76 research outputs found

    Galaxy 7

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    Dalam karya musik Galaxy 7, penata sepenuhnya bereksperimen tentang perpaduan Gamelan dengan Musik Barat untuk mencari kesan dan warna baru dalam penggarapannya. Untuk mencari warna baru tersebut penata mencari sumber mengenai musik-musik yang memadukan dua perpaduan yang dilatar belakangi oleh kebudayaan yang berbeda. Penata menggarap karya perpaduan ini dari sudut pandang penata sendiri, penata tidak terbelenggu oleh aturan-aturan konvensional yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing media ungkap yang digunakan. Inspirasi penata memang bersumber pada teori maupun pola-pola tradisi gamelan Bali dan teori Musik Barat yang telah ada, kemudian dikembangkan secara seimbang, dengan menciptakan beberapa teknik dan pola-pola baru. Pola garap merata dengan penambahan beberapa teknik baru tersebut akan memudahkan jalan penata dalam mengkomposisikan masing-masing frase menjadi bentuk yang proporsional. Proporsional di sini dimaksudkan dengan tidak adanya penonjolan berlebih dari masing-masing unsur musik yang berasal dari dua kebudayaan yang berbeda tersebut, agar kemudian bisa diolah sesuai dengan rancangan konsep karya musik Galaxy 7. Musik ini merupakan cerminan karakter dari penata. Karya musik ini tidak memberikan makna penggolongan “Musik Tradisi, Inovatif ataupun Kontemporer”, akan tetapi audienlah yang akan memberikan makna musik ini sesuai dengan daya tafsir yang dimilikinya. Karena menurut penata yang mendukung pernyataan Suka Hardjana (2003:281) menyatakan bahwa: “penggolongan Musik Tradisi – Inovatif - Kontemporer sesungguhnya berjalan berdampingan, tradisi hadir akibat kontemporer – begitu juga sebaliknya, sedangkan inovasi hadir ketika adanya sebuah proses peralihan antara frase tradisi ke frase kontemporer”. Jadi, karya musik ini diharapakan mampu memberikan pembelajaran dan ruang terhadap penonton untuk bisa berapresiasi terhadap musik-musik baru yang dilatar belakangi oleh sebuah cabang Ilmu khususnya Ilmu Astronomi, sebuah cita-cita, dan dari pengalaman pribadi


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    The survival of the company always survives with the timeliness of financial reports. When financial reporting occurs, it will prevent investors or creditors from making decisions. This study aims to test and obtain empirical evidence regarding the influence of company size, company age, solvency, size of KAP, auditor opinion on financial sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019. The research population is all financial sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019. The sample in this study were 222 obtained based on purposive sampling technique. The analysis technique used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results showed that company size and KAP size had a negative effect on audit reports, while company age, solvency, and auditor opinion had no effect on audit report lag. Further research can develop this research by adding other variables that theoretically affect the audit report, as well as increasing the research period or changing the sample use


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    Green intellectual capital, which is the development of intellectual capital, is a critical component of a business model that emphasizes knowledge and human resources as knowledge assets by paying attention to the surrounding environment. Green intellectual capital is recognized as a new weapon in the development of companies based on eco-friendly concepts. More in-depth analysis of the role of green intellectual capital on competitive advantage in the Indigenous Village Owned Company in Sanur or Badan Usaha Milik Desa Adat (BUMDA). The sample used in this study consisted of 100 respondents from the Indigenous Village Owned Company in Sanur. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis techniques. The results of the study found that Green Human Capital, Green Relational Capital, and Green Structural Capital had a significant positive effect on competitive advantage. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the manager of Indigenous Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDA) related to the utilization of green intellectual capital towards BUMDA's competitive advantage compared to other business entities. The increasing concern for the surrounding environment has a positive impact on the competitiveness of the company itself. Competitive advantage is not only obtained from financial figures but also must have a commitment to the environment by the concept of an environmentally-friendly business entit

    The Customary Village Hegemony in Bali Towards Minority Groups

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    For the Balinese, customary villages are social realities that are accepted as given. It exists as a social institution that competes with existing institutions, especially government agencies such as the service village. Its existence is only felt when it clashes with rights that intersect with heterogeneous community life in ethnicity and religion. In this study, the customary village is understood as an important institution that must be given space because of the history and also the role that has been played in maintaining the security and comfort of Bali. But in the perspective of minority groups, its presence becomes a hegemonic institution that threatens the diversity of Balinese society.Through a deconstruction approach, customary villages in Bali Province Regulation No. 4 of 2019, is expected to continue to provide benefits to build togetherness in plurality


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    Inventory plays an important role in the company's operational activities. Inventory management is a must in order to be able to show satisfactory performance. Ponti Dewata Teknik sales process can be said to be less well organized, especially when selling. Because the inventory in Ponti Dewata Teknik does not have computer-based inventory records. So we provide training related to computer-based inventory recording. Where the goal is to facilitate the sales process and increase sales efficiency. Inventory recording with the system can facilitate management in making decisions regarding merchandise purchasing activities. The result of this dedication is that after input through the system, management is able to monitor the increase or decrease in inventory. control of the remaining stock in the warehouse is also effective. Monthly reporting related to inventory also runs effectively and efficiently


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    This study examines the role of the audit committee on audit report lag. The sample in this study was taken from all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample selection method using the purposive sampling method. By using multiple regression analysis techniques, it is found that the competence of the audit committee, number of members of the audit committee has a negative effect on the audit report lag. The higher the intensity of the audit committee meeting, the earlier financial reporting supervision occurs. High quality of financial reporting makes the audit period of the financial report audit shorter. The independence of the audit committee does not appear to affects the audit report lag. This is because the object of the examination of the financial statements itself is the annual report. On the other hand, the gender of the female audit committee has a negative effect on the audit report lag. The existence of female gender in the composition of the audit committee plays an important role in shortening the period for completion of audits by independent auditors.Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang peran komite audit terhadap audit report lag. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dari seluruh perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi berganda diketahui bahwa kompetensi komite audit, jumlah anggota komite audit berpengaruh negatif terhadap audit report lag. Semakin tinggi intensitas rapat komite audit, maka semakin dini pengawasan pelaporan keuangan terjadi. Kualitas pelaporan keuangan yang tinggi membuat periode audit laporan keuangan menjadi lebih singkat. Independensi komite audit tampaknya tidak mempengaruhi audit report lag. Hal ini dikarenakan objek pemeriksaan laporan keuangan itu sendiri adalah laporan tahunan. Di sisi lain, jenis kelamin komite audit perempuan memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap lag laporan audit. Keberadaan gender perempuan dalam komposisi komite audit berperan penting dalam mempersingkat jangka waktu penyelesaian audit oleh auditor independen

    Analisis Perbandingan Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection dan Adaptive Median Filter Untuk Mengurangi Impulisive Noise Pada Citra Digital

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    ABSTRAKSI: Saat ini citra digital telah dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Hal ini menyebabkan akses dan perpindahan citra digital dari suatu media ke media lain semakin sering dilakukan. Akan tetapi sering kali dalam proses perpindahan tersebut citra digital mengalami distrosi yang mengakibatkan adanya noise pada citra digital yang diterima, sehingga menyebabkan kualitas citra yang diterima menjadi berkurang atau tidak sesuai dengan citra aslinya.Dalam tugas akhir ini telah diimplementasikan, dianalisis dan dibandingkan pemakaian dua buah metode yaitu Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection dan Adaptive Median Filter dalam melakukan proses pengurangan noise pada suatu citra digital, sehingga kualitas citra dapat ditingkatkan. Noise yang dipakai adalah jenis impulsive noise dengan probabilitas tertentu yang dibangkitkan melalui suatu noise generator.Parameter performansi yang diujikan pada citra digital adalah PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) dan MOS (Mean Opinion Score) pada citra hasil filtering. Performansi kedua metode tersebut akan dibandingkan dengan performansi dari Standard Median filtering yang umum digunakan.Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa secara umum metode Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection dan Adaptive Median Filter sangat layak digunakan untuk mengurangi impulsive noise dengan nilai probabilitas noise antara 0 sampai dengan 0,4 dengan kenaikan 0,1. Metode Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection sangat baik untuk mengurangi impulsive noise pada citra yang memiliki karakteristik low contrast dan normal brightness sedangkan metode Adaptive Median Filter sesuai untuk megurangi impulsive noise pada citra dengan karakteristik Normal dan High contrast disertai normal brightness.Kata Kunci : Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection, Adaptive Median Filter, Standard Median Filtering, Noise, PSNR, MOSABSTRACT: Nowdays, digital image can be used in every field of live. It causes access and move from one media digital image to another media more often to do. But, the move often realizes a distortion that makes there is a noise at the digital image that someone accept, so the qualities that accept by someone will be less or not as good as the original.In this final project, had been implemented, analyted, and compared two methode, Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection and Adaptive Median Filter in doing filtering process to a digital image that may subtract the noise, so the qualities can be advance. Noise that’s used is impulsive noise with a fixed probability, where it’s generated by a noise generator.Performance parameter that’s tested is PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and MOS (Mean Opinion Score) in image coming from the result of filtering. Both of their’s performance will be campare with a performance from Standard Median Filter that usually used.From the analysis result, asserts that Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection and Adaptive Median Filter method is very proper to be used for decreasing impulsive noise by noise probability value between 0 until 0,4 with increment 0,1. Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection method is very powerful to reduce impulsive noise on digital image that have low contrast and normal brightness characteristic whereas Adaptive Median Filter is very appropriate to reduce impulsive noise on digital image that have Normal and High contrast with normal brightness characteristic.Keyword: Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection, Adaptive Median Filter, Standard Median Filtering, Noise, PSNR, MO


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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris mengenai perbedaan kinerja profitabilitas sebelum dan setelah perusahaan melakukan merger dan akuisisi. Penelitian ini berfokus pada sektor perbankan khususnya pada akuisisi yang dilakukan oleh BPR. Sri Artha Lestari. Studi ini membandingkan satu tahun sebelum akuisisi terjadi dengan satu tahun pasca akuisisi dilakukan. Asumsi dari peneliti bahwa pasca akuisisi seharusnya efisiensi perusahaan meningkat. Variabel profitabilitas yang digunakan adalah return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), dan beban operasional pendapatan operasional (BOPO). Menggunakan metode Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa sinergi belum bisa tercapai pada aksi korporasi yang dilakukan oleh BPR. Lestari. Kinerja profitabilitas justru menurun pasca M and A terjadi. Ada kemungkinan akuisisi ini terjadi disebabkan oleh hubris motive karena kinerja keuangan sebelum akuisisi yang mumpuni

    Does corporate governance and profitability effect on corporate social responsibility disclosure?

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    Trust has a role in establishing successful business relationships, companies must be able to meet the needs of stakeholders. So that corporate governance mechanisms are needed. The CSR disclosure is a form of corporate responsibility to the community and the environmental aspect. Corporate governance in this study is examined in four separate variables, namely the tenure of directors, board size, independent commissioners, and managerial ownership. This study also analyzes the effect the profitability in increasing CSR disclosure level. The sample is 54 observation collected from companies listed on the IDX using the purposive sampling method. Multiple linear regression analysis is used. The results prove that board size, independent commissioners and profitability are able to increase the company's motivation to disclose CSR. While the tenure of directors and managerial ownership are not able to motivate in disclosing CSR. For further research, is expected to examine the characteristics of audit committees, institutional ownership and the number of audit committee meetings
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