250 research outputs found

    Forward-Backward Multiplicity Correlations in Au+Au Collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 Gev

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    The study of correlations among particles produced in different rapidity regions may provide understanding of the mechanisms of particle production. Correlations that extend over a longer range are observed in hadron-hadron interactions only at higher energies. Results for short and long-range multiplicity correlations (Forward-Backward) are presented for Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV. The growth of long range correlations are observed as a function of the pseudorapidity gap in central Au+Au collisions. The Dual Parton model and Color Glass Condensate phenomenology have been explored to understand the origin of long range correlations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, IWCF06, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 21-24, 200

    Single - particle correlations in events with the total disintegration of nuclei

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    New experimental data on the behaviour of the single-particle two-dimensional correlation functions R versus Q (Q is the number of nucleons emitted from nuc- lei) and Ap (Ap is the mass of projectile nuclei) are presented in this paper. The interactions of protons, d, 4He and 12C nuclei with carbon nuclei (at a momentum of 4.2 A GeV/c) are considered.The values of R are obtained separately for pi minus mesons and protons.In so doing,the values of R are normalized so that -1=<R=<1.The value of R=0 corresponds to the case of the absence of corre- lations.It has been found that the Q- and Ap-dependence of R takes place only for weak correlations (R< 0.3).In the main (90 %),these correlations are con- nected with the variable pt and have a nonlinear character, that is the regi- ons with different characters of the Q-dependence of R are separated: there is a change of regimes in the Q-dependences of R.The correlations weaken with increasing Ap, and the variable R gets the least values of all the considered ones in 12CC interactions.Simultaneously with weakening the correlations in the region of large Q, the character of the Q-dependence of R changes.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to Phys. Rew.

    Transverse Energy per Charged Particle and Freeze-Out Criteria in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    In relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions the transverse energy per charged particle, E_T/N_ch, increases rapidly with beam energy and remains approximately constant at about 800 MeV for beam energies from SPS to RHIC. It is shown that the hadron resonance gas model describes the energy dependence, as well as the lack of centrality dependence, qualitatively. The values of E_T/N_ch are related to the chemical freeze-out criterium E/N about 1 GeV valid for primordial hadrons.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    The strange-quark chemical potential as an experimentally accessible "order parameter" of the deconfinement phase transition for finite baryon-density

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    We consider the change of the strange-quark chemical potential in the phase diagram of nuclear matter, employing the Wilson loop and scalar quark condensate order parameters, mass-scaled partition functions and enforcing flavor conservation. Assuming the region beyond the hadronic phase to be described by massive, correlated and interacting quarks, in the spirit of lattice and effective QCD calculations, we find the strange-quark chemical potential to change sign: from positive in the hadronic phase - to zero upon deconfinement - to negative in the partonic domain. We propose this change in the sign of the strange-quark chemical potential to be an experimentally accessible order parameter and a unique, concise and well-defined indication of the quark-deconfinement phase transition in nuclear matter.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures within text, 2 figures(6,B3) as separate files. To be published in J.Phys.G: Nucl.&Part.Phys. G28 (2002

    Multiplicity Distributions and Rapidity Gaps

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    I examine the phenomenology of particle multiplicity distributions, with special emphasis on the low multiplicities that are a background in the study of rapidity gaps. In particular, I analyze the multiplicity distribution in a rapidity interval between two jets, using the HERWIG QCD simulation with some necessary modifications. The distribution is not of the negative binomial form, and displays an anomalous enhancement at zero multiplicity. Some useful mathematical tools for working with multiplicity distributions are presented. It is demonstrated that ignoring particles with pt<0.2 has theoretical advantages, in addition to being convenient experimentally.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, MSUHEP/94071

    Overpopulation of Ωˉ\bar \Omega in pp collisions: a way to distinguish statistical hadronization from string dynamics

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    The Ωˉ/Ω\bar{\Omega}/\Omega ratio originating from string decays is predicted to be larger than unity in proton proton interactions at SPS energies (ElabE_{\rm lab}=160 GeV). The anti-omega dominance increases with decreasing beam energy. This surprising behavior is caused by the combinatorics of quark-antiquark production in small and low-mass strings. Since this behavior is not found in a statistical description of hadron production in proton proton collisions, it may serve as a key observable to probe the hadronization mechanism in such collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hadron Production and Phase Changes in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We study soft hadron production in relativistic heavy ion collisions in a wide range of reaction energy, 4.8 GeV <sqrt{s_ NN}<200 GeV, and make predictions about yields of particles using the statistical hadronization model. In fits to experimental data, we obtain both statistical parameters as well as physical properties of the hadron source. We identify the properties of the fireball at the critical energy threshold, 6.26 GeV < sqrt{s_NN}^cr} <7.61 GeV, delineating for higher energies hadronization of an entropy rich phase. In terms of the chemical composition, one sees a phase which at low energy is chemically under-saturated, and which turns into a chemically over-saturated state persisting up to the maximum accessible energy. Assuming that there is no change in physical mechanisms in the energy range 15>sqrt{s_NN} \ge 200 GeV, we use continuity of particle yields and statistical parameters to predict the hadron production at sqrt{s_NN}=62.4 GeV, and obtain total yields of hadrons at sqrt{s_NN}=130 GeV. We consider, in depth, the pattern we uncover within the hadronization condition, and discuss possible mechanisms associated with the identified rapid change in system properties at sqrt{s_NN ^cr}. We propose that the chemically over-saturated 2+1 flavor hadron matter system undergoes a 1st order phase transition.Comment: 23 pages; a) we correct an entropy yield error which the early SHARE release contained; this changes tables and figures comprising physical properties involving entropy, the data fits are unaffected. b) we incorporated the latest strange hadron yields of NA49 and c) this version is in press in EPJ

    Thermal fluctuations in the interacting pion gas

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    We derive the two-particle fluctuation correlator in a thermal gas of pi-mesons to the lowest order in an interaction due to a resonance exchange. A diagrammatic technique is used. We discuss how this result can be applied to event-by-event fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions, in particular, to search for the critical point of QCD. As a practical example, we determine the shape of the rapidity correlator.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Flavor Development of Individually Vacuum-Packaged Beef Steaks During Extended Wet Aging

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    The objective of the study was to determine the effect of extended aging on the flavor development of various muscles, individually stored in vacuum rollstock packaging. Strip loins, paired tenderloins, and top sirloin butts (n=48) from USDA Low Choice carcasses (Small00 to Small100 marbling score, n=16). Subprimals were wet-aged in the absence of light for 28 d postmortem before fabrication into 2.54 cm steaks representing the longissimus lumborum (LL), psoas major (PM), and gluteus medius (GM). Steaks were individually packaged in vacuum rollstock packaging and assigned to an additional aging time of 28, 35, 42, 49, or 56 d. Cut steaks (n=240/test) were designated to trained descriptive panel analysis or volatile compound analysis. No interactions occurred for trained sensory analysis, but a main effect of days of age (P≤0.033) showed the greatest effect on negatively associated attributes, including liver-like, oxidized, fishy, bitter, and sour, after 42 d of aging. A main effect of muscle type also occurred (P≤0.040) for flavor attributes, in which GM and PM samples scored higher in off-flavor attributes compared with LL samples, including flavors such as liver-like, oxidized, and sour. An interaction between muscle type and days of age occurred for 2-pentyl-furan (P=0.021). One compound—3 hydroxy-2 butanone—was affected by muscle type (P=0.009). However, most compounds were affected by days of age (P≤0.046), in which compounds related to off-flavors increased in concentrations the most after 49 d. Additionally, discriminant function analyses were performed, suggesting the most effective aging time for individual steaks to be under 49 d when considering loadings for volatile compounds and flavor attributes corresponding with days of age. Overall, these data suggest individual packaging of GM, LL, and PM muscles is most optimal for up to 42 or49 d of age without a large impact from the presence of off-flavors, thus providing food service establishments the opportunity to individually package beef steaks for an extended period while maintaining consumer satisfaction through optimal flavor