670 research outputs found

    Ses Temelli İlk Okuma Yazma Eğitiminde nin Öğretimiyle İlgili Yaşanan Sorunlar

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    <ğ> in the Turkish alphabet is a distinctive letter, which does not have a sound value but performs important functions in speech. However, it is traditionally accepted by the Turkish Ministry of National Education that this letter corresponds to a consonant sound. Literacy education, syllabi, applications, and exams of Turkish and Turkish Language and Literature courses are arranged with this acceptance. This situation causes many problems in practice, which have been mentioned in literature for thirty years and which deepened, especially in 2006 with the transition to the sound based literacy-teaching method. In this research, it was aimed to describe the participants' knowledge and experience related to literacy teaching, basic phonetics, and literacy competencies to examine their problems in the teaching of the letter <ğ> on a wide plane, holistically, and to develop some practical suggestions. For this purpose, thirty-nine classroom teachers, working in four primary schools in the central district of Yozgat province, were interviewed within the framework of the phenomenological research method. These teachers answered several questions related to literacy teaching, phonology, orthography, and the teaching of the letter <ğ>. The collected data was evaluated by content analysis. Because of this analysis, it was observed that the participants have several misconceptions about the basic concepts of phonology, orthography, and the sound value of the letter <ğ>. In addition, the participants have difficulties in teaching the letter <ğ> and try to overcome these difficulties with activities that are not valid in terms of phonology and orthography. Furthermore, the participants’ suggestions on the subject are described within this analysis.Considering the experiences of teachers in teaching the letter <ğ> as an independent topic, this research stands out and underlines the need to use phonologic findings in sound-based literacy education.Türk abecesinde bulunan <ğ>, ses değeri taşımayan ancak söyleyişte önemli işlevler üstlenen ayırıcı nitelikli bir harftir. Fakat geleneksel olarak Millî Eğitim Bakanlığınca bu harfin bir ünsüz sese karşılık geldiği kabul edilmektedir. İlk okuma yazma öğretimi, Türkçe, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı derslerinin izlenceleri, uygulamaları ve sınavları bu kabule göre biçimlendirilmektedir. Bu durum, uygulama bakımından alan yazında otuz yıldır dile getirilen ve özellikle 2006 yılında ses temelli ilk okuma yazma öğretimi yöntemine geçilmesiyle derinleşen birçok sorun yaşanmasına yol açmaktadır. Bu araştırmada katılımcıların ilk okuma yazma öğretimiyle ilgili bilgi birikimlerini ve deneyimlerini, temel sesbilim ve yazıbilim yeterliliklerini betimlemek; <ğ> nin öğretiminde yaşadıkları sorunları geniş bir düzlemde bütüncül bir biçimde irdelemek ve uygulamaya yönelik birtakım öneriler geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda olgubilimsel araştırma yöntemi çerçevesinde Yozgat ili Merkez ilçesinde bulunan dört ayrı ilkokulda görev yapan otuz dokuz sınıf öğretmeniyle görüşülmüş; onlardan ilk okuma ve yazma öğretimi, sesbilim, yazıbilim ve <ğ> nin öğretimiyle ilgili çeşitli sorulara yanıt vermeleri istenmiştir. Toplanan verilerin içerik çözümlemesi sonucunda katılımcıların sesbilim ve yazıbilimin temel kavramları ile <ğ> nin ses değeri hakkında bir dizi yanlış bilgi ve kavram yanılgısına sahip olduğu; buna koşut olarak <ğ> nin öğretiminde çoğunlukla güçlük çektikleri, sesbilimsel ve yazıbilimsel açıdan geçerlilik taşımayan birtakım etkinliklerle bu güçlükleri aşmaya çalıştıkları saptanmıştır. Ayrıca katılımcıların konuyla ilgili dile getirdiği önerileri değerlendirilmiştir.Bu araştırma, öğretmenlerin <ğ> nin öğretimiyle ilgili deneyimlerini bağımsız bir konu olarak ele almasıyla öne çıkmakta ve ses temelli ilk okuma yazma öğretiminde sesbilimsel bulgulardan yararlanılması gerekliliğinin altını çizmektedi

    Descriptive analysis and consumer evaluation of travel agencies websites

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    Bu çalışma internet ve iletişim araçlarının gelişmesiyle işletmelerin sanal vitrini haline gelmiş olan web sitelerin seyahat acenteleri tarafından mevcut kullanım durumlarının ortaya konulmasını, web sitele-rinde kullanılan bileşenlerin tüketici bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmesi ve tüketici değerlendirmeleri ile mevcut durumun kıyaslanmasına yöneliktir. Bununla birlikte seyahat acentelerinin turizm pazarındaki konumu ve tüketicilerin bir web sitesinden ne bekledikleri hakkında sonuçlara ulaşmak amaçlanmıştır.Bunun için Türkiye’de yer alan 386 A grubu seyahat acentesinin web siteleri alan yazın taraması so-nucunda ortaya çıkmış 6 ana ölçüt başlığı altında 47 bileşen ile betimsel analiz yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Betimsel analizde kullanılan web site değerlendirme bileşenleri 742 internet kullanıcısı tarafından de-ğerlendirilmiş ve bulgular karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre seyahat acentelerine ait web sitelerinin çevrimiçi alışverişte yetersiz kaldığı,sosyal medya araçlarını etkin kul-lanmadığı, çevrim içi ödemede güvenlik ibarelerini net bir şekilde belirtmediği aynı zamanda web site-lerinipazarlama faaliyetlerinden çok bilgilendirme fonksiyonu için kullanıldığı ve tüketici beklentileri ile mevcut web sitelerinin örtüşmediği görülmüştür.This study aims to reveal the current usage status of the travel agencies web sites that have become the virtual showcase of the enterprises with the development of internet and communication tools, The eva-luation of the components used in the websites from a consumer point of view andthe comparison of consumer assessments and the current situation. However, it is aimed to reach the results of travel agencies in the tourism market and what consumers expect from a website. For this, 386 travel agencies web sites located in Turkey with descriptive analysis were researched with 47 components under 6 main criteria. The web site evaluation components used in the descriptive analysis were evaluated by 742 internet users and the results were compared. According to the findings of the research,it is seen that web sites of travel agencies are inadequate in online shopping, do not use social media tools effectively, and do not explicitly specify security phrases on online payments. At the same time they are used for information functions rather than marketing activities, and consumer expectations and existing websi-tes do not overlap


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    Daire Eksenli Çubukların Dinamik Analizi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2008Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2008Bu çalışmada, Gâteaux türevi kullanılarak daire eksenli çubukların düzlem dışı serbest titreşimleri için fonksiyonel elde edilmiştir. Dinamik analizde problem, standart özdeğer problemine indirgenerek sıkıştırılmış kütle matrisi formülasyonunu esas alan karışık sonlu eleman yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. İki noda sahip dairesel çubuk eleman kullanılmıştır. Dairesel çubukta her eleman, bir eğilme ve bir burulma momenti, bir kesme kuvveti, iki dönme ve bir yerdeğiştirme olmak üzere (2×6) serbest derecesine sahiptir.In this study, using Gâteaux differantial a functional is obtained for out-of-plane free vibrations of beam elements with rectangular cross sections. In dynamic analysis, the problem reduces to the solution of a standart eigenvalue problem and the mixed finite element is based upon a consistent mass matrix formulation. The circular beam element which have two nodes have been used. For circular beam, the element have one bending and one twisting moments, one shear force, two rotations and one displacement (2×6 DOF)

    Ecotourism research: a bibliometric review

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    Makale (Review)WOS:000956643100003The paper aims to examine the trends and evolution of ecotourism research in the last 20 years, highlighting co-citations, collaborations, and emerging research themes. A total of 1387 ecotourism-related research from the Web of Science (WoS) database from 1991 to 2021 were analyzed in some bibliometric analyses using CiteSpace V software. The WoS database was scanned using the terms “ecotourism” and “eco-tourism.” While scanning, the “Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, and Tourism” field was selected for filtering, and articles published by September 12, 2021, were accessed. The most frequently studied cluster of topics related to ecotourism includes the creation of local benefits, ecotourism intentions, and community empowerment. The three most frequently used keywords related to ecotourism are “ecotourism,” “tourism,” and “conservation.” The outcome of this research constitutes a unique contribution to the area of ecotourism. The study provides an in-depth bibliometric analysis of publications and identification of important research trends. It also identifies possible avenues for future research in the knowledge domain of ecotourism.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo examinar as tendências e a evolução da investigação em ecoturismo nos últimos 20 anos, destacando as co-citações, as colaborações e os temas emergentes da investigação. Um total de 1387 artigos relacionados com ecoturismo da base de dados Web of Science (WoS) de 1991 a 2021 foram estudados através de análises bibliométricas usando o software CiteSpace V. Foi feita uma busca usando os termos “ecotourism” e “eco-tourism”. Durante a busca, o campo “Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, and Tourism” foi selecionado para filtragem e os artigos publicados até 12 de setembro de 2021 foram acessados. Os temas mais frequentemente estudados incluem a criação de benefícios locais, as intenções de ecoturismo e o empoderamento comunitário. As três palavras-chave mais utilizadas são "ecoturismo", "turismo" e "conservação". O resultado desta pesquisa constitui uma contribuição única para o campo do ecoturismo. O estudo fornece uma análise bibliométrica aprofundada de publicações e identificação de tendências de pesquisa importantes. Também identifica possíveis pistas para futuras investigações no domínio do conhecimento do ecoturismo

    Hyperbolic Spinor Representations of Non-Null Framed Curves

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    In this paper, we intend to bring together the hyperbolic spinors, which are useful frameworks from mathematics to physics, and both spacelike and timelike framed curves in Minkowski 3-space R13\mathbb{R}_1^3, which are new type attractive frames and very crucial issue for singularity theory especially. First, we obtain new adapted frames which are called adapted frames for non-null (spacelike and timelike) framed curves in R13\mathbb{R}_1^3. Then, we investigate the hyperbolic spinor representations of non-null framed curves of the general and adapted frames. Also, we find some geometric results and interpretations with respect to them, and we obtain illustrative and numerical examples with figures in order to support the given theorems and results.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure


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    This study aimed at revealing the preservice teachers’ mental images about the concept of agriculture and the functions of agriculture contains through mind maps. The images of a total of 60 Mind Maps were obtained by drawing technique. Mind maps were examined by content analysis in MAXQDA© qualitative data analysis program. As a result of analyses performed by utilizing the agricultural literacy themes, it appeared that the images examined in mind maps were under eight main themes viz ecology, food safety and health, food processing, food production and energy, marketing and distribution, culture, geography and climate, economy and politics, science, technology and engineering. While it was seen that descriptions concerning the food areas and ecology theme were at a level that could be regarded as important, preservice teachers did not produce enough images on economy and marketing network issues.    Article visualizations

    The assessment of the knowledge and practices of healthcare providers regarding paroxysmal non-epileptic events (PNES) in children: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: Paroxysmal non-epileptic events (PNEs) are a group of disorders that may be misdiagnosed as epilepsy. This study has aimed to assess the knowledge and practices of family physicians and pediatricians regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of PNEs in children.Methods: The study was designed as a prospective cross-sectional study that was conducted between March 1, 2022, and June 1, 2022, by reaching pediatric specialists and assistants, family physicians, subspecialty assistants, and subspecialists using a Google questionnaire. The survey consists of 26 questions. The questionnaire used by the researchers was prepared in accordance with the literature search and it included detailed questions on the diagnosis, treatment, and differential diagnosis of PNEs.Results: A total of 37.3% worked as specialists. Most of the participants (41.3%) have worked in training and research hospitals, and 44.3% have been physicians for 6-10 years. The mean and standard deviation for the total score were 10.1 +/- 2.6. The scores of family physicians were statistically lower than those of specialists, subspecialty assistants, and subspecialists. A total of 67.2% left the decision of whether the patient should stop taking their medication to another clinician. 45% of the doctors said that they were uncomfortable with the diagnosis.Significance: The study findings emphasized the significant knowledge gap among healthcare providers regarding PNEs in children, highlighting the need for targeted educational interventions to improve their understanding and diagnostic skills in this area

    Thyroid papillary carcinoma presenting with femoral neck metastasis: a case report

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    Thyroid carcinoma is relatively uncommon, accounting for 2% of all cancers. Although they usually present as a neck lump, occasionally they may be presented with a distant metastasis. In this study, a 65 year-old woman was referred to our clinic with a pain on her left hip at both rest and walking. A lytic area at the inferior femoral neck was found with plain radiography. To clarify the characteristics of the lesion, left hip magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) had been performed displaying 3×5 cm hyperintense lesion extending from medial part of the left femoral neck to the left femoral head. Laboratory findings were normal. An open biopsy had then been performed from the left femoral neck with a suspicion of a metastatic tumor. After Immunohistochemical assesment diagnosis was consistent with metastatic thyroid papillary cancer. Proximal femoral resection with clear margins were achieved by proximal femur tumor endoprosthesis.  In conclusion, papillary thyroid cancer have an excellent prognosis and doesn’t tend to metastese. But rarely, as seen in our case it can even present with syptoms of metastasic disease. Management strategy is the same as other solitary bone metastasis. Papillary thyroid cancer must be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis in solitary bone metatasis