1,555 research outputs found

    High Resolution Anion Photoelectron Spectra Of Cryogenically Cooled Silicon Carbides

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    High-resolution anion photoelectron spectra of cryogenically cooled Si3_3C^{-}, Si2_2C2^{-}_2, and SiC3^{-}_3 obtained using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging (cryo-SEVI) are presented, providing insight into the geometries, energetics, and vibronic structure of the anionic and the neutral clusters. These spectra yield accurate vibrational frequencies for the neutral clusters. They also yield refined adiabatic detachment energies (ADEs) for the ground states of Si3_3C^{-} and Si2_2C2^{-}_2 of 1.5374(6) eV and 1.9019(4) eV, respectively, while the ADE of a low-lying isomer of SiC3^{-}_3 is found to be 1.9050(7) eV. The cryo-SEVI spectra show that the ground state of Si2_2C2^{-}_2 is a distorted trapezoid, and represent the first confirmation of the distorted trapezoid structure of Si2_2C2^{-}_2, the only low-lying isomer of this cluster with a permanent dipole moment. Additional transitions are observed from two low-lying anion isomers: a linear structure and a rhombus. The spectrum of SiC3^{-}_3, in combination with electronic structure calculations, suggests that the true ground state of SiC3_3 is a ring structure with a transannular C–C bond, addressing a longstanding controversy surrounding this cluster. All three spectra exhibit Franck-Condon forbidden transitions; these are attributed to Herzberg-Teller coupling in Si3_3C and SiC3_3 and autodetachment from an excited electronic state of Si2_2C2^{-}_2

    Electrodynamics of balanced charges

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    In this work we modify the wave-corpuscle mechanics for elementary charges introduced by us recently. This modification is designed to better describe electromagnetic (EM) phenomena at atomic scales. It includes a modification of the concept of the classical EM field and a new model for the elementary charge which we call a balanced charge (b-charge). A b-charge does not interact with itself electromagnetically, and every b-charge possesses its own elementary EM field. The EM energy is naturally partitioned as the interaction energy between pairs of different b-charges. We construct EM theory of b-charges (BEM) based on a relativistic Lagrangian with the following properties: (i) b-charges interact only through their elementary EM potentials and fields; (ii) the field equations for the elementary EM fields are exactly the Maxwell equations with proper currents; (iii) a free charge moves uniformly preserving up to the Lorentz contraction its shape; (iv) the Newton equations with the Lorentz forces hold approximately when charges are well separated and move with non-relativistic velocities. The BEM theory can be characterized as neoclassical one which covers the macroscopic as well as the atomic spatial scales, it describes EM phenomena at atomic scale differently than the classical EM theory. It yields in macroscopic regimes the Newton equations with Lorentz forces for centers of well separated charges moving with nonrelativistic velocities. Applied to atomic scales it yields a hydrogen atom model with a frequency spectrum matching the same for the Schrodinger model with any desired accuracy.Comment: Manuscript was edited to improve the exposition and to remove noticed typo

    Vortical and Wave Modes in 3D Rotating Stratified Flows: Random Large Scale Forcing

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    Utilizing an eigenfunction decomposition, we study the growth and spectra of energy in the vortical and wave modes of a 3D rotating stratified fluid as a function of ϵ=f/N\epsilon = f/N. Working in regimes characterized by moderate Burger numbers, i.e. Bu=1/ϵ2<1Bu = 1/\epsilon^2 < 1 or Bu1Bu \ge 1, our results indicate profound change in the character of vortical and wave mode interactions with respect to Bu=1Bu = 1. As with the reference state of ϵ=1\epsilon=1, for ϵ<1\epsilon < 1 the wave mode energy saturates quite quickly and the ensuing forward cascade continues to act as an efficient means of dissipating ageostrophic energy. Further, these saturated spectra steepen as ϵ\epsilon decreases: we see a shift from k1k^{-1} to k5/3k^{-5/3} scaling for kf<k<kdk_f < k < k_d (where kfk_f and kdk_d are the forcing and dissipation scales, respectively). On the other hand, when ϵ>1\epsilon > 1 the wave mode energy never saturates and comes to dominate the total energy in the system. In fact, in a sense the wave modes behave in an asymmetric manner about ϵ=1\epsilon = 1. With regard to the vortical modes, for ϵ1\epsilon \le 1, the signatures of 3D quasigeostrophy are clearly evident. Specifically, we see a k3k^{-3} scaling for kf<k<kdk_f < k < k_d and, in accord with an inverse transfer of energy, the vortical mode energy never saturates but rather increases for all k<kfk < k_f. In contrast, for ϵ>1\epsilon > 1 and increasing, the vortical modes contain a progressively smaller fraction of the total energy indicating that the 3D quasigeostrophic subsystem plays an energetically smaller role in the overall dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figs. (abbreviated abstract

    Linear superposition in nonlinear wave dynamics

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    We study nonlinear dispersive wave systems described by hyperbolic PDE's in R^{d} and difference equations on the lattice Z^{d}. The systems involve two small parameters: one is the ratio of the slow and the fast time scales, and another one is the ratio of the small and the large space scales. We show that a wide class of such systems, including nonlinear Schrodinger and Maxwell equations, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model and many other not completely integrable systems, satisfy a superposition principle. The principle essentially states that if a nonlinear evolution of a wave starts initially as a sum of generic wavepackets (defined as almost monochromatic waves), then this wave with a high accuracy remains a sum of separate wavepacket waves undergoing independent nonlinear evolution. The time intervals for which the evolution is considered are long enough to observe fully developed nonlinear phenomena for involved wavepackets. In particular, our approach provides a simple justification for numerically observed effect of almost non-interaction of solitons passing through each other without any recourse to the complete integrability. Our analysis does not rely on any ansatz or common asymptotic expansions with respect to the two small parameters but it uses rather explicit and constructive representation for solutions as functions of the initial data in the form of functional analytic series.Comment: New introduction written, style changed, references added and typos correcte

    Does Information and Communication Technology Improve Job Satisfaction? The Moderating Role of Sales Technology Orientation

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    Empirical research concerning the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in shaping business-to-business salesforce job satisfaction remains relatively scarce. The authors propose and empirically test a causal model that theoretically represents structural relationships among factors comprising ICT and eventual salesperson job satisfaction. Study results indicate that ICT indirectly influences job satisfaction through salesforce administrative performance. While ICT infrastructure, training, and support positively relate to administrative performance, none of them influence outcome performance significantly. In addition, salesperson technology orientation moderates the effect of both ICT infrastructure and support on job satisfaction. Managerial insights and implications from the research are discussed

    A propos d'un prétendu mollusque bivalve du Cambrien de Belgique

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    On a supposed bivalve mollusc from the Cambrian of Belgium. A bivalve from the Cambrian of Belgium was described and designated Modiolopsis? malaisii by Fraipont (1910). The re-examination of this material allows to ascertain that it is a pseudofossil

    Ecosystem respiration: Drivers of daily variability and background respiration in lakes around the globe

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    We assembled data from a global network of automated lake observatories to test hypotheses regarding the drivers of ecosystem metabolism. We estimated daily rates of respiration and gross primary production (GPP) for up to a full year in each lake, via maximum likelihood fits of a free‐water metabolism model to continuous high‐frequency measurements of dissolved oxygen concentrations. Uncertainties were determined by a bootstrap analysis, allowing lake‐days with poorly constrained rate estimates to be down‐weighted in subsequent analyses. GPP and respiration varied considerably among lakes and at seasonal and daily timescales. Mean annual GPP and respiration ranged from 0.1 to 5.0 mg O2 L−1 d−1 and were positively related to total phosphorus but not dissolved organic carbon concentration. Within lakes, significant day‐to‐day differences in respiration were common despite large uncertainties in estimated rates on some lake‐days. Daily variation in GPP explained 5% to 85% of the daily variation in respiration after temperature correction. Respiration was tightly coupled to GPP at a daily scale in oligotrophic and dystrophic lakes, and more weakly coupled in mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes. Background respiration ranged from 0.017 to 2.1 mg O2 L−1 d−1 and was positively related to indicators of recalcitrant allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter loads, but was not clearly related to an indicator of the quality of allochthonous organic matter inputs


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    With five electronic states within 2 eV, the nitrate radical (NO3_3) has a rich vibronic landscape for which photoelectron spectroscopy is an ideal probe. Here, we use slow photoelectron velocity map imaging of cryogenically cooled anions (cryo-SEVI), a high-resolution variant of anion photoelectron spectroscopy, to investigate the vibronic structure of the X~2A2\tilde{X}^2A'_2 state of NO3_3. Our cryo-SEVI spectra are in excellent agreement with Franck-Condon simulations produced using a three-state K\"{o}ppel-Domke-Cederbaum (KDC) Hamiltonian constructed for the NO3_3 radical. Together, the experimental and simulated spectra provide clear evidence that the ν3\nu_3 fundamental resides near 1060 cm1^{-1}, resolving a long-standing controversy surrounding this vibrational fundamental. Further, the appearance of activity along the ν4\nu_4 mode in this cryogenically-cold system verifies its activity through a Herzberg-Teller interaction, rather than as a hot band as previously suggested

    Neoclassical Theory of Elementary Charges with Spin of 1/2

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    We advance here our neoclassical theory of elementary charges by integrating into it the concept of spin of 1/2. The developed spinorial version of our theory has many important features identical to those of the Dirac theory such as the gyromagnetic ratio, expressions for currents including the spin current, and antimatter states. In our theory the concepts of charge and anticharge relate naturally to their "spin" in its rest frame in two opposite directions. An important difference with the Dirac theory is that both the charge and anticharge energies are positive whereas their frequencies have opposite signs

    Quantitative genetics of learning ability and resistance to stress in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Even though laboratory evolution experiments have demonstrated genetic variation for learning ability, we know little about the underlying genetic architecture and genetic relationships with other ecologically relevant traits. With a full diallel cross among twelve inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster originating from a natural population (0.75 &lt; F &lt; 0.93), we investigated the genetic architecture of olfactory learning ability and compared it to that for another behavioral trait (unconditional preference for odors), as well as three traits quantifying the ability to deal with environmental challenges: egg-to-adult survival and developmental rate on a low-quality food, and resistance to a bacterial pathogen. Substantial additive genetic variation was detected for each trait, highlighting their potential to evolve. Genetic effects contributed more than nongenetic parental effects to variation in traits measured at the adult stage: learning, odorant perception, and resistance to infection. In contrast, the two traits quantifying larval tolerance to low-quality food were more strongly affected by parental effects. We found no evidence for genetic correlations between traits, suggesting that these traits could evolve at least to some degree independently of one another. Finally, inbreeding adversely affected all traits