159 research outputs found

    Digital transformation of gross domestic product

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    Digital technologies introduced by the Industry 4.0 has brought significant changes to the private and public sectors of the world economy. Enterprises are challenged to capitalize on continuing advancement of digital innovation, governments are facing changes at macroeconomic level. The study is determined by the increasing confusion between measurements of gross domestic product (GDP) measurement and digital economy. Based on the literature review this paper aims to analyse how digital transformation affects GDP statistics. The paper is among a few studies, which concerns correlations between GDP and level of national digital transformation. The study sets out areas for future research of digital innovation adoption influence on the main macroeconomics indicator

    Structure-Dependent Effects of Phthalates on Intercellular and Intracellular Communication in Liver Oval Cells

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    Humans are exposed to phthalates released from plastics, cosmetics, or food on a daily basis. Phthalates have low acute liver toxicity, but their chronic exposures could induce molecular and cellular effects linked to adverse health outcomes, such as liver tumor promotion or chronic liver diseases. The alternation of gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and MAPK-Erk1/2 pathways in liver progenitor or oval cells can disrupt liver tissue homeostatic mechanisms and affect the development and severity of these adverse outcomes. Our study with 20 different phthalates revealed their structurally dependent effects on liver GJIC and MAPK-Erk1/2 signaling in rat liver WB-F344 cell line with characteristics of liver oval cells. The phthalates with a medium-length side chain (3-6 C) were the most potent dysregulators of GJIC and activators of MAPK-Erk1/2. The effects occurred rapidly, suggesting the activation of non-genomic (non-transcriptional) mechanisms directly by the parental compounds. Short-chain phthalates (1-2 C) did not dysregulate GJIC even after longer exposures and did not activate MAPK-Erk1/2. Longer chain (>= 7 C) phthalates, such as DEHP or DINP, moderately activated MAPK-Erk1/2, but inhibited GJIC only after prolonged exposures (>12 h), suggesting that GJIC dysregulation occurs via genomic mechanisms, or (bio)transformation. Overall, medium-chain phthalates rapidly affected the key tissue homeostatic mechanisms in the liver oval cell population via non-genomic pathways, which might contribute to the development of chronic liver toxicity and diseases

    Railway Station Hradec nad Moravici on the Regional Railway

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    Import 27/01/2012Obsahem práce je zhodnocení současného stavu regionální tratě č. 315 Opava východ - Hradec nad Moravicí, včetně využití zastávky a návaznosti na ostatní druhy dopravy a související objekty. Výsledkem práce je variantní návrh řešení umístění zastávky a její napojení na ostatní druhy dopravy. V závěru práce je provedeno technicko-ekonomické srovnání navrhnutých variantních řešení.Content of this work is evaluation of current status on regional railway 315 Opava Východ – Hradec nad Moravicí, including usage of station and its connection to other kinds traffic and related objects. Result of this work is variant proposal solution of station and its connection to other types of traffic. At the very end of this work is technical-economical comparison of designed solutions.Prezenční227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvívýborn

    Rationalization in the Czechoslovak pharmacy practice in the 20th century

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    Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra sociální a klinické farmacie Kandidát Mgr. Jan Babica Školitel doc. RNDr. PhMr. Václav Rusek, CSc. Název disertační práce Racionalizace v československém lékárenství ve 20. století Ve 20. století lze v československém lékárenství sledovat snahy o vývoj a uplatnění racionalizačních a normalizačních opatření. Ty se mimo jiné projevily ve vzniku institucí, jež se danou problematikou zabývaly. Na přelomu 20. a 30. let to byla farmaceutická sekce Komise pro racionalisaci a normalisaci v lékařství, zvěrolékařství a lékárnictví (FS RANOKu) a v letech 1955-1992 Rozvojové lékárenské středisko (RLS). Doposud se však žádné současné práce z dějin farmacie působením těchto institucí podrobněji nezabývaly. Cílem disertační práce bylo zaměřit se na fenomén racionalizace v československém lékárenství v minulém století a na jeho institucionalizovanou podobu. V případě FS RANOKu, jakožto první instituce svého druhu, bylo cílem zaměřit se na poznání širších souvislostí jejího vzniku, na předpokládanou náplň její činnosti a na příčiny jejího neúspěchu v realizování racionalizačních návrhů. U RLS bylo cílem poznat okolnosti předcházející jeho vzniku. Z rozsáhlé agendy, jíž se RLS zabývalo, pak byla pozornost zaměřena na jeho činnost v oblasti...Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy Candidate Mgr. Jan Babica Supervisor doc. RNDr. PhMr. Václav Rusek, CSc. Title of Doctoral Thesis Rationalization in the Czechoslovak pharmacy practice in the 20th century In the 20th century, the efforts to the development and application of rationalization and standardization approaches were observed in the Czechoslovak pharmacy. They were, among others, reflected in the founding of institutions which dealt with given issues. Between 1920s and 1930s, there was the group for pharmacy in the Commission for Rationalization and Standardization in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, and Pharmacy (FS RANOK) and from 1955 to 1992, there was the Pharmaceutical Development Centre (RLS). So far, however, there is no current work from the pharmacy history focusing on those institutions in detail. The aim of the doctoral thesis was to focus on the phenomenon of rationalization of Czechoslovak pharmacy in the previous century and its institutionalized form. In the case of FS RANOK, as the first institution of this kind, the aim was to understand the broader context of its establishment, the expected content of its activities, and the causes of its failure in the implementing of rationalization ideas. Out...Katedra sociální a klinické farmacieDepartment of Social and Clinical PharmacyFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Bordovice Railway Station on The Railway Frenštát p.R.-Veřovice

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    Import 29/09/2010Obsahem práce je v rozsahu studie provést variantní návrh železniční zastávky na trati Frenštát pod Radhoštěm – Veřovice, s ohledem na návaznost na místní silniční síť a turistické trasy regionu. Výsledkem práce bude variantní návrh s podrobným řešením vybrané varianty, vizualizace a ekonomicko-technické srovnání.Substance of this work is design of train station on railway road between Frenštát pod Radhoštěm – Veřovice in study range, with connection to local roads and tourist trace in region. The result of work will be variant design with detailed solution of selected variant, visualisation and economical-technical confrontation.Prezenční227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvívýborn

    Wireless VoIP phone

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    Import 29/09/2010Diplomová práce je zaměřena na návrh a také samotnou realizaci VoIP bezdrátového telefonu. Hlavní požadavek byl kladen na jednoduchost a funkčnost celého zapojení s ohledem na využití systému OpenWRT a technologie WiFi. Podstatnou část tvoří podrobná dokumentace, která upřesňuje vznik IP telefonu na vestavěném systému. Dále práce obsahuje ještě další tři důležité body, a to popis VoIP telefonie, základy bezdrátových technologií použitelných pro VoIP a vyhodnocení vhodnosti a výběr konkrétní bezdrátové technologie. Výsledkem této práce je plně funkční bezdrátový IP telefon, z kterého lze volat na libovolně přednastavená čísla.This Diploma’s thesis is focused on design as well as the realization of the VoIP wireless phone. The main requirement was the simplicity and functionality of the whole device with respect to the use of OpenWRT and WiFi technology. Substantial part of the detailed documentation that explains the origin of an IP phone on the embedded system. Further the work contains yet another three important chapters, namely the description of VoIP telephony, the basics wireless technologies available for VoIP and evaluate its suitability and selection of specific wireless technology. The result of this work is a fully functional wireless IP phone, which allows the random calling on the default numbers.Prezenční454 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Microcystin-LR Does Not Alter Cell Survival and Intracellular Signaling in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells

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    Changes in ecological and environmental factors lead to an increased occurrence of cyanobacterial water blooms, while secondary metabolites-producing cyanobacteria pose a threat to both environmental and human health. Apart from oral and dermal exposure, humans may be exposed via inhalation and/or swallowing of contaminated water and aerosols. Although many studies deal with liver toxicity, less information about the effects in the respiratory system is available. We investigated the effects of a prevalent cyanotoxin, microcystin-LR (MC-LR), using respiratory system-relevant human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells. The expression of specific organic-anion-transporting polypeptides was evaluated, and the western blot analysis revealed the formation and accumulation of MC-LR protein adducts in exposed cells. However, MC-LR up to 20 mu M neither caused significant cytotoxic effects according to multiple viability endpoints after 48-h exposure, nor reduced impedance (cell layer integrity) over 96 h. Time-dependent increase of putative MC-LR adducts with protein phosphatases was not associated with activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK1/2 and p38 during 48-h exposure in HBE cells. Future studies addressing human health risks associated with inhalation of toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins should focus on complex environmental samples of cyanobacterial blooms and alterations of additional non-cytotoxic endpoints while adopting more advanced in vitro models

    Applicability of Scrape Loading-Dye Transfer Assay for Non-Genotoxic Carcinogen Testing

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    Dysregulation of gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) is recognized as one of the key hallmarks for identifying non-genotoxic carcinogens (NGTxC). Currently, there is a demand for in vitro assays addressing the gap junction hallmark, which would have the potential to eventually become an integral part of an integrated approach to the testing and assessment (IATA) of NGTxC. The scrape loading-dye transfer (SL-DT) technique is a simple assay for the functional evaluation of GJIC in various in vitro cultured mammalian cells and represents an interesting candidate assay. Out of the various techniques for evaluating GJIC, the SL-DT assay has been used frequently to assess the effects of various chemicals on GJIC in toxicological and tumor promotion research. In this review, we systematically searched the existing literature to gather papers assessing GJIC using the SL-DT assay in a rat liver epithelial cell line, WB-F344, after treating with chemicals, especially environmental and food toxicants, drugs, reproductive-, cardio- and neuro-toxicants and chemical tumor promoters. We discuss findings derived from the SL-DT assay with the known knowledge about the tumor-promoting activity and carcinogenicity of the assessed chemicals to evaluate the predictive capacity of the SL-DT assay in terms of its sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for identifying carcinogens. These data represent important information with respect to the applicability of the SL-DT assay for the testing of NGTxC within the IATA framework

    Microcystin-RR Like Toxin Identified in the Cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae Strain CCAP 1403/13B Culture

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    Cyanobacteria abound in freshwaters in Ghana, including those used for the supply of drinking water. However, there have been no studies on their toxicity, the toxins they produce and their attending public health effects. As part of research activities to identify cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins associated with four reservoirs (Weija, Kpong, Owabi and Barekese), used for the production of drinking water in Ghana, Anabaena flos-aquae, a toxic cyanobacterium, was cultured in the laboratory with the objective of identifying potential cyanotoxins that may be associated with some of the cyanobacteria commonly found in Ghanaian waters. Cultures were kept in agrowth chamber with continuous illumination at 20 ìmol photon/m2/s and constant aeration at a temperature of 25 oC. High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of extract from the culture of Anabaena flos-aquae strain CCAP 1403/13B produced a toxin with a retention time similar to microcystin-RR external standard. The concentration of microcystin-RR quantified from Anabaena flos-aquae was 10.6 ìg/g DW. The biomass of lyophilized cells extracted was 52 mg. Anabaena flos-aquae is mainly known to produce neurotoxins, notably anatoxin-a and anatoxin-a(s). Anabaena and Microcystis were reported to be responsible for the lethal poisoning of over 2000 people in Bahia, Brazil through drinking water which resulted in the death of 88 children fromgastro-enteritis over a period of 42 days