastic) materials. The design methods allow for development of large number of candidate resonator designs without a required significant nonlinear structural design experience, and the study of the dynamic response of the resonators provides a glimpse in to the 1:2 nonlinear internal resonance exhibited by the candidate resonators

    Proizvodnja nove endoglukanaze, tolerantne na povišenu temperaturu i povećanu pH-vrijednost, od isplativih poljoprivrednih otpadaka s pomoću novoizoliranog soja Bacillus sp. NZ

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    Highly alkalitolerant and moderately thermotolerant Bacillus sp. NZ, isolated from degrading lignocellulose, produced a novel highly thermotolerant and alkalitolerant endoglucanase. Maximum activity of endoglucanase was observed in the medium with the initial pH=9 (920 U/L) after 72 h of fermentation with shaking (250 rpm) at 45 °C. Growth of the organism and enzyme production displayed a precise relationship, showing maxima after 72–96 h of fermentation; however, the organism formed maximum biomass at pH=8, but produced the highest enzyme titre at pH=9. Among the examined crude substrates, wheat bran gave maximum activity of endoglucanase (1960–2280 U/L), and was followed by wheat straw (1480–1760 U/L), filter paper (1360–1450 U/L) and sawdust (1160 U/L). Soybean meal served as a suitable nitrogen source for good production of endoglucanase. The enzyme showed activity over a broad pH range (5–10), with maximum at pH=9–10 (2240–2290 U/L). Endoglucanase was highly active (2210–2300 U/L) over a broad range of temperature (50–100 °C), with maximum activity at 50 °C (2290 U/L) and at 90 °C (2300 U/L). Significantly high activity was observed even at 100 °C (91.3 %). The enzyme was highly stable at temperatures from 60 to 90 °C for a period of 30 min. Endoglucanase was purified 23-fold using ammonium sulphate precipitation. Substantial activity and stability of endoglucanase at elevated temperatures and at pH extremes indicate a potential for its successful application in industries.Iz razgrađene lignocelulozne biomase izoliran je soj Bacillus sp. NZ, iznimno tolerantan na povećanje pH-vrijednosti i umjereno otporan na povišenu temperaturu. S pomoću toga soja proizvedena je nova endoglukanaza, čija je aktivnost i nadalje bila velika pri povišenoj temperaturi i povećanoj pH-vrijednosti. Maksimalna aktivnost endoglukanaze od 920 U/L uočena je u podlozi početne pH=9, nakon 72 sata uzgoja na tresilici (250 rpm) pri 45 ºC. Maksimalni rast soja i proizvodnja enzima postignuti su nakon 72-96 h uzgoja. Iako je najviši titar u enzimskom testu bio pri pH=9, maksimalna je količina biomase proizvedena pri pH=8. Najveća je aktivnost endoglukanaze (1960-2280 U/L) ostvarena primjenom podloge od pšeničnih mekinja, zatim slame žitarica (1480-1760 U/L), filtrirnog papira (1360-1450 U/L) i piljevine (1160 U/L). Sojina je sačma bila prikladan izvor dušika za uspješnu proizvodnju endoglukanaze. Enzimska je aktivnost bila od 2210 do 2300 U/L u širokom rasponu pH-vrijednosti (5-10), a najveća pri pH=9-10 (2240-2290 U/L), te pri velikom temperaturnom rasponu (50-100 ºC). Maksimalna aktivnost enzima postignuta je na 50 (2290 U/L) i 90 ºC (2300 U/L), a bila je velika čak i pri 100 ºC (91,3 %). Enzim je pokazao dobru stabilnost tijekom 30 min na temperaturama od 60 do 90 ºC. Pročišćen je 23 puta pomoću taloga amonijeva sulfata. Značajna aktivnost i stabilnost endoglukanaze pri povišenim temperaturama i povećanoj pH-vrijednosti omogućuje njezinu uspješnu primjenu u industriji

    Convex Decompositions of Simple Polyhedra

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    Convex Decomposition of Polyhedra and Robustness

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    Carrier Transport in High Mobility InAs Nanowire Junctionless Transistors

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    Ability to understand and model the performance limits of nanowire transistors is the key to design of next generation devices. Here, we report studies on high-mobility junction-less gate-all-around nanowire field effect transistor with carrier mobility reaching 2000 cm2/V.s at room temperature. Temperature-dependent transport measurements reveal activated transport at low temperatures due to surface donors, while at room temperature the transport shows a diffusive behavior. From the conductivity data, the extracted value of sound velocity in InAs nanowires is found to be an order less than the bulk. This low sound velocity is attributed to the extended crystal defects that ubiquitously appear in these nanowires. Analyzing the temperature-dependent mobility data, we identify the key scattering mechanisms limiting the carrier transport in these nanowires. Finally, using these scattering models, we perform drift-diffusion based transport simulations of a nanowire field-effect transistor and compare the device performances with experimental measurements. Our device modeling provides insight into performance limits of InAs nanowire transistors and can be used as a predictive methodology for nanowire-based integrated circuits.Comment: 22 pages, 5 Figures, Nano Letter