54 research outputs found

    Complete Sequences of Organelle Genomes from the Medicinal Plant Rhazya Stricta (Apocynaceae) and Contrasting Patterns of Mitochondrial Genome Evolution Across Asterids

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    Rhazya stricta is native to arid regions in South Asia and the Middle East and is used extensively in folk medicine to treat a wide range of diseases. In addition to generating genomic resources for this medicinally important plant, analyses of the complete plastid and mitochondrial genomes and a nuclear transcriptome from Rhazya provide insights into inter-compartmental transfers between genomes and the patterns of evolution among eight asterid mitochondrial genomes. Results: The 154,841 bp plastid genome is highly conserved with gene content and order identical to the ancestral organization of angiosperms. The 548,608 bp mitochondrial genome exhibits a number of phenomena including the presence of recombinogenic repeats that generate a multipartite organization, transferred DNA from the plastid and nuclear genomes, and bidirectional DNA transfers between the mitochondrion and the nucleus. The mitochondrial genes sdh3 and rps14 have been transferred to the nucleus and have acquired targeting presequences. In the case of rps14, two copies are present in the nucleus; only one has a mitochondrial targeting presequence and may be functional. Phylogenetic analyses of both nuclear and mitochondrial copies of rps14 across angiosperms suggests Rhazya has experienced a single transfer of this gene to the nucleus, followed by a duplication event. Furthermore, the phylogenetic distribution of gene losses and the high level of sequence divergence in targeting presequences suggest multiple, independent transfers of both sdh3 and rps14 across asterids. Comparative analyses of mitochondrial genomes of eight sequenced asterids indicates a complicated evolutionary history in this large angiosperm clade with considerable diversity in genome organization and size, repeat, gene and intron content, and amount of foreign DNA from the plastid and nuclear genomes. Conclusions: Organelle genomes of Rhazya stricta provide valuable information for improving the understanding of mitochondrial genome evolution among angiosperms. The genomic data have enabled a rigorous examination of the gene transfer events. Rhazya is unique among the eight sequenced asterids in the types of events that have shaped the evolution of its mitochondrial genome. Furthermore, the organelle genomes of R. stricta provide valuable genomic resources for utilizing this important medicinal plant in biotechnology applications.King Abdulaziz UniversityIntegrative Biolog

    Electronic word of mouth in social media: The common characteristics of retweeted and favourited marketer-generated content posted on Twitter

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    Marketers desire to utilise electronic word of mouth (eWOM) marketing on social media sites. However, not all online content generated by marketers has the same effect on consumers; some of them are effective while others are not. This paper aims to examine different characteristics of marketer-generated content (MGC) that of which one lead users to eWOM. Twitter was chosen as one of the leading social media sites and a content analysis approach was employed to identify the common characteristics of retweeted and favourited tweets. 2,780 tweets from six companies (Booking, Hostelworld, Hotels, Lastminute, Laterooms and Priceline) operating in the tourism sector are analysed. Results indicate that the posts which contain pictures, hyperlinks, product or service information, direct answers to customers and brand centrality are more likely to be retweeted and favourited by users. The findings present the main eWOM drivers for MGC in social media.Abdulaziz Elwalda and Mohammed Alsagga

    Composición química, estabilidad oxidativa y propiedades sensoriales de las mezclas de aceites de semillas de Boerhavia elegana Choisy (alhydwan)/aceite de maní

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    This study investigated the effects of blending alhydwan seed oil and peanut oil as a way of enhancing the stability and chemical characteristics of plant seed oils and to discover more innovative foods of high nutraceutical value which can be used in other food production systems. Alhydwan seed oil and peanut oil blended at proportions of 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60 and 50:50 (v/v) were evaluated according to their physi­cochemical properties, including refractive index, relative density, saponification value, peroxide value, iodine value, free fatty acids, oxidative stability index, and tocopherol contents using various standard and published methods. At room temperature, all of the oil blends were in the liquid state. The physicochemical profiles of the blended oils showed significant decreases (p < 0.05) in peroxide value (6.97–6.02 meq O2/kg oil), refractive index at 25 °C (1.462–1.446), free fatty acids (2.29–1.71%), and saponification value (186.44–183.77 mg KOH/g), and increases in iodine value and relative density at 25 °C (98.10–102.89 and 0.89–0.91, respectively), especially with an analhydwan seed oil to peanut oil ratio of 10:90. Among the fatty acids, oleic and linoleic acids were most abundant in the 50:50 and 10:90 alhydwan seed oil to peanut oil blends, respectively. Oxidative stability increased as the proportion of alhydwan oil increased. In terms of tocopherol contents (γ, δ, and α), γ-tocopherol had the highest values across all of the blended proportions, followed by δ-tocopherol. The overall acceptability was good for all blends. The incorporation of alhydwan seed oil into peanut oil resulted in inexpensive, high-quality blended oil that may be useful in health food products and pharmaceuticals without compromising sensory characteristics.Este estudio investigó los efectos de mezclar aceites de semillas de alhidwan y aceites de maní como una forma de mejorar la estabilidad y las características químicas de los aceites de semillas de plantas y descubrir alimentos más innovadores de alto valor nutracéutico que pueden usarse en otros sistemas de producción de alimentos. El aceite de semilla de Alhydwan y el aceite de maní se mezclaron en proporciones: 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60 y 50:50 (v/v), respectivamente, y se evaluaron sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, incluido el índice de refracción, densidad, índice de saponificación, índice de peróxido, índice de yodo, ácidos grasos libres, estabilidad oxidativa y contenido de tocoferoles, utilizando métodos estandarizados publicados. A temperatura ambiente, todas las mezclas de aceite estaban en estado líquido. Los perfiles fisicoquímicos de los aceites mezclados mostraron disminuciones significativas (p < 0.05) en el valor de peróxido (6,97–6,02 meqO2/kg de aceite), índice de refracción a 25 °C (1,462–1,446), ácidos grasos libres (2,29–1,71%) e índice de saponificación (186,44–183,77 mg KOH/g), y aumentos en el índice de yodo y la densi­dad relativa a 25 °C (98,10–102,89 y 0,89–0,91, respectivamente), especialmente en una relación de aceite de semilla de analhidwan a aceite de maní de 10:90. Entre los ácidos grasos, los ácidos oleico y linoleico fueron los más abundantes en las mezclas de aceite de semilla de alhydwan/aceite de maní 50:50 y 10:90, respectivamente. La estabilidad oxidativa aumentó a medida que aumentó la proporción de aceite de alhidwan. En términos de contenido de tocoferoles (γ, δ y α), el γ-tocoferol tuvo los valores más altos en todas las proporciones de las mezclas, seguido por el δ-tocoferol. La aceptabilidad general fue buena para todas las mezclas. La incorpora­ción del aceite de semilla de alhydwan al aceite de maní da como resultado mezclas económicas y de alta cali­dad que pueden ser útiles en productos alimenticios saludables y productos farmacéuticos sin comprometer las características sensoriales

    A split-mouth randomized controlled trial to compare the rate of canine retraction after a soft tissue procedure compared against a corticotomy procedure for accelerated tooth movement

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    Background and Aim: Various methods to accelerate the orthodontic tooth movement have been used, among which corticotomy is considered to be the most common one. The suggested reasoning for such acceleration was the regional acceleratory phenomenon (RAP). Since the RAP is a property of both the hard and soft tissues, we designed a soft tissue flap procedure to compare the effects with the conventional corticotomy procedure. A split-mouth study was conducted where the two procedures were assessed in a single participant. Patients and Methods: The total sample size was calculated to be 40 with 20 participants in each group. The rate of tooth movement was the primary outcome measure, and the secondary outcomes were dentoalveolar changes, which were studied in both the conventional corticotomy and the flap-only procedure based on a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) wherein the alveolar bone density (BD) around canines, tipping, and rotational changes in canines, premolars, and molars were assessed. Results: Corticotomy resulted in greater canine angulation, lesser canine rotation and premolar rotation, and greater molar rotation compared with flap elevation, but these differences were statistically insignificant. Conclusion: Though the corticotomy resulted in higher BD, the differences were statistically insignificant. There was no significant difference in the rate of space closure assessed by the two techniques compared

    Comparative metagenomics approaches to characterize the soil fungal communities of western coastal region, Saudi Arabia

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    A total of 145007 reads were obtained from pyrosequencing for all the 4 samples. The total count ranged from 11,301,014 (Mecca old road) to 23,503,512 bp (Thuwal). A total of 460 fungal species belonging to 133 genera, 58 families, 33 orders, 13 classes and 4 phyla was identified across the four sites. The most abundant phylum at all four sites was Ascomycota followed by Basidiomycota. Four phyla (Ascomycota-99.31%, Basidiomycota-0.59%, Chytridiomycota-0.04%, Glomeromycota-0.03%) were detected in Khulais. Except for Glomeromycota, all phyla were detected at Mecca old road (Ascomycota-74.26%, Basidiomycota-25.71%, Chytridiomycota-0.01%) and Thuwal (Ascomycota-99.59%, Basidiomycota-0.40%, Chytridiomycota-0.002%); while only Ascomycota-90.98% and Basidiomycota-9.01% were detected in Asfan road. At the class level, Sordariomycetes was predominantly observed at Asfan road-59.88%, Khulais-68.26% and Thuwal-94.84%; while Pezizomycetes was dominant at Mecca old road-56.01%, was absent at Asfan road. Agaricomycetes was present only at Mecca old road-25.73%; while Tremellomycetes-5.77%, Malasseizomycetes-2.13% and Microbotryomycetes-1.10% were found only at Asfan road. The phylogenetic trees revealed that clear genus level differences are visible across all the four sites, with an overall predominance of Thielavia followed by Madurella, Aspergillus, and Gelasinospora. Chaetomium sp., Aspergillus caespitosus and Aspergillus sp. were found in moderate (Mecca old road and Thuwal) to abundant (Asfan road and Khulais) quantities. Thielavia sp., Thielavia hyalocarpa and Madurella sp. are found in moderate quantities at Khulais and Mecca old road, while in abundant levels at Asfan road and Thuwal. Fusarium equisati and F. oxysporum were detected at Thuwal and Khulais. Sordaria araneosa was present at Khulais, while Malasseiza globosa species was detected in moderate quantities across all sites except Khulais

    Molecular and cytogenetic assessment of Dipterygium glaucum genotoxicity

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the present study is to assess the genotoxicity of Dipterygium glaucum grows widely in Saudi Arabia desert to produce safety herbal products. This work is considered the first and pioneer report so far due to the lack and poor evaluated reports of the plant species for their mutagensity, genotoxicity and cytogenetics effects. Cytogenetic effects of D. glaucum on mitotic in roots of Vicia faba showed reduction in mitotic activity using three extracts; water, ethanol and ethyl acetate. Chromosomal abnormalities were recorded that included stickiness of chromosomes, chromatin bridge, fragments, lagging chromosome and micronuclei. Protein bands and RAPD analyses of V. faba treated with three D. glaucum extracts revealed some newly induced proteins and DNA fragments and other disappeared. Chemical constitution of the plant species should be identified with their biological activities against human and animal cells like HeLa cancer cell line. We are recommending using additional genotoxicity tests and other toxicity tests on animal culture with different concentrations and also utilizing several drought and heat tolerant genes of the plant species in gene cloning to develop and improve other economical crop plants instead of using the species as oral herbal remed

    Efficacy of two different hydrodynamic sinus lift systems for atraumatic elevation in immediate implant placement

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of two hydrodynamic sinus lifting procedures and to successfully place immediate implants in maxillary posterior sites that have a compromised native bone as a result of periodontal or endodontic disease. Patients and Methods: A total of 26 patient sites were enrolled with 13 sites each in the Minimally Invasive Antral Membrane Balloon Elevation (MIAMBE) and Drill Integrated Hydrodynamics for the transcrestal sinus floor elevation (DIHSFE) groups who received transcrestal sinus floor elevation followed by immediate implant placement. Clinical parameters such as sinus membrane perforations, nasal bleeding, postoperative sinusitis, VAS scores at Day-7 for pain and discomfort, primary implant stability and time taken were evaluated. Results: The DIHSFE had greater sinus membrane perforations and incidence of nasal bleeding when compared with MIAMBE with (p = 0.066) and (p = 0.141). Post-operative sinusitis was evident in both the groups with (p = 0.619). The mean VAS score was statistically significant between both the groups (p ≤ 0.005). The insertion torque values, and mean time taken for surgical procedure was not statistically significant between groups. Conclusion: The present study highlighted that MIAMBE is superior to DIHSFE in its ability to cause less severe patient morbidities and post-operative complications
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