875 research outputs found

    Multiscale asymptotic homogenization analysis of thermo-diffusive composite materials

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    In this paper an asymptotic homogenization method for the analysis of composite materials with periodic microstructure in presence of thermodiffusion is described. Appropriate down-scaling relations correlating the microscopic fields to the macroscopic displacements, temperature and mass concentration are introduced. The effects of the material inhomogeneities are described by perturbation functions derived from the solution of recursive cell problems. Exact expressions for the overall elastic and thermodiffusive constants of the equivalent first order thermodiffusive continuum are derived. The proposed approach is applied to the case of a two-dimensional bi-phase orthotropic layered material, where the effective elastic and thermodiffusive properties can be determined analytically. Considering this illustrative example and assuming periodic body forces, heat and mass sources acting on the medium, the solution performed by the first order homogenization approach is compared with the numerical results obtained by the heterogeneous model.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figure

    Effective elastic properties of planar SOFCs: A non-local dynamic homogenization approach

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    The focus of the article is on the analysis of effective elastic properties of planar Solid Oxide Fuell Cell (SOFC) devices. An ideal periodic multi-layered composite (SOFC-like) reproducing the overall properties of multi-layer SOFC devices is defined. Adopting a non-local dynamic homogenization method, explicit expressions for overall elastic moduli and inertial terms of this material are derived in terms of micro-fluctuation functions. These micro-fluctuation function are then obtained solving the cell problems by means of finite element techniques. The effects of the temperature variation on overall elastic and inertial properties of the fuel cells are studied. Dispersion relations for acoustic waves in SOFC-like multilayered materials are derived as functions of the overall constants, and the results obtained by the proposed computational homogenization approach are compared with those provided by rigorous Floquet-Boch theory. Finally, the influence of the temperature and of the elastic properties variation on the Bloch spectrum is investigated

    Design of acoustic metamaterials through nonlinear programming

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    The dispersive wave propagation in a periodic metamaterial with tetrachiral topology and inertial local resonators is investigated. The Floquet-Bloch spectrum of the metamaterial is compared with that of the tetrachiral beam lattice material without resonators. The resonators can be designed to open and shift frequency band gaps, that is, spectrum intervals in which harmonic waves do not propagate. Therefore, an optimal passive control of the frequency band structure can be pursued in the metamaterial. To this aim, a suitable constrained nonlinear optimization problem on a compact set of admissible geometrical and mechanical parameters is stated. According to functional requirements, the particular set of parameters which determines the largest low-frequency band gap between a pair of consecutive branches of the Floquet-Bloch spectrum is obtained. The optimization problem is successfully solved by means of a version of the method of moving asymptotes, combined with a quasi-Monte Carlo multi-start technique. Subjects: Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) Cite as: arXiv:1603.07717 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] (or arXiv:1603.07717v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] for this version

    A novel layered topology of auxetic materials based on the tetrachiral honeycomb microstructure

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    Microstructured honeycomb materials may exhibit exotic, extreme and tailorable mechanical properties, suited for innovative technological applications in a variety of modern engineering fields. The paper is focused on analysing the directional auxeticity of tetrachiral materials, through analytical, numerical and experimental methods. Theoretical predictions about the global elastic properties have been successfully validated by performing tensile laboratory tests on tetrachiral samples, realized with high precision 3D printing technologies. Inspired by the kinematic behaviour of the tetrachiral material, a newly-design bi-layered topology, referred to as bi-tetrachiral material, has been theoretically conceived and mechanically modelled. The novel topology virtuously exploits the mutual collaboration between two tetrachiral layers with opposite chiralities. The bi-tetrachiral material has been verified to outperform the tetrachiral material in terms of global Young modulus and, as major achievement, to exhibit a remarkable auxetic behaviour. Specifically, experimental results, confirmed by parametric analytical and computational analyses, have highlighted the effective possibility to attain strongly negative Poisson ratios, identified as a peculiar global elastic property of the novel bi-layered topology

    Novedades taxonómicas en Galianthe y Borreria (Rubiaceae-Spermacoceae)

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    Three new species, Galianthe andersonii E.L.Cabral, Galianthe macedoi E.L.Cabral, Galianthe reitzii E.L.Cabral are described and illustrated and two new combinations, Galianthe peruviana(Pers.) E.L.Cabral and Borreria crispata (K. Schum.) E.L.Cabral & Bacigalupo, are presented. A new status and a new name are proposed tor Borreria burchellii; taxonomic observations aregiven about Borreria tenera DC.Tres nuevas especies, Galianthe andersonii E.L.Cabral, Galianthe macedoi E.L.Cabral, Galianthe reitzii E.L.Cabral se describen e ilustran y dos nuevas combinaciones, Galianthe peruviana (Pers.) E.L.Cabral y Borreria crispata (K. Schum.) E.L.Cabral y Bacigalupo presentan. Un nuevo estatuto y un nuevo nombre se proponen para Borreria burchellii; se dan observaciones taxonómicas sobre Borreria tenera D

    Elution study of acrylic monomers from orthodontic materials using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

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    Purpose: Main goal of the study was the identification and quantitative analysis of monomer elution from materials commonly used in fixed orthodontic therapy. Studies have shown severe health effects of monomers including cytotoxic, allergenic or mutagenic potential and endocrine changes. This in vitro study focusses primarily on five resins which are usually processed intraorally and remain in the oral cavity long-term. Methods: We tested the elution of monomers from specimens (7.5 mm x 1.5 mm) immersed in artificial saliva at body temperature (37 degrees C) for 30 min to 5 weeks. The used method is in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10993-13. The five tested materials were BrackFix (R) (Voco GmbH, Cuxhaven, Germany), Triad (R) Gel (DeguDent GmbH, Hanau, Germany), and Transbond (TM) XT, LR and Plus (3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA). All aliquots were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Data were statistically analyzed. Results: All five analyzed materials eluted substances over a period of 5 weeks. Identified substances included bisphenol A (BPA), triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) and urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA). BPA eluted from Transbond (TM) Plus, XT, LR and BrackFix (R). The cumulated mean values after 35 days ranged from 16.04 to 64.83 ppm, depending on the material. TEGDMA eluted with a mean of 688.61 ppm from Transbond (TM) LR. UDMA with a mean of 1682.00 ppm from Triad (R) Gel. For each material the highest concentrations of all these substances were found in the first elution period. Other substances that were not equivocally identified or of low concentration also eluted. Conclusion: Using the described method, it is possible to qualitatively and quantitatively determine the in vitro elution of monomers from orthodontic materials. The concentrations of the substances identified were below the current maximum recommended intake. However, a cumulative effect and low-dose effects should be considered for both patients and dental professionals, especially for young patients. Measures to reduce exposure patients and practitioners are suggested