257 research outputs found


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    As for most Indonesian learners of English, classroom is the only place to learn and to practice English either with classmates or teachers. However, they do not to have plenty of opportunities to practice in English when they leave the classrooms. This has encouraged many of the learners seek strategies that allow them to learn and to use English outside the walls of the classrooms. This paper aims to introduce an approach which can be used as an English learning strategy for EFL learners that they can learn and practice English outside the classroom. This approach is hereinafter referred to as the Society-Based English Community (SOBAT). Therefore, the discussion of this paper focuses on three main points. First, it presents a theoretical discussion on the SOBAT concept. Second, it introduces procedures that can be used by EFL learners to establish SOBAT. Third, it outlines several proposed activities that can be carried out in this community. Forming this community is believed to be able to provide four main benefits: providing the EFL learners with plenty of opportunities not only to learn but also to practice English collectively, forming a habit of using English as intensive as possible for the sake of establishing a community of English whose members actively communicate in English and use English the first lingua franca, giving the members a chance to become interactive, creative, active and effective EFL learners, developing their assertiveness, critical thinking, leadership, initiative as well as inclusiveness by taking a part in discussions and debates on important issues of this country

    İlköğretim Okullarındaki Müzik Eğitimine İlişkin Anne-Baba Tutumları Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi ve Tutumların Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi

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    There are two main objectives of this resarch: The first is to develop an attitude scale measuring the attitude of parents regarding music education in elementary schools. And the second is to search the attirudes of parents whose children attend elementary schools, in terms of different variables (sex, educational level, music listening frequency, having an instrument in residence, being able to play any instrument). 172 parents whoso children attend 3 elementary schools in the city center of Samsun in the 2010-2011 spring semester participated in the research. An attitude scale including 34 items and an individual information form have been used to collect the data. This is a single dimension scale and reliabilitiy calculated with Cronbah Alfa reliability coefficient is 0,97. Regarding the second purpose of this resarch, a meaningful difference was detected in parental attitudes in terms of their educational level, music listening frequency, presence of a musical instrument in residence, and being able to play an instrument.ÖZ.Bu araştırmanın iki temel amacı bulunmaktadır. Birinci amacı, ilköğretim okullarında verilen müzik eğitimine ilişkin anne ve babaların tutumlarını ölçmek amacıyla geçerliliği ve güvenirliliği sağlanmış bir ölçme aracı geliştirmektir. İkinci amacı ise çocukları ilköğretim okullarında okumakta olan anne-babaların (ebeveynlerin) müzik eğitimine ilişkin tutumlarını çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelemektir. Araştırma 2010-2011 eğitim-öğretim yılının güz döneminde, Samsun büyükşehir belediye sınırları içerisindeki üç ilköğretim okulunun 6., 7. ve 8. sınıflarında öğrenim görmekte olan çocukların velileri arasından 172 anne-babaya uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada verileri toplamak amacıyla 34 maddeden oluşan bir tutum ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçek tek boyutlu olup Cronbah Alfa güvenirlik katsayısıyla hesaplanan güvenirliği 0.97’dir. Araştırmanın ikinci amacına ilişkin olarak anne-baba tutumlarının; eğitim düzeylerine, müzik dinleme sıklığına, evde herhangi bir müzik çalgısına sahip olup olmamaya ve müzik çalgısını çalıp çalamamaya göre anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaştığı görülmüştür. Ebeveyn tutumlarının cinsiyetlerine göre anlamlı bir farklılık göstermediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştı

    Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) Puskesmas Puuwatu Kota Kendari Tahun 2017

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    Pecegahan penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) didasarkan atas pemutusan rantai penularan penyakit ini.Peran serta masyarakat sangat diperlukan untuk dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan pelaksanaan kegiatanpemutusan rantai penularan penyakit DBD. Keterlibatan masyarakat sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan dansikap yang dimiliki masing-masing individu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk penelitian kualitatif denganmetode fenomenologi pada enam keluarga yang pernah dan belum pernah menderita penyakit DBD p ada wilayahkerja Puskesmas Puuwatu Kota Kendari. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk untuk mengetahui perilaku masyarakatdalam pencegahan penyakit DBD. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan dan wawancaramendalam. Penelitian dilakukan selama Februari 2017 sampai selesai. Informan dalam penelitian ini ayah dan ibudari subjek penelitian, kepala lingkungan/promkes, dan petugas kesehatan yang terlibat secara langsung dalamprogram pencegahan penyakit DBD. Analisis data dilakukan dengan tehnik ‘content analysis'. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan dan sikap tentang tindakan pencegahan penyakit demam berdarah diwujudkandengan kegiatan membersihkan rumah dan lingkungan sekitar rumah serta penggunaan anti nyamuk. Jika adaanggota keluarga yang terkena penyakit ini, maka penyemprotan/ fogging dianggap merupakan suatu kegiatanyang dapat mematikan nyamuk penyebab penyakit demam berdarah dengue. Pengetahuan dan sikap keluargamasih dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor yang dapat menghambat keluarga untuk bertindak sesuai denganpengetahuan yang dimilikinya. Peran serta masyarakat, dengan didukung oleh keterlibatan kader, kepalalingkungan, PKK, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama dan lintas sektor sangat menunjang keberhasilan program P2MDBD

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup pada Penderita Kanker Payudara di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 2017

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    Kanker payudara menempati urutan pertama jumlah kasus kanker pada wanita sekaligus menjadi penyebabkematian terbesar akibat kanker di dunia setiap tahunnya. Kanker payudara merupakan penyakit yangmempengaruhi kondisi kesehatan fisik sehingga akan menentukan kualitas hidup yang dimiliki oleh individu.Bentuk penurunan kualitas hidup yang paling banyak dialami oleh penderita kanker payudara adalah terjadinyapenurunan dimensi psikologis. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup penderitakanker payudara ditinjau dari dimensi psikologis yang melakukan perawatan di RSU Bahteramas Provinsi SulawesiTenggara tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.Informan berjumlah 6 orang yang terdiri dari 4 penderita kanker payudara sebagai informan kunci dan 2 oranginforman biasa yaitu seorang anggota keluarga penderita serta perawat yang menangani pasien kanker payudara.Hasil penelitian menemukan perasaan positif yang dirasakan oleh penderita kanker payudara antara lain perasaansabar, optimis dan perasaan damai, keadaan kognisi penderita kanker payudara berupa kemampuan berpikir logis,mengingat dan berkonsentrasi penderita tergolong baik, komponen dari harga diri antara lain kepercayaan diri danharapan, komponen dari gambaran diri antara lain Perubahan dan kepuasan bentuk tubuh, serta perasaan negatifyang dirasakan oleh penderita antara lain cemas, sedih dan takut. Diharapkan bagi rumah sakit untuk lebihmemberikan informasi mengenai tindakan bedah dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat mengembangkanpenelitian ini dengan menambahkan variabel meliputi dimensi fisik, dimensi psikologis, dimensi hubungan sosialdan dimensi lingkungan

    Estimating fuel biomass of some shrub species (maquis) in Turkey

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    Regression equations were developed to estimate shrub fuel biomass of a maquis formation in western Turkey. The relationships between some shrub characteristics and live, dead, available (for consumption), and total fuel biomass were determined by simple/multiple linear regression. Measured biomass values for live, available, and total fuels varied from 0.70 to 6.74 kg m-2, from 0.78 to 3.03 kg m-2, and from 1.06 to 7.72 kg m-2, respectively. The results obtained indicated that shrub fuel biomass could be satisfactorily predicted using the regression equations generated. The resulting equations were able to account for 60% to 89% of the observed variation (P < 0.05) in the fuel biomass categories studied. The results of this study should be invaluable in many forestry disciplines, including ecology, protection, and managemen

    Potential of Composition Market: Public acceptance in translated musical works on YouTube platform

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    Due to the worldwide demand for music consumption, more songs are translated into several languages. However, it remains a question whether the public i) prefers a loosely translated version, or ii) prefers a word-by-word translated version. Inspired by online data mining in business analytics, this quantitative research studied the public’s sentiments on two translated versions of Disney’s “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” song on the YouTube platform. Through semantic analysis, the researchers had found that the public prefers loosely, poetically, translated songs whilst preferring the harmony, melody, and musical sense of the songs to be retained. Keywords: translation techniques; compositional market; public acceptance; online data mining. eISSN: 2398-4287© 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA CE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning &amp; Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI7.376

    Branching Charity Platform in the Endemic Era: Public acceptance of e-Charity programs

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    The need for charity drives in Malaysia has become even more crucial with the halt and closure of countless businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to social restrictions implied, the method of collecting charity funds is now severely limited, resulting in the deployment of social media platforms. Suiting the current needs, this research aimed to understand the public's acceptance of e-charity programs. This quantitative research studied the response of 129 samples spread from urban and rural areas in Malaysia. Data were collected through a questionnaire in Google Form and distributed through social media platforms. Results show the public is willing to do charity online, and it is a way to encourage charitable behaviour. Keywords: e-Charity, Internet Banking Transactions, Original Technology Acceptance Model eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA CE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning &amp; Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI9.392

    Investigation of polarization in membrane distillation (MD) process and its energy efficient solution for freshwater production in Malaysian households

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    Recent water scarcity in Malaysia has raised an issue about the abundant supply of freshwater in the country. A water purification method like Membrane Distillation (MD) can be a wonderful solution to be utilized to deal with this immediate unpredictable water scarcity issues. MD is an ambient pressure process which works mostly below a temperature of 80 Degree Celsius, hence very much suitable to harvest solar/ waste energy. However, MD system has a limitation of restricted production due to temperature and concentration polarization on the membrane surface.This work aims to deal with fundamental investigation on Polarization in MD process to make it a more effective. freshwater supply system for Malaysian households. It has been observed that using smaller sized multiple chambers in the process can enhance the production of fresh water compared to a bigger sized chamber with a single large membrane. Association of solar heat into the MD module can contribute to further energy savings in the process and make it economical and feasible for water treatment in hot tropical climate. It has been observed that for using multi stage, a distilled water flux of 8.5 liter/m2h has been obtained

    Demuse: Releasing Stress Using Music Mobile Application

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    It can be seen that, conflicts, negative revolution, suicides, and other crimes becoming more common worldwide. Several studies and investigations have been conducted due to this case. Thus, it has been found that one of the root cause is stress, especially among the youth. Although stress can improve work performance and awareness for those who can manage it properly, however if someone is unable to cope with the stressful situation when it becomes excessive, the reaction might be disastrous. In tackling this unfavourable situation, several lifestyle changes have been prescribed such as listening to music, physical activities, doing desired activities, surfing, and others. This study uses the power of music to reduce stress. A mobile application named as “DeMuse” was developed and in its development, Mobile-D step-by-step methodology was applied. At explore phase, a number of existing applications have been compared. At the second phase, the initialize stage, a quantitative analysis was carried out to study the music and mood categories respectively. During the third and fourth phases, which were Productionize and Stabilise, the completion of Data Flow Diagram and Entity Relationship Diagram were established based on the quantitative analysis done. In the final phase, the System Test and Fix, the prototype were reviewed by 148 potential users. DeMuse showed to be one of the alternative ways to relieve stress. From this finding, DeMuse highlight the main feature which is the music and mood categories. In conclusion, DeMuse is a valid mobile apps that could be used to help reduce stress of its user. With this app, it hopes greatly to help in decreasing and eliminating the tension, dissatisfaction, and others negative feelings of users in their daily life