8 research outputs found

    Sanitation facilities and practices for street-vended meats at two major highway markets in Uganda

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    A study on sanitation facilities and practices for vendors of ready-to-eat roasted meat at selected highway markets was conducted. The aim of the study was to establish the status of sanitation in the markets and its effect on the safety of ready-to-eat roasted meat. Recommended conditions for sanitation facilities were assessed in stalls of chicken, beef and goat meat vendors using checklists. Questionnaires were also administered among 180 meat vendors to assess their sanitation practices. A scale of 0- 4 was used to assess the conformity of sanitation facilities where 4=High level conformity, 3=Good conformity, 2=Fair conformity, 1=Low conformity and 0=Nonconformity. Majority (67%) of the sanitation facilities evaluated had average score below 2. Waste management facilities were most deficient to the recommended conditions with a score of 0.85. Better performance was found in most roofs of vending structures (2.93). Over 78% of the stalls assessed did not have waste collection facilities and, therefore, scored 0 denoting non-conformity, 68% of the stalls did not have adequate water and therefore scored 0 denoting non-conformity to conditions of water availability. For shared facilities, toilet/latrine in both markets had an average score of 1.5 denoting a low level of conformity. Both markets scored 0 for waste water disposal facilities denoting non-conformity to the two recommended conditions for waste water disposal facilities, and were therefore non-compliant. The low conformity obtained from the assessment of facilities concurred with results from the assessment of sanitation practices; 67% lacked sufficient knowledge about good sanitation practices, 91% did not sort their wastes, 83% did not have adequate waste handling facilities and therefore they poorly collected their wastes, 76% of the vendors indicated inadequate latrine facilities as one of their sanitation challenges, 73% had inadequate cleaning materials and 70% did not clean their food stuffs. However, majority of vendors (92%) indicated that they clean their premises. Therefore, sanitation facilities and practices in highway markets did not conform to best recommended conditions. This could expose meats to contamination and compromise consumer’s health. Highway food vendors should be trained in proper sanitation practices. Local authorities need to monitor and enforce good sanitation practices.Keywords: Conformity, Highway markets, Ready-to-eat foods, Sanitation, Meat, Uganda, Practices, Vendor

    National food safety control systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does Uganda's aquaculture control system meet international requirements

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    Stringent food safety requirements set by developed country markets, which require exporting countries to establish effective national food control systems (NFCS) that guarantee safety of the products to the market, pose a challenge to Sub-Saharan countries in development of aquaculture products as alternative exports following the decline of capture fisheries. In the study, four components of Uganda's NFCS including legislation, competent authority, inspection services, and laboratory services were evaluated for compliance with FAO/WHO, European Union (EU), and the United States (US) market recommendations for guaranteeing aquaculture product safety. Using a checklist, component elements were benchmarked and scored, and components ranked for compliance with the recommendations. On a scale of 0-5, where 0 denotes none, 1 very low, 2 low, 3 some, 4 almost total, and 5 full compliance, only laboratory services had a barely acceptable score of 3.3 (some compliance). The rest including legislation which is central in setting the level of controls by the other three components scored below three, and the combined score for all components was only 2.2, indicating that Uganda's NFCS was still short of the requirements to allow entrepreneurs to access markets in the EU and other developed countries. The low score is partly attributed to the dynamics of this country's fledgling aquaculture industry and the rapidly evolving food safety requirements in the international markets.National food control system Aquaculture Compliance International requirements Uganda Sub-Saharan Africa

    Public health risks related to food safety issues in the food market: a systematic literature review

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