415 research outputs found

    TAFSIR INDONESIA (Studi Kritis atas Tafsir Basmalah karya Kyai Asmuni)

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    When the mufasir interprets Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm into a work of interpretation, the understanding and meaning produced is generally based on prayer and the relation of fā‘idah isti’ānah (asking for help like a servant to His Lord) usually other interpretations. This output is caused by the fact that basmalah is interpreted in its entirety, without specifying the interpretation of the sentences in it, or it may be detailed but not upproached with grammatical-arabic discourse. Slightly different from the interpretation carried out by Kyai Asmuni, it does not only focus on this but raises at least three scientific domains such as theology (al-’aqīdah), fiqh (al-h}ukm), and sufism (al-akhlāq). Even at the same time, this realm can also became an icon of its interpretation style and at the same time demarcate it from other interpretaions. Understanding and meaning of this religious trilogy was originally explored by the author through his meditation on the basics and bases such as writing lafal (kitābah), reading (qira‘at), language (lughah), syintax (nahwu), literature (balāghah), and logic (mantiq) in the context of reading “ba”, “ism”, jalalah “Allah” and “al-Rahman al-Rahim”


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    Perkembangan teknologi saat ini mempengaruhi bentuk jenis layanan informasi yang disediakan, terutama layanan sistem informasi yang tidak lepas keterkaitannya dengan jaringan internet. Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan yang ada, diperlukannya tanggapan-tanggapan pengguna terkait layanan yang diberikan, namun jika tanggapan yang dimiliki sangat banyak, akan sulit untuk mengetahui apakah layanan yang diberikan sudah baik atau tidak. Dengan melakukan pendekatan yang tepat, tanggapan tersebut dapat dianalisa sentimennya dengan cepat dan otomatis. Analisis sentimen dilakukan dengan melakukan klasifikasi pada tanggapan kedalam kelas positif dan negatif, metode klasifikasi yang akan digunakan adalah Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB). MNB merupakan metode yang cukup terkenal dan sering digunakan untuk penelitian. Sebelum data diketahui hasil sentimennya, dilakukan pelabelan pada data secara manual, kemudian data tersebut melewati tahap preprocessing, cross validation, ektraksi fitur kemudian klasifikasi sentimen dengan classifier MNB. Proses klasifikasi kelas positif dan negatif pada tanggapan menggunakan MNB, medapatkan hasil tanggapan negatif tertinggi pada iGracias yang merupakan detail tanggapan pada sublayanan sistem informasi sebesar 44.27%. Metode MNB dengan menggunakan lemma dengan kondisi pada proses preprocessing-nya memperoleh rata-rata akurasi yang baik yaitu 83.24% untuk sublayanan sistem informasi dan 79.24% untuk sublayanan internet, dengan akurasi tertinggi sebesar 84.67% dan 80.53% untuk kedua sublayanan. Kata Kunci: analisis sentimen, layanan sistem informasi, preprocessing, cross validation, ektraksi fitur, multinomial naïve bayes


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    Penelitian pengaruh penambahan udang rebon (Acetes indicus) terhadap karakteristik nugget jantung pisang kapok (Musa acuminata balbisiana) yang dihasilkan telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Andalas, Padang pada bulan februari sampai april 2016. Tujuan penelitian adalah mempelajari pengaruh penambahan udang rebon dengan jantung pisang terhadap karakteristik nugget jantung pisang yang di hasilkan serta mengetahui tingkat penerimaan panelis terhadap uji organoleptik nugget jantung pisang dengan penambahan udang rebon yang dihasilkan. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah perbandingan jantung pisang dan udang rebon dengan perlakuan sebagai berikut: A (35% : 35%), B (40% : 30%), C (45% : 25%), D (45% : 25%), E (55% : 15%) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat perlakuan antara Jantung Pisang dengan penambahan Udang Rebon yang dihasilkan memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar lemak, daya serap minyak, kadar kalsium, kekerasan. Sedangkan pada kadar karbohidrat memberikan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda nyata . Nugget Jantung Pisang dengan Penambahan Udang Rebon dengan perlakuan A (Jantung Pisang 35% : Udang Rebon 35 %) merupakan produk terbaik dari hasil analisis dengan nilai kadar air (56,73%), kadar abu (2,92%), kadar protein (15,06%), kadar lemak (5,57%), kadar karbohidrat (19,73%), kadar kalsium (4,21%), daya serap minyak (6,54%), kekerasan (5,26N/cm2), Berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik, nugget Jantung Pisang dengan Penambahan Udang Rebon yang terbaik menurut panelis adalah nugget dengan perlakuan A (Jantung Pisang 35% : Udang Rebon 35 %) dengan tingkat kesukaan aroma 50%, rasa40% dan warna 80%. Kata Kunci – Jantung Pisang, Udang Rebon, Nugget

    Gene duplication of the zebrafish kit ligand and partitioning of melanocyte development functions to kit ligand a

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    The retention of particular genes after the whole genome duplication in zebrafish has given insights into how genes may evolve through partitioning of ancestral functions. We examine the partitioning of expression patterns and functions of two zebrafish kit ligands, kit ligand a (kitla) and kit ligand b (kitlb), and discuss their possible coevolution with the duplicated zebrafish kit receptors (kita and kitb). In situ hybridizations show that kitla mRNA is expressed in the trunk adjacent to the notochord in the middle of each somite during stages of melanocyte migration and later expressed in the skin, when the receptor is required for melanocyte survival. kitla is also expressed in other regions complementary to kita receptor expression, including the pineal gland, tail bud, and ear. In contrast, kitlb mRNA is expressed in brain ventricles, ear, and cardinal vein plexus, in regions generally not complementary to either zebrafish kit receptor ortholog. However, like kitla, kitlb is expressed in the skin during stages consistent with melanocyte survival. Thus, it appears that kita and kitla have maintained congruent expression patterns, while kitb and kitlb have evolved divergent expression patterns. We demonstrate the interaction of kita and kitla by morpholino knockdown analysis. kitla morphants, but not kitlb morphants, phenocopy the null allele of kita, with defects for both melanocyte migration and survival. Furthermore, kitla morpholino, but not kitlb morpholino, interacts genetically with a sensitized allele of kita, confirming that kitla is the functional ligand to kita. Last, we examine kitla overexpression in embryos, which results in hyperpigmentation caused by an increase in the number and size of melanocytes. This hyperpigmentation is dependent on kita function. We conclude that following genome duplication, kita and kitla have maintained their receptor-ligand relationship, coevolved complementary expression patterns, and that functional analysis reveals that most or all of the kita receptor's function in the embryo are promoted by its interaction with kitla. © 2007 Hultman et al

    Stratégies des Premiers Peuples au Canada concernant les données numériques : décolonisation et souveraineté

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    Dans cet article, nous proposons une réflexion à partir d’une posture d’alliées sur les enjeux de décolonisation informationnelle et de souveraineté des données. Considérant le recours croissant aux données numériques par une pluralité d’acteurs, nous cherchons à contribuer aux réflexions sur la gouvernance du numérique en y intégrant certains enjeux informationnels auxquels font face les Premiers Peuples au Canada. Nous proposons alors différentes observations qui appuient la thèse selon laquelle les stratégies numériques des Premiers Peuples, fondées sur des épistémologies traditionnelles et sur certaines structures de contrôle informationnel, ont le potentiel de mettre en œuvre une gouvernance décolonisée des données numériques qui les concernent. Ces stratégies témoigneraient alors de l’agentivité numérique des Premiers Peuples.In this paper, we propose a reflection from a position of allies on the issues of decolonization of information and data sovereignty. Given the increasing use of digital data by a plurality of actors, we aim to contribute to the reflections on digital governance by linking the latter to a number of informational issues that First Peoples in Canada are facing. We present various observations that we believe would support the idea that First Peoples’ digital strategies that are based on traditional epistemologies and informational control structures would make it possible to implement a decolonized governance of the digital data that concerns them. As such, it would then reflect the digital agency of First Peoples.En este trabajo, proponemos una reflexión desde una posición de aliados sobre las cuestiones de descolonización de la información y de soberanía de los datos. Dado el creciente uso de los datos digitales por parte de una pluralidad de actores, pretendemos contribuir a las reflexiones sobre la gobernanza digital vinculando esta última a una serie de cuestiones informativas a las que se enfrentan los Pueblos Originarios en Canadá. Proponemos presentar varias observaciones que creemos que apoyarían la idea de que las estrategias digitales de los Pueblos Originarios que se basan en epistemologías tradicionales y estructuras de control de la información que permitirían implementar una gobernanza descolonizada de los datos digitales que les conciernen. Como tal, reflejaría entonces la agencia digital de los Pueblos Originarios

    Sistem Pembayaran Biaya Pendidikan di Yayasan Pendidikan Al-Irsyad Surakarta

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    The cost of education is spending pecuniary usually given by parents students to schools to be managed to earn the right of children good education at school. The islamic education foundation al irsyad surakarta start applying the standards shall be obliged to the payment of SPP for students at the preschool level, elementary school, junior high school. The payment system education budget in education foundation have used the irsyad systemonline , but of less optimal , because it is still use the card spp which is not paperless . Therefore, the foundation would need the online application payment of the costs of more comprehensive education to make easy in payment of the costs of education students . This application built using text editor notepad++, Javascript, PHP, and database Programming PHP myadmin. This payment system was built with the method of System Development Live Cycles (SDLC) with waterfall model where this method are having 6 steps that is: planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintance. This system also has been be tested to see the use of testing was definitely blackbox with the results of testing valid and has been tested with 5 respondents with the results of the 84 %. So the respondents agreed with the worth of this system and capable of being to help the performance of several workers in the islamic education foundation al-irsyad Surakarta


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    Penelitian ini  dilatarbelakangi olehadanya Undang Undang Perlindungan Anak (UU No. 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak) menjadikan dilema yang berat bagi para guru dalam memberikan hukuman bagi para siswa yang melanggar aturan-aturan di sekolah. Dampak dari dilema tersebut, akhirnya guru menjadi kurang tegas terhadap siswa yang nakal atau melanggar tata tertib yang ada di sekolah.Ketidaktegasan guru berdampak terhadap semakin rendahnya wibawa guru di hadapan parasiswa, khususnya di kalangan siswa-siswa yang nakal. Mereka semakin seenaknya melanggar tata tertib sekolah. Sehingga trust atau kepercayaan siswa yang lain terhadap gurunya menjadi sangat rentan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenganalisis tentang bentuk kepercayaan responden dan pelayanan guru BK, persepsi kepercayaan responden terhadap pelayanan guru BK, pengaruh antara kepercayaan siswa terhadap pelayanan guru BK. Penelitian ini menggunakan  analisisunivaratdanbivaratmenggunakan bantuan software aplikasi computer program SPSS versi 24.Siswa dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 78siswa. Teknik Sampling menggunakan  metode disproportionate stratified random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik melalui kuesioner (angket), observasi, wawancara semiterstruktur dan studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara pelayanan dan kepercayaan siswa. Artinya apabila variabel pelayanan semakin baik, maka kepercayaan siswa juga akan semakin tinggi, demikian pula sebaliknya, apabila variabel pelayanan semakin kurang, maka kepercayaan siswa juga akan semakin berkurang.

    Initial Results of a Prospective Study of Adjuvant Pancreatic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Close or Positive Margins

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    Purpose: Patients with close or positive margins after surgery for pancreatic carcinoma are at a high risk for recurrence. Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) allows for safe dose escalation with great conformity and short duration of treatment. Herein, we report the initial results of a prospective observational study that evaluated the efficacy and safety of this treatment option. Methods and Materials: Patients eligible for the study had pathologically proven T1-4N0-1M0 pancreatic adenocarcinoma with a positive margin (≤ 1 mm) or a close margin defined as \u3c 2.5 mm. Patients were treated with either neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy, if eligible for systemic therapy. All patients received 36 Gy in 3 fractions to the close or positive margin site. Results: From February 2013 to January 2018, 50 patients were enrolled with 49 patients treated on protocol and included in the analysis. The median age was 71 years. The median clinical target volume was 11.3 cc and median planning target volume 22.0 cc. The median overall survival was 23.7 months (95% confidence interval, 13.6-33.8). Local progression-free survival at 1 and 2 years was 85% and 77%, respectively. Regional progression-free survival at 1 and 2 years was 73% and 73%, respectively. Distant metastases-free survival was 57% and 49% at 1 and 2 years, respectively. Grade 3+ radiation toxicity was only 4.1% and occurred in 2 patients. Conclusions: Adjuvant pancreatic SBRT was shown to be a safe and feasible treatment option for patients with high-risk pancreatic adenocarcinoma and close or positive margins. This is the first prospective study of SBRT in high-risk postoperative pancreatic cancer. Our results yielded significant local and regional control with low rates of acute toxicity. This technique does not interrupt the administration of systemically dosed multiagent chemotherapy and can be safely interdigitated between cycles because SBRT is only 1 week of treatment

    Long-term clinical outcomes of [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE in patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors

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    The incidence of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors has been rising and these tumors are usually only diagnosed at a metastatic stage. Present first line treatments include somatostatin analogs, targeted therapies and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. The Lutetium-177 [177Lu] based radiotracer [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE has only been approved as first-line treatment of metastatic midgut NETs however its efficacy as a third line or above treatment in patients with non ileal primaries has not been tested. In our study, we identified 25 patients with histologically confirmed well-differentiated metastatic neuroendocrine tumors and administered [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE as a second line, third line and fourth line treatment. Our study demonstrated a notable response in patients with non-ileal primaries and heavily pretreated disease, warranting further studies for additional cycles of treatment