82 research outputs found

    Governance of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) System Planning

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    Intensitas penggunaan TIK di instansi pemerintah terus meningkat.Salah satu komponen prosesTIK yang cukup penting adalah pengelolaan perencanaan sistem TIK, jika pengelolaan TIK baik maka perencanaan sistem TIK juga akan memberikan manfaat yang signifikan terhadap organisasi. Penelitian ini akan menlusuri dan mengukur sampai di mana dan bagaimana penerapan tata kelola perencanaan sistem TIK di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Bitung. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi penerapan tata kelola TIK yang ada di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Bitung Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif, instrumen yang diadaptasi dari Panduan Umum Tata Kelola TIK Nasional dan Framework COBIT serta teknik analisis data yang diadopsi dari Cobit Maturity Model, penelitian ini mencoba mengeksplorasi panduan tersebut untuk kemudian digunakan sebagai tools evaluasi tata kelola perencanaan sistem TIK terhadap Dinas Kominfo Kota Bitung. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Dinas Kominfo Kota Bitung dari sisi tata kelola perencanaan sistem TIK masih berada pada level rendah, yaitu level 1 dengan nilai tingkat kematangan sebesar 0.63.The intensity of ICT usage continues to increase. This should be accompanied  by the increase of the government's performance, and one of the important components is governance of the ICT system planning. The ICT system planning with a good management will provide significant benefits to the organization. One cause of insignificant benefits ICT to the organizational goals is there is no ICT governance applied.  It can be caused by many things, one of them is the lack of knowledge and awareness about the ICT governance, so there are still many government agencies which have not yet implemented properly the ICT governance. By using quantitative approaches, questionnaire instrument was adapted from the General Guide of the National ICT Governance. Framework COBIT and data analysis techniques adopted from the COBIT Maturity level. This study aims to explore the guidelines as an evaluation tool for the governance of the ICT system planning in Department of Communications and Information Technology in Bitung City. The results of this study found that the institution is still at low level, level 1 with 0,63 maturity level in governance planning of ICT system

    Utilization of Smartphone Devices and Use of Social Media in North Maluku

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    Basic guidelines. This document is itself an example of the desired layout (inclusive of this abstract) and can be used as a template. It contains information regarding desktop publishing format, type sizes, and typefaces. Style rules are provided that explains how to handle equations, units, figures, tables, abbreviations, and acronyms. Sections are also devoted to the preparation of acknowledgments, references, and authors' biographies. The abstract is limited to 150–200 words and cannot contain equations, figures, tables, or references. It should concisely state what was done, how it was done, principal results, and their significance

    Tata Kelola Perencanaan Arsitektur Informasi (Studi Kasus Dinas Kominfo Kota Bitung)

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    Implementasi good governance pada penyelenggaraan pemerintah akan menjamin transparansi, efisiensi, dan efektivitas penyelenggaran pemerintah itu sendiri. Di sisi lain intensitas penggunaan TIK terus meningkat, peningkatan tersebut semestinya diiringi juga dengan peningkatan kinerja pemerintah, salah satu komponen yang cukup penting adalah pengelolaan informasi. Alur serta pemanfaatan informasi yang dikelola dengan baik akan memberikan manfaat yang cukup signifikan terhadap organisasi, hal tersebut membutuhkan pengelolaan perencanaan arsitektur informasi. Tata kelola untuk perencanaan arsitektur informasi adalah merupakan bagian kecil dari skop yang lebih besar mengenai tata kelola TIK. Indonesia telah memiliki panduan tata kelola TIK yang dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Kominfo No.41 Tahun 2007 tentang Panduan Umum Tata Kelola TIK Nasional. Panduan tersebut memuat hal-hal mengenai proses perencanaan arsitektur informasi. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitaf, instrumen yang diadaptasi dari Panduan Umum Tata Kelola TIK Nasional serta teknik analisis data yang diadopsi dari Cobit Maturity Level, penelitian ini mencoba mengeksplorasi panduan tersebut untuk kemudian digunakan sebagai tools evaluasi tata kelola perencanaan arsitektur informasi terhadap salah satu instansi pemerintah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Pemerintah Kota Bitung dari sisi tata kelola perencanaan arsitektur informasi masih berada pada level rendah yaitu level 1 dengan nilai tingkat kematangan sebesar 0.73


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    The objective of this research is to find out the effect of Capabilities OF Resilience management of river (CRMR) and gender (G) on new Environmental Paradigm (NEP).  An expost facto method has been used by selecting 19 sample for each cell. Reliability of CRMR was .878, and New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) was .91. Data analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Research results revealed that there was new environmental paradigm significant difference between those people who have high capabilities of resilience management of river and low capabilities of resilience management of river . Moreover, there was significant interaction effect between Capabilities OF Resilience management of river (CRMR) and gender (G) on New Environmental paradigm (NEP

    Simple Design and Build Automatic Transfer Switch Generator Set On Airport Power Station With Failurea Indicator Protection

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    Electricity needs at airports are in dire need of backup and additional supplies apart from the main PLN source, such as generator sets. It is necessary to design a simple Automatic Transfer Switch that is connected to the main source operating failure indicator to a backup energy source. Research developed in order to provide benefits to airport operational management companies so that they are safe against energy needs in the event of an energy disturbance. Panel ATS is an abbreviation of the word Automatic Transfer switch, this tool serves to move the connection between one voltage source and another electrical voltage source automatically. The research was conducted by making ATS design. To ensure the design is appropriate and functioning properly, the panel tool is tested to function properly and can operate as desired. In carrying out the test, there are 3 ways, namely manual system testing on generator sets, manual system testing on modules and automatic systems. measurement data is carried out at the time of testing automatically as well as seeing the function of each component running well. The results of the design that have been made can be used as a backup energy source if the main energy source is disturbed or trouble shooting or in an emergency, even if the energy source can function when the airport is operating and does not interfere with airport operations. manual testing and automatic interchange switch can switch power sources to load with an average time of 4.09 seconds

    Analysis of Factors That Influence The Preference of Cognitive Style Learning Model when Using Technology Devices

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    People's cognitive learning styles are different, identify learning styles early on considered able to increase effectiveness in the learning process, even in some studies submitted can improve achievement. In the process of learning, everyone has a variety of ways, some learn by listening, some learn by reading and learning by finding. This study wants to predict how much influence the factors (frequency of internet usage, number of instant messaging (IM) groups followed, and gender of one's learning style preferences when utilizing technology such as computers / laptops or smartphones. The analysis method used in this research is Multinomial Logistic Regression. The results showed, the more IM groups followed, the more likely a person was to use a "communication" model while learning. Another finding is that a person is increasingly using the internet then the style that person uses when studying is tend to use the pattern of "information seeking". By knowing someone's learning style earlier, we can design learning strategies that are more efficient and effective


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    The objective of this research is to find out the effect of Capabilities OF Resilience management of river (CRMR) and gender (G) on new Environmental Paradigm (NEP).  An expost facto method has been used by selecting 19 sample for each cell. Reliability of CRMR was .878, and New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) was .91. Data analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Research results revealed that there was new environmental paradigm significant difference between those people who have high capabilities of resilience management of river and low capabilities of resilience management of river . Moreover, there was significant interaction effect between Capabilities OF Resilience management of river (CRMR) and gender (G) on New Environmental paradigm (NEP

    Educational Strategies in Wildlife Control at Airports as an Optimisation of Safety Management

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    One of the factors that can cause an aircraft accident is the presence of wildlife at the airport. Wildlife can pose a threat to aviation safety if not managed properly. The purpose of this research is to analyze the education strategy for controlling wildlife at the airport as a form of safety management optimization to find out what the inhibiting factors and supporting factors in handling wildlife to get the right wildlife control pattern.  This research method is descriptive research with a qualitative approach where researchers seek supporting data by conducting interviews, observations and some document literacy from the airport studied, namely Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport in West Pesisir Regency, Lampung Province. This research resulted in several findings that there are inhibiting factors, namely the absence of a wildlife hazard control unit at the airport so that the handling of wildlife does not have a planned and programmed standard procedure. However, there are several supporting factors, namely operational officers already know the types of wildlife and the causes of the gathering of wildlife around the airport. Facilities available at the airport such as perimeter fences can prevent and limit wildlife entering the airport from wild boar, monkeys, and apes. Handling of wild birds is done by traditional capture and not by the guidelines. Coordination and communication between the airport and Air Navigation are well-established and mutually supportive of wildlife control activities during operational hours. The results of this study are not only useful for the airport but also for the beginning of the development of further research on wildlife control. This research has a novelty, namely the steps of controlling wildlife at the airport and educational strategies in controlling wildlife as an optimization of safety management
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