367 research outputs found
Radikalisme, Fundamentalisme Islam Masa Kini
Fundamentalists are one of the streams that do not want to accept change in the sense that they are against reform. So, they are careful to emphasize that the announcement of the prophethood of Muhammad is not something new, but only continues the series of prophets and apostles who preceded him. Meanwhile, radicalism is a group that is often viewed by the West as a terrorist which aims to undermine political authority by means of jihad. That is, these radical religious movements make jihad as a method to achieve their goals, namely the order of the Islamic system (al-nizām al-Islāmi). In addition, radicals are considered narrow-minded, ultra zeolous, or want to achieve goals by using violent means. Because it is understandable why most Muslim scholars view radicalism as an unfavorable term and cause misunderstanding. This view is also found in Western orientalists and scholars who understand Islam
Automatic Traffic Volume Census Using Video
The aim of this project is to improve the traditional method of traffic volume census and to promote the application of image processing with obvious result of cost and quality
Abstrak Pendidikan kesehatan adalah upaya pemberian suatu konsep pengetahuan dan informasi di dalam bidang kesehatan, sehingga manusia mampu menangkap pesan dari informasi yang telah disampaikan dan merubah perilakunya. Perilaku kesehatan dalam Global School-based Student Health Survey Indonesia 2015 (GSHS) dibagi menjadi 10 dimensi yaitu; penggunaan alkohol, perilaku diet, penggunaan obat-obatan, kebersihan, kesehatan mental, aktivitas fisik, faktor pelindung, perilaku seksual, penggunaan tembakau, dan kekerasan dan cedera yang tidak disengaja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan perilaku kesehatan antara siswa jurusan IPA dan IPS pada 5 SMA Negeri di Kota Surabaya. Penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian non-eksperimen, dengan desain komparatif yang membandingkan kelompok sampel dengan kelompok lainnya. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket atau kuesioner 2015 Indonesia global school-based student health survey dari WHO. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri Jurusan IPA dan IPS di Kota Surabaya. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan multistage random sampling dari 5 wilayah di Kota Surabaya, masing-masing sekolah diambil 1 kelas dari jurusan IPA dan IPS secara acak dengan jumlah responden 332 siswa. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square dan persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari perilaku kesehatan pada 5 sekolah jurusan IPA dan IPS dari 10 dimensi, 8 diantaranya tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil persentase 8 domain siswa IPA dan IPS masuk dalam kategori baik dan nilai rata-ratanya tidak berbeda terlalu tinggi dari kedua jurusan. Sedangkan untuk 2 dimensi sisanya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dari kedua jurusan, dilihat dari persentasenya jurusan IPS lebih baik daripada IPA dengan perolehan hasil untuk dimensi aktivitas fisik dari jurusan IPS pada kategori buruk (68,6%), kategori sedang (29,3%), dan kategori baik (2,1%). Untuk jurusan IPA kategori buruk (76,6%), kategori sedang (18,8%), dan kategori baik (4,7%). Kemudian dari dimensi kekerasan dan cedera yang tidak disengaja jurusan IPS semua masuk kategori baik (100%). Untuk jurusan IPA kategori sedang (3,1%) dan kategori baik (96,9%). Kata Kunci: siswa, pendidikan kesehatan, perilaku kesehatan Abstract Health education is an effort providing a concept of knowledge and information health so that humans afford to gain messages of the information which is given and change their behavior. Health attitudes in Global School-based Student Health Survey Indonesia 2015 (GSHS) are divided into ten dimensions; those are alcohol use, dietary behavior, drug use, hygiene, mental health, physical activity, protective factors, sexual behavior, tobacco use, and accidental violence and injury. The purpose of the research is to know the comparison of health behavior between students majoring in Science and Social Science at five state high schools in Surabaya. This research uses non-experimental research methods with a comparative design which differentiate sample groups from others. A method used was a survey by collecting data using question 2015 Indonesia global school-based student health survey from WHO. The population of this research was all eleventh-grade students majoring in Science and Social Science in Surabaya. The process of taking the sample groups was by multistage random sampling from five areas in Surabaya, each school was taken on class majoring in Science and Social Science randomly with 332 total respondents. The data analyses used chi-square and percentage. Based on the results provided the news of health behavior in each dimension at five schools majoring Science and Social Science of the ten, eight of them were no significant differences. Those were able to be seen from the percentage of eight domain students majoring in Science and Social science that was categorized well and the average was no highly different the two majors. Meanwhile, the two of the dimensions were significant from difference, from the percentage majoring Social science was better than Science with the result of physical activity from majoring Social science the poor category was (68,6%), the middle category was (29,3%), and in the good category was (2,1%). For majoring Science, in the poor category was (76,6%), the middle category was (18,8%), and the good category was (4,7%). Further information on accidental violence and injury dimensions, majoring in Social science the good category (100%). From majoring in Science, the middle category (3,1%) and the good category (96,9%). Keywords: students, health education, health behavio
Analisis Material Isolasi dan Bahan Pendingin Palka pada Kapal Pengumpul Ikan di Kabupaten Jeneponto
Pada pengoperasian kapal ikan, perlu diperhatikan insulasi palkanya sebagai sistem pendinginan ikan untuk menjaga kualitas kesegaran ikan. Penggunaan media penyimpanan ikan pada kapal KUB di Kabupaten Jeneponto yang masih menggunakan Styrofoam dan fiberglass memiliki kekurangan diantaranya mudah rusak dan proses pencairan lebih cepat, maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan remodeling palka dengan susunan material fiberglass, polyurethane, fiberglass, phenolic foam, dan fiberglass dengan ketebalan mulai dari 0,06 m sampai dengan 0,10 m. Pemilihan variasi ketebalan optimal adalah yang memiliki nilai pendingin lebih baik dari hasil perhitungan metode Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) dan Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) serta perbedaan kebutuhan es yang tepat dengan kapasitas palka. Bahan pendingin yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah ice gel/pack dan es balok. Simulasi digunakan menggunakan software Ansys R2 2020 untuk mengetahui perbedaaan laju aliran panas dan mendapatkan variasi model yang paling optimal diantara kelimanya. Dari simulasi tersebut menunjukkan pengurangan laju aliran panas tiap modelnya yang kemudian divalidasikan menggunakan rumus Hukum Fourier dengan model yang paling optimal ialah model ketiga memiliki nilai error sebesar -1,0028 serta Penggunaan ice gel/pack dan Es balok dengan kapasitas palka yang sama memiliki selisih 24,38 kg
Effectiveness of Pleidooi by The Supreme Of Criminal Murder
The purpose of this study is to study and analyze the effectiveness of the pleaqs submitted by the accused as the perpetrator of the crime of murder in the trial process. In this research, the writer used sociological juridical method with the research specification in the form of descriptive analysis. The data used for this research are primary and secondary data. Based on the results of the research which concluded that in the analysis of the trial process of the verdict in the murder case with the perpetrator Hamim in accordance with the series of decisions Number: 73 / PID.B / 2015 / PN.Kds, the Judge gave a heavier verdict than the prosecutor's demands by using 2 (Article), each of which causes a different victim, namely the victim who died and was seriously injured in Article 338 of the Criminal Code and Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code
Democratic System Strengthening Through Concurrent Election Implementation To Improve Political Stability and National Development
Indonesian recently held a regional head concurrent elections in the first phase on December 9, 2015. Concurrent elections has been a historic moment for Indonesia to elect regional heads organized and structured massively. Concurrent election significance for Indonesian politics, especially at the local level, not only to read limited local democratic party, but rather an instrument for strengthening the democratic process. This research seeks to examine and analyze the democracy strengthening through concurrent election implementation in order to improve political stability of national development. In carrying out this study, researchers using qualitative methods. Whereabout the main data from this study is the researchers observation result on the concurrent election day, which is supported by several secondary data from the media. Featured models concurrent election (local concurrent election) is believed to be the best solution to counter the problems remaining in the elections execution, especially in two important reasons: First, the elections implementation effectiveness in order to realize the elections are more qualified and dignified from both the process and elections outcome aspects; second, the elections efficiency especially from the budget efficiency aspect which must be issued by the state to finance the electoral process
This study aims to describe the application of education management in the implementation of PPDB activities. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative to describe the implementation of PPDB with a zoning system policy at SMAN 9 Jeneponto which is a superior school before the implementation of the zoning policy. The data sources used are primary data (words/actions from informants, namely school principals, PPDB committee, parents of students and students) and secondary data (PPDB data, photos and other related school documents). Data was collected by interview and documentation using research instruments, namely interview guidelines and document studies. The data collected was then analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. To ensure the truth of the data that has been collected, the researchers tested the validity of the data by extending observations, increasing persistence in careful and continuous observation, using reference materials and conducting member checks. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of PPDB is carried out based on the function of education management which consists of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. This can be seen from the process of PPDB activities that are structured and carried out systematically so that PPDB activities run well and obstacles that occur are overcome by carrying out coordination in accordance with the functions and duties of each PPDB committee. The implication of this research is that schools need to carry out socialization because there are still many parents of students who still consider SMAN 9 Jeneponto to be a superior school that can produce quality graduates even though the zoning policy has been in place for four years which has eliminated the title of favorite school.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Flashcard dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Bahasa Indonesia Siswa SDN Karang Indah 1
Indonesian is one of the subjects in elementary school, in this subject students are taught how to write, compose, speak and read well and accurately. In Karang Indah Village, the regional language or Sundanese is more dominant than Indonesian. This makes Indonesian unpopular so that many children cannot speak Indonesian well and correctly. The aim of this service is to empower the community for the students of SDN Karang Indah 01 who are the targets of this activity. Students are introduced to interactive learning media to improve Indonesian language skills. The method used in this activity is to provide education to students about Indonesian, the importance of speaking Indonesian well, and how to write well. The results of this service introduce flashcard learning media and the advantages of students having to learn to speak Indonesian well and correctly. The evaluation carried out in this service is to determine Indonesian language skills by giving the task of creating a story using learning media provided by the service team. The learning media used is flashcard learning media to support students' Indonesian language skills at SDN Karang Indah 01. This service has implications for the development and progress of children in understanding good and correct Indonesian
A Study on the Effect of Acid Injection with Surfactants on Malaysian coals for CBM Study
Acid injection is one of the well stimulation technique that usually been imposed on sandstone, but rarely been implemented for CBM recovery. This research will focus on the study consisting the effect of acid injection with surfactant on the CBM recovery which is also known as Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (ECBM). This research will attempt to resolve the formation damage problem by introducing surfactants that could probably avoid the formation damage, thus will assist acid injection to increase the permeability of the CBM. The surfactant is employed in an aqueous acid solution, preferably having pH equal to or less than 3.0. The method is carried out by injecting the aqueous acid solution containing alcohol and also SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) that act as surfactant into a coal sample, preferably at injection rates lower than that would fracture for formation or at matrix injection rates. Tests have shown that the acid solution containing surfactant at certain concentration permit stimulation of the formation without damaging the formation itself. The acid solution is believed to act for dissolving calcareous materials in the cleats and the surfactant modifies the wettability of the coal surface which will lead to the improvement of permeability either water or methane or both. Actually, the acid stimulation will improve the formation permeability for the water in the dewatering stage. When sufficient water has been produced from the formation through the interconnected cleats, the resultant reduced pressure allows the methane to desorb from the coalbed formation and flow into and through the interconnected cleats into the wellbore. In this study, ECLIPSE 300 software is used as the initial result on how the surfactant injection will impact the water and methane production from the Coalbed Methane, before proceed to the laboratory tests. Laboratory tests include the utilization of Gas Adsorption Column Unit (GACU) to measure the adsorption capacity, an experiment to measure the porosity and moisture content of the coal and lastly the usage of Mercury Porosimeter equipment to measure the permeability impact of acid and surfactant injection into Malaysia coal sample for CBM study. The permeability for both, water and methane are expected to be increased after injecting acid solution with surfactants of various concentrations
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