69 research outputs found

    Analysis Tools for Discovering Strong Parity Violation at Hadron Colliders

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    Several arguments suggest parity violation may be observable in high energy strong interactions. We introduce new analysis tools for describing the azimuthal dependence of multi-particle distributions, or "azimuthal flow." Analysis uses the representations of the orthogonal group O(2) and dihedral groups DND_{N} necessary to define parity correctly in two dimensions. Classification finds that collective angles used in event-by-event statistics represent inequivalent tensor observables that cannot generally be represented by a single "reaction plane". Many new parity-violating observables exist that have never been measured, while many new parity-conserving observables formerly lumped together are now distinguished. We use the concept of "event shape sorting" to suggest separating right- and left-handed events, and we discuss the effects of transverse and longitudinal spin. The analysis tools are statistically robust, and can be applied equally to low or high multiplicity events at the Tevatron, RHICRHIC or RHICSpinRHIC\, Spin, and the LHCLHC.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. Final version, accepted for publication in PRD. Updated references. Modified presentation and discussion of previous wor

    Gentrification as socio-spatial phenomenon of contemporary city:sociological analysis of the concept

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    Predmet disertacije je analiza koncepata koji pripadaju opštoj i urbanoj sociologiji, a koriste se u razumevanju ili objašnjenju fenomena džentrifikacije. Džentrifikacija se posmatra kao prostorna refleksija ključnih socioekonomskih procesa u savremenom gradu jer ključne društvene promene (postfordizam i postmodernizam) uslovljavaju i oblikuju njeno manifestovanje. U objašnjenjima procesa džentrifikacije mogu se izdvojiti dva osnovna pristupa: objašnjenja (ponude) koja polaze od strukturnih promena (restrukturiranja urbane ekonomije – kruženja kapitala) koje stvaraju prostor i imovinu pogodnu za džentrifikaciju, i objašnjenja koja polaze od tražnje - delanja (izbora) aktera koji stvaraju ili koriste džentrifikovane prostore. Idealnotipski moguće je razlikovati pionirsku, profitabilnu i posredovanu džentrifikaciju. U pionirskoj džentrifikaciji sami budući stanari adaptiraju radni i životni prostor čime džentrifikuju susedstvo. U slučaju profitabilne džentrifikacije investitori i građevinske firme grade rezidencijalne objekte koji su namenjeni pripadnicima (nove) srednje klase (servisne i/ili kreativne klase), dok u posredovanoj džentrifikaciji proces inicira država. Džentrifikatori se definišu preko njihovog društvenog položaja – pripadnost kreativnoj ili servisnoj klasi – i/ili posredstvom životnog stila koji vode. Prilikom analize nastanka procesa, kao i za objašnjenja prelaska pionirske u profitabilnu džentrifikaciju (odnos kulturnog i ekonomskog kapitala aktera džentrifikacije) koriste se i teorije kapitala - kulturnog, socijalnog i simboličkog kapitala. Iako se džentrifikacija povezuje sa urbanitetom gradova, različitošću koja doprinosi privlačnoj snazi kreativnog grada, neophodno je sagledati i negativne socijalne efekte ovog fenomena - homogenizaciju susedstva, komercijalizaciju, privatizaciju i fragmentaciju urbanog prostora. Ukazivanjem na vremenske i prostorne varijacije fenomena u različitim kontekstima problematizuje se univerzalnost procesa džentrifikacije, odnosno ukazuje se na minimum socioprostornih elemenata neophodnih za definisanje fenomena. Postsocijalistički gradovi, zbog osobenog socijalističkog razvoja kao i karakteristika postsocijalističke transformacije, predstavljaju primer na kojem se može proveriti mogućnost primene koncepata koji su nastali prilikom ispitivanja fenomena u zapadnim gradovima.The subject of this doctorial dissertation is the analysis of Sociology and Urban Sociology concepts which are used in exploring and explaining the phenomenon of gentrification. Gentrification is seen as spatial reflection of key socio-economical processes in contemporary city, because main social changes (postfordism and postmodernity) cause and shape its manifestation. Two aproaches to gentrification process could be identified: production-side explanations that deal with structural changes (restructuring of urban economy – circulation of capital) which produce space and property suitable for gentrification; and consumption-side explanations that deal with demand – acting and choices of actors who create or use gentrified spaces. One can recognize three ideal types of gentrification: pioneer, profitable and mediated gentrifications. In pioneer gentrification future tenants themselves adapt work and living space whereby they gentrify the neighbourhood. In the case of profitable gentrification ivestors and developers build residential objects designed for the (new) middle class (service and/or creative class). Mediated gentrification is initiated by state. Gentrifiers are defined by their social position – member of creative or service class, or by one's lifestyle. For the analysis of emergence of gentrification process, as well as for explanation of transition from pioneer to profitable gentrification (the relation between cultural and economic capital of the actors of gentrification process), one also uses the theories of capital – cultural, social and symbolic capitals. Although gentrification is linked with urbanity of cities and diversity that makes creative cities attractive, it is also necessary to point out negative social aspects of the phenomenon – homogenization of neighbourhood, commercialization, privatization and fragmentation of urban space. Pointing at temporal and spatial variations of the phenomenon in different contexts one problematizes the universality of gentrification process, pointing to the minimum of sociospatial elements that are necessary for defining the phenomenon. Studying postsocialist cities, who developed under specific conditions of socialist system, and their postsocialist transformation, we will explore if the concepts that incurred in the researches of western cities could be applied to postsocialist cities

    Predictors of burnout among Belgrade veterinary students: A cross-sectional study

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    Background To the best of our knowledge, studies are lacking on burnout among veterinary students in Serbia, and this is the first study trying to address such a problem. Therefore, the aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the predictors of burnout among Belgrade veterinary students. Methods Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and anonymous structured questionnaire addressed to personal data, health habits and stressful influence of educational process were applied among 496 respondents from a total of 1113 students from all grades in spring semester 2014 (response rate 44.6%). Results The prevalence of burnout was 43.3%. High scores on depersonalization and emotional exhaustion scales of MBI were found among 79.4% and 45.0% students, respectively; low personal accomplishment was reported by 50.5% students. Female students reported higher levels of emotional exhaustion compared to males (p = 0.012). A low score on personal achievement scale of MBI was least frequent among the freshmen and most frequent among sophomores (41.1% and 65.3%, respectively; p = 0.986). There were more students with burnout who considered their health as a worsened vs. pre-study period compared to students with no burnout, both concerning mental (61.4% vs. 38.6%) and physical health (61.1% vs. 38.9%; both p lt 0.001). There were more smokers among students who suffered from burnout compared to students who did not (52.0% vs. 48.0%; p = 0.013). A multiple regression revealed an independent dose-response effect of perceived stress at exams on the onset of burnout (moderate stress OR = 2.164 and high stress OR = 3.878). Also, students with the moderate and high stressful effect of communication with teaching staff, as well as, those with worse self-perceived physical and mental health had more than two times higher presence of burnout. Conclusions The prevalence of burnout among Belgrade veterinary students is relatively high. Primary prevention should be focused on the revealed predictors of burnout

    Suplementacija u ishrani svinja u brojlera kao način proizvodnje mesa obogaćenog selenom

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    Serbia is a selenium (Se) deficient area. In the food chain animals accumulate Se in tissues, thus meat is a good source of this microelement. The aim of the research is to study the effects of different forms and doses of dietary Se in pigs and broilers on muscle and liver tissue Se concentrations, as well as to assess the possibility of using selenized meat as a Se source in the Belgrade area. Pigs (24) were randomly assigned in 4 groups: control and groups supplemented with Na-selenite: 0.10, 0.30 mgSe/kg feed and selenized yeast 0.30 mgSe/kg. Chicks (42) were assigned in 7 groups supplemented with 0.05, 0.10 and 0.30 mgSe/kg feed as Na-selenite or selenized yeast. Se content in muscle and liver samples was determined by AAS. Serum Se content in 54 healthy adult subjects (13 from Barajevo and 41 from inner city area) was determined by AAS. In all supplemented broilers Se-yeast was more effective in raising muscle Se content than Na-selenite. The most efficient increase in tissue Se content in pigs was obtained with 0.30 mg Se/kg feed supplemented as Se-yeast. Plasma Se levels in man were low, being significantly lower in subjects from Barajevo compared with the inner city residents (p lt 0.05). The use of Se-enriched pork and poultry meat in quantities according to dietary habits would have beneficial health effects specially in Se deficient rural areas where home grown feedstuffs are commonly used.Teritorija Srbije je region sa deficitom selena (Se). U stanovništvu su nivoi Se u serumu niski. Posmatrano kroz lanac ishrane, životinje akumuliraju Se u tkivima, tako da meso u ishrani predstavlja značajan izvor ovog mikroelementa. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje efekta različitih oblika i količina Se u ishrani svinja i brojlera na koncentraciju selena u jestivom mesu i jetri, kao i procena mogućnosti upotrebe takvog mesa u ishrani na teritorije Beograda. Uzorak od 24 svinje je podeljen u 4 grupe: kontrolnu i grupe kojima je doda-van Na-selenit u količini od 0,1 i 0,3 mg Se/kg hrane i 0,3 mg Se/kg hrane u obliku Se-kvasca. Ukupno 42 jednodnevnih pilića podeljeni su u 7 grupa: kontrolnu i grupe kojima je dodavano 0,05, 0,10 i 0,30 mg Se/kg Na-selenita ili Se-kvasca, tokom tova. Iz uzoraka mišica i jetre određivan je Se metodom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije (AAS). Nivo Se u serumu određivan je AAS iz uzoraka krvi 54 zdravih odraslih ispitanika: 13 iz Barajeva i 41 iz centra Beograda. Se-kvasac je u svim dozama efikasniji u odnosu na Na-selenit u podizanju nivoa Se u mišićnom tkivu brojlera. Takođe se najefikasnije podizanje sadržaja Se u jetri i mišićima svinja postiže Se-kvascem u količini 0,3 mg Se/kg hrane. Nivoi selena u plazmi ispitanika su niski i značajno su niži kod ispitanika iz Barajeva u odnosu na ispitanike iz centra grada (p lt 0,01). Korišćenje svinjskog i pilećeg mesa obogaćenog selenom, u količinama uobičajenim domaćim dijetetskim navikama, omogućila bi pozitivne zdravstvene efekte u populaciji, značajne za ruralne regije sa deficitom Se gde se koriste pretežno prehrambeni proizvodi iz sopstvene proizvodnje

    Bounding wide composite vector resonances at the LHC

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    In composite Higgs models (CHMs), electroweak precision data generically push colourless composite vector resonances to a regime where they dominantly decay into pairs of light top partners. This greatly attenuates their traces in canonical collider searches, tailored for narrow resonances promptly decaying into Standard Model final states. By reinterpreting the CMS same-sign dilepton (SS2\ell) analysis at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), originally designed to search for top partners with electric charge 5/35/3, we demonstrate its significant coverage over this kinematical regime. We also show the reach of the 13 TeV run of the LHC, with various integrated luminosity options, for a possible upgrade of the SS2\ell search. The top sector of CHMs is found to be more fine-tuned in the presence of colourless composite resonances in the few TeV range.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Minor corrections for publication in JHE

    Recommendations of the LHC Dark Matter Working Group: Comparing LHC searches for dark matter mediators in visible and invisible decay channels and calculations of the thermal relic density

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    Weakly-coupled TeV-scale particles may mediate the interactions between normal matter and dark matter. If so, the LHC would produce dark matter through these mediators, leading to the familiar “mono-X” search signatures, but the mediators would also produce signals without missing momentum via the same vertices involved in their production. This document from the LHC Dark Matter Working Group suggests how to compare searches for these two types of signals in case of vector and axial-vector mediators, based on a workshop that took place on September 19/20, 2016 and subsequent discussions. These suggestions include how to extend the spin-1 mediated simplified models already in widespread use to include lepton couplings. This document also provides analytic calculations of the relic density in the simplified models and reports an issue that arose when ATLAS and CMS first began to use preliminary numerical calculations of the dark matter relic density in these models

    Exploring holographic Composite Higgs models

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    Simple Composite Higgs models predict new vector-like fermions not too far from the electroweak scale, yet LHC limits are now sensitive to the TeV scale. Motivated by this tension, we explore the holographic dual of the minimal model, MCHM5, to try and alleviate this tension without increasing the fine-tuning in the Higgs potential. Interestingly, we find that lowering the UV cutoff in the 5D picture allows for heavier top partners and less fine-tuning. In the 4D dual this corresponds to increasing the number of “colours” N , thus increasing the decay constant of the Goldstone Higgs. This is essentially a ‘Little Randall-Sundrum Model’, which are known to reduce some flavour and electroweak constraints. Furthermore, in anticipation of the ongoing efforts at the LHC to put bounds on the top Yukawa, we demonstrate that deviations from the SM can be suppressed or enhanced with respect to what is expected from mere symmetry arguments in 4D. We conclude that the 5D holographic realisation of the MCHM5 with a small UV cutoff is not in tension with the current experimental data