338 research outputs found


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    • Recent and Fossil Viviparidae: A Study in Distribution, Evolution and Palaéogeography. MEMOIRS of the INDIAN MUSEUM: Vol. VIII, No. 4, pp. 153 -251. • The Mantle and the Shell of the Viviparidae. MEMOIRS of the INDIAN MUSEUM: Vol. VIII, No. 4, pp. 253 -319


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    Islamic economics is a science that was born as an alternative to conventional economics, Schumpeter wrote down the economic history of Greek philosophers and immediately made a long leap for 500 years known as the great gap. Along with the times, the development of science is also growing. therefore Islamic economics as a concept of thought and practice is present gradually in a certain phase period. In medieval times the development of the history of Islamic economic thought was divided into three periods, namely the Islamic period of the early period until 1058 AD, the second period of Islamic Economics (1058-144 AD), third period Islamic Economics (1446-1931). Thus, history is one proof of the development of science. Islamic macroeconomic theory about economic growth, inflation, and money is not new, but has existed since the time of the Prophet. Economic growth according to classical Islam is aimed at advancing material and spiritual sides, and humans as the prosperous earth to get falah. Inflation in classical Islam is caused by human errors identified by corruption and poor administration. While the money in the Islamic economic literature used is dinar and dirham, the currency is imported, Roman dinars and dirhams from Persia

    Quality of reporting on the vegetative state in Italian newspapers. The case of Eluana Englaro.

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    Background: Media coverage of the vegetative state (VS) includes refutations of the VS diagnosis and describes behaviors inconsistent with VS. We used a quality score to assess the reporting in articles describing the medical characteristics of VS in Italian newspapers. Methodology/Principal Findings: Our search covered a 7-month period from July 1, 2008, to February 28, 2009, using the online searchable databases of four major Italian newspapers: Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, La Stampa, and Avvenire. Medical reporting was judged as complete if three core VS characteristics were described: patient unawareness of self and the environment, preserved wakefulness (eyes open), and spontaneous respiration (artificial ventilator not needed). We retrieved 2,099 articles, and 967 were dedicated to VS. Of these, 853 (88.2%) were non-medical and mainly focused on describing the political, legal, and ethical aspects of VS. Of the 114 (11.8%) medical articles, 53 (5.5%) discussed other medical problems such as death by dehydration, artificial nutrition, neuroimaging, brain death, or uterine hemorrhage, and 61 (6.3%) described VS. Of these 61, only 18 (1.9%) reported all three CORE characteristics and were judged complete. We found no differences among the four investigated newspapers (Fisher’s exact = 0.798), and incomplete articles were equally distributed between journalistic pieces and expert opinions (x2 = 1.8854, P = 0.170). Incorrect descriptions of VS were significantly more common among incomplete articles (13 of 43 vs. 1 of 18; Fisher’s exact P = 0.047). Conclusions/Significance: Core VS characteristics are rarely reported in Italian newspaper articles, which can alter adequate comprehension of new developments and (mis)inform political, legal, and ethical decisions

    Sopra le righe - La salute mentale nella produzione editoriale italiana

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    Serve un pizzico di follia per scrivere un capolavoro. Questa \ue8 un\u2019idea che ci accompagna da tempo, un clich\ue9 che continua a seguirci. Sembriamo attratti fortemente dall\u2019idea dello scrittore sopra le righe, del genio incompreso dal suo tempo. Ma quando la follia invece di entrare nella testa di chi scrive, entra direttamente nel romanzo, che cosa accade

    Le Soledades nello stato di Milano sotto la Spagna e oltre.

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/atrio/article/view/3764Nel XVII secolo cominciò anche nello Stato di Milano la devozione alla Vergine della Soledad per impulso dei gesuiti ma è probabile che la prima immagine in Milano fosse nella chiesa dei Minimi come dice una stampa del 1680 dedicata alla moglie del Governatore. Qualche anno dopo il medico di Carlo II, nativo di Gravedona, un villaggio sul lago di Como, fece avere alla chiesa della Soledad una statua del medesimo soggetto. Sono state molte le rappresentazioni della Soledad ma poche sono sopravvissute. Una fu scoperta pochi anni fa presso le Istituto Redaelli in Milano ma proveniente da un palazzo di proprietà gesuita. La più importante, anche se anonima, è quella della cappella delle Anime del Purgatorio nella chiesa di San Bernardino alle Ossa in Milano. Questa cappella fu un luogo di devozione per la nobiltà milanese di sentimento filospagnolo non solo sotto gli Asburgo di Spagna ma fino a Maria Teresa d¿Austria. Che la devozione alla Soledad era forte anche sotto gli Asburgo di Vienna è dimostrato da una bella statua della Soledad nella chiesa di Casorate, un paese tra Milano e Pavia, opera di Giuseppe Antignati, il miglior scultore in legno del XVIII secolo in MilanoIn the XVII century even in the State of Milan started the devotion to the Virgin of the Loneliness (Soledad) by jesuit impulse but probably the first image in Milan was in the church of the Minimum Friars as says an engraving of 1680 dedicated to the Governor¿s wife. Years after the Charles II doctor, who was born in Gravedona, village of the Lake of Como, gave to the church of the Soledad one sculpture of the same subject. The images of the Soledad were a lot, but a little have survived. One was discovered few years ago at Redaelli Institute in Milan but its origin was in an Jesuit palace but the most important, in spite of to be anonymous, is that of the chapel of the Purgatory¿s souls in the Saint Bernardin¿s Church in Milan. This chapel was place of devotion of the hispanic feeling Milanese Nobility not only under the ¿Austrias¿ but also until the Mary Therese¿s kingdom. The devotion to the Soledad remained strong under the Habsburg of Wien. This is emonstrated by a fine statue of the Soledad made in 1755 by Giuseppe Antignati, the best wooden sculptor in the State of Milan in XVIII century, in the church of Casorate, a village between Milan and PaviaUniversidad Pablo de Olavid


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    Kualitas audit adalah suatu tingkat keyakinan yang dapat diberikan atau ukuran baik atau buruknya mutu dari suatu proses pemeriksaan yang sistematis yang diukur menggunakan total akrual. Total akrual merupakan cara untuk mengukur tingkat manajemen laba yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Melalui penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengukuran rotasi kantor akuntan publik, audit tenur, dan ukuran kantor akuntan publik terhadap kualitas audit yang dinilai menggunakan total akrual perusahaan yang terdaftar Bursa Efek Indonesia. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2008-2014. Tenik pemilihan menggunakan purposive sampling dan diperoleh 9 perusahaan dengan jangka waktu 7 tahun sehingga didapat 63 sampel. Model analisis data dalam penelitiian ini adalah data panel dengan menggunakan software Eviews 9.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rotasi kantor akuntan publik, audit tenur, dan ukuran kantor akuntan publik tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Hal ini dikarenakan mayoritas perusahaan menggunakan kantor akuntan publik besar namun tidak melakukan pergantian kantor akuntan publik dan auditor sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada sehingga tingkat independensi auditor dan kantor akuntan publik rendah. Bagi penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk menambah tahun penelitian dan menambah variabel independen yang diprediksi dapat mempengaruhi kualitas audit, seperti fee audit yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap tingkat independensi seorang auditor. Bagi investor disarankan untuk memperhatikan pergantian kantor akuntan publik dan auditor untuk mempertimbangkan tingkat independensi seorang auditor dan kantor akuntan publik. Kata kunci: Kualitas Audit, Rotasi Kantor Akuntan Publik, Audit Tenur, Ukuran Kantor Akuntan Publi

    Realisasi tugas Badan Permusyawaratan Kampung (BPK) terhadap penyelenggaraan pemerintahan Kampung Rimo Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dalam perspektif Fiqih Siyasah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Badan Permusyawaratan Kampung (BPK) dalam merealisasikan tugasnya di Kampung Rimo Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil serta untuk mengetahui apakah tujuan dari Qanun tersebut sudah tercapai. Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana Badan Permusyawaratan Kampung (BPK) dalam merealisasikan Tugas nya dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan Kampung Rimo Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, FaktorFaktor apakah yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat Tugas Badan Permusyawaratan Kampung (BPK) Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Kampung Rimo Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, Dan Bagaimana perspektif Fiqih Siyasah terkait Tugas Badan Permusyawaratan Kampung (BPK) Terhadap Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Kampung Rimo Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang dimana dalam metode tersebut merupakan penelitian lapangan yang menghasilkan data deskristif. Kemudian teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data adalah analisis deskripsi. Dengan kata lain, mendeskrispsikan hasil temuan berdasarkan penelitian lapangan dan menggunakan landasan teori yang telah di gunakan sebagai kesimpulan. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasanya Badan Permusyawaratan Kampung (BPK) dalam melakukan tugasnya dalam hal mengawasi terhadap Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Kampung Rimo Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil belum maksimal. Faktor yang menjadi pendukung BPK dalam menjalankan Tugasnya adalah Hubungan kerjasama yang baik antara dengan pemerintah kampung dan adanya tunjangan pokok dari pemerintah, sedangkan faktor penghambatnya yaitu Rendahnya pendidikan dan usia BPK, serta minimnya sarana dan fasilitas operasional BPK. Perspektif Fiqh Syasah terkait tugas pengawasan Badan Permusyawaratan Kampung (BPK) di Kampung Rimo Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil belum terjalankan dengan baik dan belum sesuai dengan kajian fiqih Siyasah karena peneliti melihat masih banyak Qanun Kampung yang belum di jalankan dengan maksimal

    O infotainment em rádios de hard news : uma analise do programa Timeline

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    Analisa a utilização do infotainment, processo que combina informação com entretenimento, pelo programa Timeline, da Rádio Gaúcha, emissora líder de audiência no Rio Grande do Sul (TUDORÁDIO.COM, 2 abr. 2020), que tem foco predominante no hard news, no qual se prioriza o relato direto de fatos e acontecimentos relevantes (MOTTA, 2003). Sob a perspectiva teórica da economia política da comunicação, procura compreender o que leva a Gaúcha a buscar uma nova abordagem para seus conteúdos. Parte da suposição de que esta seria uma tentativa de tornar mais leve e descontraída a programação, acelerando a desconstrução do perfil sóbrio que esteve presente em vários momentos de sua trajetória. O principal objetivo é verificar como ocorre o uso do infotainment pelo Timeline. Aplicando como metodologia a análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2016), usa como base os critérios de noticiabilidade (TRAQUINA, 2008), dividindo-os em dois patamares: 1) a escolha dos conteúdos e 2) a abordagem dos apresentadores. Concentra o seu foco em quatro entrevistas do Timeline, sendo duas com temas mais voltados ao entretenimento e duas mais voltados ao jornalismo, e uma do Gaúcha Atualidade, programa voltado à linha hard news da emissora, para que fiquem claras as diferenças de abordagem. Recorre, também, a depoimentos de profissionais para compreender melhor as rotinas de produção e detalhes a respeito do programa. Como resultado, observa que o Timeline adota critérios de noticiabilidade na seleção das notícias e na forma como elas são divulgadas.Analyzes the use of infotainment, a process that combines information with entertainment, by the Timeline program, from Rádio Gaúcha, a leading broadcaster in Rio Grande do Sul (TUDORÁDIO.COM, 2 Apr. 2020), which has a predominant focus on hard news, prioritizing direct reporting of relevant facts and events (MOTTA, 2003). From the theoretical perspective of the political economy of communication, it seeks to understand what leads Gaúcha to look for a new approach to its contents. There is an assumption that this would be an attempt to make programming lighter and more relaxed, accelerating the deconstruction of the sober profile that was present at various moments in its trajectory. The main objective is to verify how the use of infotainment by the Timeline occurs. Applying content analysis methodology (BARDIN, 2016), it uses the criteria of newsability (TRAQUINA, 2008) as a basis, dividing them into two levels: 1) the choice of content and 2) the approach of the presenters. It focuses on four Timeline interviews, two with themes more focused on entertainment and two on journalism, plus one on Gaúcha Atualidade, a program focused on the station's hard news line, so that differences in approach are clear. It also uses testimonials from professionals to better understand the production routines and details about the program. As a result, it is observed that the Timeline adopts criterias of news in its selection and in the way they are disseminated