794 research outputs found

    Productes biodegradables més econòmics

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    Davant la necessitat de produir productes biodegradables que respectin el nostre entorn, els polihidroxialcanoats (PHA) compleixen la funció amb escreix, però també presenten algun problema. Sobretot, pel que fa al seu alt cost de producció. Són plàstics sintetitzats per bacteris que basen la seva producció en cultius purs -aquells que subministren al bacteri nutrients adeqüats i en condicions ambientals concretes-, la qual cosa dificulta la seva posició comercial en comparació amb altres productes sintètics més econòmics, però no biodegradables. Amb la voluntat de solventar aquest hàndicap, l'article següent avalua la possibilitat de treballar amb cultius mixtes enriquits en microorganismes PAO i utilitzant subproductes orgànics. Els microorganismes PAO acumulen matèria orgànica en forma de PHA en ambients sense oxigen. En aquesta línia de treball amb cultius no exènics, es podrà saber si és factible la producció de bioplàstics més econòmics estudiant la composició resultant dels PHA i comparant la quantitat obtinguda amb diferents fonts de carboni. Els resultats semblen positius.Ante la necesidad de producir productos biodegradables que respeten nuestro entorno, los polihidroxialcanoats (PHA) cumplen la función con creces, pero también presentan algun problema. Sobre todo, en cuanto a su alto coste de producción. Son plásticos sintetizados por bacterias que basan su producción en cultivos puros -aquellos que suministran a la bacteria nutrientes adecuados y en condiciones ambientales concretas-, lo que dificulta su posición comercial en comparación con otros productos sintéticos más económicos, pero no biodegradables. Con el objetivo de solventar este handicap, el siguiente artículo evalúa la posibilidad de trabajar con cultivos mixtos enriquecidos en microorganismos PAO y utilizando subproductos orgánicos. Estos microorganismos acumulan materia orgánica en forma de PHA en ambientes sin oxígeno. En esta línea de trabajo con cultivos no exénicos, se podrá saber si es factible la producción de bioplásticos más económicos estudiando la composición resultante de los PHA y comparando la cantidad obtenida con diferentes fuentes de carbono. Los resultados parecen positivos

    El nuevo Tratado START, algo más que una limitación a las armas nucleares

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    Los presidentes Barack Obama y Dmitry Medvedev firmaron el 8 de abril de 2010 en Praga un nuevo Tratado en la serie de reducción de armas estratégicas (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, START). El nuevo Tratado para la Reducción de Armas Estratégicas (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, START) firmado por los presidentes de EEUU, Barack Obama y Dmitry Medvedev, el 8 de abril de 2010 en Praga es un paso más en la reducción de sus arsenales estratégicos que vienen protagonizando las dos grandes potencias nucleares. Pendientes de la ratificación de la Duma y del Senado, trámites menos conocidos pero que han bloqueado acuerdos anteriores, el Tratado ha formado parte de una serie de iniciativas encaminadas a fomentar la no proliferación durante 2010 entre las que se contabilizan la Cumbre sobre Seguridad Nuclear y la Conferencia sobre No Proliferación nuclear. Este ARI describe la serie de acuerdos anteriores, las reducciones de cabezas nucleares y vectores de lanzamiento acordados en el nuevo Tratado y las implicaciones estratégicas del mismo

    Un equip de la UAB, al concurs de biologia sintètica del MIT

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    Un equip de 8 estudiants -5 de la UAB, 1 de la Universitat Santiago de Compostela i 2 de la Universitat de Granada-, coordinats per tres professors del Departament d'Enginyeria Química -Juan Antonio Baeza Labat, Joan Albiol Sala i Pau Ferrer Alegre-, participen en l'edició 2009 d'iGEM, la prestigiosa competició de biologia sintètica organitzada pel MIT (Massachusets Institute of Technology). Es tracta del primer projecte que presenta una universitat catalana a aquest concurs. Els estudiants desenvoluparan un biosensor per al control de qualitat en el procés de potabilització d'aigües.Un equipo de 8 estudiantes -5 de la UAB, 1 de la Universidad Santiago de Compostela y 2 de la Universidad de Granada-, coordinados por tres profesores del Departamento de Ingeniería Química -Juan Antonio Baeza Labat, Joan Albiol Sala y Pau Ferrer Alegre-, participan en la edición 2009 de iGEM, la prestigiosa competición de biología sintética organizada por el MIT (Massachusets Institute of Technology). Se trata del primer proyecto que presenta una universidad catalana a este concurso. Los estudiantes desarrollarán un biosensor para el control de calidad en el proceso de potabilización de aguas

    Augment del rendiment de les depuradores d'aigues

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    Les depuradores d'aigues residuals són actualment un dels sistemes existents més importants per reduir al mínim l'abocament de contaminants al medi ambient. Un dels processos que es fan servir en aquestes instal·lacions es el denominat EBPR (Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal, "Eliminació Biològica de Fòsfor"), encara que, de vegades, poden sorgir dificultats que afectin el rendiment de l'eliminació dels contaminants. Investigadors del Departament d'Enginyeria Química han estudiat a fons aquesta problemàtica, aportant nous coneixements sobre el procés EBPR.Las depuradoras de aguas residuales son actualmente uno de lossistemas existentes más importantes para reducir al mínimo el vertido decontaminantes al medio ambiente. Uno de los procesos que se utilizanen estas instalaciones es el denominado EBPR (Enhanced BiologicalPhosphorus Removal, "Eliminación Biológica de Fósforo"), aunque, enocasiones, pueden surgir dificultades que afectan al rendimiento de laeliminación de los contaminantes. Investigadores del Departamentd'Enginyeria Química de la UAB han estudiado a fondo estaproblemática, aportando nuevos conocimientos sobre el proceso EBPR.Wastewater treatment plants are currently one of the most importantsystems at hand to minimise the dumping of pollutants into theenvironment. One of the processes, which are used in these facilities, iswhat is known as EBPR (Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal),although, on occasions, difficulties may arise which hinder theperformance of pollutant elimination. Researchers at the Department ofChemical Engineering have studied this problem in depth, providing newknowledge about the EBPR process

    Accounting for slacks to measure dynamic inefficiency in data envelopment analysis

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    Slacks that arise when nonparametrically constructing technologies are relevant because they can be an important source of technical inefficiency. This paper extends the measurement of dynamic inefficiency in the full input–output space in the adjustment-cost theory framework to account for slacks. In particular, the paper develops the dynamic weighted additive model in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and shows its main properties. Additionally, the approach is illustrated by a real application. The empirical applica- tion concerns data on large firms in the dairy-manufacturing industry in the main dairy-producing coun- tries in the European Union (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, and the Czech Republic) from 2005 to 2012. The results show the differences in average dynamic inefficiency between the analyzed countries. The findings also indicate that, not surprisingly, firms are, on average, closer to their own-country fron- tier than the common frontier comprising all firms, regardless of country. Greater inefficiency was also found, on average, in the new approach when related to the dynamic framework that does not account for slacksWe thank three anonymous referees for providing constructive comments and help in improving the contents and presentation of this paper. Additionally, the authors appreciate the financial support from the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad), the State Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigacion) and the European Regional Development Fund (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) under grant MTM2016-79765-P (AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Buscar Denodadamente la Belleza : Discurso del académico electo Excmo. Sr. D. Alberto Campo Baeza y contestación del Excmo. Sr. D. Juan Bordes Caballero leído en el acto de su recepción pública el día 30 de noviembre de 2014

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    Discurso del académico electo Excmo. Sr. D. Alberto Campo Baeza y contestación del Excmo. Sr. D. Juan Bordes Caballero. Leído en el acto de su recepción pública el día 30 de noviembre de 2014. Real Academia de Bellas artes de San Fernand

    Does the ‘diffusion of innovations’ model enrich understanding of research use? Case studies of the implementation of thrombolysis services for stroke

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    Objective To test whether the model of ‘diffusion of innovations’ enriches understanding of the implementation of evidence-based thrombolysis services for stroke patients.Methods Four case studies of the implementation of evidence on thrombolysis in stroke services in England and Sweden. Semistructured interviews with 95 staff including doctors, nurses and managers working in stroke units, emergency medicine, radiology, the ambulance service, community rehabilitation services and commissioners.Results The implementation of thrombolysis in acute stroke management benefited from a critical mass of the factors featured in the model including: the support of national and local opinion leaders; a strong evidence base and financial incentives. However, while the model provided a starting point as an organizational framework for mapping the critical factors influencing implementation, to understand properly the process of implementation and the importance of the different factors identified, more detailed analyses of context and, in particular, of the human and social dimensions of change was needed.Conclusions While recognising the usefulness of the model of diffusion of innovations in mapping the processes by which diffusion occurs, the use of methods that lend themselves to in-depth analysis, such as ethnography and the application of relevant bodies of social theory, are needed

    Relentlessly Seeking Beauty : Discurso del académico electo excmo. Sr. D. Alberto Campo Baeza y contestación del Excmo. Sr. D. Juan Bordes Caballero : Leído en el acto de su Recepción Pública el día 30 de Noviembre de 2014

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    Discurso del académico electo excmo. Sr. D. Alberto Campo Baeza y contestación del Excmo. Sr. D. Juan Bordes Caballero : Leído en el acto de su Recepción Pública el día 30 de Noviembre de 2014. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Texto en inglés traducido por Penny Eades

    ‘Holding the line’:a qualitative study of the role of evidence in early phase decision-making in the reconfiguration of stroke services in London

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    BACKGROUND: Health service reconfigurations are of international interest but remain poorly understood. This article focuses on the use of evidence by senior managerial decision-makers involved in the reconfiguration of stroke services in London 2008-2012. Recent work comparing stroke service reconfiguration in London and Manchester emphasises the ability of senior managerial decision-makers in London to 'hold the line' in the crucial early phases of the stroke reconfiguration programme. In this article, we explore in detail how these decision-makers 'held the line' and ask what the broader power implications of doing so are for the interaction between evidence, health policy and system redesign. METHODS: The research combined semi-structured interviews (n = 20) and documentary analysis of historically relevant policy papers and contemporary stroke reconfiguration documentation published by NHS London and other interested parties (n = 125). We applied a critical interpretive and reflexive approach to the analysis of the data. RESULTS: We identified two forms of power which senior managerial decision-makers drew upon in order to 'hold the line'. Firstly, discursive power, which through an emphasis on evidence, better patient outcomes, professional support and clinical credibility alongside a tightly managed consultation process, helped to set an agenda that was broadly receptive to the overall decision to change stroke services in the capital in a radical way. Secondly, once the essential parameters of the decision to change services had been agreed, senior managerial decision-makers 'held the line' through hierarchical New Public Management style power to minimise the traditional pressures to de-radicalise the reconfiguration through 'top down' decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: We problematise the concept of 'holding the line' and explore the power implications of such managerial approaches in the early phases of health service reconfiguration. We highlight the importance of evidence for senior managerial decision-makers in agenda setting and the limitations of clinical research findings in guiding politically sensitive policy decisions which impact upon regional healthcare systems

    'Holding the line' : a qualitative study of the role of evidence in early phase decision-making in the reconfiguration of stroke services in London

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    BACKGROUND: Health service reconfigurations are of international interest but remain poorly understood. This article focuses on the use of evidence by senior managerial decision-makers involved in the reconfiguration of stroke services in London 2008-2012. Recent work comparing stroke service reconfiguration in London and Manchester emphasises the ability of senior managerial decision-makers in London to 'hold the line' in the crucial early phases of the stroke reconfiguration programme. In this article, we explore in detail how these decision-makers 'held the line' and ask what the broader power implications of doing so are for the interaction between evidence, health policy and system redesign. METHODS: The research combined semi-structured interviews (n = 20) and documentary analysis of historically relevant policy papers and contemporary stroke reconfiguration documentation published by NHS London and other interested parties (n = 125). We applied a critical interpretive and reflexive approach to the analysis of the data. RESULTS: We identified two forms of power which senior managerial decision-makers drew upon in order to 'hold the line'. Firstly, discursive power, which through an emphasis on evidence, better patient outcomes, professional support and clinical credibility alongside a tightly managed consultation process, helped to set an agenda that was broadly receptive to the overall decision to change stroke services in the capital in a radical way. Secondly, once the essential parameters of the decision to change services had been agreed, senior managerial decision-makers 'held the line' through hierarchical New Public Management style power to minimise the traditional pressures to de-radicalise the reconfiguration through 'top down' decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: We problematise the concept of 'holding the line' and explore the power implications of such managerial approaches in the early phases of health service reconfiguration. We highlight the importance of evidence for senior managerial decision-makers in agenda setting and the limitations of clinical research findings in guiding politically sensitive policy decisions which impact upon regional healthcare systems