115 research outputs found

    Rethinking Sami Agency during Living Exhibitions: From the Age of Empire to the Postwar World

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    In the fall of 2008, the state-owned Norwegian Broadcasting Company (NRK), a noncommercial and highly-regarded channel, presented its new Saturday night show: „The Great Travel‟. The plot was simple. Three Norwegian families were sent into the „bush‟ to live for three weeks with three different indigenous groups around the World. One of the groups, the Waorani in the Ecuadorian Amazon, appeared more or less naked on the screen. The show was an immediate success. Almost a fourth of the country's inhabitants, including myself, followed the first episodes. But it also immediately caused an uproar, especially among anthropologists. Many alleged that NRK had paid the Waorani, who normally wear western clothes, to appear naked. These critics asserted that the Waorani‟s authenticity had been „staged‟. Even the former president of the Sami parliament, Ole Henrik Magga, made a public statement claiming that the show degraded and toyed with indigenous peoples. Others explicitly called the show racist, and claimed that it represented an attitude towards native peoples that belonged to colonial times (Nordlys 2008)

    Effect of various mix parameters on the true tensile strength of concrete

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    The primary aim of this research was to develop a method for determining the true uniaxial tensile strength of concrete by conducting a series of cylinder splitting, modulus of rupture (MOR) and cylinder/cube compression tests. The main objectives were: • Critically reviewing previous published research in order to identify gaps in current knowledge and understanding, including theoretical and methodological contributions to the true uniaxial tensile strength of concrete. In order to maintain consistency and increase the reliability of the proposed methods, it is essential to review the literature to provide additional data points in order to add additional depth, breathe and rigor to Senussi’s investigation (2004). • The design of self compacting concrete (SCC), normal strength concrete (NSC) and high strength concrete (HSC) mixes and undertaking lab-based experimental works for mixing, casting, curing and testing of specimens in order to establish new empirical evidence and data. • Analysing the data, presenting the results, and investigating the application of validity methods as stated by Lin and Raoof (1999) and Senussi (2004). • To draw conclusions including comparison with previous research and literature, including the proposal of new correction factors and recommendations for future research. 29 batches of NSC, 137 batches of HSC, 44 batches of fly ash SCC and 47 batches of GGBS SCC were cast and their hardened and fresh properties were measured. Hardened properties measured included: cylinder splitting strength, MOR, cylinder compressive strength and cube compressive strength. A variety of rheological tests were also applied to characterise the fresh properties of the SCC mixes, including: slump flow, T50, L-box, V-funnel, J-ring and sieve stability. Cylinders were also visually checked after splitting for segregation. The tensile strength of concrete has traditionally been expressed in terms of its compressive strength (e.g. ft = c × c f ). Based on this premise, extensive laboratory testing was conducted to evaluate the tensile strength of the concretes, including the direct tension test and the indirect cylinder splitting and MOR tests. These tests however, do not provide sufficiently accurate results for the true uniaxial tensile strength, due to the results being based upon different test methods. This shortcoming has been overcome by recently developed methods reported by Lin and Raoof (1999) and Senussi (2004) who proposed simple correction factors for the application to the cylinder splitting and MOR test results, with the final outcome providing practically reasonable estimates of the true uniaxial tensile strength of concrete, covering a wide range of concrete compressive strengths 12.57 ≤ fc ≤ 93.82 MPa, as well as a wide range of aggregate types. The current investigation has covered a wide range of ages at testing, from 3 to 91 days. Test data from other sources has also been applied for ages up to 365 days, with the test results reported relating to a variety of mix designs. NSC, SCC and HSC data from the current investigation has shown an encouraging correlation with the previously reported results, hence providing additional wider and deeper empirical evidence for the validity of the recommended correction factors. The results have also demonstrated that the type (size, texture and strength) of aggregate has a negligible effect on the recommended correction factors. The concrete age at testing was demonstrated to have a potentially significant effect on the recommended correction factors. Altering the cement type can also have a significant effect on the hardened properties measured and demonstrated practically noticeable variations on the recommended correction factors. The correction factors proved to be valid regarding the effects of incorporating various blended cements in the HSC and SCC. The NSC, HSC and SCC showed an encouraging correlation with previously reported results, providing additional support, depth, breadth and rigor for the validity of the correction factors recommended

    Fotografiers materialitet: Bilders betydning for fore- stillinger om samisk kulturell fremmedhet

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    Fotografiets tilkomst i første del av 1800-tallet, og mulighetene for reproduksjon og materialisering som dette mediet etter hvert åpnet for, resulterte i helt nye måter å erfare og forestille seg verden og menneskelig mangfold på

    Les caractéristiques des métiers de la communication d’entreprise au Togo

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    Les métiers de la communication d’entreprise bien qu’ayant fait leur apparition dans les années 90 au Togo restent encore méconnus dans leur complexité et richesse. Les hommes et les femmes en charge de la communication dans bon nombre d’organisations bien qu’ayant un profil atypique et des parcours professionnels hybrides proviennent majoritairement du journalisme. L’ancienne fonction « attaché de presse » devenue en 2007 « conseiller en communication » au sein des institutions de la république mérite une clarification pour éviter le flou qui l’entoure actuellement. Cet article basé sur une étude longitudinale débutée depuis 2013, en mobilisant quatre terrains, s’intéresse à ces professionnels et à leurs métiers en montrant leur particularité dans un pays comme le Togo

    Margrete Kreutz' historie: utstilling som synliggjøring av individualitet, etnisitet og handlekraft

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    «Margrete Kreutz’ historie» (Margrete Kreutzen jieleden bïjre) er ei vandreutstilling som jeg produserte i samarbeid med billedkunstner Elin Andreassen og Tromsø Museum – Universitetsmuseet sommeren 2012. Utgangspunktet for utstillinga var den da nylig avleverte doktorgradsavhandlinga mi om levende utstillinger av samer på verdensutstillinger, i dyrehager, fornøyelsesparker og andre steder i Europa og USA på 1800-tallet og første del av 1900-tallet.1 Mye kan sies om disse utstillingene som var svært utbredt i sin samtid. Vesentlig både for arbeidet med avhandlinga og utstillinga var imidlertid den karikerte og entydig negative forståelsen som har dominert tolkningen av dem. Særlig har utstillingsdeltakernes egne perspektiver blitt oversett. Utstillingsdeltakerne har først og fremst blitt forstått som passive offer som ble ensidig utnyttet uten selv å ha evne til deltakelse, opplevelse og dialog.2 Ofte har man ikke engang visst hvem utstillingsdeltakerne var

    Impacts des activités humaines sur les ressources forestières dans les terroirs villageois des communes de Glazoué et de Dassa-Zoumè au centre-Bénin

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    L’étude des impacts des activités anthropiques sur les ressources naturelles a été conduite dans les terroirs villageois des communes de Dassa et de Glazoué. Elle a été réalisée par le biais de l’analyse diachronique du couvert végétal entre 1998 et 2006, des relevés floristiques et des enquêtes socio-économiques sur la nature des pressions exercées par la population sur le couvert végétal. L’analyse de la dynamique des unités d’occupation du sol révèle une régression des formations naturelles au profit des formations anthropiques (champs et jachères). Les formations naturelles qui représentaient 27% des terroirs villageois en 1998 n’ont occupé que 20% de ces terroirs en 2006 et ne représenteront que 8,1% en 2025, si le taux actuel de dégradation (0,45%) n’est pas freiné. Les peuplements ligneux des formations végétales actuelles sont caractérisés par une faible diversité spécifique. Leur densité est aussi faible (17-84 tiges/ha), sauf au niveau de la forêt claire/savane boisée où elle est de 276 tiges/ha. La surface terrière varie de 2,87 m2/ha au niveau des formations saxicoles à 11,08 m2/ha dans la forêt-galerie. Les principales causes de la dégradation du couvert végétal sont la carbonisation, le prélèvement de bois et l’agriculture.Mots clés: ressources naturelles, dégradation, bois, activités agricole

    Endring til aktivitetsbasert arbeid. En kvalitativ studie av endringsledelse i kommunal virksomhet

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    Master i Human Resource Management - Nord universitet 202

    Hverdagsmagi i Skatt Midt-Norge. En oppgave om kreativitet, improvisasjon og innovasjon i norsk skatteforvaltning

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    Bakgrunn: Skatteetaten er i forandring. Ressursene blir færre, mens arbeidsoppgavene består. Forventningene fra brukere og politikere øker. Som et svar på dette, ble det Leaninspirerte programmet Kontinuerlig forbedring innført. Skattedirektøren forventer at programmet gir en effektivisering på 15 % innen 2015. Vi stilte oss spørsmålet: Er Kontinuerlig forbedring den beste endringsstrategien for å møte denne forventningen? Hovedfunnet vårt er at en leder som ønsker å innføre en endringsstrategi som bryter med den etablerte kulturen, bør arbeide med dette som to separate prosesser. Åpenhet ser ut til å være en forutsetning for trygghet, som igjen ser ut til å være en forutsetning for endring. Vi mener å kunne vise at en leder som bevisst arbeider med åpenhet som virkemiddel for å etablere trygghet har bedre sjanser for å lykkes i endringsarbeidet enn en som ikke gjør det. Aksjonsforskning ser ut til å være en god endringsstrategi for å oppnå dette

    Strong in-plane anisotropy in the electronic structure of fixed-valence β\beta-LuAlB4_4

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    The origin of intrinsic quantum criticality in the heavy-fermion superconductor β\beta-YbAlB4_4 has been attributed to strong Yb valence fluctuations and its peculiar crystal structure. Here, we assess these contributions individually by studying the isostructural but fixed-valence compound β\beta-LuAlB4_4. Quantum oscillation measurements and DFT calculations reveal a Fermi surface markedly different from that of β\beta-YbAlB4_4, consistent with a `large' Fermi surface there. We also find an unexpected in-plane anisotropy of the electronic structure, in contrast to the isotropic Kondo hybridization in β\beta-YbAlB4_4.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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