Balai Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Komunikasi dan Informatika (BPPKI) Bandung: Jurnal Elektronik
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    Appendix Vol. 24 No. 1 Tahun 2021

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    Gerakan Opini Digital #IndonesiaTerserah pada Media Sosial Twitter di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The #IndonesiaTerserah Digital Movement of Opinion was used by netizens to express disappointment towards the government and the public related to the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study's purpose is to determine the perceptions or opinions formed in the community on the hashtag #IndonesiaTerserah during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used was a mixed method by combining quantitative methods for statistical calculations of communication networks with a sample of 2000 tweet data, 779 actors and 863 relations using Netlytic and Gephi, with the qualitative method to analyze text using the Digital Movement of Opinion, which describes and explains social networks and their network structures. The results showed that #IndonesiaTerserah was able to create mobility in the opinion of netizens in a communication network with the help of @radioelshinta and @cnnindonesia (Popular Actors), 449 Closeness Actors, @ridwanhr (Betweenness/Intermediary Actor), @donadam68, @reiza_patters, @ toperendusara1, @bangariza, @ kholil78 (Eigenvector/Significant Actor). Disappointment of netizens has mainly shown to people who were less aware of suppressing the number of Covid-19 in Indonesia with an analysis value of 32%; to the government in making confusing policies and unable to provide for daily needs with an analysis value of 21%, and to both of them at 11%. Moreover, the use of hashtags was interpreted widely and differently by 36%.Gerakan Opini Digital #IndonesiaTerserah digunakan oleh warganet untuk menunjukkan ekspresi kekecewaan pada pemerintah dan masyarakat terkait pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi atau opini yang terbentuk di masyarakat pada hashtag #IndonesiaTerserah di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu mixed methods dengan menggabungkan metode kuantitatif untuk perhitungan statistik jaringan komunikasi dengan sampel 2000 data tweet, 779 aktor dan 863 relasi menggunakan netlytic dan gephi, dengan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis teks menggunakan Digital Movement of Opinion yang menggambarkan dan menjelaskan jaringan sosial beserta struktur jaringannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan #IndonesiaTerserah mampu menciptakan mobilitas pendapat warganet dalam suatu jaringan komunikasi dengan dibantu peran @radioelshinta, @cnnindonesia (aktor populer), 449 aktor kedekatan, @ridwanhr (aktor perantara), @donadam68, @reiza_patters, @toperendusara1, @bangariza, @kholil78 (aktor penting). Kekecewaan warganet terutama ditunjukkan kepada masyarakat yang kurang sadar dalam menekan angka persebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia dengan nilai analisis 32%, kepada pemerintah dalam membuat kebijakan yang membingungkan dan tidak dapat menyediakan kebutuhan dengan nilai analisis 21%, serta kepada keduanya sebesar 11%. Penggunaan hashtag dimaknai secara luas dan berbeda sebesar 36%

    Analisis Netiket Konten Youtube di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The rise of videos on YouTube channels which content is viral yet insensitive to the current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic shows that ethical issues in creative content are becoming serious problems. The purpose of this study is to examine the issue of netiquette during the Covid-19 pandemic in YouTube content. This research used the qualitative content analysis method. The results concluded that a prank video, which showed the distribution of groceries containing trash and stones by Ferdian Paleka and the video of Indira Kalistha, who were reluctant to follow the procedures for preventing Covid-19, had very little ethics and did not educate the public. Both YouTubers also did not realize that they had the power to influence their many followers using their content. Prank videos made mainly by content creators are considered a kind of creativity to meet the audience's desire for entertainment. Moreover, fierce competition between creators cannot be avoided; hence ethics is ruled out sometimes, and they merely intended to gain more subscribers. On the contrary, a viral video of Edward Suhadi frying eggs in the campaign aimed for people not to panic buying during the Covid-19 pandemic received many positive responses from citizens. This video also inspires people to take social action.Maraknya video di kanal YouTube yang kontennya viral namun tidak sensitif dengan kondisi pandemi Covid-19 saat ini menunjukkan bahwa persoalan etika pada konten kreatif menjadi masalah serius. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji persoalan netiket di masa pandemi Covid-19 dalam konten YouTube. Penelitian menggunakan metode analisis isi kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan video prank pembagian sembako berisi sampah dan batu oleh Ferdian Paleka dan video Indira Kalistha yang enggan mengikuti tata cara pencegahan Covid-19, sangat minim etika dan tidak mengedukasi masyarakat. Kedua YouTuber juga tidak menyadari memiliki kekuatan untuk memengaruhi para pengikutnya yang banyak dengan konten yang dibuat. Video prank yang banyak dibuat oleh kreator konten dianggap sebagai sebuah kreativitas untuk memenuhi keinginan khalayak akan hiburan. Apalagi persaingan ketat antara kreator makin tinggi, sehingga kadang etika dikesampingkan dan hanya mengejar jumlah subscribers. Sebaliknya, video nasi telur ceplok milik Edward Suhadi yang viral, juga mendapat banyak tanggapan positif dari warganet soal kampanye agar masyarakat tidak melakukan panic buying di masa pandemi Covid-19. Video ini pun menginspirasi masyarakat untuk melakukan aksi sosial

    COVER VOL. 24 NO. 2 TAHUN 2021

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    Student's Opinion on Covid-19 Discourse in The Media News Room

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    Students are one of the vulnerable social groups who have their own perceptions of the Covid-19 phenomenon. As an intellectual community, students certainly have critical-idealist ideas that are important to explore. This qualitative research aimed to understand students' perceptions, whose discourse was extracted from the opinion room of online media news (websites) related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through functional discourse theory and descriptiveinterpretive analysis methods, this study concluded that student discourse related to Covid-19 was still a general discourse, had not touched the needs and was directly related to the real-substantive problems students faced as the affected vulnerable group. In terms of the opinion texts they wrote, the students' idealism was reflected in the critical discourse construction on the performance of the government, considered ineffective in dealing with the pandemic and their academic alignments with the public interest related to the phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic as the social background of discourse

    APPENDIX VOL. 24 NO. 2 TAHUN 2021

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    This study aimed to determine and describe the communication of Non-Permanent Population Registration policies through E-Punten at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Bandung City. The main problem of this research is that communication among institutions is not yet optimal, which results in a weak understanding of the immigrant community; hence their response is subsided about the importance of having a Temporary Residence Certificate. The research method used was a qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques: observation, interview, and documentation study. The study results revealed that E-Punten policy communication had not achieved maximum results since communication between institutions was not optimal in implementing E-Punten policies at the executive level. However, this research novelty is that policy communication encourages implementation with a humanist approach and requires innovations on socialization in various spaces, including public service advertisements and media platforms.This study aims to determine the policy communication of Permanent Population Registration through E-Punten at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Bandung City. The main problem of this research is that communication between institutions is not yet optimal which results in the weak understanding of the immigrant community so that the response is less about the importance of having a Temporary Residence Certificate. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques: observation, interview, and documentation study. The benefits of this research are expected to increase the effectiveness of policy communication between institutions so that the awareness of the newcomer community increases. The research results reveal that E-Punten's policy communication has not achieved results. The researcher recommends that policy communication be carried out through a working team that involves related agencies/ institutions in a coordinated manner with a humanist approach and socialization innovation in various spaces including through public service advertisements and media platforms. It is hoped that in the future there will be communication, socialization, and understanding of the migrant communit

    Government Political Communication in The Formulation of The Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja

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    The formulation of the Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja (Omnibus Law on Job Creation) had caused massive controversy and rejection in the form of a wave of demonstrations by workers, students and elements of society. This study aimed to reveal and analyze patterns of government political communication in the form of statements and clarification by central government officials about the important role of the Job Creation Law for improving the investment climate and providing employment for the ever-increasing workforce and the impact of implemented communication patterns government. This study used a qualitative method with a critical discourse analysis approach. The study found that government political communication in the formulation of the Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja was to form public opinion and encourage the political participation of the community and stakeholders with an act of accepting the ratification of the law. However, central officials' delivery of the substance of the law across ministries and non-governmental organizations tended to be carried out partially and reactive, giving rise to prolonged debates. Therefore, it can be concluded that the government's political communication on strategic policy issues still raises public doubts resulting in unexpected political effects in the form of demonstrations of workers, students and elements of society

    Perjuangan Perempuan pada Tokoh Putri Jasmine dalam Film Aladdin (2019)

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    Aladdin (2019) is a movie produced by Walt Disney Pictures. The issues that emerged in this movie are how a woman struggles to become a sultan (leader of the kingdom). Princess Jasmine's strong character is a central figure depicted in a critique of the role of women who are still considered marginal. The purpose of this study was to explain the struggle of Middle Eastern women to fight the shackles of patriarchal leadership. The research used a qualitative method which was analyzed through critical discourse. The results of this study were obtained through a series of dialogues and analyzed scenes to bring up Princess Jasmine's struggle to become a sultan and change the patriarchal system of power in the kingdom, which Princess Jasmine ultimately led. While in the reader's position, the character of Putri Jasmine was placed as a woman trapped in a patriarchal system and struggled using her consciousness as a feminist to get equality in the patriarchal domination monarchy.Film Aladdin (2019) adalah film yang dihasilkan oleh Walt Disney Pictures.  Isu-isu yang muncul dalam film ini adalah tentang bagaimana seorang perempuan berjuang untuk menjadi seorang sultan (pemimpin kerajaan).  Karakter kuat Putri Jasmine sebagai tokoh sentral yang tergambar dalam sebuah kritik pada peran perempuan yang masih dianggap marginal.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah   menjelaskan perjuangan perempuan Timur Tengah untuk melawan belenggu kepemimpinan patriarki. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dianalisis melalui wacana kritis. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan melalui rangkaian dialog dan adegan yang dianalisis untuk memunculkan perjuangan Putri Jasmine menjadi seorang sultan dan mengubah sistem patriarki kekuasaan dalam kerajaan yang pada akhirnya berhasil dipimpin oleh Putri Jasmine. Sementara pada posisi pembaca, tokoh Putri Jasmine ditempatkan sebagai sosok perempuan yang terkurung dalam sistem patriarki dan berjuang dalam kesadarannya sebagai seorang feminis untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan dalam monarki dominasi patriarki


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