60 research outputs found

    Advances in methodology for evaluation and improvement of the water distribution system performance

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    За потребе вредновања перформанси водоводних система Међународна асоцијација за воде је 2006. године предложила основну методологију поделе водног биланса на компоненете потрошње воде и губитака воде, и препоручила примену низа показатеља рада водоводних система као средства за квантификацију и поређење перформанси водоводних система, по различитим параметрима. Ова методологија се базира на подацима о појединим компонентама водног биланса, физичким карактеристикама система и показатељима пословања водоводског предузећа. Од почетка примене ове методологије, као основни проблем у примени показала се неодређеност улазних података, која се у даљим прорачунима пропагира на израчунате вредности компоненти водног биланса и индикаторе перформанси система (ИП). Подаци велике неодређености могу да наведу на погрешне закључке и самим тим доведу до погрешних управљачких одлука. У дисертацији је развијена метода, заснована на ISO методологији, за процену неодређености улазних података о водоводном систему и пропагације неодређености на ИП водоводних дистрибутивних система. Анализа грешака и неодређености обухвата проучавање и квантификовање неодређености, као и мере које треба предузети за њено минимизирање. У складу са тим, у дисертацији су дефинисане и активности које је потребно предузети како би се смањила неодређеност компоненти водног биланса и одговарајућих ИП. Метода је успешно примењена на примеру водоводног дистрибутивног система града Пожаревца. Приказано је како спроведене активности утичу на смањење неодређености улазних параметара на основу којих се рачунају компоненте водног биланса и ИП и самим тим утичу на повећање њихове поузданости. У компонентама биланса воде, значајну неодређеност има компонента привидних губитака воде (вода коју су корисници водовода утрошили али која није обрачуната)...In 2006 the International Water Association proposed an overall methodology for breaking down the water balance into components of water consumption and water losses for purposes of water distribution systems performance assessment, and recommended the application of various water distribution systems performance indicators as a quantification and benchmarking tool. This methodology is based on the water balance components data, the physical properties of the system and the water utility company business performance data. Since the introduction of this methodology, the main problem in its application has been the uncertainty of the input data, which is propagated in further calculations into calculated values of the water balance components and Performance Indicators (PI). Data of great uncertainty may lead to incorrect conclusions and consequently lead to incorrect management decisions. A novel method has been developed within this dissertation which is based on the ISO methodology for the evaluation of uncertainty of distribution system properties input data and the propagation of uncertainty to the PI. The analysis of inaccuracies and uncertainties involves the examination and quantification of uncertainties, and based on the obtained results, measures for their minimization are applied. Accordingly, activities that need to be implemented in order to reduce the uncertainty of the components of the water balance and corresponding PI are defined. The method has been successfully applied in the Požarevac Water Distribution System example which shows how the implemented activities affect the reduction of uncertainty of input parameters, based on which the components of the water balance and the PI are calculated, thus resulting in an increase of their reliability. In terms of uncertainty of the water balance components, the apparent water losses (unbilled water actually used by consumers) represents a component with a large uncertainty for which a generally accepted method of determination has not yet been developed..

    The Selection of News and News values on the Facebok Pages of the Leading News Media in Croatia

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    Rad se bavi usporedbom uređivačke politike jednog tradicionalnog medija (Večernji list) na njegovoj primarnoj platformi – novinama i na njegovim Facebook stranicama. Želi se ustanoviti kakva selekcija i vrijednost prevladavaju na jednoj platformi, a kakva na drugoj te postoji li razlika među njima. Rezultati su pokazali ne samo da u Facebook objavama članci iz tiska čine tek četvrtinu svih objava, nego da su tri četvrtine članaka, što je velika većina, prilagođeni drugačijim publikama, drugačijem načinu objavljivanja, s drugačijim tematikama te da se temelje na drugačijim vrijednostima vijesti.This study compares editorial policy of a traditional media (Večernji list) on its primary platform – newspapers and on its Facebook pages. The aim is to find out what kind of news selection and news values prevail on one platform, and what kind on the other and if there's any difference between. The findings showed that not only that newspaper articles form just one quarter of all the Facebook publications but that three quarters of the articles published on Facebook, what is large majority, are modified for different audiences, different way of publishing, with different topics and that they are based on different news values


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    Undoubtedly, one of the leading movements at the global level in the past few decades was the movement for the global and intensive protection of the human environment, that is, the affirmation of the right of man to a healthy environment, as a distinct right. Bearing in mind the importance of a healthy environment and the importance of its protection, which has grown from a social need into a legal imperative, it is certainly justified to establish the environment as an independent and primary collective object of protection within the domestic criminal legislation. Taking into account the tendencies on the international and comparative level regarding the regulation of the criminal law protection of the environment, the domestic legislator dedicates an entire chapter of the Criminal Code precisely to incriminations that have the environment as an object of protection, in various forms. As the first offense provided for in Chapter 24 i.e., Criminal offenses against the environment, the legislator defines the general and most significant criminal offense from the group of criminal offenses against the environment, namely, Environmental pollution. This paper is dedicated to the analysis of this criminal offense in domestic criminal legislation, with reference to individual solutions contained in the legislation of the Republic of Croatia and pointing out their differences

    Povećanje pouzdanosti procene komponenti vodnog bilansa u vodovodnom sistemu

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    U velikom broju vodovodnih sistema, naročito u zemlјama u razvoju, podaci o elementima sistema, merenja protoka i potrošnje vode imaju veliku neodređenost. Ova neodređenost se u dalјim proračunima propagira na izračunate vrednosti indikatora performansi (PI) sistema. Podaci velike neodređenosti mogu da navedu na pogrešne zaklјučke i samim tim dovedu do pogrešnih upravlјačkih odluka. Analiza grešaka i neodređenosti obuhvata proučavanje i kvantifikovanje neodređenosti, a na osnovu dobijenih rezultata preduzimaju se mere za njeno minimiziranje. U ovom radu je prikazana primena ISO metodologije, koja uklјučuje i zakon propagacije neodređenosti, za procenu neodređenosti merenja i njene propagacije na PI vodovodnih distributivnih sistema - VDS. Na primeru grada Požarevca (centralna Srbija), prikazan je postupak za smanjenje neodređenosti ulaznih parametara na osnovu kojih se računaju komponente vodnog bilansa i indikatora ILI (eng. Infrastructure Leakage Index), kao jednog od klјučnih PI za procenu stanja vodovodnog sistema

    Procena ukupnih potreba za vodom pri smanjenju pritiska

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    Many water utilities, continue to operate inefficient water distribution systems (WDSs) with a significant amount of water and revenue losses. This paper investigates the potentials of the available pressure management methodologies and its implementation in the district metering area (DMA) case study in Požarevac. Additionally, focus is given to assessment of water savings due to reduction of pressures. The results indicate that the method which assumes that both consumption and leakage are pressure dependent lead to better prediction of the total amount of water savings under reduced pressures.Mnoga vodovodna preduzeća i dalje neefikasno upravljaju vodovodnim distributivnim sistemima (VDS) sa značajnim gubicima vode i prihoda. Ovaj rad prikazuje jednu od metodologija za proračun efekata implementacije upravljanja pritiskom u zonama VDS (OZB), na primeru Požarevca. Akcenat je na proceni ušteda u potrebama za vodom usled smanjenja pritiska. Rezultati pokazuju da primena metode, koja pretpostavlja da su i gubici vode i potrošnja vode zavisni od pritiska, daje bolja predviđanja ukupnih ušteda usled smanjenja pritiska

    Proračun doza kemikalija za stabilizaciju vode

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    In the paper the authors deal with the problem of determining the aggressiveness of water in some of our reservoirs, such as "Zlatibor", "Gruža", and "Barje". This is very important because the aggressive water causes many problems. It is analyzed how to stabilize the aggressive water. A mathematical model for the analyzes is described in paper, too.U raduje izložena metodologija utvrđivanja agresivnog karaktera vode prema kalcijum karbonatu i način proračuna doza hemikalija za stabilizaciju vode tj. dovođenje vode u stanje da ne bude agresivna i ne pokazuje tendenciju istaložavanja kalcijum karbonata. Prikazan je originalni matematički model za analize, uz čiju pomoć su analizirane vode iz akumulacija "Zlatibor", "Gruža" i buduće akumulacije "Barje". Takođe su testirane i vode posle tretmana na nekim postrojenjima za prečišćavanje vode za piće (Zlatibor, Kragujevac, Leskovac)

    Proračun doza kemikalija za stabilizaciju vode

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    In the paper the authors deal with the problem of determining the aggressiveness of water in some of our reservoirs, such as "Zlatibor", "Gruža", and "Barje". This is very important because the aggressive water causes many problems. It is analyzed how to stabilize the aggressive water. A mathematical model for the analyzes is described in paper, too.U raduje izložena metodologija utvrđivanja agresivnog karaktera vode prema kalcijum karbonatu i način proračuna doza hemikalija za stabilizaciju vode tj. dovođenje vode u stanje da ne bude agresivna i ne pokazuje tendenciju istaložavanja kalcijum karbonata. Prikazan je originalni matematički model za analize, uz čiju pomoć su analizirane vode iz akumulacija "Zlatibor", "Gruža" i buduće akumulacije "Barje". Takođe su testirane i vode posle tretmana na nekim postrojenjima za prečišćavanje vode za piće (Zlatibor, Kragujevac, Leskovac)

    Procena ukupnih potreba za vodom pri smanjenju pritiska

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    Many water utilities, continue to operate inefficient water distribution systems (WDSs) with a significant amount of water and revenue losses. This paper investigates the potentials of the available pressure management methodologies and its implementation in the district metering area (DMA) case study in Požarevac. Additionally, focus is given to assessment of water savings due to reduction of pressures. The results indicate that the method which assumes that both consumption and leakage are pressure dependent lead to better prediction of the total amount of water savings under reduced pressures.Mnoga vodovodna preduzeća i dalje neefikasno upravljaju vodovodnim distributivnim sistemima (VDS) sa značajnim gubicima vode i prihoda. Ovaj rad prikazuje jednu od metodologija za proračun efekata implementacije upravljanja pritiskom u zonama VDS (OZB), na primeru Požarevca. Akcenat je na proceni ušteda u potrebama za vodom usled smanjenja pritiska. Rezultati pokazuju da primena metode, koja pretpostavlja da su i gubici vode i potrošnja vode zavisni od pritiska, daje bolja predviđanja ukupnih ušteda usled smanjenja pritiska

    Elementi bilansa vodovodnih sistema - Metodologija i terminologija

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    U domaćoj literaturi i praksi planiranja, projektovanja ieksploatacije vodovodnih sistema postoje različititermini i metodologije za obračun i prikazivanjekomponenti potrošnje vode za piće i drugih komponentivodnog bilansa u vodovodima. Za potrebevodoprivrednih analiza i planiranja, u praksi i legislativiRepbublike Srbije nije unificirana metodologija iterminologija određivanja potreba za vodom zavodosnabdevanje. U radu je dat predlog terminologije imetodologije koja na jasan i nedvosmislen načindefiniše pojedine komponente potrošnje i potreba zavodom. Analizirana je kompatibilnost predloženemetodologije sa podacima sa kojima obično raspolažuvodovodska preduzeća, kao i sa IWA metodologijombilansa u vodovodima


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     Crime against humanity is one of the oldest international crimes, sanctioned by the international community since the early twentieth century. Throughout the twentieth century, the concept of this international crime has evolved, and its definition and scope have undergone changes from the Nuremberg Tribunal, through ad hoc international tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, up to the Statute of the International Criminal Court. However, ever since the first codification of this international crime, there has been a challenge in fully determining it. This is evident from continuous efforts at the United Nations to adopt a comprehensive special convention that will codify all rules related to crimes against humanity. This paper will demonstrate the development of the definition of crimes against humanity through statutory prescriptions in the statutes and jurisprudence of ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court, which have significantly influenced the definition of crimes against humanity