17 research outputs found

    Clinical case of acute intestinal objection caused by a foreign body

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    Acute intestinal obstruction of various genesis remains one of the complex and urgent problems of emergency surgery. The reasons for unsatisfactory treatment results are late medical treatment and old age of such patients. The aim of the study was to shed light on a clinical case of acute intestinal obstruction on the background of diverticulosis of the distal colon. The patient K. was treated in 75 years with the analysis of X-ray examination X-ray, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, computed tomography of the abdominal cavity. The diagnosis was: acute obstructive intestinal obstruction in the stage of decompensation on the background of concomitant pathology: Diverticulosis of the sigmoid and descending intestine. Diverticulitis. The patient underwent surgery: upper-middle laparotomy, total nasogastrointestinal intubation, retrograde intubation of the colon, suspended sigmostoma, drainage of the abdominal cavity. In the postoperative period for 3 days in the fecal mass found a foreign body – a polyethylene film measuring 35x50 cm. Thus, conducting a dynamic X-ray and sonographic examination in patients with acute obstruction of the digestive tract allows to confirm the presence of this pathology, but does not always help to establish the cause of this disease

    A modern view of the causes and mechanisms of the development of acute disseminated peritonitis

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    Despite the fact that the diagnosis of acute peritonitis has improved in recent years, a wide range of antibiotics is available, and minimally invasive methods of surgical treatment have been implemented, the mortality rate for this disease is high and ranges from 12.5 % to 39.2 %. The purpose of the work was to analyze data from literary sources regarding the classification of acute peritonitis, to summarize the causes and mechanisms of its development among the adult population. Analytical and bibliosemantic research methods were used in the work. It is known that according to the nature of penetration of microflora into the abdominal cavity, peritonitis is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. According to the clinical course, peritonitis is divided into acute, subacute and chronic. According to the nature of the exudate in the abdominal cavity, serous, serous-purulent, fibrinous, fibrinous-purulent, purulent, hemorrhagic, fecal and purulent peritonitis are distinguished. To date, the existing classifications are constantly being improved and have both practical and academic significance. It has long been known that the cause of unsatisfactory results of surgical treatment of patients with acute disseminated peritonitis can be the development of intra-abdominal hypertension with subsequent development of compartment syndrome and multiple organ failure. The development of multiple organ failure is the leading cause of death in patients with acute surgical pathology. Abdominal compartment syndrome plays a big role in this, the mortality in which reaches very significant figures – 42-68 % and without treatment approaches 100 %. Therefore, the development of acute peritonitis is due to numerous reasons (in particular, acute destructive appendicitis, cholecystitis, perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, intestinal obstruction, tumor processes, gynecological pathology, abdominal injuries, etc.), which in turn causes the absence of a generally recognized justified classification

    Rapid text entry using mobile and auxiliary devices for people with speech disorders communication

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    The article considers information technology for the realization of human communication using residual human capabilities, obtained by organizing text entry using mobile and auxiliary devices. The components of the proposed technology are described in detail: the method for entering text information to realize the possibility of introducing a limited number of controls and the method of predicting words that are most often encountered after words already entered in the sentence. A generalized representation of the process of entering text is described with the aid of an ambiguous virtual keyboard and the representation of control signals for the selection of control elements. The approaches to finding the optimal distribution of the set of alphabet characters for different numbers of control signals are given. The method of word prediction is generalized and improved, the statistical language model with "back-off" is used, and the approach to the formation of the training corpus of the spoken Ukrainian language is proposed

    Rapid text entry using mobile and auxiliary devices for people with speech disorders communication

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    The article considers information technology for the realization of human communication using residual human capabilities, obtained by organizing text entry using mobile and auxiliary devices. The components of the proposed technology are described in detail: the method for entering text information to realize the possibility of introducing a limited number of controls and the method of predicting words that are most often encountered after words already entered in the sentence. A generalized representation of the process of entering text is described with the aid of an ambiguous virtual keyboard and the representation of control signals for the selection of control elements. The approaches to finding the optimal distribution of the set of alphabet characters for different numbers of control signals are given. The method of word prediction is generalized and improved, the statistical language model with "back-off" is used, and the approach to the formation of the training corpus of the spoken Ukrainian language is proposed


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    The aim of the work. To highlight the historical ways of development of quantum-mechanical methods of research, to show their significance for the past and present. Materials and Methods.  Results and Discussion. Historical ways of science development, disclosure of laws have particular importance for the present. The process of history formation and development of physico-medical and biological knowledge is inextricably linked with the general history of mankind, science and has changed the scientific picture of the world for millennia. Louis de Broglie, a Nobel laureate in physics, wrote: "... the history of science is interested by scientists of natural science: the scientist finds in it ... numerous of the lessons, and, taught by his own experience, he is able interpret these knowledge better than anyone else. Physics and medicine are powerful branches of the tree of philosophy, whose roots go back to ancient times. In the history of science, the paths of development of medicine and physics both coincided and intersected. The discoveries in medicine and biology gave rise to new physical ideas, and the advances in physics contributed to the latest biomedical research. The role of quantum-mechanical methods of research of biomedical and chemical systems is highlighted in the work. Conclusions. The history of the development of quantum-mechanical knowledge is considered. Changing of the scientific picture of the world over the millennia is showed. The complementarity and continuity of scientific knowledge that determined the direction of the development of science is considered and the effectiveness of resonance methods in biomedical research have been showed.Мета роботи. Висвітлити історичні шляхи розвитку квантово-механічних методів дослідження, показати їх значущість для минувшини і сьогодення. Матеріали і методи.  Результати й обговорення. Історичні шляхи розвитку науки, розкриття закономірностей мають особливе значення для сьогодення. Процес історії становлення та розвитку фізико-медичних і біологічних знань нерозривно пов’язаний із загальною історією людства, науки і змінював наукову картину світу упродовж тисячоліть. Луї де Бройль, Нобелівський лауреат з фізики, писав: «…історія науки не може не цікавити вчених природознавців: учений знаходить у ній… багаточисельні уроки і, навчений власним досвідом, він може краще, ніж будь-хто інший, тлумачити із знанням справи ці уроки». Фізика і медицина – могутні гілки дерева філософії, коріння якого сягає правікових часів. В історії науки шляхи розвитку медицини і фізики і збігалися й перетиналися. Відкриття у медицині та біології породжували нові фізичні ідеї, а досягнення у фізиці сприяли новітнім медико-біологічним дослідженням. У роботі висвітлено роль квантово-механічних методів дослідження медико-біологічних та хімічних систем. Висновки. У статті віддзеркалено історію розвитку квантово-механічних знань, показано як змінювалась наукова картина світу впродовж тисячоліть, розглянуто взаємодоповнюваність і спадкоємність наукових знань, що визначали напрямок розвитку науки та показано ефективність резонансних методів у медико-біологічних дослідженнях

    Implementation of structural-thermo-atmo-geological-geochemical studies for mapping prospective oil and gas reservoir areas in the Obolonska astrobleme

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    The article presents the materials and results of complex near-surface structural-thermo-atmospheric-geological-geochemical studies (STAGGD), performed in order to assess the oil and gas potential prospects of impact structures known in Ukraine, in particular the Obolonska impact structure, given as an example. The applied principles of the STAGGD system technology using a complex of tectonic, morphostructural, lithological and stratigraphic, geophysical, hydrological, thermometric and atmogeochemical methods are outlined. The system of criteria (structural-tectonic, hydrocarbon, temperature, emanation, gas) and features of formation of near-surface and near-surface thermo-atmo-geochemical background of oil and gas fields are characterized. A description of the methods and tools and software developed by the authors for the express forecasting of minerals is given. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of geological prospecting for oil and gas as a result of the introduction of scientifically based theoretical ideas and new technologies for the study of non-traditional oil and gas-bearing objects – impact structures is considered. A brief review of scientific research and production works on the assessment of prospects for oil and gas bearing capacity of impact structures of the crystalline foundation both abroad and on the territory of Ukraine is given. On the basis of repeated analysis of the available data, a conclusion was made about the diffusion nature of direct search gas-geochemical anomalies over oil and gas fields. This made it possible to effectively use a complex of the STAGGD in the assessment of non-traditional objects, in particular impact structures. As an example, the cartographic results of studying the Obolonska impact structure using this method are given. An analysis of aerospace surveys of the Silyan impact structure was also performed and some recommendations were offered for further study of its oil and gas potential. Carrying out purposeful complex geological and geophysical works in the shortest possible time will contribute to solving the problems of energy security of the state

    Association of oil-hydrogen and salt accumulation from the position of the technology of structural-thermo-atmo-geological-geochemical studies

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    The logistics of structural-thermo-atmo-geological-geochemical technology is justified, which consists of a comprehensive approach to substantiating the regularities of spatial-temporal functioning of oil-salt fluid transport systems, creating geological fluid dynamic models, optimizing the search for oil, gas, and hydrogen deposits, gas hydrates at both shallow and significant depths, using a systematic methodology for building stratigraphic models and diagrams. The system of geological methods has been analyzed: litho-biostratigraphic, paleosedimentological, tectonic, morphostructural, geodynamic, geophysical, seismic, and others. A complex of thermoatmo-geochemical studies has been applied to determine the criteria for predictive mapping of promising areas and assess the prospects for hydrocarbons. Oil-salt nodes with giant oil and gas potential and salinity of sedimentary basins on Earth have been analyzed. Using the STAGGD methodology, the spatial-temporal distribution of oil and gas formations in the junction zone of the East European platform and the Tethyan riftogenic belt, Western (Carpathians), Southern (Forecarpathians, Black Sea, Crimea, Azov-Black Sea basin), and Eastern (Dnieper-Donets depression) oil and gas regions of Ukraine has been characterized. Detailed analysis of the regularities of spatial-temporal distribution of terrigenous-carbonate, terrigenous-clayey, terrigenous-limestone formations, salt dome structures, conditions for diapir formation in Phanerozoic cyclical oil-salt formation complexes has been carried out using lithological stratigraphic, geophysical, seismic, atmospheric, thermal, geochemical methods. Special attention has been paid to a detailed analysis of the geological structure and conditions of oil-salt accumulation in the Carpathian oil-gas-salt region as one of the largest oil-salt nodes of the Earth's riftogenic belt. Information on the placement of potential underground hydrogen storage within salt formations is provided