195 research outputs found

    Simulation of sub-drains performance using visual MODFLOW for slope water seepage Problem

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    Numerical simulation technique was used for investigating water seepage problem at the Botanic Park Kuala Lumpur. A proposed sub-drains installation in problematic site location was simulated using Modular Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow (MODFLOW) software. The results of simulation heads during transient condition showed that heads in between 43 m (water seepage occurred at level 2) until 45 m (water seepage occurred at level 4) which heads measurement are referred to mean sea level. However, elevations measurements for level 2 showed the values between 41 to 42 m from mean sea level and elevations for level 4 between 42 to 45 m from mean sea level. These results indicated an increase in heads for level 2 and level 4 between 1 to 2 m when compared to elevations slope at the level 2 and level 4. The head increases surpass the elevation level of the slope area that causing water seepage at level 2 and level 4. In order to overcome this problems, the heads level need to be decrease to 1 until 2 m by using two options of sub-drain dimension size. Sub-drain with the dimension of 0.0750 m (diameter), 0.10 m (length) and using 4.90 m spacing was the best method to use as it was able to decrease the heads to the required levels of 1 to 2 m

    Simulation of sub-drains performance using visual MODFLOW for slope water seepage Problem

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    Numerical simulation technique was used for investigating water seepage problem at the Botanic Park Kuala Lumpur. A proposed sub-drains installation in problematic site location was simulated using Modular Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow (MODFLOW) software. The results of simulation heads during transient condition showed that heads in between 43 m (water seepage occurred at level 2) until 45 m (water seepage occurred at level 4) which heads measurement are referred to mean sea level. However, elevations measurements for level 2 showed the values between 41 to 42 m from mean sea level and elevations for level 4 between 42 to 45 m from mean sea level. These results indicated an increase in heads for level 2 and level 4 between 1 to 2 m when compared to elevations slope at the level 2 and level 4. The head increases surpass the elevation level of the slope area that causing water seepage at level 2 and level 4. In order to overcome this problems, the heads level need to be decrease to 1 until 2 m by using two options of sub-drain dimension size. Sub-drain with the dimension of 0.0750 m (diameter), 0.10 m (length) and using 4.90 m spacing was the best method to use as it was able to decrease the heads to the required levels of 1 to 2 m

    Pembahasan* Kajian Biologi Eboni Dan Kajian Budidaya Eboni

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    Materi yang disajikan oleh Riswan dan Alrasyid masing-masing dalam makalah "Kajian Biologi Eboni" dan "Kajian Budidaya Eboni" telah memberikan informasi yang akurat dan komprehensif tentang karakter dan teknik-teknik silvikultur spesifik dalam budidaya eboni.Kajian biologi dan budidaya eboni yang sudah diuraikan merupakan kajian yang baku dan yang memenuhi kaidah-kaidah pertumbuhan pohon secara umum. Hal-hal yang perlu ditekankan adalah adanya ciri-ciri dan sifat spesifik dari pertumbuhan eboni secara alamiah tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk pengembangannya secara luas melalui budidaya

    Pengembangan Kit Eksperimen Mekanisme Kontraksi Otot pada Pembelajaran Biologi

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    This research aim to develop a biological KIT experiment specially to increase fascination and effectiveness study of biology at mechanism of muscle contraction chapter.This research and development of KIT experiment focus in R and D Borg and Gall model which conducted by two research phase in Senior High School Kotagajah. The result of research indicate that KIT experiment result of development which is completing by LKS have very attractive category with score acquirement 3,62 from maximal score 4,0 or 90%, while from result of effectiveness test use different two average one side. There is different average between control class with experiment class (KIT experiment user) equal to 7,5.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah KIT eksperimen biologi khususnya untuk meningkatkan efektivitas, dan daya tarik pembelajaran biologi pada materi mekanisme kontraksi otot.Penelitian dan pengembangan kit eksperimen ini mengacu pada model R & D Â Borg and Gall, yang dilakukan melalui dua tahap penelitian (7 langkah)Â di SMAN 1 Kotagajah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kit eksperimen hasil pengembangan yang dilengkapi LKS memiliki kategori sangat menarik dengan perolehan skor 3,62 dari skor maksimal 4,0 atau sebesar 90%, sedangkan dari hasil uji efektivitas menggunakan perbedaan dua rata-rata satu pihak, terdapat perbedaan rata-rata antara kelas kontrol dengan kelas eksperimen (pengguna kit eksperimen) sebesar 7,5

    Functional outcomes of conservatively treated clavicle fractures

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    OBJECTIVE: The main aim of the study was to analyze the outcomes of clavicle fractures in adults treated non-surgically and to evaluate the clinical effects of displacement, fracture patterns, fracture location, fracture comminution, shortening and fracture union on shoulder function. METHODS: Seventy clavicle fractures were non-surgically treated in the Orthopedics Department at the Tuanku Ja'afar General Hospital, a tertiary care hospital in Seremban, Malaysia, an average of six months after injury. The clavicle fractures were treated conservatively with an arm sling and a figure-eight splint for three weeks. No attempt was made to reduce displaced fractures, and the patients were allowed immediate free-shoulder mobilization, as tolerated. They were prospectively evaluated clinically and radiographically. Shoulder function was evaluated using the Constant scoring technique. RESULTS: There were statistically significant functional outcome impairments in non-surgically treated clavicle fractures that correlated with the fracture type (comminution), the fracture displacement (21 mm or more), shortening (15 mm or more) and the fracture union (malunion). CONCLUSION: This article reveals the need for surgical intervention to treat clavicle fractures and improve shoulder functional outcomes

    Perancangan Media Promosi Objek Wisata Air Terjun Madakaripura Guna Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

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    Madakaripura Waterfall is the highest waterfall tourist attraction on the Java Island, with the altitude reaches 200 meters. This waterfal is located on the Probolinggo district, and is still in the tourist area of Bromo-Tengger-Soemeru. Madakaripura Waterfall is managed by the Government Department of culture and tourism of Probolinggo district. This waterfall having the different characteristics with a waterfalls in general, circular shape and resembling a tube with the higher cliffs around the waterfall. This Waterfall also has a strong historical value, because according to legend that circulated in the local area, was formerly believed on a Madakaripura Waterfall be a place of asceticism by Gajah Mada Prime Minister, namely the commander of The Majapahit Kingdom. Madakaripura Waterfall is also used for Yadnya Kasada rituals, namely the traditional rituals taking holy water by the tribe of Tengger Which is celebrated on the 15th full moon day in Kasada month. This tourism area is still considered natural with a fairly challenging terrain, the visitors must walk so far about 2 km, with down the rivers to the location of a waterfall. Madakaripura Waterfall is on the lowest ranks of the numbers tourist visiting in 2012, among other attractions on Probolinggo district. It is influenced by the promotional media less, therefore needs to be done of promotional media design in accordance with the characteristics and natural potential owned by Madakaripura Waterfall. Expected by the presence of promotion media design for Madakaripura Waterfall attraction, can increase brand awareness and the numbers of tourist visiting in Madakaripura Waterfall

    Development Of Control Circuit For Single Phase Inverter Using Atmel Microcontroller.

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    This paper presents the development of control circuit for single phase inverter using Atmel microcontroller. The attractiveness of this configuration is the elimination of a microcontroller to generate sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) pulses

    Pengaruh Bentuk Lambung Kapal Terhadap Pola Aliran Dan Powering Pada Kapal Perairan Sungai Dan Laut

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    Bentuk lambung haluan kapal yang tepat sangat berpengaruh pada perbaikan pola aliran air maupun penurunan tahanan gelombang yang ditimbulkan badan kapal saat beroperasi. Pada tulisan ini dilakukan kajian tentang pengaruh bentuk lambung haluan kapal yang diwakili oleh Model-A dan Model-B terhadap pola aliran, tahanan dan daya poros pada kapal yang merupakan salah satu jenis kapal perairan sungai-laut. Pada Model-B dilakukan modifikasi bentuk haluan dari Model-A. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan bahwa peningkatan daya poros sebesar 12% saat kecepatan 14.5 knot pada Model-B atau keuntungan 3% dari penambahan displaceament 15% pada Model-B dari bentuk asli Model-A dengan operasional optimum kapal adalah pada kecepatan antara 12 dan 15 knots