105 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review on Travel Medicine Practice to Control Transmission of Communicable Diseases

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    Background: The number of international travelers is estimated at 900 million per year and is projected to reach 1.6 billion per year in 2020. Travel medicine is devoted to the health of travelers who visit foreign countries. It is an interdisciplinary specialty con­cerned not only with prevention of communicable diseases during travel but also with the personal safety of travelers and the avoidance of environmental risks. This stu­dy aimed to review systematically the travel medicine practice to control trans­mi­sion of commu­ni­cable diseases. Subjects and Method: A systematic review was conducted by collecting several stu­dies that examin­ed travels medicine practice related to the spread of communicable di­sease. A total of 11 articles was selected for this study. The data were analyzed using nar­rative synthesis and a re­view of travel medicine practice. Results: Travel medicine practice was related to effective anticipation of com­mu­nicable di­sea­ses including pre-travel health advice service, guideline, vaccina­tion, and post-trip care. These practices could not be underestimated because virus and disease could easily spread when the tou­rists were not fit and exhausted during the trip. It was nece­s­sa­­ry for tourists to anticipate the spread of disease by knowing certain disease in the country and to have them vaccinated be­fore traveling. Conclusion: Travel medicine practice has a significant impact on disease transmiss­ion anti­ci­pa­tion among travellers/ tourists. Keywords: travel medicine practice, communicable disease spread, tourist

    An Analysis of The Hospital Bylaws Policies to Protect Healthcare Workers Against Indictments of Adverse Events

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    One of the functions of hospital bylaws are a means to provide legal protection for all all parties that are related to the hospital. Legal protection is essential for prosecuted hospital staff members. One of the reasons for indictments is adverse events. The goal of this research is to discover how the hospital by-laws protects the hospital staff in the event of an indictment based on an adverse event and how the by-laws adhere to the guidelines in a comprehensive way. The research design used the qualitative method. The results of this research indicates that the hospital by-laws of RSKO Jakarta, although it has served as a protective method, it still needs further technical-operational policies as a supplement, and there are still discrepancies compared to the guidelines. We suggest that the by-laws of RSKO Jakarta are amended to adhere to the governmental guidelines and to establish supplementing technical-operational policies


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    Background: The prevalence of smoking in Indonesia is so high in all walks of life that the government has made several policies to control it. One of them is the inclusion of health warnings and health information on tobacco product packaging which aims to prevent novice smokers from starting smoking, as well as guaranteeing the public's right to clear, correct and honest information, as well as choosing based on clearer (visual) information that they understand (informed decision). The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of active smokers' perceptions of pictorial warnings of the dangers of smoking on cigarette packs. Subjects and Methods: This study uses a qualitative approach and the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) method. The research subjects consisted of active smokers who were found in Pondok Gede District, Bekasi City. Data collection techniques in this study were in-depth interviews. The research instrument used was the researcher himself who was directly involved in the research. Then the technique of checking the validity of the data uses source triangulation. Results: The results showed that the informants' perceptions of the pictorial warnings of the dangers of smoking on cigarette packs varied quite a lot. Not all informants feel afraid and horrified by the scary pictures on cigarette packs. These results affect their beliefs to be able to reduce or quit smoking. Those who feel afraid and spooky of the pictures on cigarette packs have more confidence to be able to stop smoking than those who don't feel scared or spooky. Conclusion: Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the pictorial warnings on cigarette packs has not been able to reduce the desire to quit smoking among informants


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    Penerapan Artificial Intelligence (AI) pada dunia kedokteran diharapkan memiliki dampak yang signifikan pada praktik klinis. Perusahaan-perusahaan kesehatan dan kelompok akademis di seluruh dunia telah mengakui dan mempelajari lebih dalam potensi teknologi AI untuk meningkatkan bidang kesehatan, dan banyak tim peneliti sekarang berlomba untuk menghasilkan sistem AI agar semakin bertambah, atau bahkan untuk mengganti posisi dokter. AI berpotensi mengungguli kemampuan manusia, namun orang-orang masih enggan menggunakannya. Penelitian ini merupakan Systematic Review dengan menggunakan metode Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses PRISMA. Pencarian artikel dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa database ProQuest dan Scopus dengan kata kunci yaitu artificial intelligence, medical artificial inteligence, dan artificial intelligence in health care. Semua artikel yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris dari tahun 2017 sampai 2022. Potensi AI untuk berkontribusi dalam mendukung proses diagnostik hingga menggantikan peran dokter semakin besar. Tidak hanya itu, AI juga berpeluang untuk memberikan pengalaman kemudahan dalam akses seperti rekam medis elektronik, pemberian rekomendasi obat, sebagai peringatan untuk keamanan pasien jatuh, dan lain sebagainya. Banyak sekali peran AI dalam perkembangan teknologi di bidang kesehatan, cepat atau lambat semua potensi yang dimiliki AI akan memberikan dampak baik tentunya dengan perbaikan-perbaikan yang agresif dan dukungan dari semua pemangku kepentingan dan juga para praktisi

    Kesiapan Mahasiswa Kesehatan terhadap Penerapan Pendidikan Interprofesional di Indonesia

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    Background: Interprofessional education (IPE) is important to create effective interprofessional collaboration also improve quality of health care. Student readiness and perception of IPE will influence the implementation of IPE. This study aimed to analyze an overview, factors that influence and obstacles related to students' readiness and perception of the application of IPE in Indonesia. Methods: Literature reviews with multi-step literature searched on IPE from online databases such as ProQuest; ScienceDirect; SpringerLink and Google scholars by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Samples of 8 studies met the criteria and then analyzed for the study. Results: Most of students have a positive perception and readiness for IPE. Factors influencing students' readiness and perception such as motivation; study program options; student cognitive level; culture; initial clinical experience / exposure; IPE experience in the curriculum; and the readiness of lectures. Conclusion: It is necessary to find a solution in anticipating obstacles in encouraging students' readiness and perception of the application of IPE in Indonesia, including unclear role constraints (role blurring) and the stigma of feeling inferior compared to other health professions

    A Study on Legal Policy of Pharmacy Education and Pharmacy Workers Related to the Urgency of Establishing Pharmacy Law

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    According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, health is one of the basic human rights. One of the aspects that support health is the aspect of pharmacy. Pharmacy workers consist of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technical Workers according to Law No. 36/2014 regarding Health Workers. In practice, pharmacy education in Indonesia is considered not sufficient to prepare the pharmacy workforce. There are currently contradictions in the applied pharmaceutical policy, where the number of pharmacy undergraduate programs is 279, while the number of pharmacist study programs is only 45. This results in an imbalance of graduates. There is a tendency that most pharmaceutical graduates will continue their professional education to become a pharmacist so that he can have full authority and is responsible for pharmaceutical work. Differences in curriculum background and type of education will lead to confusion regarding competency assessment. At the Pharmacist education level, there is no nationally applicable curriculum until this date. The difference in curriculum causes variations in the knowledge and abilities of graduates. The method used in this study is a review of articles from various legal rules related to pharmaceutical education in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate a need for synchronization of the pharmaceutical policy into one legal aspect so that there is no disharmony among the applied legal regulations. Eventually synergistic legal regulations will emerge, from education to legal certainty for Pharmacist as health professionals

    The Association between Self Esteem and Self-Efficacy With Mental Illness in Pregnant Women

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    Background: A study in Indonesia conducted in the DKI Jakarta area in 2002 showed that 15% experienced depression during pregnancy and 20% depression after childbirth. Self esteem and self efficacy are things that affect mental condition. This study aims to determine the relationship of self-esteem and self-efficacy on health conditions in pregnant women.Subjects and Method:This study is a quantitative study with cross-sectional design involving a sample of 182 respondents from midwife independent practice in East Jakarta in January-June 2019. Univariate analysis was used to determine the description of the characteristics of respon­dents. SEM analysis was used to determine the relationship between variables of self-esteem, self-efficacy and mental health.Results:The interaction of self esteem and self efficacy shows a strong relationship of 0.9. The path coefficient from self esteem to mental health of -0.55, from self efficacy to mental health of -0.04.Conclusion:Self esteem for mental illness has a negative effect with a moderate effect. Self efficacy also has a negative direction and is very weak.Keywords: mental health, maternal mental health, postpartum blues/depressionCoresspondence: Cicilya Candi. Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Email: [email protected] of Health Promotion and Behavior (2019), 4(4): 267-273https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2019.04.04.0

    The Potential of Private Health Insurance Ownership Based on the 2018-2020 National Socioeconomic Survey Data

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    In 2014, the Indonesian Government introduced a social security program in the health sector. However, Indonesia’s out-of-pocket expenses remain high due to a lack of public interest in National Health Insurance services. Financing expensive health services with high out-of-pocket expenses has the potential to cause poverty. Private health insurance is considered a solution to this problem. This study aimed to determine the socioeconomic factors of private health insurance ownership and its potential in Indonesia. This study used secondary data from the 2018, 2019, and 2020 National Socioeconomic Surveys. Logistic regression analysis showed that the variables related to private health insurance ownership were age, sex, education, economic status, employment status, marital status, household status, and location of residence. The most dominant variable in 2018 was per capita expenditure (economic status), while education was the most dominant variable in 2019 and 2020. The result of this study can be used to formulate a strategy for increasing participation in private health insurance. The socioeconomic health sector should use this information to target specific markets for private health insurance


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    Objective: This study aimed to compare continuous and pro re nata (PRN) proton pump inhibitor (PPI) treatments for laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Methods: This randomized clinical trial included 52 LPR patients with lingual tonsil hypertrophy (LTH). Those patients who showed LPR improvement with an initial PPI trial were randomly divided into continuous and PRN PPI treatment groups. The Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) score, Reflux Finding Score (RFS), and LTH grade were used to assess the treatment results. Results: The PPI treatment (30 mg of lansoprazole twice daily) for 6 mo resulted in a significantly decreasing RSI score (p<0.001). The PPI treatments for the first 8 w and the second 8 w also showed significant LPR improvement. However, there was no significant improvement after the third 8 w (p>0.05). After 6 mo, the PPI treatment also resulted in a continuous decrease in the RFS (p<0.001). There were no significant differences in the mean RSI scores (p=0.518) and mean RFSs (p=0.393) between the continuous and PRN PPI groups. In the grade II LTH cases, there was a significant improvement after 6 mo of PPI treatment (p<0.001), although there was no improvement after the first 2 mo in the treatment group. For the grade III LTH cases, there was no significant improvement after the first 2 mo and 6 mo of the PPI treatment. Conclusion: Six months of PPI treatment improved the RSI score, RFS, and LTH grade, although there was no difference between the continuous and PRN PPI treatment groups

    A Comprehensive School-Based Nutrition Intervention to Improve the Implementation of Healthy School Canteen Policy: A Systematic Review

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    Background: School-based nutrition intervent­ion is recommended as one of the public health strategies in supporting the development of healthy diet behaviour for school-age children. It is in line with Global Action Plan 2013-2020 of World Health Organization (WHO) in preventing and controlling double burden of disease as a consequence of non-communicable disease in the future. This study aims to identify the kind of comprehensive school-based nutrition inter­vention and analyze effectiveness of every study in improving policy implementation of healthy school canteen.Subjects and Method: This systematic review study was conducted from two electronic data­bases, namely Scopus and ProQuest with keywords of "school nutritional policy", "compre­hensive intervention", and "healthy canteen" to search relevant publication in English and have open access published from 2015 to 2020.Results: From total 1.367 of publications, 9 arti­cles meet inclusion criteria. Based on evaluation of those studies with comprehensive or multi-component intervention to healthy school canteen policy, the common elements show that regular monitoring and feedback with executive and community support can show improvement of school adherence to policy implementation.Conclusion: This study found that a compre­hensive school-based nutrition intervention was effective in improving the implementation of healthy school canteen policy.Keywords: nutrition intervention, healthy canteen, policy implementationCorrespondence: Sarah At Tauhidah. Health Policy and Adminis­tration Department, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. F Building 1st Floor, Kampus Baru UI Depok 16424, Indonesia. Email: [email protected] of Health Policy and Management (2021), 06(01): 57-66https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2021.06.01.06