330 research outputs found

    The Funder and the Intermediary, in Support of the Artist: A Look at Rationales, Roles, and Relationships

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    This article, examining the ecology of funders' use of intermediaries and regranting organizations, came about as a direct offshoot of GIA's Research Initiative on Support for Individual Artists, begun in 2011. As the research team worked to map the pathways that support followed from funder to artist, a complex map of options and routes began to emerge, and intermediaries and regranters were often part of that picture. It became increasingly clear that this was an essential and important part of the overall system. It also emerged that this was an area of philanthropic practice that had been little examined, and about which little had been published. Interviews with funders during the research work also revealed that while a number of foundations were using intermediaries, their practices had independently evolved, and a wide range of methods and procedures were in use. What follows is the first tangible product of GIA's Research Initiative on Support for Individual Artists. In her analysis, Claudia Bach provides both an overview of the range of philanthropic practices involving intermediaries and regranters, as well as an exploration of a number of related topics and questions that emerged during the course of this work

    Arts Ecosystem Research Project: Linking Student Research with Community Benefit

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    Rapid urban growth, an independent ethos, and affordable space for artists served the Seattle region as fertile ground for exponential growth of its arts sector since the 1960s and into the 21st century. An applied research project links the lived experiences of those who created this rich environment and those who seek to be future arts leaders. Graduate students in arts management are participating in a multi-year experimental research project to gather, document, and analyze regional arts and culture history. They are working across the community to identify noteworthy arts organizations, businesses, and events that have shaped the arts and culture ecosystem in the region, uncovering diverse perspectives, and setting the stage for future study of evolutionary relationships in the arts. Close collaboration with the University’s Library has led to the creation of a publicly-focused digital timeline and website, with links to a nascent but growing institutional repository for student research and additional resources. The project has garnered significant interest and support from regional arts leaders and archives in the community. This paper traces the development and the first three years of the research project, providing insights for academic programs wishing to embark on applied research projects with students and the community, and communities wishing to document and share understanding of their arts ecosystem. A recent burst of economic growth threatened to obliterate much of the history from the previous decades in the Seattle region. Now further transformation is expected as a result of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. An interest in capturing the stories and gaining insights from this vibrant past has brought together the academic and practitioner communities around this effort

    Optische Erscheinungen und andere ungewöhnliche Wetterphänomene auf der Wetterwarte Fichtelberg

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    Der Fichtelberg im Erzgebirge ist mit 1215 Metern die höchste Erhebung Sachsens und liegt an der Grenze zu Tschechien. Gemeinsam mit dem nahe gelegenen Keilberg (heute tschechisch Klínovec; 1244 m) auf böhmischer Seite bildet er den höchsten Punkt des Erzgebirgskamms. Die von Südwest nach Nordost ansteigende Pultscholle des Gebirges fällt nach Süden hin steil ins Egertal (heute tschechisch Údolí Ohře) ab. In diesem, nach Süden vom Duppauer Gebirge (heute tschechisch Doupovské hory) und dem Kaiserwald (heute tschechisch Slavkovský les) eingerahmten Tal sammelt sich bei herbstlichen und winterlichen Hochdruckwetterlagen die Kaltluft (Böhmischer Nebel). Durch diese Konstellation liegt der Fichtelberg entweder in einer trockenen warmen Luftmasse darüber (Inversion) oder er wird direkt vom Böhmischen Nebel beeinflusst, wenn dieser über den Kamm fließt. Das führt zu zahlreichen optischen Erscheinungen, die es sonst in dieser Fülle nur selten gibt. So besticht der Gipfel bei Inversionswetterlagen nicht nur mit einer außergewöhnlichen Fernsicht,Der Fichtelberg im Erzgebirge ist mit 1215 Metern die höchste Erhebung Sachsens und liegt an der Grenze zu Tschechien. Gemeinsam mit dem nahe gelegenen Keilberg (heute tschechisch Klínovec; 1244 m) auf böhmischer Seite bildet er den höchsten Punkt des Erzgebirgskamms. Die von Südwest nach Nordost ansteigende Pultscholle des Gebirges fällt nach Süden hin steil ins Egertal (heute tschechisch Údolí Ohře) ab. In diesem, nach Süden vom Duppauer Gebirge (heute tschechisch Doupovské hory) und dem Kaiserwald (heute tschechisch Slavkovský les) eingerahmten Tal sammelt sich bei herbstlichen und winterlichen Hochdruckwetterlagen die Kaltluft (Böhmischer Nebel). Durch diese Konstellation liegt der Fichtelberg entweder in einer trockenen warmen Luftmasse darüber (Inversion) oder er wird direkt vom Böhmischen Nebel beeinflusst, wenn dieser über den Kamm fließt. Das führt zu zahlreichen optischen Erscheinungen, die es sonst in dieser Fülle nur selten gibt. So besticht der Gipfel bei Inversionswetterlagen nicht nur mit einer außergewöhnlichen Fernsicht, sondern auch mit ungewöhnlich starken Refraktionseffekten wie Luftspiegelungen, stark deformierter oder geteilter Sonnenscheibe sowie mehrfachen Grünen, Blauen und Roten Strahlen an der horizontnahen Sonne. Die Dämmerungsfarben sind bei derartigen Wetterlagen sehr intensiv und neben Purpur- und Gegenpurpurlicht und stark ausgeprägtem Erdschattenbogen zeichnen sich manchmal auch die Schatten weit entfernter Berge oder Wolken am Himmel ab (Crepuscularstrahlen). Fließt der Böhmische Nebel über den Erzgebirgskamm, entstehen bei gleichzeitigem Sonnenschein im Sommer Glorie und Nebelbogen und im Winter atemberaubende Eisnebelhalos. sondern auch mit ungewöhnlich starken Refraktionseffekten wie Luftspiegelungen, stark deformierter oder geteilter Sonnenscheibe sowie mehrfachen Grünen, Blauen und Roten Strahlen an der horizontnahen Sonne. Die Dämmerungsfarben sind bei derartigen Wetterlagen sehr intensiv und neben Purpur- und Gegenpurpurlicht und stark ausgeprägtem Erdschattenbogen zeichnen sich manchmal auch die Schatten weit entfernter Berge oder Wolken am Himmel ab (Crepuscularstrahlen). Fließt der Böhmische Nebel über den Erzgebirgskamm, entstehen bei gleichzeitigem Sonnenschein im Sommer Glorie und Nebelbogen und im Winter atemberaubende Eisnebelhalos

    Participatory epidemiology: the contribution of participatory research to epidemiology

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    Background: Epidemiology has contributed in many ways to identifying various risk factors for disease and to promoting population health. However, there is a continuing debate about the ability of epidemiology not only to describe, but also to provide results which can be better translated into public health practice. It has been proposed that participatory research approaches be applied to epidemiology as a way to bridge this gap between description and action. A systematic account of what constitutes participatory epidemiology practice has, however, been lacking. Methods: A scoping review was carried out focused on the question of what constitutes participatory approaches to epidemiology for the purpose of demonstrating their potential for advancing epidemiologic research. Relevant databases were searched, including both the published and non-published (grey) literature. The 102 identified sources were analyzed in terms of comparing common epidemiologic approaches to participatory counterparts regarding central aspects of the research process. Exemplary studies applying participatory approaches were examined more closely. Results: A highly diverse, interdisciplinary body of literature was synthesized, resulting in a framework comprised of seven aspects of the research process: research goal, research question, population, context, data synthesis, research management, and dissemination of findings. The framework specifies how participatory approaches not only differ from, but also how they can enhance common approaches in epidemiology. Finally, recommendations for the further development of participatory approaches are given. These include: enhancing data collection, data analysis, and data validation; advancing capacity building for research at the local level; and developing data synthesis. Conclusion: The proposed framework provides a basis for systematically developing the emergent science of participatory epidemiology

    Reference interval for immature platelet fraction on Sysmex XN haematology analyser in adult population

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    Introduction: The Sysmex XN-series haematology analyser has newly adopted a fluorescent channel to measure immature platelet fraction (IPF). To promote the clinical utility of this promising parameter, establishing a reliable reference interval is mandatory. According to previous studies, IPF values may be affected by the employed analyser and the ethnic background of the individual, but no differences seem to be found between individuals’ genders. Therefore, this study aimed to define the reference interval for IPF in a Spanish population following Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines. Materials and methods: A total of 153 healthy Caucasian adults from Spain met the inclusion criteria. IPF measurement was performed by means of a Sysmex XN-2000 haematology analyser. A non-parametric percentile method was used to calculate the reference intervals in accordance with CLSI guidelines. Results: The obtained reference interval for IPF on the Sysmex XN-2000 was 1.6–9.6% (90% confidence intervals (CIs) were 1.5–1.8 and 9.3–11.5, respectively). No significant gender difference in IPF reference intervals was observed (P = 0.101). Conclusions: This study provides, for the first time, a reference interval for IPF using a Sysmex XN-2000 in a Spanish population, ranging from 1.6 to 9.6%. These data are needed to evaluate platelet production in several conditions such as thrombocytopenia, inflammatory states and cardiovascular diseases, as well as for future research

    A multifaceted educational intervention improved anti-infectious measures but had no effect on mortality in patients with severe sepsis

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    Sepsis is a major reason for preventable hospital deaths. A cluster-randomized controlled trial on an educational intervention did not show improvements of sepsis management or outcome. We now aimed to test an improved implementation strategy in a second intervention phase in which new intervention hospitals (former controls) received a multifaceted educational intervention, while controls (former intervention hospitals) only received feedback of quality indicators. Changes in outcomes from the first to the second intervention phase were compared between groups using hierarchical generalized linear models controlling for possible confounders. During the two phases, 19 control hospitals included 4050 patients with sepsis and 21 intervention hospitals included 2526 patients. 28-day mortality did not show significant changes between study phases in both groups. The proportion of patients receiving antimicrobial therapy within one hour increased in intervention hospitals, but not in control hospitals. Taking at least two sets of blood cultures increased significantly in both groups. During phase 2, intervention hospitals showed higher proportion of adequate initial antimicrobial therapy and de-escalation within 5 days. A survey among involved clinicians indicated lacking resources for quality improvement. Therefore, quality improvement programs should include all elements of sepsis guidelines and provide hospitals with sufficient resources for quality improvement. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01187134. Registered 23 August 2010, https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT01187134

    Effects of Elevated CO2 on a Natural Diatom Community in the Subtropical NE Atlantic

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    Diatoms are silicifying phytoplankton contributing about one quarter to primary production on Earth. Ocean acidification (OA) could alter the competitiveness of diatoms relative to other taxa and/or lead to shifts among diatom species. In spring 2016, we set up a plankton community experiment at the coast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) to investigate the response of subtropical diatom assemblages to elevated seawater pCO2. Therefore, natural plankton communities were enclosed for 32 days in in situ mesocosms (∼8 m3 volume) with a pCO2 gradient ranging from 380 to 1140 μatm. Halfway through the study we added nutrients to all mesocosms (N, P, Si) to simulate injections through eddy-induced upwelling which frequently occurs in the region. We found that the total diatom biomass remained unaffected during oligotrophic conditions but was significantly positively affected by high CO2 after nutrient enrichment. The average cell volume and carbon content of the diatom community increased with CO2. CO2 effects on diatom biomass and species composition were weak during oligotrophic conditions but became quite strong above ∼620 μatm after the nutrient enrichment. We hypothesize that the proliferation of diatoms under high CO2 may have been caused by a fertilization effect on photosynthesis in combination with reduced grazing pressure. Our results suggest that OA in the subtropics may strengthen the competitiveness of (large) diatoms and cause changes in diatom community composition, mostly under conditions when nutrients are injected into oligotrophic systems

    TP53-Induced Glycolysis and Apoptosis Regulator (TIGAR) Is Upregulated in Lymphocytes Stimulated with Concanavalin A

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    The glycolytic modulator TP53-Inducible Glycolysis and Apoptosis Regulator (TIGAR) is overexpressed in several types of cancer and has a role in metabolic rewiring during tumor development. However, little is known about the role of this enzyme in proliferative tissues under physiological conditions. In the current work, we analysed the role of TIGAR in primary human lymphocytes stimulated with the mitotic agent Concanavalin A (ConA). We found that TIGAR expression was induced in stimulated lymphocytes through the PI3K/AKT pathway, since Akti-1/2 and LY294002 inhibitors prevented the upregulation of TIGAR in response to ConA. In addition, suppression of TIGAR expression by siRNA decreased the levels of the proliferative marker PCNA and increased cellular ROS levels. In this model, TIGAR was found to support the activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), the first enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), since the inhibition of TIGAR reduced G6PDH activity and increased autophagy. In conclusion, we demonstrate here that TIGAR is upregulated in stimulated human lymphocytes through the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, which contributes to the redirection of the carbon flux to the PPP