13 research outputs found

    Visual authoring of virtual reality conversational scenarios for e‑learning

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to face-to-face activities being developed in a virtual format that often offers a poor experience in areas such as education. Virtual Learning Environments have improved in recent years thanks to new technologies such as Virtual Reality or Chatbots. However, creating Virtual Learning Environments requires advanced programming knowledge, so this work is aimed to enable teachers to create these new environments easily. This work presents a set of extensions for App Inventor that facilitate the authoring of mobile learning apps that use Chatbots in a Virtual Reality environment, while simultaneously monitoring of student activity. This proposal is based on integrating block-based languages and Business Process Model and Notation diagrams. The developed extensions were successfully implemented in an educational app called Let’s date!. A quantitative analysis of the use of these extensions in App Inventor was also carried out, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of blocks required. The proposed contribution has demonstrated its validity in creating virtual learning environments through visual programming and modelling, reducing development complexity

    Creacion visual de aplicaciones educativas para robótica e internet de las cosas basadas en dispositivos móviles

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    Este artículo presenta los principales aportes de dos investigaciones relacionadas con la autoría visual de escenarios educativos basados en dispositivos móviles, cuyos resultados fueron publicados en 2019 en revistas de impacto clasificadas en el primer cuartil del índice JCR. Se estudia la extensión de lenguajes visuales para incorporar soporte para robótica e Internet de las cosas como un mecanismo para facilitar el desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas que utilizan dispositivos móviles. Se realizaron varios talleres para crear actividades utilizando lenguajes textuales y visuales. Los resultados muestran como la aplicación de lenguajes visuales facilita y mejora el desarrollo de aplicaciones para participantes sin conocimientos previos de programación, así como para nuevos programadores.Trabajos financiados por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España en el contexto del proyecto VISAIGLE (TIN2017-85797-R)

    Computación creativa y desarrollo centrado en el usuario para el aprendizaje

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    Se describen las líneas de investigación del grupo Mejora del Proceso Software y Métodos Formales de la Universidad de Cádiz, en relación a las tecnologías del aprendizaje e informática educativa.Research lines of the Software Process Improvement and Formal Methods research group of the University of Cadiz are described, in relation to learning technologies and computing in education

    Ciencia Odontológica 2.0

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    Libro que muestra avances de la Investigación Odontológica en MéxicoEs para los integrantes de la Red de Investigación en Estomatología (RIE) una enorme alegría presentar el segundo de una serie de 6 libros sobre casos clínicos, revisiones de la literatura e investigaciones. La RIE está integrada por cuerpos académicos de la UAEH, UAEM, UAC y UdeG

    Chatbot-Based Learning Platform for SQL Training

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    Learning the SQL language for working with relational databases is a fundamental subject for future computer engineers. However, in distance learning contexts or unexpected situations like the COVID-19 pandemic, where students had to follow lectures remotely, they may find it hard to learn. Chatbots are software applications that aim to have conversations with people to help them solve problems or provide support in a specific domain. This paper proposes a chatbot-based learning platform to assist students in learning SQL. A case study has been conducted to evaluate the proposal, with undergraduate computer engineering students using the learning platform to perform SQL queries while being assisted by the chatbot. The results show evidence that students who used the chatbot performed better on the final SQL exam than those who did not. In addition, the research shows positive evidence of the benefits of using such learning platforms to support SQL teaching and learning for both students and lecturers: students use a platform that helps them self-regulate their learning process, while lecturers get interesting metrics on student performance

    Virtually guided visits as an educational tool

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    This study explores the possibility of creating interactive films that can replace guided visits in an educational environment. This interactive film is made up by using 360º videos, thanks to which the student can explore the surrounding environment. Preliminary results are promising, as the level of acceptance has been relatively high in all categories in which students have been asked, highliting the possitive comments from students about the immersion offered by the videos. As a future work, a chatbot will be added to answer questions and improve the navigation between different concepts, to make the transition straightforward.Número de páginas:

    The role of 360º virtual reality in social intervention: a further contribution to the theory-practice relationship of social work studies

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    This pioneering study in Spain in this specific area of knowledge, social work and social services, is framed around the incorporation of Virtual Reality (VR) in the social work teaching-learning process using 360º videos during the COVID-19 pandemic. Owing to the impossibility of face-to-face interaction, in order to put theory into practice, a VR simulation application—the Innovation Social Work App (iSWAPP) – was developed (intellectual property registration number 04/2021/491). In order to study the factors that determine the predisposition of social work students to use VR as a complementary pedagogical tool in the theory-practice learning process to acquire professional skills, a quantitative analysis was performed using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The study was performed in May 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic with a sample comprising 42 social work undergraduates at the University of Cádiz. The most significant results were the opportunities and potential of VR in the teaching-learning process, especially in teaching practice. The conclusions of the study show that 360° VR enables progress to be made in response to the structural need to build positive bidirectional synergies between theory and practice in social work in order to improve the quality of professional intervention.Depto. de Trabajo Social y Servicios SocialesFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu

    Ontology-Based Categorisation of Medical Texts for Health Professionals

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    The appropriate categorisation of written information by health professionals is very important to guarantee its accessibility. Unfortunately, the information technology tools that support professionals on that task imply a heavy workload, so that the responsibility for categorising the written content is often delegated to administrative staff. Well-known health ontologies such as SNOMED-CT or MeSH provide a representation of the clinical contents to be used by the information systems. This research proposes a computer based method to automatically extract and code the diagnostics, procedures and treatments according to health ontologies. A Knowledge Management System based on an extended version of Drupal is used to implement and evaluate this proposal. Results provide a positive evidence on the application of the method to support medical professionals

    Using an LLM in a Database course: the TAM view

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    La adopción de Inteligencias Artificiales Generativas ha revolucionado la producción de contenidos digitales de diverso tipo. Más allá´ de su adopción en contextos empresariales, en la academia ha afectado mucho al trabajo autónomo y realización de proyectos. Sin embargo, más allá´ de temas éticos, hay un trasfondo práctico importante, pues son sistemas basados en métodos estadísticos y sujetos a fallos inesperados en su salida. Es por ello que sus usuarios deben ser críticos con las propuestas de estos sistemas y tener capacidad para evaluarlas. En este artículo presentamos una experiencia desarrollada en una asignatura de Bases de Datos del Grado en Ingeniería Informática, en la que se pedía a los alumnos revisar la salida que proporcionaba BingChat al enunciado de un examen sobre diseño de bases de datos relacionales que se realizó previamente en la asignatura. Los alumnos además completaron un cuestionario Technology Acceptance Model para expresar su parece con la experiencia. Los resultados en general mostraron una actitud positiva hacia la herramienta pero con ciertos reparos a su uso sin una formación previa adecuada

    Principis d'avaluació en clínica i salut, febrer 2018

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material publicat amb llicència Creative Commons passats 6 semestres des de la data de publicació.Recurso de aprendizaje de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material publicado con licencia Creative Commons pasados 6 semestres desde la fecha de publicación.Learning resource of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material published under a Creative Commons license after 6 semesters from the date of publication