1,480 research outputs found

    Trajectory and smooth attractors for Cahn-Hilliard equations with inertial term

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    The paper is devoted to a modification of the classical Cahn-Hilliard equation proposed by some physicists. This modification is obtained by adding the second time derivative of the order parameter multiplied by an inertial coefficient which is usually small in comparison to the other physical constants. The main feature of this equation is the fact that even a globally bounded nonlinearity is "supercritical" in the case of two and three space dimensions. Thus the standard methods used for studying semilinear hyperbolic equations are not very effective in the present case. Nevertheless, we have recently proven the global existence and dissipativity of strong solutions in the 2D case (with a cubic controlled growth nonlinearity) and for the 3D case with small inertial coefficient and arbitrary growth rate of the nonlinearity. The present contribution studies the long-time behavior of rather weak (energy) solutions of that equation and it is a natural complement of the results of our previous papers. Namely, we prove here that the attractors for energy and strong solutions coincide for both the cases mentioned above. Thus, the energy solutions are asymptotically smooth. In addition, we show that the non-smooth part of any energy solution decays exponentially in time and deduce that the (smooth) exponential attractor for the strong solutions constructed previously is simultaneously the exponential attractor for the energy solutions as well

    Anomalous scaling of passive scalars in rotating flows

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    We present results of direct numerical simulations of passive scalar advection and diffusion in turbulent rotating flows. Scaling laws and the development of anisotropy are studied in spectral space, and in real space using an axisymmetric decomposition of velocity and passive scalar structure functions. The passive scalar is more anisotropic than the velocity field, and its power spectrum follows a spectral law consistent with k3/2\sim k_\perp^{-3/2}. This scaling is explained with phenomenological arguments that consider the effect of rotation. Intermittency is characterized using scaling exponents and probability density functions of velocity and passive scalar increments. In the presence of rotation, intermittency in the velocity field decreases more noticeably than in the passive scalar. The scaling exponents show good agreement with Kraichnan's prediction for passive scalar intermittency in two-dimensions, after correcting for the observed scaling of the second order exponent.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure

    Electrodynamics of balanced charges

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    In this work we modify the wave-corpuscle mechanics for elementary charges introduced by us recently. This modification is designed to better describe electromagnetic (EM) phenomena at atomic scales. It includes a modification of the concept of the classical EM field and a new model for the elementary charge which we call a balanced charge (b-charge). A b-charge does not interact with itself electromagnetically, and every b-charge possesses its own elementary EM field. The EM energy is naturally partitioned as the interaction energy between pairs of different b-charges. We construct EM theory of b-charges (BEM) based on a relativistic Lagrangian with the following properties: (i) b-charges interact only through their elementary EM potentials and fields; (ii) the field equations for the elementary EM fields are exactly the Maxwell equations with proper currents; (iii) a free charge moves uniformly preserving up to the Lorentz contraction its shape; (iv) the Newton equations with the Lorentz forces hold approximately when charges are well separated and move with non-relativistic velocities. The BEM theory can be characterized as neoclassical one which covers the macroscopic as well as the atomic spatial scales, it describes EM phenomena at atomic scale differently than the classical EM theory. It yields in macroscopic regimes the Newton equations with Lorentz forces for centers of well separated charges moving with nonrelativistic velocities. Applied to atomic scales it yields a hydrogen atom model with a frequency spectrum matching the same for the Schrodinger model with any desired accuracy.Comment: Manuscript was edited to improve the exposition and to remove noticed typo

    Linear superposition in nonlinear wave dynamics

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    We study nonlinear dispersive wave systems described by hyperbolic PDE's in R^{d} and difference equations on the lattice Z^{d}. The systems involve two small parameters: one is the ratio of the slow and the fast time scales, and another one is the ratio of the small and the large space scales. We show that a wide class of such systems, including nonlinear Schrodinger and Maxwell equations, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model and many other not completely integrable systems, satisfy a superposition principle. The principle essentially states that if a nonlinear evolution of a wave starts initially as a sum of generic wavepackets (defined as almost monochromatic waves), then this wave with a high accuracy remains a sum of separate wavepacket waves undergoing independent nonlinear evolution. The time intervals for which the evolution is considered are long enough to observe fully developed nonlinear phenomena for involved wavepackets. In particular, our approach provides a simple justification for numerically observed effect of almost non-interaction of solitons passing through each other without any recourse to the complete integrability. Our analysis does not rely on any ansatz or common asymptotic expansions with respect to the two small parameters but it uses rather explicit and constructive representation for solutions as functions of the initial data in the form of functional analytic series.Comment: New introduction written, style changed, references added and typos correcte

    Vortical and Wave Modes in 3D Rotating Stratified Flows: Random Large Scale Forcing

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    Utilizing an eigenfunction decomposition, we study the growth and spectra of energy in the vortical and wave modes of a 3D rotating stratified fluid as a function of ϵ=f/N\epsilon = f/N. Working in regimes characterized by moderate Burger numbers, i.e. Bu=1/ϵ2<1Bu = 1/\epsilon^2 < 1 or Bu1Bu \ge 1, our results indicate profound change in the character of vortical and wave mode interactions with respect to Bu=1Bu = 1. As with the reference state of ϵ=1\epsilon=1, for ϵ<1\epsilon < 1 the wave mode energy saturates quite quickly and the ensuing forward cascade continues to act as an efficient means of dissipating ageostrophic energy. Further, these saturated spectra steepen as ϵ\epsilon decreases: we see a shift from k1k^{-1} to k5/3k^{-5/3} scaling for kf<k<kdk_f < k < k_d (where kfk_f and kdk_d are the forcing and dissipation scales, respectively). On the other hand, when ϵ>1\epsilon > 1 the wave mode energy never saturates and comes to dominate the total energy in the system. In fact, in a sense the wave modes behave in an asymmetric manner about ϵ=1\epsilon = 1. With regard to the vortical modes, for ϵ1\epsilon \le 1, the signatures of 3D quasigeostrophy are clearly evident. Specifically, we see a k3k^{-3} scaling for kf<k<kdk_f < k < k_d and, in accord with an inverse transfer of energy, the vortical mode energy never saturates but rather increases for all k<kfk < k_f. In contrast, for ϵ>1\epsilon > 1 and increasing, the vortical modes contain a progressively smaller fraction of the total energy indicating that the 3D quasigeostrophic subsystem plays an energetically smaller role in the overall dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figs. (abbreviated abstract

    Decadal changes in Arctic Ocean Chlorophyll a: Bridging ocean color observations from the 1980s to present time

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    Remotely-sensed Ocean color data offer a unique opportunity for studying variations of bio-optical properties which is especially valuable in the Arctic Ocean (AO) where in situ data are sparse. In this study, we re-processed the raw data from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View (SeaWiFS, 1998–2010) and the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, 2003–2016) ocean-color sensors to ensure compatibility with the first ocean color sensor, namely, the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS, 1979–1986). Based on a bio-regional approach, this study assesses the quality of this new homogeneous pan-Arctic Chl a dataset, which provides the longest (but non-continuous) ocean color time-series ever produced for the AO (37 years long between 1979 and 2016). We show that despite the temporal gaps between 1986 and 1998 due to the absence of ocean color satellite, the time series is suitable to establish a baseline of phytoplankton biomass for the early 1980s, before sea-ice loss accelerated in the AO. More importantly, it provides the opportunity to quantify decadal changes over the AO revealing for instance the continuous Chl a increase in the inflow shelves such as the Barents Sea since the CZCS era

    Experimental demonstration of mode structure in ultralong Raman fiber lasers

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    We present the first experimental demonstration of a resolvable mode structure with spacing c/2nL in the RF spectra of ultralong Raman fiber lasers. The longest ever demonstrated laser cavity (L=84km), RF peaks of ∼100 Hz width and spacing ∼1 kHz have been observed at low intracavity powers. The width of the peaks increases linearly with growing intracavity power and is almost independent of fiber length. © 2007 Optical Society of America

    Лечение кислотозависимых заболеваний: сегодня вновь актуально (Что нового внёс Maastricht-IV?)

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    Department of Family Medicine, Nicolae Testemitanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaToday, acid-dependent disease (ADD) is a problem not just for gastroentorology, but also for family medicine. Consensus Maastricht-IV (2010) recommends starting with quarto therapy and flexibility in HP eradication.Кислотозависимые заболевания (КЗЗ) и сегодня остаются ведущей проблемой не только гастроэнтерологии, но и семейной медицины. Консенсус Maastricht-IV (2010) указал на необходимость стартовой квадротерапии и гибкость схем эрадикации Hp

    Anisotropy and non-universality in scaling laws of the large scale energy spectrum in rotating turbulence

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    Rapidly rotating turbulent flow is characterized by the emergence of columnar structures that are representative of quasi-two dimensional behavior of the flow. It is known that when energy is injected into the fluid at an intermediate scale LfL_f, it cascades towards smaller as well as larger scales. In this paper we analyze the flow in the \textit{inverse cascade} range at a small but fixed Rossby number, {Rof0.05\mathcal{R}o_f \approx 0.05}. Several {numerical simulations with} helical and non-helical forcing functions are considered in periodic boxes with unit aspect ratio. In order to resolve the inverse cascade range with {reasonably} large Reynolds number, the analysis is based on large eddy simulations which include the effect of helicity on eddy viscosity and eddy noise. Thus, we model the small scales and resolve explicitly the large scales. We show that the large-scale energy spectrum has at least two solutions: one that is consistent with Kolmogorov-Kraichnan-Batchelor-Leith phenomenology for the inverse cascade of energy in two-dimensional (2D) turbulence with a {k5/3\sim k_{\perp}^{-5/3}} scaling, and the other that corresponds to a steeper {k3\sim k_{\perp}^{-3}} spectrum in which the three-dimensional (3D) modes release a substantial fraction of their energy per unit time to 2D modes. {The spectrum that} emerges {depends on} the anisotropy of the forcing function{,} the former solution prevailing for forcings in which more energy is injected into 2D modes while the latter prevails for isotropic forcing. {In the case of anisotropic forcing, whence the energy} goes from the 2D to the 3D modes at low wavenumbers, large-scale shear is created resulting in another time scale τsh\tau_{sh}, associated with shear, {thereby producing} a k1\sim k^{-1} spectrum for the {total energy} with the 2D modes still following a {k5/3\sim k_{\perp}^{-5/3}} scaling