182 research outputs found

    Fourier-Splitting methods for the dynamics of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present a new method to propagate rotating Bose-Einstein condensates subject to explicitly time-dependent trapping potentials. Using algebraic techniques, we combine Magnus expansions and splitting methods to yield any order methods for the multivariate and nonautonomous quadratic part of the Hamiltonian that can be computed using only Fourier transforms at the cost of solving a small system of polynomial equations. The resulting scheme solves the challenging component of the (nonlinear) Hamiltonian and can be combined with optimized splitting methods to yield efficient algorithms for rotating Bose-Einstein condensates. The method is particularly efficient for potentials that can be regarded as perturbed rotating and trapped condensates, e.g., for small nonlinearities, since it retains the near-integrable structure of the problem. For large nonlinearities, the method remains highly efficient if higher order p > 2 is sought. Furthermore, we show how it can adapted to the presence of dissipation terms. Numerical examples illustrate the performance of the scheme.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, as submitted to journa

    Fragmented many-body ground states for scalar bosons in a single trap

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    We investigate whether the many-body ground states of bosons in a generalized two-mode model with localized inhomogeneous single-particle orbitals and anisotropic long-range interactions (e.g. dipole-dipole interactions), are coherent or fragmented. It is demonstrated that fragmentation can take place in a single trap for positive values of the interaction couplings, implying that the system is potentially stable. Furthermore, the degree of fragmentation is shown to be insensitive to small perturbations on the single-particle level.Comment: 4 pages of RevTex4, 3 figures; as published in Physical Review Letter

    Übernahmerechtliche Angaben im Lagebericht nach HGB : eine empirische Analyse

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    Für nach dem 31.12.2005 beginnende Geschäftsjahre sind Aktiengesellschaften und Kommanditgesellschaften auf Aktien, die mit stimmberechtigten Aktien an einem organisierten Markt im Sinne des § 2 Abs. 7 WpÜG notiert sind, gemäß den §§ 289 Abs. 4 bzw. 315 Abs. 4 HGB verpflichtet, für eine etwaige Übernahme relevante Angaben im Lagebericht zu veröffentlichen. Der folgende Beitrag analysiert die Umsetzung der Bestimmungen in der Unternehmenspraxis anhand einer Auswahl von 30 in DAX, MDAX und SDAX gelisteten Gesellschaften für die Geschäftsjahre 2006, 2008 und 2010

    Geometric Integrators for Schrödinger Equations

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    The celebrated Schrödinger equation is the key to understanding the dynamics of quantum mechanical particles and comes in a variety of forms. Its numerical solution poses numerous challenges, some of which are addressed in this work. Arguably the most important problem in quantum mechanics is the so-called harmonic oscillator due to its good approximation properties for trapping potentials. In Chapter 2, an algebraic correspondence-technique is introduced and applied to construct efficient splitting algorithms, based solely on fast Fourier transforms, which solve quadratic potentials in any number of dimensions exactly - including the important case of rotating particles and non-autonomous trappings after averaging by Magnus expansions. The results are shown to transfer smoothly to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in Chapter 3. Additionally, the notion of modified nonlinear potentials is introduced and it is shown how to efficiently compute them using Fourier transforms. It is shown how to apply complex coefficient splittings to this nonlinear equation and numerical results corroborate the findings. In the semiclassical limit, the evolution operator becomes highly oscillatory and standard splitting methods suffer from exponentially increasing complexity when raising the order of the method. Algorithms with only quadratic order-dependence of the computational cost are found using the Zassenhaus algorithm. In contrast to classical splittings, special commutators are allowed to appear in the exponents. By construction, they are rapidly decreasing in size with the semiclassical parameter and can be exponentiated using only a few Lanczos iterations. For completeness, an alternative technique based on Hagedorn wavepackets is revisited and interpreted in the light of Magnus expansions and minor improvements are suggested. In the presence of explicit time-dependencies in the semiclassical Hamiltonian, the Zassenhaus algorithm requires a special initiation step. Distinguishing the case of smooth and fast frequencies, it is shown how to adapt the mechanism to obtain an efficiently computable decomposition of an effective Hamiltonian that has been obtained after Magnus expansion, without having to resolve the oscillations by taking a prohibitively small time-step. Chapter 5 considers the Schrödinger eigenvalue problem which can be formulated as an initial value problem after a Wick-rotating the Schrödinger equation to imaginary time. The elliptic nature of the evolution operator restricts standard splittings to low order, ¿ < 3, because of the unavoidable appearance of negative fractional timesteps that correspond to the ill-posed integration backwards in time. The inclusion of modified potentials lifts the order barrier up to ¿ < 5. Both restrictions can be circumvented using complex fractional time-steps with positive real part and sixthorder methods optimized for near-integrable Hamiltonians are presented. Conclusions and pointers to further research are detailed in Chapter 6, with a special focus on optimal quantum control.Bader, PK. (2014). Geometric Integrators for Schrödinger Equations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/38716TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Fourier methods for the perturbed harmonic oscillator in linear and nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations

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    We consider the numerical integration of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a potential trap given by a time-dependent harmonic potential or a small perturbation thereof. Splitting methods are frequently used with Fourier techniques since the system can be split into the kinetic and remaining part, and each part can be solved efficiently using Fast Fourier Transforms. To split the system into the quantum harmonic oscillator problem and the remaining part allows to get higher accuracies in many cases, but it requires to change between Hermite basis functions and the coordinate space, and this is not efficient for time-dependent frequencies or strong nonlinearities. We show how to build new methods which combine the advantages of using Fourier methods while solving the timedependent harmonic oscillator exactly (or with a high accuracy by using a Magnus integrator and an appropriate decomposition).Comment: 12 pages of RevTex4-1, 8 figures; substantially revised and extended versio

    Prym representations of the handlebody group

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    Let S be an oriented, closed surface of genus g. The mapping class group of S is the group of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of S modulo isotopy. In 1997, Looijenga introduced the Prym representations, which are virtual representations of the mapping class group that depend on a finite, abelian group. Let V be a genus g handlebody with boundary S. The handlebody group is the subgroup of those mapping classes of S that extend over V. The twist group is the subgroup of the handlebody group generated by twists about meridians. Here, we restrict the Prym representations to the handlebody group and further to the twist group. We determine the image of the representations in the cyclic case