42 research outputs found

    Adolescent psychopathic traits : sleep, social relationships and parental behaviors as risk and protective factors

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    Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by affective, interpersonal, and behavioral antisocial features. The first signs can be detected early in life, when they are referred to psychopathic traits, developmental risks for psychopathy and callous-unemotional traits. A growing body of psychopathy literature is focusing on risk factors which may be genetic, neurobiological and environmental. The factors that promote positive outcomes are instead neglected The study project consists of Studies I–IV. The first publication was to investigate the role of psychopathic features in the associations between qualitative and quantitative aspects of sleep and delinquent behavior among Finnish adolescents. The second study examined how self-reported severe sleep problems related to scores on a self-reported psychopathy scale and its subfactors. The data were drawn from a Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study with population-based sample of 4,855 Finnish adolescents (mean age 15.3 years, 51% females). Negative binomial regressions, analysis of variance, and multivariate analysis of variance were used. The results suggested that both sleep problems and an insufficient amount of sleep were associated with property crime and violent behavior, and that the relationship was not explained by gender, degree of parental supervision at bedtime or co-occurring psychopathic features. Adolescent self-reported severe sleep problems were associated with psychopathic traits. However, cause and effect cannot be distinguished. Studies III–IV examined the effects of interpersonal relationships and parental behaviors on adolescent psychopathic traits over time. Data were derived from repeated measurements of 1,354 offending adolescents (14.3% females; 40.1% black) in the Pathways to Desistance longitudinal study. Within-individual analysis showed that romantic and peer relationships of high quality were associated with lower psychopathic traits, whereas antisocial behavior and antisocial influence in interpersonal relationships were related to higher psychopathic traits. Further, those with no romantic relationships had lower mean levels of psychopathic traits than those in relationships of low quality. Further, maternal warmth associated negatively with psychopathic traits and offending among adolescent delinquents. Paternal warmth protected from psychopathic traits but not from delinquency, and both maternal and paternal hostility linked positively to psychopathic traits and offending. To conclude, sleep problems, social relationships, and parental influence should be taken into account in treatment and intervention programs targeted toward adolescents with psychopathic behaviors.Psykopatia on persoonallisuushäiriö, jolle on tunnusomaista affektiiviset, interpersonaaliset ja käyttäytymiseen liittyvät antisosiaaliset piirteet. Psykopatian ensimmäiset merkit voidaan havaita jo varhaisvuosina, jolloin puhutaan psykopatiapiirteistä, psykopaattisista käyttäytymistavoista, riskeistä psykopatian kehittymiselle tai tunnekylmyydestä. Valtaosa psykopatiatutkimuksista on keskittynyt tunnistamaan riskitekijöitä, joiden tiedetään olevan geneettisiä, neurobiologisia ja ympäristöstä aiheutuvia. Suojaavia tekijöitä on tunnistettu huomattavasti vähemmän. Väitöskirjatyö koostuu tutkimuksista I–IV. Ensimmäisessä osajulkaisussa tutkittiin suomalaisten nuorten psykopatiapiirteitä suhteessa unen laadullisiin ja määrällisiin vaikeuksiin sekä rikoskäyttäytymiseen. Toisessa osatutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään, millaisia yhteyksiä nuorten toistuvilla ja pitkäkestoisilla univaikeuksilla ja vähäisellä unimäärällä on psykopatiapiirteiden ja sen alaskaalojen tasoon. Aineistona käytettiin vuoden 2012 Nuorisorikollisuuskyselyn vastauksia. Väestöpohjainen otos koostui 4855 suomalaisnuoresta (keski-ikä 15,3 vuotta; 51 % tyttöjä). Tilastollisina menetelminä käytettiin negatiivista binomiregressioanalyysia, varianssianalyysia ja monen muuttujan varianssianalyysia. Tutkimusten tulokset osoittivat laadullisten ja määrällisten uniongelmien liittyvän omaisuusrikollisuuteen ja väkivaltakäyttäytymiseen. Yhteys ei selittynyt sukupuolella, vanhempien valvonnalla nukkumaanmenoajoista tai samanaikaisilla psykopatiapiirteillä. Nuorten itseraportoimilla vakavilla uniongelmilla oli yhteyksiä psykopatiapiirteisiin. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ei kuitenkaan voida erottaa syy-seuraussuhdetta. Tutkimuksissa III–IV tutkittiin seurustelu- ja ystävyyssuhteiden sekä vanhemmuuden vaikutuksia nuorten psykopatiapiirteisiin. Aineistona käytettiin Pathways to Desistance -pitkittäistutkimusta, joka koostuu 1354 nuorisorikollisesta (14,3 % naisia; 40,1 % mustia). Yksilöiden sisäisen vaihtelun tarkastelu osoitti, että laadullisesti hyvät seurustelu- ja ystävyyssuhteet olivat yhteydessä matalampiin psykopatiapiirteisiin, kun taas suhteiden antisosiaalisuus liittyi korkeampiin piirteisiin. Matalampaa psykopatiapiirteisyyttä havaittiin niillä nuorilla, jotka eivät olleet seurustelusuhteessa, verrattuna huonossa suhteessa oleviin nuoriin. Äidin lämminhenkisyys korreloi negatiivisesti nuoren psykopatiapiirteisiin ja rikoskäyttäytymiseen. Isän lämpö suojasi nuorta psykopatiapiirteiltä, mutta ei rikollisuudelta. Äidin ja isän vihamielisyys liittyi korkeampiin psykopatiapiirteisiin ja rikollisuuteen. Uniongelmat, sosiaaliset suhteet ja vanhempien vaikutus tulisi ottaa huomioon psykopatiapiirteitä omaavien nuorten hoito-ohjelmissa

    Parental Warmth and Hostility and the Development of Psychopathic Behaviors : A Longitudinal Study of Young Offenders

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    Parental behaviors may shape levels of psychopathic traits and antisocial outcomes among youth. To better evaluate the potential causality of these associations, we used eight follow-ups from the Pathways to Desistance study of 1354 offending adolescents (14.3% female; 40.1% black) and examined whether within-individual variation in parenting over time was associated with within-individual variation in psychopathic traits and offending. Multilevel regression models were adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, contact with parental figure, and self-reported offending. Adolescent self-reported parental warmth was associated with lower psychopathic traits, and parental hostility with higher psychopathic traits. The results indicated that the more supportive and nurturing the parent, the lower the levels of psychopathic traits, whereas the more hostile the parent, the higher the levels, respectively. In addition, self-reported offending was predicted by higher parental hostility and lower maternal warmth. In time-lagged analysis, psychopathic traits did not predict parental behaviors. In young offenders parental warmth may protect against development of psychopathic traits in adolescence, whereas parental hostility may strengthen these traits. We conclude, that parenting quality matters in adolescence. Warm parenting style at this developmental period associates with lower psychopathic features among young offenders possibly lowering the risk of further criminal activity.Peer reviewe

    Interpersonal Relationships as Protective and Risk Factors for Psychopathy : A Follow-up Study in Adolescent Offenders

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    Friendships and romantic relationships may function as protective and risk factors for psychopathic traits. To better understand potential causal associations, we investigated whether within-individual changes in relationship characteristics were related to changes in psychopathic traits over time. Data were derived from ten repeated measurements of the Pathways to Desistance longitudinal study of 1354 offending adolescents (14.3% female; 40.1% Black). Analyses were adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, self-reported offending and living facilities. Relationships of high quality were associated with lower psychopathic traits, whereas antisocial behavior and antisocial influence in relationships were related to higher psychopathic traits. Within-individual analysis indicated that time-invariant individual characteristics did not confound these associations. The findings suggest that the quality and antisocial activities of interpersonal relationships can affect positively or negatively on the levels of psychopathy.Peer reviewe

    Multimorbidity in Finnish and Swedish speaking Finns; association with daily habits and socioeconomic status - Nordic EpiLung cross-sectional study

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    Multimorbidity is an emerging public health priority. This study aims to assess the role of lifestyle and socioeconomic status in the prevalence of multimorbidity and chronic diseases by using two language groups that are part of the same genetic subgroup but differ by daily habits. We conducted a cross-sectional survey in 2016 with randomly selected population sample with 4173 responders (52.3%) aged 20-69 years in Western Finland. We included 3864 Finnish participants with Swedish (28.1%) or Finnish (71.9%) as a native language. We used a questionnaire to assess participants' chronic diseases and lifestyle. We determined multimorbidity as a disease count >= 2. Finnish speakers were more likely to have a diagnosis of COPD, heart failure, diabetes, reflux disease, chronic kidney failure, and painful conditions than Swedish speakers. The prevalence of multimorbidity was higher for Finnish speakers in the age group of 60-69 years (41.0% vs. 32.0%, p = 0.018) than Swedish speakers. A higher proportion of Finnish speakers smoked, were obese, inactive, and had lower socioeconomic status compared to Swedish speakers. All these factors, in addition to age and female sex, were significant risk factors for multimorbidity. Prevalence of multimorbidity was different in two language groups living in the same area and was associated with differences in lifestyle factors such as smoking, physical inactivity and obesity.Peer reviewe

    High but stable incidence of adult-onset asthma in northern Sweden over the last decades

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    Background The prevalence of asthma has increased both among children and adults during the latter half of the 20th century. The prevalence among adults is affected by the incidence of asthma not only in childhood but also in adulthood. Time trends in asthma incidence have been poorly studied. Aims The aim of this study was to review the incidence of adult-onset asthma from 1996 to 2006 and 2006 to 2016 and compare the risk factor patterns. Methods In the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden (OLIN) studies, two randomly selected population-based samples in the 20-69-year age group participated in postal questionnaire surveys about asthma in 1996 (n=7104, 85%) and 2006 (n=6165, 77%). A 10-year follow-up of the two cohorts with the same validated questionnaire was performed, and 5709 and 4552 responded, respectively. Different definitions of population at risk were used in the calculations of asthma incidence. The protocol followed a study performed between 1986 and 1996 in the same area. Results The crude incidence rate of physician-diagnosed asthma was 4.4 per 1000 person-years (men 3.8, women 5.5) from 1996 to 2006, and 4.8 per 1000 person-years (men 3.7, women 6.2) from 2006 to 2016. When correcting for possible under-diagnosis at study entry, the incidence rate was 2.4 per 1000 personyears from 1996 to 2006 and 2.6 per 1000 person-years from 2006 to 2016. The incidence rates were similar across age groups. Allergic rhino-conjunctivitis was the main risk factor for incident asthma in both observation periods (risk ratio 2.4-2.6). Conclusions The incidence of adult-onset asthma has been stable over the last two decades and has remained at a similar level since the 1980s. The high incidence contributes to the increase in asthma prevalence.Peer reviewe

    The combined effect of exposures to vapours, gases, dusts, fumes and tobacco smoke on current asthma

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    Smoking, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and occupational exposure to vapours, gases, dusts or fumes (VGDF) increase asthma symptoms. The impact of combined exposure is less well established. We aimed to evaluate the risk of combined exposure to smoking, ETS and VGDF on the prevalence of current asthma and asthma-related symptoms with a postal survey among a random population of 16,000 adults, aged 20-69 years (response rate 51.5%). The 836 responders with physician-diagnosed asthma were included in the analysis. Of them, 81.9% had current asthma defined as physician-diagnosed asthma with current asthma medication use or reported symptoms. There was a consistently increasing trend in the prevalence of current asthma by increased exposure. The highest prevalence of multiple symptoms was in smokers with VGDF exposure (92.1%) compared to the unexposed (73.9%, p = 0.001). In logistic regression analysis, combined exposure to several exposures increased the risk in all analysed symptoms (p = 0.002-0.007). In conclusion, smoking and exposure to ETS or VGDF increased the prevalence of current asthma and multiple symptoms. The combined exposure carried the highest risk. Preventive strategies are called for to mitigate exposure to tobacco smoke and VGDF.Peer reviewe

    Age at asthma diagnosis is related to prevalence and characteristics of asthma symptoms

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    Background: Although asthma may begin at any age, knowledge about relationship between asthma age of onset and the prevalence and character of different symptoms is scarce. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate if adult-diagnosed asthma is associated with more symptoms and different symptom profiles than child-diagnosed asthma.Methods: A FinEsS postal survey was conducted in a random sample of 16 000 20-69-year-old Finnish adults in 2016. Those reporting physician-diagnosed asthma and age at asthma diagnosis were included. Age 18 years was chosen to delineate child-and adult-diagnosed asthma.Results: Of responders (N = 8199, 51.5%), 842 (10.3%) reported asthma diagnosis. Adult -diagnosed asthma was reported by 499 (59.3%) and child-diagnosed by 343 (40.7%). Of re-sponders with adult-diagnosed and child-diagnosed asthma, 81.8% versus 60.6% used asthma medication (p < 0.001), respectively. Current asthma was also more prevalent in adult-diagnosed asthma (89.2% versus 72.0%, p < 0.001). Risk factors of attacks of breathlessness during the last 12 months were adult-diagnosis (OR = 2.41, 95% CI 1.64-3.54, p < 0.001), female gender (OR = 1.49, 1.07-2.08, p = 0.018), family history of asthma (OR = 1.48, 1.07-2.04, p = 0.018) and allergic rhinitis (OR = 1.49, 1.07-2.09, p = 0.019). All the analysed asthma symptoms, except dyspnea in exercise, were more prevalent in adult-diagnosed asthma in age-and gender-adjusted analyses (p = 0.032-Peer reviewe

    Age- and gender-specific incidence of new asthma diagnosis from childhood to late adulthood

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    Background: Asthma is currently divided into different phenotypes, with age at onset as a relevant differentiating factor. In addition, asthma with onset in adulthood seems to have a poorer prognosis, but studies investigating age-specific incidence of asthma with a wide age span are scarce. Objective: To evaluate incidence of asthma diagnosis at different ages and differences between child- and adult-diagnosed asthma in a large population-based study, with gender-specific analyzes included. Methods: In 2016, a respiratory questionnaire was sent to 8000 randomly selected subjects aged 20-69 years in western Finland. After two reminders, 4173 (52.3%) subjects responded. Incidence rate of asthma was retrospectively estimated based on the reported age of asthma onset. Adult-diagnosed asthma was defined as a physician-diagnosis of asthma made at >= 18 years of age. Results: Among those with physician-diagnosed asthma, altogether, 63.7% of subjects, 58.4% of men and 67.8% of women, reported adult-diagnosed asthma. Incidence of asthma diagnosis was calculated in 10-year age groups and it peaked in young boys (0-9 years) and middle-aged women (40-49 years) and the average incidence rate during the examined period between 1946 and 2015 was 2.2/1000/year. Adult-diagnosed asthma became the dominant phenotype among those with physician-diagnosed asthma by age of 50 years and 38 years in men and women, respectively. Conclusions: Asthma is mainly diagnosed during adulthood and the incidence of asthma diagnosis peaks in middle-aged women. Asthma diagnosed in adulthood should be considered more in clinical practice and management guidelines.Peer reviewe