14 research outputs found

    Specific features of intrafamily interaction in the families of preschool children aged 6-7 years who were premature at birth

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    Diagnostic studies of intrafamily interaction in 106 families who rise preschool older children born at the gestational age of 32-37 weeks have been made. The control group comprised 54 families who had full term age matched children. The study of the parents" attitude toward their family role and parent-child relationship was conducted according to the PARI methods. It has been stabled that specificities of intrafamily interaction are determined by the gestational age of the child at birth. It has been shown that families rising premature children who were born at 32-34 weeks of gestation are characterized by disturbed parental role family role and disturbed parent-child relationship. We have failed to identify differenceis in the character of intrafamily interaction between families of preschool children born at the gestational age of 35-37 weeks and families with full term preschool children. The data obtained confirm the necessity to diagnose intrafamily interaction and psychological assistance to families who rise preschool children aged 6-7 years who were premature at birth.Проведена диагностика внутрисемейных отношений в 106 семьях, воспитывающих недоношенных детей старшего дошкольного возраста, родившихся в сроке гестации 32-37 недель. Контролем послужили 54 семьи, имевшие доношенных детей аналогичного возраста. Изучение отношения родителей к семейной роли и родительско-детских отношений проводилось по методике PARI. Установлено, что особенности внутрисемейных отношений определяются гестационным возрастом ребенка при рождении. Показано, что для семей, воспитывающих недоношенных детей, родившихся в сроке гестации 32-34 недели, характерны нарушение установок в отношении родителей к семейной роли и дисгармоничность родительско-детских отношений. Не выявлено различий в характере внутрисемейных отношений между семьями дошкольников, родившихся в сроке гестации 35-37 недель, и семьями доношенных дошкольников. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости диагностики внутрисемейных отношений и психологического сопровождения семей, воспитывающих недоношенных детей старшего дошкольного возраста

    The atmospheric role in the Arctic water cycle: A review on processes, past and future changes, and their impacts

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Atmospheric humidity, clouds, precipitation, and evapotranspiration are essential components of the Arctic climate system. During recent decades, specific humidity and precipitation have generally increased in the Arctic, but changes in evapotranspiration are poorly known. Trends in clouds vary depending on the region and season. Climate model experiments suggest that increases in precipitation are related to global warming. In turn, feedbacks associated with the increase in atmospheric moisture and decrease in sea ice and snow cover have contributed to the Arctic amplification of global warming. Climate models have captured the overall wetting trend but have limited success in reproducing regional details. For the rest of the 21st century, climate models project strong warming and increasing precipitation, but different models yield different results for changes in cloud cover. The model differences are largest in months of minimum sea ice cover. Evapotranspiration is projected to increase in winter but in summer to decrease over the oceans and increase over land. Increasing net precipitation increases river discharge to the Arctic Ocean. Over sea ice in summer, projected increase in rain and decrease in snowfall decrease the surface albedo and, hence, further amplify snow/ice surface melt. With reducing sea ice, wind forcing on the Arctic Ocean increases with impacts on ocean currents and freshwater transport out of the Arctic. Improvements in observations, process understanding, and modeling capabilities are needed to better quantify the atmospheric role in the Arctic water cycle and its changes.We thank all colleagues involved in the Arctic Freshwater Synthesis (AFS) for fruitful discussions. In particular, John Walsh is acknowledged for his constructive comments on the manuscript. AFS has been sponsored by the World Climate Research Programme’s Climate and the Cryosphere project (WCRP-CliC), the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). The work for this paper has been supported by the Academy of Finland (contracts 259537 and 283101), the UK Natural Environment Research Council (grant NE/J019585/1), the US National Science Foundation grant ARC-1023592 and the Program “Arctic” and the Basic Research Program of the Presidium Russian Academy of Sciences. NCAR is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge the project coordination and meeting support of Jenny Baeseman and Gwenaelle Hamon at the CliC International Project Office. No new data were applied in the manuscript. Data applied for Figures 2 and 3 are available from the JRA-55 archive at http://jra. kishou.go.jp/JRA-55/index_en. html#usage

    Structure–properties relationships in fibre drawing of bioactive phosphate glasses

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    New bioactive phosphate glasses suitable for continuous fibre production are investigated in this work. The structure of both bulk and fibres from Na2O–CaO–MgO–P2O5 glasses has been studied by means of Raman and 31P and 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, and the structural results have been correlated with the mechanical properties of the fibres and the dissolution rate of the bulk glasses. It has been observed that the mechanical properties of the phosphate glass fibres are influenced by the glass network connectivity, while the dissolution rates are governed by the Qi speciation of the PO4 units. As seen in previous studies, molar volume seems to play an important role in the fragility behaviour of phosphate glasses. Here, a lower molar volume resulting from the increase in the oxygen packing density hinders the cooperative flow of the PO4 units throughout the glass network and, therefore, causes a reduction in the kinetic fragility

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Integration of scientific and educational university work: experience of comparative analysis of the thermal decomposition of mg(no3)2 · 6h2o in air and superheated water vapor

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    The aim of the investigation is to select how the thermal decomposition of crystallohydrate magnesium nitrates to capture the nitrogen compounds that are harmful to the environment; for the return of nitric acid to the initial stage of the process. Methods. The methods involve physical and chemical analysis (IR spectroscopy, rentgennofazovy analysis), thermolysis and thermal hydrolysis of magnesium nitrate. Results. Magnitudes of thermal effects are determined; mechanisms of thermal decomposition of magnesium nitrate in air and overheated water vapor are posed. Thermohydrolysis renders possible to produce undiluted magnesium oxide and regenerate nitric acid. Scientific novelty. Undiluted magnesium oxide was produced by the method that requires less energy consumption. Practical significance. The research results on regeneration of nitric acid and its reuse in the raw material processing containing magnesium open new prospects for production and can be applied as course materials for a practical training in organic chemistry in postgraduate study on chemical specialties. Цель работы. Федеральный университет призван сегодня не только выполнять сугубо образовательные функции, но и быть научно-исследовательским и консультативным центром в различных областях знаний. Это направление деятельности вузов, в которой участвуют не только научные сотрудники и преподаватели, но и аспиранты и студенты, укрепляет связь высшей школы и производства и позволяет университетам готовить действительно высококвалифицированных специалистов, востребованных на рынке труда. В статье излагаются итоги одного из исследований прикладного характера, проведенного в Уральском федеральном университете им. первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина. Методы, использованные в работе: физико-химический анализ (ИК спектроскопия, рентгеннофазовый анализ), термолиз и термогидролиз нитрата магния. Результаты. Продемонстрирован выбор способа термического разложения кристаллогидрата нитрата магния для улавливания соединений азота, вредных для окружающей среды; и для возвращения азотной кислоты на начальную стадию процесса. Определены величины тепловых эффектов, предложены механизмы термического разложения нитрата магния на воздухе и в перегретых водяных парах. Термогидролиз позволил получить чистый оксид магния и регенерировать азотную кислоту. Научная новизна исследования состоит в том, что был получен чистый оксид магния способом, требующим меньших энергетических затрат. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования о регенерации азотной кислоты и ее многократном использовании при комплексной переработке сырья, содержащего магний, открывают новые перспективы для производства и могут применяться в качестве материалов для практических занятий по органической химии в аспирантуре по химическим специальностям