1,738 research outputs found

    Appearance of symmetry, beauty, and health in human faces

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    Symmetry is an important concept in biology, being related to mate selection strategies, health, and survival of species. In human faces, the relevance of left-right symmetry to attractiveness and health is not well understood. We compared the appearance of facial attractiveness, health, and symmetry in three separate experiments. Participants inspected front views of faces on the computer screen and judged them on a 5-point scale according to their attractiveness in Experiment 1, health in Experiment 2, and symmetry in Experiment 3. We found that symmetry and attractiveness were not strongly related in faces of women or men while health and symmetry were related. There was a significant difference between attractiveness and symmetry judgments but not between health and symmetry judgments. Moreover, there was a significant difference between attractiveness and health. Facial symmetry may be critical for the appearance of health but it does not seem to be critical for the appearance of attractiveness, not surprisingly perhaps because human faces together with the human brain have been shaped by adaptive evolution to be naturally asymmetrical

    Fixed boundary conditions analysis of the 3d Gonihedric Ising model with κ=0\kappa=0

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    The Gonihedric Ising model is a particular case of the class of models defined by Savvidy and Wegner intended as discrete versions of string theories on cubic lattices. In this paper we perform a high statistics analysis of the phase transition exhibited by the 3d Gonihedric Ising model with k=0k=0 in the light of a set of recently stated scaling laws applicable to first order phase transitions with fixed boundary conditions. Even though qualitative evidence was presented in a previous paper to support the existence of a first order phase transition at k=0k=0, only now are we capable of pinpointing the transition inverse temperature at βc=0.54757(63)\beta_c = 0.54757(63) and of checking the scaling of standard observables.Comment: 14 pages, 5 tables, 2 figures, uses elsart.cls packag

    Numerical simulation of random paths with a curvature dependent action

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    We study an ensemble of closed random paths, embedded in R^3, with a curvature dependent action. Previous analytical results indicate that there is no crumpling transition for any finite value of the curvature coupling. Nevertheless, in a high statistics numerical simulation, we observe two different regimes for the specific heat separated by a rather smooth structure. The analysis of this fact warns us about the difficulties in the interpretation of numerical results obtained in cases where theoretical results are absent and a high statistics simulation is unreachable. This may be the case of random surfaces.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figures. Final version to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    The Crumpling Transition Revisited

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    The ``crumpling" transition, between rigid and crumpled surfaces, has been object of much discussion over the past years. The common lore is that such transition should be of second order. However, some lattice versions of the rigidity term on fixed connectivity surfaces seem to suggest that the transition is of higher order instead. While some models exhibit what appear to be lattice artifacts, others are really indistiguishable from models where second order transitions have been reported and yet appear to have third order transitions.Comment: Contribution to Lattice 92. 4 pages. espcrc2.sty file included. 6 figures upon request. UB-ECM-92/30 and UAB-FT-29

    Monopole Percolation in the Compact Abelian Higgs Model

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    We have studied the monopole-percolation phenomenon in the four dimensional Abelian theory that contains compact U(1) gauge fields coupled to unitary norm Higgs fields. We have determined the location of the percolation transition line in the plane (βg,βH)(\beta_g, \beta_H). This line overlaps the confined-Coulomb and the confined-Higgs phase transition lines, originated by a monopole-condensation mechanism, but continues away from the end-point where this phase transition line stops. In addition, we have determined the critical exponents of the monopole percolation transition away from the phase transition lines. We have performed the finite size scaling in terms of the monopole density instead of the coupling, because the density seems to be the natural parameter when dealing with percolation phenomena.Comment: 13 pages. REVTeX. 16 figs. included using eps

    In Vitro Analysis of Antioxidant Activities of Oxalis Corniculata Linn. Fractions in Various Solvents

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    As part of our search for natural antioxidants, this work presents an evaluation of antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of Oxalis corniculata and its sub-fractions in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and water. The total phenolic contents in terms of μg of gallic acid equivalents per mg of dried mass were approximately 21.0, 28.2, 34.5, 162.0, 70.0, and 49.2 in methanolic, hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-butanolic and aqueous fractions respectively, while the flavonoid contents in these solvents were 362.4, 214.1, 317.1, 177.1, 98.8 and 53.5 respectively in terms of μg of rutin per mg of dried mass. In DPPH assay, the ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest free radical scavenging activity, 24.0% with 1 mg/mL concentration. The second strongest fraction was chloroform (21.5%). The EC50 and TEC50 values of the methanolic extract were 3.63 mg/mL and 23 min respectively. The FRAP values in terms of μg of ascorbic acid equivalents per mg of dried mass for these solvents were 288.0, 1705.3, 437.1, 72.0, 28.0, and 44.0 respectively while total antioxidant activity measured by phosphomolybdate assay in terms of μg of ascorbic acid equivalents per mg of dried mass were 50.0, 117.0, 78.6, 57.8, 3.4 and 8.3 respectively. All the samples showed remarkable ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation exhibiting much better and sustainable peroxidation inhibitory activity than the standard butylated hydroxyanisole

    The Phases and Triviality of Scalar Quantum Electrodynamics

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    The phase diagram and critical behavior of scalar quantum electrodynamics are investigated using lattice gauge theory techniques. The lattice action fixes the length of the scalar (``Higgs'') field and treats the gauge field as non-compact. The phase diagram is two dimensional. No fine tuning or extrapolations are needed to study the theory's critical behovior. Two lines of second order phase transitions are discovered and the scaling laws for each are studied by finite size scaling methods on lattices ranging from 646^4 through 24424^4. One line corresponds to monopole percolation and the other to a transition between a ``Higgs'' and a ``Coulomb'' phase, labelled by divergent specific heats. The lines of transitions cross in the interior of the phase diagram and appear to be unrelated. The monopole percolation transition has critical indices which are compatible with ordinary four dimensional percolation uneffected by interactions. Finite size scaling and histogram methods reveal that the specific heats on the ``Higgs-Coulomb'' transition line are well-fit by the hypothesis that scalar quantum electrodynamics is logarithmically trivial. The logarithms are measured in both finite size scaling of the specific heat peaks as a function of volume as well as in the coupling constant dependence of the specific heats measured on fixed but large lattices. The theory is seen to be qualitatively similar to λϕ4\lambda\phi^{4}. The standard CRAY random number generator RANF proved to be inadequateComment: 25pages,26figures;revtex;ILL-(TH)-94-#12; only hardcopy of figures availabl

    Displaced geostationary orbits using hybrid low-thrust propulsion

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    In this paper, displaced geostationary orbits using hybrid low-thrust propulsion, a complementary combination of Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) and solar sailing, are investigated to increase the capacity of the geostationary ring that is starting to become congested. The SEP propellant consumption is minimized in order to maximize the mission lifetime by deriving semi-analytical formulae for the optimal steering laws for the SEP and solar sail accelerations. By considering the spacecraft mass budget, the performance is also expressed in terms of payload mass capacity. The analyses are performed both for the use of pure SEP and hybrid low-thrust propulsion to allow for a comparison. It is found that hybrid low-thrust control outperforms the pure SEP case both in terms of payload mass capacity and mission lifetime for all displacements considered. Hybrid low-thrust propulsion enables payloads of 255 to 487 kg to be maintained in a 35 km displaced orbit for 10 to 15 years. Adding the influence of the J2 and J22 terms of the Earth’s gravity field has a small effect on this lifetime, which becomes almost negligible for small values of the sail lightness number. Finally, two SEP transfers that allow for an improvement in the performance of hybrid low-thrust control are optimized for the propellant consumption by solving the accompanying optimal control problem using a direct pseudospectral method. The first type of transfer enables a transit between orbits displaced above and below the equatorial plane, while the second type of transfer enables customized service for which a spacecraft is transferred to a Keplerian parking orbit when geostationary coverage is not needed. While the latter requires a modest propellant budget, the first type of transfer comes at the cost of an almost negligible SEP propellant consumption

    On the Logarithmic Triviality of Scalar Quantum Electrodynamics

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    Using finite size scaling and histogram methods we obtain numerical results from lattice simulations indicating the logarithmic triviality of scalar quantum electrodynamics, even when the bare gauge coupling is chosen large. Simulations of the non-compact formulation of the lattice abelian Higgs model with fixed length scalar fields on L4L^{4} lattices with LL ranging from 66 through 2020 indicate a line of second order critical points. Fluctuation-induced first order transitions are ruled out. Runs of over ten million sweeps for each LL produce specific heat peaks which grow logarithmically with LL and whose critical couplings shift with LL picking out a correlation length exponent of 0.50(5)0.50(5) consistent with mean field theory. This behavior is qualitatively similar to that found in pure λϕ4\lambda\phi^{4}.Comment: 9 page