741 research outputs found

    Psychologie projective et agressivité

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    En este trabajo, a la luz de las aportaciones de Freud y Szondi, se examina el tema de la agresividad humana como un problema básicamente ético. La conciencia moral, en efecto, surge de la tensión dialéctica entre conflictos pulsionales en dos procesos distintos, aunque paralelos y complementarios: en la relación triangular yo-padre-hermano (complejo de Caín) y en la otra relación, triangular también, yo-padre-madre (complejo de Edipo).En una segunda parte, se propone el punto de vista de la psicología proyectiva y en especial los trabajos de Louis Corman, como un método indispensable para el estudio psicodinámico de la agresividad humana.This work, taking into account the contributions of Freud and Szondi, examines the therne of human agressivity as a basically ethical problem. Moral consciente, in fact, emerges from dialectic tension of pulsional confiicts, in two different, though parallel and complementary processes: the triangular relations I-father-brother (Cain complex) and I-father-mother (Oedipus complex). In the second part, the point of view of projective psychology, especially Dr. Louis Corman's work, is proposed as an indispensable method for the psychodynamic study of human agressivity

    An inquiry into engineering career choice and career satisfaction

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    The purpose of this thesis was to ascertain factors that motivate a person to study engineering, and to examine the aspects of engineering career satisfaction. This study was conducted as a survey by means of a mail questionnaire, which was distributed among graduates of New Jersey Institute of Technology. Another sample, comprised of master\u27s degree recipients of NJIT who had received their bachelor\u27s degree from other undergraduate schools, served as a control group. Motivation factors and positive and negative aspects of the engineering career were established and ranked in order of their importance. A method to measure career satisfaction was devised. Change of career satisfaction with change in age and work experience were studied, and trend lines were obtained that showed a slight rise in job satisfaction for NJIT graduates and a slight drop for the graduates of other schools. The tallied up figures showed that about one quarter of the respondents from each sample were dissatisfied with their careers

    Conocimientos sexuales en niños/as de 5 a 7 años : bases para el estudio de los factores de integración

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    El trabajo se presenta como un estudio piloto. Se investigan los puntos de vista que tienen niños y niñas, de cinco a siete años, sobre temas sexuales: identidad y diferencias sexuales, reproducción, relaciones afectivas en el seno de la familia, roles de la pareja en la producción de un niño, gestación, nacimiento y amamantamiento del bebé. Objetivos y metodología se basan en trabajos realizados anteriormente sobre el tema en Israel, Estados Unidos y Bélgica.This work is a preliminary study. It is an investigation of the points of view ofchildren, males and females, fron five to seven years of age, on sexual topics: identity and sex dflerences, role of the couple in reproduction, affective relationships within the family, pregnancy, birth and lactation of the baby. Goals and method are based on previous research on the topic made in Israel, United States and Belgium

    Conocimientos sexuales en niños/as de 5 a 7 años. Bases para el estudio de los factores de integración

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    El trabajo se presenta como un estudio piloto. Se investigan los puntos de vista que tienen niños y niñas, de cinco a siete años, sobre temas sexuales: identidad y diferencias sexuales, reproducción, relaciones afectivas en el seno de la familia, roles de la pareja en la producción de un niño, gestación, nacimiento y amamantamiento del bebé. Objetivos y metodología se basan en trabajos realizados anteriormente sobre el tema en Israel, Estados Unidos y Bélgica.This work is a preliminary study. It is an investigation of the points of view ofchildren, males and females, fron five to seven years of age, on sexual topics: identity and sex dflerences, role of the couple in reproduction, affective relationships within the family, pregnancy, birth and lactation of the baby. Goals and method are based on previous research on the topic made in Israel, United States and Belgium

    The Stokes second problem and its extension to viscoelastic fluids

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2020, Director: Jordi Ortín i Arturo Vieiro Yanes[en] This work is focused on the Stokes second problem, a classical problem in fluid mechanics. It is an oscillatory fluid flow problem of great significance both academically and practically, for its relation with industrial and natural processes. This work was inspired by the study of a viscoelastic fluid problem carried on within [4], which possesses a certain similarity with the Stokes second problem. First, we set the fundamental principles of fluid dynamics, which we need to derive the governing equations of motion of the fluid. Next, we introduce the objects used to characterise the viscous properties of fluids and to determine how these affect the motion of the fluid. In addition, a derivation of the Navier-Stokes equation is provided. Finally, we introduce and solve the Stokes second problem, justifying the existence and the uniqueness of the solution. At last, we examine the equations that model the motion of the fluid considered in [4], which can be seen as a generalisation of the Stokes second problem for a specific non-Newtonian fluid

    Una aproximación a la expresión poética antológica de Andrés Sánchez Robayna en "Tinta"

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    La originalidad de este trabajo estriba en el hecho de abordar el concepto de antología ya que, en este análisis pormenorizado de la estructura externa e interna de la selección de poemas de “Tinta (1978-1979)” efectuada por Andrés Sánchez Robayna en “Ideas de existencia”, “Antología poética, 1970-2002”, examinamos las constantes y las variaciones en la expresión poética e insistiremos en el sistema muy elaborado de ecos y de correspondencias. La concepción del mundo como un ser total, en el que pueden fusionar realidades normalmente incomunicadas, se recrea en la constitución formal de los poemas. Por eso, plasma en su escritura un universo que funciona de modo analógico. Mediante modalidades expresivas metapoéticas, el poeta se afirma como un vector de relaciones, un receptor de un lenguaje procedente de la realidad sensible y sobre todo de la naturaleza concebida como matriz poética.The concept of anthology is basic in this study. The originality of the analysis of the structure, external and internal, of the eleven poems of “Tinta” selected by Andrés Sánchez Robayna in “Ideas de existencia”, “Antología poética, 1970-2002”, stems from the examination of the constant and variable data in the poetic expression, remarking the sophisticated system of echoes and correspondences. The world conceived as a holistic entity, in which non-communicating realities frequently get in contact, is recreated in the formal structure of the poems. Thus, the author fixes into his writing a universe of analogies. Through metapoetical modes of expression, the poet becomes a conduit for relationships. He is a receptacle of the language of sensible reality, above all of the nature conceived as a poetical matrix.peerReviewe

    Assessment of air pollution health co-benefits of Net-zero climate policies

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    Outdoor air pollution is responsible for a substantial amount of premature deaths and severe illnesses. Just in 2019, according to the GBD, it caused 124.21 million (95% CI 98.89-147.63) DALYs and 4.505 million (95% CI 3.625-5.364) deaths. Several air pollution co-benefits derive directly from the climate change mitigation policies, that have recently included a new carbon budget design: the net-zero pathway. However, a lot of factors add uncertainty to the estimation of health impacts. We aim to study the main drivers of uncertainty in mortality, as well as their interaction, with a special focus on the relative risk impact functions in the role of the decarbonization path. To do so, the climate mitigation scenarios from the ENGAGE database are considered, as well as a source-receptor model to estimate concentrations and several relative risk impact functions to compute premature deaths. The study further identifies that net-zero climate policies rise the health co-benefits and reduce the risk of extreme mortality outcomes. Moreover, this is of especial importance for stringent climate targets aiming to limit the temperature increase well below 2ºC, with particular relevance in Asia and Africa

    La closa gramatical de l'I.T.P.A. al servei del diagnòstic psicolingüístic

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    Dentro de un contexto sociolingüístico y pedagógico concreto (en este caso, el catalán), se plantea en el artículo la necesidad de disponer de instrumentos adecuados para evaluar en la población infantil el nivel de adquisición de los mecanismos básicos de la lengua. Elegimos el "Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities" (ITPA, 1969): se describen su génesis -a partir del modelo tridimensional de comunicación de Osgood- así como sus características principales. El núcleo del artículo se dedica a la descripción del proceso de validación al catalán de uno de los subtests verbales del ITPA, el "Grammatic Closure" (Cierre Gramatical): elaboración de los ítems, tanteos experimentales y aplicación a una muestra de 400 individuos. Se estudia la validez y fiabilidad de la prueba y se discuten los resultados obtenidos. Creemos que el trabajo constituye sobre todo una aportación positiva en el estudio científico del proceso de adquisición de los automatismos de la lengua catalana en niños catalanoparlantes. Creemos, además, que los resultados obtenidos son aplicables al estudio del mismo proceso en niños no catalanoparlantes que viven en un entorno de diglosia catalán-castellano y hacen el aprendizaje en catalán o de la lengua catalana.Within a concrete sociolinguistic and pedagogical context (in this case, Catalan), the article states the necessity of the availability of adequate instruments for the evaluation of the leve1 attained by the young population in the basic habits of the language. The "Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities" (ITPA, 1969) is chosen; its development and principal characteristics are described, according to Osgood's tridimensional model of communication. The main part of the article deals with the description of the process of validation to Catalan of one of the verbal sub-tests of ITPA, Grammatic Closure: elaboration of the items, experimental trials and application to a sample of 400 individuals. The validity and reliability of the test are studied and the results obtained are discussed. We believe that the work makes a positive contribution to the scientific study of the process of acquirement of the automatic habits of the Catalan language in Catalan-speaking children. We also believe that the results obtained can be applied to the study of the same process in non Catalanspeaking children who live in a Catalan-Castilian environment of diglossia and learn all subjects in Catalan, or learn the Catalan language