8 research outputs found


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    Abstract Fulfilment of nutrients in the land must be cultivated by increasing the physical and biological properties of the soil so that the presence of nutrients in the ground will be more maintained. The application of technology often used in land use efforts is mostly only focused on chemical fertilization activities. One alternative to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers is to use liquid organic fertilizer (POC) in thitonia and calotropis plant extracts and cow urine. This study aims to obtain a combination of plant extracts that can increase the growth and yield of maize plants and the best blend of biourin and plant extracts in suppressing pests and diseases in maize. The research was carried out on the land of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University (Eksfarm), Makassar City, South Sulawesi, from September to December 2019. The research was arranged using a split-plot design with the first factor as the main plot. The application consisted of 4 levels namely without spraying (K), a combination of bio urine, tithonia extract, calotropis extract, pineapple MOL (B1), bio urine, tithonia extract, calotropis extract (B2) and bio urine (B3) with each application dose of 40 ml/1 liter of water. The second factor as a sub-plot was the spraying interval at the age of 14 DAS which consisted of 3 levels, namely without application, once a week, once in two weeks. The results showed that the application of biourin could increase the growth rate and yield of corn plants. The combination of biourin with plant extracts had a significant effect on the level of pest attack that attacked the leaves and cobs of corn plants and the best interaction between the intervals of application of biourin in increasing the productivity of spraying plants per two weeks.     Keywords: Biourine, Spodoptera litura, Tithonia, Calotropis, Pest attack rat

    Phytoremidation by Sansevieria sp. through absorption of Carbon Monoxide (CO)

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    This study aims to determine the quality of Sansevieria plants in absorbing carbon monoxide (CO) and to determine the relationship of stomatal conditions to the quality of carbon monoxide (CO) absorption. The research was conducted in the form of a 2-factor factorial experiment using a Randomized Group Design as the environmental design. The experiment consisted of 2 factors, the first factor was the variety of Sansevieria plants consisting of three varieties, namely Sansevieria trifasciata, Sansevieria cylindrica and Sansevieria green hahnii, while the second factor was the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) consisting of two levels, namely: the concentration of carbon monoxide released at 300 ppm and the concentration of carbon monoxide released at 800 ppm. The results showed that there was no interaction between varieties of Sansevieria plants with carbon monoxide concentrations on the quality of carbon monoxide (CO) gas absorption. The results showed no interaction between the varieties of Sansevieria plants and carbon monoxide concentrations in terms of the quality of carbon monoxide (CO) gas absorption. Sansevieria plant varieties that are given a carbon monoxide concentration of 300 ppm give the best effect on the total percentage of carbon monoxide gas absorption, which is 89.50%

    Application of Cultivation Technology for Rice (Oryza sativa L. ) in Three Sectors of Rain Patterns in South Sulawesi

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of each component of cultivation technology application on the production of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) in South Sulawesi. This research was carried out in three rain-type sectors within South Sulawesi Province, namely Maros for the West Sector, Bone for the East Sector, and North Luwu for the Transitional sector. A study was conducted from December 2019 to January 2020 in the form of a survey (study literature, observation, and interviews), with the selection of samples carried out purposively to 90 respondents. Data analysis employed multiple linear regression with SPSS software. The results showed that the average rice production in Maros, Bone and North Luwu regencies, South Sulawesi, was still relatively low, Maros Regency was 7,032 kg per ha, Bone was 5,020 kg per ha and North Luwu was 6,497 kg per ha. The multiple regression equation for rice production in Maros, Bone and North Luwu Regencies, South Sulawesi is Y = 3354,185 -17,751X1 – 4,044X2 +36,839X3 . Factors from the aspect of cultivation technology application can increase rice production. Variables of cropping system, irrigation system, and fertilizer dose had a significant effect on rice production, while the variables of varieties and harvest time did not have a significant effect on rice production


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    This research is aimed to understand the vegetative growth of pepper plant by giving azotobacter and compos. This research was conducted from June to September in  2017. The form of this research was a trial by using two factors of randomized group design. Azotobacter as the first factor consists of 4 levels: 0,40 x 108 CFU, 60 x 108 CFU, and 80 x 108 CFU and compos fertilizer consists of 3 levels: 2,5 kg.plant-1, 5 kg.plant-1 and 7,5 kg.plant-1. The result of this research showed that azotobacter 60 x 108 UFU contributed to the growth of  tendril (48,42 cm), the number of segments (29), index chlorophyll of leaf (135069,75), number of stomata (15,97) and the density of stomata (37,62 stomata.mm-2). Compos fertilizer 7,5 kg.plant-1 contributed to the growth of tendril (48,42 cm), the index of the segment of the leaf (56,35) and index of the chlorophyll  of the leaf (135069,75). The interaction treatment of azotobacter 60 x 108 CFU with compos fertilizer 7,5 kg.plant-1 has the highest index (135069,75

    New Challenges and Opportunities of Indonesian Crude Palm Oil in International Trade

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    Indonesia is one of the largest palm oil producers in the world. The palm oil industry must look at the market competition map, starting from competing countries and other export opportunities to absorb palm oil products to increase state revenues. This paper analyzes the new challenges and opportunities for Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in Indonesia in international trade. Analytical tools were Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA), Dynamic Product Export and X-model Potential Export. The results showed that Indonesian and Malaysian palm oil commodities obtained an RCA value of more than 1 and an RSCA value of close to 1. Indonesia is more competitive than Malaysia. The X-model showed that Indonesian CPO market share optimism is only in India and the rest is less potent. Malaysian CPO market share also has less potential. Therefore, Indonesia’s new challenges are export tariffs, obstructed access, insufficient downstream production and a black campaign. The opportunity for participation in the CPO export market is only in India compared to Malaysia, which has less potential. The two countries have less potential in destinations such as the Netherlands, USA, China and Kenya. Indonesia can take external policies by establishing cooperation with export destination countries, such as trade agreements, so that information about Indonesian palm oil is well received. Meanwhile, internal policies strengthen domestic downstream industry policies, such as the food, health, and renewable energy industries, to strengthen the domestic economy and improve the welfare of Indonesian palm oil farmers


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis karakter iklim mikro dan memperoleh tanaman semusim yang tahan di bawah naungan. Penelitian ini dimulai Mei ??? Desember 2013 (selama 8 bulan), menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terpisah, Petak Utama adalah perbedaan tingkat naungan dan anak petak adalah komoditi tanaman semusim. Percobaan I adalah seleksi jenis tanaman semusim yang relatif tahan naungan, dilakukan dengan melakukan survei lapangan ke beberapa lokasi di Kabupaten Gowa, Kabupaten Jeneponto dan Kabupaten Maros. Percobaan II, menguji daya adaptasi tanaman semusim yang diperoleh pada percobaan I, yaitu dengan menggunakan paranet pada berbagai tingkat naungan atau perbedaan radiasi surya yang diloloskan kedalam lahan percobaan. Percobaan ini menghasilkan tanaman yang toleran terhadap intensitas radiasi rendah. Sehingga diperoleh tanaman semusim yang bisa ditanam secara agroforesri. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa petani mengusahakan tanaman semusim di bawah tegakan tanaman tahunan, belum memperhatikan aspek-aspek ekofisologi dari komoditi yang diusahakan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil produksi tanaman dibawah tegakan relatif kecil dibanding dengan tanaman tanpa naungan. Beberapa tanaman yang banyak diusahakan petani dan berpotensi tahan di bawah naungan adalah cabe rawit, kedelai, kacang hijau dan jagung. Namun berdasarkan hasil penelitian lanjutan yang dilakukan di bawah naungan buatan hadap naungan adalah cabe rawit dan kedelai, sedangkan jagung dan kacang hijau peka terhadap naungan


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji tiga jenis bahan organik seperti kacang tanah , kedelai dan kacang hijau yang memberikan respon terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman , jagung , kacang tanah, kedelai dan kacang hijau . Penelitian ini dilaksanakn dari Mei 2013 sampai Desember 2013 ( 8 Bulan ) . Penelitian ini melakukan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar . Penggunaan bahan organik pada lahan pertanian telah digunakan untuk waktu yang lama , baik dalam bentuk cair atau padat , namun, pengaruh bahan organik dalam hal sumber bahan organik di setiap spesies tanaman belum banyak dipelajari . Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa bahan organik dari berbagai jenis tanaman memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap tanaman . Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Dengan dua faktor , faktor pertama adalah tanaman dan faktor kedua adalah jenis bahan organik . Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Brangkasan kacang tanah memberikan hasil yang terbaik terhadap komponen produksi pada tanaman kacang jedelai dan kacang hijau Brangkasan kacang hijau berpengaruh lebih baik pada tanaman jagung dan kacang tanah. Bahan organik tanaman kacang tanah memberikan hasil tertinggi pada tanaman jagung sekitar 50, 64 kw ha-1 dan tanaman kacang hijau 10.57 kw ha-1. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan melakukan survei dan membuat potensi bahan organik di tiga kabupaten seperti Takalar, Jeneponto dan Soppeng. Proses pengomposan dilakukan dengan menggunakan EM4 sebagai dekomposer, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan kompos sekitar tiga (3) minggu

    Sustainability approach in cropping intensity (CI) 400 through optimizing the dosage of compost and chemical fertilizers to early-maturing rice varieties based on multivariate analysis

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    The development of early maturing rice varieties in the cropping intensity 400 program is one of the alternatives in overcoming the challenges of rice production against land conversion and dynamic climate change. Optimization of the program is feasible through composting and reduction of chemical and synthetic substances in order to avoid excessive soil damage. Therefore, evaluation in the combination of compost and chemical fertilizers is important with evaluation criteria through multivariate analysis. This research aimed to identify evaluation criteria, fertilizer packages and potential of early maturing varieties in supporting the cropping intensity 400 concept on rice. This research was conducted in two locations in South Sulawesi, Indonesia with different environmental conditions … This study employed a nested split-plot design with a group randomized design as the environmental design. The main plot was the fertilizer package (FP) consisting of 5 levels. The subplots consisted of 7 rice varieties. Each combination of fertilizer package and variety was repeated three times. The results showed that reducing the dose of NPK fertilizer together with compost application is generally effective in the growth of early maturing rice. This study also revealed the characters of chlorophyll a, harvest age, panicle length, 1000-grain weight and yield were effective in evaluating the effect of fertilizer packages on early maturing varieties. The 75 % dose of N:P:K and 3 tons.ha−1 of compost is effective fertilizer packages to the growth and production of early maturing rice in supporting cropping intensity 400. The Cakrabuana, and Inpari 13 varieties are good early maturing varieties used with the FP3 fertilization packages. Conclusively, the results of this research are important for recommending optimization of rice cultivation with the CI 400 concept, especially in the South Sulawesi region