849 research outputs found

    Massey products in symplectic manifolds

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    The paper is devoted to study of Massey products in symplectic manifolds. Theory of generalized and classical Massey products and a general construction of symplectic manifolds with nontrivial Massey products of arbitrary large order are exposed. The construction uses the symplectic blow-up and is based on the author results, which describe conditions under which the blow-up of a symplectic manifold X along its submanifold Y inherits nontrivial Massey products from X ot Y. This gives a general construction of nonformal symplectic manifolds.Comment: LaTeX, 48 pages, 2 figure

    Thyroxine signal transduction in liver cells involves phospholipase C and phospholipase D activation. Genomic independent action of thyroid hormone

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    BACKGROUND: Numerous investigations demonstrate a novel role of thyroid hormone as a modulator of signal transduction. Protein kinase C (PKC) is critical to the mechanism by which thyroid hormones potentiate both the antiviral and immunomodulatory actions of IFNγ in different cells and regulate the exchange of signalling phospholipids in hepatocytes. Because nothing is known about accumulation of PKC modulator - diacylglycerol in cells treated with T(4), we examined the nongenomic effect of thyroid hormones on DAG formation and phospholipase activation in liver cells. RESULTS: The results obtained provide the first demonstration of phospholipase C, phospholipase D and protein kinase C nongenomic activation and diacylglycerol (DAG) accumulation by L-T(4) in liver cells. The experiments were performed in either the [(14)C]CH(3)COOH-labeled rat liver slices or isolated hepatocytes pre-labeled by [(14)C]oleic acid. L-T(4) activates the DAG production in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. DAG formation in stimulated cells is biphasic and short-lived event: there is an initial, rapid rise in DAG concentration and then a slower accumulation that can be sustained for a few minutes. The early phase of L-T(4) generated DAG only is accompanied by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate level decrease and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate formation while the second phase is abolished by PKC inhibitor l,(5-isoquinolinesulphonyl)2methylpiperasine dihydrochloride (H7) and propranolol. The second phase of DAG production is accompanied by free choline release, phosphatidylcholine content drop and phosphatidylethanol (Peth) formation. Inhibitor of phospholipase-C-dependent phosphoinositide hydrolysis, neomycin sulfate, reduced the Peth as well as the DAG response to L-T(4). CONCLUSIONS: The present data have indicated the DAG signaling in thyroid hormone-stimulated liver cells. L-thyroxine activates a dual phospholipase pathway in a sequential and synchronized manner: phospholipase C initiates the DAG formation, and PKC mediates the integration of phospholipase D into the signaling response during the sustained phase of agonist stimulation

    Using of the Agglomeration-in-liquid for the Technology of the Fine Materials

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    The content of the fine and ultrafine particles in the raw material results in difficulty of the separation, the loss of the valuable components and ecological contamination. Secondary using of the fine particles is impossible without their granulation. This problem has been solved by the agglomeration-in-liquid method. An agglomeration-in-liquid method is a process to produce agglomerates in a liquid phase from solid particles suspended in the liquid. The surface of solid particles and the binding liquid must be of identical polarity, but the continuous phase must be of the opposite polarity. The water solutions of the surfactant are the binding liquids or the organic liquids


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    There are modeling the implications of introducing tax incentives for innovative enterprises. The appropriateness of tax incentives for innovation at the expense of incremental tax credit on corporate profit tax has been confirmed. There was proved that state regulation of incremental tax credit causes positive changes both for enterprises and for the state. There was determined that an increase in the amount of taxpayers' tax liabilities does not affect the increase of tax burden. The results prove the high capacity of incremental tax credit to stimulate innovation. Moreover, the role of the private sector is to transform the available financial resources (ie, net profit) into an investment and innovation resource. And the role of the public sector is to invest in the development of innovations through indirect funding (that is, "directing" those who have not received as a result of preferential taxation of capital investments). At the same time such "direction" is carried out by providing tax incentives to innovative enterprises on the target conditionsОсуществлено моделирование последствий внедрения налоговой льготы для инновационных предприятий. Подтверждена целесообразность государственного регулирования налогового стимулирования инноваций за счет приростного налогового кредита по налогу на прибыль предприятий. Доказано, что внедрение приростного налогового кредита обусловливает положительные сдвиги как для предприятий, так и для государства. Определено, что увеличение суммы налоговых обязательств налогоплательщиков не влияет на усиление налоговой нагрузки.Здійснено моделювання наслідків впровадження податкової пільги для інноваційних підприємств. Підтверджено доцільність державного регулювання податкового стимулювання інновацій за рахунок прирістного податкового кредиту з податку на прибуток підприємств. Доведено, що впровадження прирістного податкового  кредиту обумовлює позитивні зрушення як для підприємств, так і для держави. Визначено, що збільшення суми податкових зобов’язань платників податків не впливає на посилення податкового навантаженн


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    Teenagers’ health, the level and structure of incidence reflect totality of the influence of the factors and their living conditions, upbringing and training, a way of life, medical care. The results of medical examination of young men at initial military registration to a sufficient extent give an idea of the prevalence of pathology among this contingent and in many respects characterize the quality of labour and defendable potential. Material and methods. The results of medical examination of teenagers by the military physician board of the Novosibirsk Regional Military Registration and Enlistment Office from 2000 to 2014 with the total number of the examined subjects 252.2 thousand were used. The dynamic and comparative analyses of the indices for three time periods along with the assessment of the prevalence of the diseases by the disease classes, separate nosological groups and also the distribution of young men by the medical classification were carried out. Results. It was established that on average 62.7 % of the examined subjects had this or that pathology. At the same time, 22.5 % of all the diseases were revealed for the first time. It was shown that 87.7–88.7 % of all the pathology accounted for 8 basic classes of diseases. Among the diseases limiting the medical classification the main ones were mental and behavioral disorders and also the diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. The temporary unfitness was determined by endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and the complete one was defined by mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system, endocrine pathology, diseases of the spine and their aftereffects, disorders of refraction and accommodation of the eyes, visual impairment, bronchial asthma, mental retardation, flat foot and other foot deformations, degenerative diseases of the nervous system, which accounted for 63.0 % of all. Conclusion. The study showed the feasibility of using the results of the medical examination to assess the health of teenage young men and the inclusion of these indices in social and hygienic monitoring

    Weed plants of oilseed rape agrocoenoses in Tomsk Oblast

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    The species composition of weed plants in the oilseed rape agrocoenoses in the south part of Western Siberia (Tomsk region) have been studied. There are more than 80 species of weed plants occupied oilseed rape fields on this territory. Euphorbia virgata, Convolvulus arvensis, Stachys palustris, Cirsium setosum and Sonchus arvensis belongs to the most common and widely distributed species of perennial weeds. In the seed lots of Brassica napus L. Metzg. Cultivated in Tomsk Oblast the fruit and seeds of more than 40 weed seeds have been founded

    The sensitivity to antibiotics of nosocomial strains of acinetobacter baumanii isolated in the tertiary hospitals in the Central Kazakhstan

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    Del 1972, en l'actual emplaçament des de 1976. D'acer pintat, mesura 5 x 3,54 x 3,20 metres.Calder, Alexander (escultor)Pla general de l'obra. La galeria Maeght va decidir instal·lar una sucursal a Barcelona i va triar fer-ho al carrer de Montcada. Va obrir amb una exposició que incloïa una peça de Calder, Quatre ales. Després fou oferida a l'Ajuntament